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Is Banach Tarski supposed to be more counter intuitive than Hilbert's hotel
I didnt get the hype
I think it's pretty standard that u can re-arrange infinite sets like that
And there was no notion of volumes or density in Banach Tarski. They just re-arranged the set
The volume also doubles
It seems that I have missed something, but I wanted to exemplify my ideas with one of my posts, I do not know how such comments and links can be illegitimate or offensive. Good afternoon.
I have no idea.
@Slereah but idk. They just re-arranged the set. In the same sense, does Hilbert's hotel also double volume
Oh but measure isnt defined on the Hilbert hotel sets
So it's somewhat more weird than Hilbert hotel, I guess
Ok but as a set theoretic result, banach tarski is within expectations. U can re-arrange an infinite set like that
But its just weird becuz we also have a notion of volumes there
Also this isn't a decomposition into points, it is into finitely many pieces
The Hilbert hotel can also b divided into two pieces of equal size @Slereah
But not in the measure definition of size ofc
In the cardinality definition
So I really dont think its weird that we were able to get two $\aleph _1$ cardinals out of one
e.g. in the natural number set, u can take out evens and odds. Both have cardinality same as naturals
1 hour later…
@SillyGoose Do you ever take the English breakfast tea?
ah I don't have any english breakfast tea at the moment :) I'm not sure the last time i've had it actually
I'm consuming it lately with a "dash" of milk. It's one of the few places where dashes of milk are observed
I'm partial to its caffeine content
ah i've still been drinking jasmine green tea these days. though i have some white tea with fruity/herbal elements sitting in the fridge right now
Wow looks good. Did you supercool it?
Just cooled it to drink as iced tea!
I made it a bit more concentrated too since iced tea seems to taste better at a higher concentration than hot tea
Nice. I find that not all teas maintain a nice flavor when cooled down, but I don't know about Jasmine
Ah yeah, if it's concentrated it's more likely to taste good when it's cold
Oh this is the fruity/herbal white tea. I think this one might be meant to be made into iced tea i cant quite remember
I do like jasmine green tea cold as well when the weather is warmer :)
Oh cool. Observation: It isn't white lol. What is white tea made of?
Ah I see it's just young leaves of a certain type of tea plant
I think it might be something like this: White Tea, Rose Hips, Hibiscus, Apple Pieces, Rose Petals, Cranberries, Mango Pieces, Pineapple Pieces, Natural Pineapple Flavor, Natural Mango Flavor, and Blueberries
To my understanding “tea” => leaves of some family of plants or something. And then white, green, oolong, and black are varying levels of oxidizings of said tea leaves
In increasing level of oxidation
Interesting, I thought that usually red infusions like Hibiscus aren't mixed with the green tea style ones
Well yes, but there is a certain amount of inherent confusion there because tea is both a specific plant family and what people often call tea includes all kinds of infusions that don't necessarily involve it
@SillyGoose That's not tea. That's a very runny fruit salad. ;)
well i guess this red drink is an infusion of tea + infusion of fruits
+ infusion of herbs (rose petals, etc)
Tea is in the camellia family. You can make tea from the leaves of many members of the family, but the results may be an acquired taste... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camellia
i've dedcided to have a cup o' jasmine green tea today :D
I don't drink tea. But I like jasmine rice.
jasmine rice is indeed good though im not sure it has any relation to jasmine flowers as the tea does
Right. It's just a jasmine-like aromatic produced by the rice itself.
at least when im sick (as i am now) they both taste the same XD
i've got to find a way to make ENM interesting again :P this course has been a bit of drudgery
@SillyGoose Do you follow a certain textbook?
we use griffiths
Oh, Griffiths isn't boring right? From what I remember
the first time around it was not :P but that was last semester for me
You're taking the same course? Or is it advanced EM or something?
though I think also i have a higher priority on learning more quantum now, which makes enm less interesting or enticing to work through
Yeah but down the line EM knowledge will pay off in QM as well I think
it is a normal ENM course, but I just didn't learn one of the topics from self-studying the text (the radiation part), so I am still taking the course. it would also probably have been too messy to replace this course with something else
it's a 2 semester course?
just a one semester course
but while i was taking introductory physics 2 (baby enm) I worked through the first half of griffiths
and the normal enm course covers the first half of griffiths + ch 9 (waves) + ch 11 (SR) if there is time
interesting, we had SR at the end of physics 1, and physics 2 was just EM, no baby lol
I can give you a pro tip, which is probably not a pro tip at all: when I get slightly bored with a subject, I go back and watch the Susskind lectures on it :) when such exist of course...
Probably the same is true for reading the Feynman lectures on certain subjects
@SillyGoose Speedy recovery to you... $v\approx c$ ! :)
ah that is a good suggestion i shall try it !
thank you :)
hey @fqq
@RyderRude fun is better than "_fun_damental"
also if you like making up random stuff these days cond-mat might be better, you come up with some weird hamiltonian and people actually build it in the lab
talking about fundamental, it's been a few months since I linked this chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/59407731#59407731
Oct 20, 2021 at 17:15, by fqq
@MadSpaces https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.177.4047.393
@fqq Maybe Faraday is a good example for what you're trying to say, if I am understanding you correctly, he was more well known as an inventor even but I'm quite sure that it is very related to the fact he also had groundbreaking "fundamental" ideas

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