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@PM2Ring What version of Android are you using? My default calculator app has a swipe drawer which pulls out trigonometric and logarithmic functions with square roots, π, e, etc. But this is almost stock Android, so
5 hours later…
Whatever radical theory this is, it is locked behind a paywall that is not covered by my annual subscription of NewScientist
One reason I don't like capitalism is because of paywall. I understand why they are necessary, but it is annoying when there are barriers here and there for knowledge
there are really not many stores on business tonight. I just came back from outdoors. I found even supermarkets, big mall, bookstore are closed.
and it's cold outdoors.
not easy to find something cooked to eat tonight.
Hey all
I wanted to ask question about my academic career is that okay to shae it in here ?
@Reign You can, but there are not many people around at the moment. :)
Thanks for your reply. Then I ll now ask and maybe I ask again couple hours later
My university offers some courses in different areas, such as

- Particle Physics (I,II)

- Nuclear Physics (I,II)

- Astrophysics (I,II)

- Computational Physics (I,II)


- Nonlinear Dynamical Sys and Chaos (I,II)


So I am allowed to take 6 courses from these topics, I am not sure which ones should I pick. I want to do my masters in abroad (Canada or in some european country) and I am not sure which ones are good. I want to stay in school and do my masters but for example if I wanted to another job like working for goverment or in a private company, then which one shoul
@Reign Why not choose the ones you find most interesting?
all these besides computational physics look interesting to me.
I love astrophysics but I am not sure thats a good option for future work
maybe I can do that seperatly in grad, If I can ?
Comp Physics seems nice yes
I found there are many astrophysics programs in Europe, but I don't know if they are easy to enter.
SR, GR and QM are all fundamental topics in physics. Graduate astronomy does require a thorough knowledge of GR afaik. Same goes for particle physics and nuclear physics i.e. they requires QM. Computational physics is a different branch on the other hand, which is an interesting subject by itself.
Computational physics, again, has a lot of different branches, but at the least you'll get to do some programming.
Caution: I'm not an expert in any of these, so take it with a grain of salt.
@CaptainBohemian I dont know too thats a problem..My current cgpa is 2.81 but I can make it above 3. I have still 2 years. I have hope for that.
@Blue You are right thats whats making me confused. Umm we took some basic python courses and did some projeccts and I really enjoyed that
most poeple are suggesting that I should take Comp Physics
well it makes sense since we are in the age of Quantum Computers
and Quantum Mech is also important I guess
Yes, it's worth trying and it's fun. And no, computational physics is not related to quantum computing. But yes, quantum mechanics is useful if you're interested in quantum computing.
what is Computational physics about ?
in general
Computational physics is the study and implementation of numerical analysis to solve problems in physics for which a quantitative theory already exists. Historically, computational physics was the first application of modern computers in science, and is now a subset of computational science. It is sometimes regarded as a subdiscipline (or offshoot) of theoretical physics, but others consider it an intermediate branch between theoretical and experimental physics, a third way that supplements theory and experiment. == Overview == In physics, different theories based on mathematical models provide...
I ll took these courses then even I took astrophysics I ll need it
actually I didn't take many selective courses in my undergraduate school which are helpful to my MSc studies because my undergraduate school is too engineering oriented while I am mainly interested in fundamental physics, but I don't think that affects my MSc studies much.
I have to select some they are restricted elective courses...I mean theres no other course that I can replace with
@Blue it turns out computational physics is claimed with such a position not only in the paper vzn gave me but also here.
I don't think graduate astronomy requires a thorough knowledge of GR, because I have taken astrophysics which is designed for graduate school in my undergraduate school. It doesn't employ GR; it's a course far easier than GR. But maybe different schools teach differnt astronomy.
@Reign You should take particle physics if you want to bang your head against the wall a lot. SR/GR is one of the most beautiful theories out there, and is worth learning because you learn quite a lot of nice mathematical machinery in the process
@Secret it's not a radical theory, it's a rehash of the idea that information processing is a key part of the physics of life and has to be included in any theory that describes what life is. I've read stuff like this decades ago and wasn't impressed then. I can point you to a PDF if you're desperate to read the article, but I wouldn't bother.
@GodotMisogi QM too! :)
@Blue QM II*
@GodotMisogi I feel particle physics has a part like chemistry in that it is full of particle names; that part may be what upsets me.
particle physics/SR/GR/Qm combination is also really nice
@GodotMisogi I don't understand I, II, III. But QM does have a lot of mathematical machinery (e.g. advanced functional analysis) if one tries to learn it from a mathematician's perspective (which I hope to learn someday). :P
or I can do Comp Phys/Particle phys/QM
I, II represents the number of courses
I can only take max 6 course
from those
My attempt at a pun has failed miserably :'(
Oh damn.
Nah, it's my fault. :P
QM is must course
QM I sorry
QM II is elective
Gotta get hold of Moretti's book.
@Blue Yeah, but I don't find it as useful or elegant as SR/GR if you're looking for alternative career paths in the future
Dunno, I'm pretty much a noob. I do find differential geometry and topology (in GR) slightly more interesting than the analysis involved in QM though. QM seems harder tbh.
@Blue Analytic Aspects of Quantum Fields?
@Reign do you know what gpa is good enough? it's like I see a lot of people on web posting they have gpa close to 4; I wonder how they get that high--maybe usa professors usually give very high scores in gpa. We use 100 system, rather than gpa, and profesors don't usually give high scores to compulsory courses, so when they are transformd to gpa, they are not high.
Oh, it's on our library server. You want it?
@Blue (Let me know if you can access that link)
I think I can get it on libgen. I should print it though. Reading math ebooks is tough. :P
Can't afford to buy it!
Oh, I thought we weren't supposed to mention The Website That Must Not Be Named
@CaptainBohemian we have cgpa mine is 2.81
@GodotMisogi Nope. I guess it's only accessible from your place. :)
No worries. I'll get hold of it from The Website That Must Not Be Named! ;)
@CaptainBohemian above 3 is good
It seems to have a comprehensive introduction to QM from a functional analysis perspective...which is rare. Also, I've heard good things about Moretti!
@Blue A good process is to read a page, and write down the definitions and results from memory
I really should stop screwing around with advice; I don't know when someone might take me seriously
In other news, Python has some wicked strange behaviour
`def f(l1, l2=[]):`
`if l1==[]`
Chat formatting is giving me a headache.
@Reign really? I see a lot of forum posts which seem to consider only gpa close to 4 can be counted as good.
 def f(l1, l2=[]):
            if l1 == []:
                return l2
                v = l1.pop()
                return f(l1)
@Blue Teach me your magical ways
Select the whole code block and use Ctrl+K!
Noted. So what's the expected output for f([1,2,3])?
@CaptainBohemian Thats true indeed but I dont have intensions to go MIT..I dont know
I am not sure I can make near 4. I can make above 3 but maybe close to 3.1
Dunno, I'm doing homework. Why not ask in the Python room? :P
homework? My life is homework
But anyway,
In [14]: f([1,2,3])
Out[14]: [3, 2, 1]
In [15]: f([1,2,3])
Out[15]: [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1]
In [16]: f([1,2,3],[])
Out[16]: [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1]
In [17]: f([1,2,3],l2=[])
Out[17]: [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]
@Reign but I find only usa graduate school has gpa cut. European schools seem to never require the applicant's gpa to reach certain number.
@Reign I didn't know the importance of gpa at all for future school application when I was in undergraduate school so didn't bother to make it high, but I did try to make my MSc gpa high when I knew its importance.
@Reign Computational physics deals with numerical methods (like solving differential equations, etc.), writing programs for physics problems and a lot more. It's useful for alternative career paths, I'm sure
@Reign it's very easy to make gpa high by taking some leisurely selective courses, whose teachers always give very high scores, but I seldom bother to do that.
@CaptainBohemian Its important in these days. In any case I do no consider to apply any us university
@CaptainBohemian I dont want to do that too
@GodotMisogi I will most likely take this course. It seems nice
Welp now he's stuck with us on astro
@SirCumference Lucky you ...
More importantly, would the upvoter care to explain that up-vote? This answer is at best fringy. — David Hammen Jan 14 at 3:03
Forwarding messages to Trash gets you invited to it? I thought only my ex-gfs told me to go there
that was nice :)
when i first saw trash chat rooms, I considered they are places for venting.
Q: Why doesn't the Earth lose its magnetic properties?

RudrakshJI learnt in junior high that magnets, when exposed to heat, usually tend to lose their magnetism. Similarly, the Earth's core is also hot, but it doesn't lead to the loss of magnetism of Earth. Am I missing something or is there any fault in my understanding?

was this in the HNQ sidebar?
The supersonic bullets question is in HNQ. Not sure about this one.
@Blue I should've looked on the list before closing it, but didn't think about it until it was too late.
I wonder whether the Wayback Machine captured it. :P
@EmilioPisanty Oh, while you're here, I was looking for a comic strip you once shared here about pure mathematicians...it was along the lines of "Yes, your subjects have only applications in your dreams...". Do you remember where you got that comic from (it wasn't xkcd for sure)? I need to share it with Asaf Karagila. :P
@Blue a splendid answer to that question I thought :-)
@JohnRennie Hah, I didn't notice your answer there. Nice! :D
Hey all!
Hello everyone
@Adi hi :-)
I was wondering if this would be appropriate at physics stackexchange?
Q: Conjectured "weighted resolution of identity"?

More AnonymousBackground I was recently wondering if there was an extension to this formula I found A rough proof for infinitesimals? after reading https://mathoverflow.net/questions/268540/why-is-quantum-field-theory-so-topological Abdelmalek Abdesselam's answer. I think I managed find an equivalent of it. ...

@JohnRennie hi! I am a fairly new user to stack websites, and I was thinking since here I can get a little less formal here, so I want to ask the correct way of asking physics questions :)
@MoreAnonymous Isn't it better suited for Math Overflow?
@Blue agree
Really u think its that advanced?
Can't say. I don't know QFT. But if it's based on an existing Math Overflow question, it might be better to ask there. On Math SE it's unlikely to get much attention. Then again, I might be wrong.
Its not really based on it ... that answer more like gave me an answer
but thanks ... I'll try there perhaps :)
Instead of cross-posting, you could flag it for migration (the MO guys frown at cross-posts from Math SE!). Alternatively, you could delete the original and then repost it on Math Overflow.
Thanks :)
@Blue it's a Math With Bad Drawings strip
@EmilioPisanty Do you still have the link?
@Blue somewheres
It's okay. You don't need to go looking for it, but in case you came across it again, do lemme know. I need to save it in my memes folder. :P
@EmilioPisanty Yaaaaaay!
Thankew. :D
For future searchability:
> "and our work has applications in the study of finite fields!"
> "In other words, your daydreams have applications as idle fantasies"
> "Warning to pure mathematicians: do not use the word 'applications' around actual applied mathematicians"
Yes! It sucks that we can't use the search box for finding images.
Even "imgur" doesn't work.
@EmilioPisanty That's an "image not found" that when clicking leads to a site with the sole text "Bad URL timestamp" :P
I think you can't hotlink facebook images outside of facebook
@ACuriousMind it's not =P
Damn Zuckerberg
anyways, this classic also surfaced on my trawl through my fb activity log: Dönerverkäufer hält Deutsche für dumm, weil sie immer "mit alles" oder "mit scharf" bestellen
is it ok to post physics memes here?
@EmilioPisanty Postillon <3
or maths
But people rarely reply
The standards seem to be very high
Maybe most memes just aren't funny :P
@EmilioPisanty hehe. Fast food German is a special case.
My memes are gold
@Loong Der Gerät schneidet schweißfrei!
@Loong ah, got it. Nominativ, Dativ, Akkusativ, Genitiv, Schnellesseniv
what about this one
Döner kebabs
The only good food I got in berlin
Then you didn't look very hard for good food :P
I was tired of meaaat
Like in Europe it was just meat meat meat
With no flavor
The kebabs were a pleasant surprise
@Loong hehehe
@AvnishKabaj Ah, I guess to the Indian palate we might be a little too hesistant with spices
@ACuriousMind since when did you get the euphemism bug from the British?
@ACuriousMind Your sweet dishes are insane though
@ACuriousMind Döner is not the only good food you can find in Berlin, but in terms of quick availability it is not matched by anything else there.
The best macarons I ever had were in
@EmilioPisanty Had to get it while I can still import it duty-free!
@EmilioPisanty Granted, Döner is the most available food in most German cities :P
it'll be WTO-rules euphemisms for everybody in a couple of months
@ACuriousMind and frankly, Berlin Döner does tend to be a cut above Döner elsewhere in Germany
@AvnishKabaj that's... not a city
There's good ones everywhere, but I'll agree that the Berlin average is much better than elsewhere
@AvnishKabaj I'm guessing you mean Freiburg
Whoops sorry
@ACuriousMind it could also be Freiberg in Saxony, I guess
it's unlikely, though
@ACuriousMind there we go :-).
or Friedberg, even more unlikely
@Loong that does seem to be a loong way away from anything interesting
I think it started with an a
The bakery claimed to be second best in Germany
@EmilioPisanty That impression isn't wrong.
Weird no, generally everyone claims to be the best
@AvnishKabaj It probably didn't just claim so, but actually had a certificate from some professional (...or not so professional...) organization that said so
Saying you're the second best and pointing to a shiny thing on the wall is better than just saying you're the best
The best bakery in Hannover is run by Vietnamese refugees who strictly follow old German recipes and traditions.
the sibling is a twin so they are and are not me — Luna 32 secs ago
Lovely! Luna sure knows QM. :D
I'm getting so frustrated with them -_- any time someone points out mistakes they seem to start lying about how important they are and coming up with excuses for bad questions
@JMac Eh, just don't engage. ;)
Kinda hard when every meta topic is from them asking the same old stuff, ignoring the point, then deciding to go on a rant about a magical search engine that cannot find good results and incredibly fast speeds
I'd have simply locked the post, placed a suspension and be done with it.
@JMac Rest assured that this behaviour has not gone unnoticed by the moderation team.
At this point it seems pretty hard to miss :P
Rebuttals to the NYT article by physicists nytimes.com/2019/02/01/opinion/letters/…
"Research is worthwhile only when the outcome is uncertain. Once you know the answer, no matter how interesting, it’s no longer research." wow
Scott Aaronson offers a refreshingly sober and hyperbole-free take on the matter.
In particular, he is one of the few to actually engage with the argument that one could do more and less-costly projects with that kind of money that on the whole would advance science more.
The idea of "advance science more as a whole" seems like such an abstract concept to quantify
I'm not sure an argument like that is going to be an honest one unless it confronts the specific details in that huge document they produced in favor of the collider where they make specific claims, more likely arguing against the collider just means nobody gets to use the money for science
@bolbteppa ...the latter is precisely one of the arguments Scott makes, without the superfluous implication of dishonesty on the part of the other side.
@bolbteppa Isn't that what Scott is saying too? He was basically saying there is evidence that even if the project was put off with that intention, there's no reason to believe it would go to other sciences.
Read it, if you can stomach an entire piece that does not demonize its opponents :P
(if we keep replying after the other deletes, we can fill the entire screen with (removed)s!)
I saw the name in the link right before it went away lol, yeah I'm sure that wasn't a politically correct post
Response to the NYT article rebuttals, this is full fledged physics drama now
Can anyone help me with some quick php/json programming problem?
The only thing that helps with PHP is to stop using it.
How else will I access the mysql database?
Maybe best argument I've seen yet for this
$$\begin{bmatrix} t + z & x - i y \\ x + i y & t - z \end{bmatrix}$$
matrix when Lorentzing $SL(2,C)$ is given in one of the oldest articles https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.09761 on the topic, simply about finding real numbers from the complex $SL(2,C)$ numbers, man
@NovaliumCompany Because it's a terrible language, see e.g. eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design
@ACuriousMind With illustration.
@rob Excellent
@bolbteppa I really like that quote. Gonna oull that one out in a dull supervision some time
Does the plate bounce up?
i was thinking it would still go downwards?
1 hour later…
When calculating the moment of inertia of a rectangular plate, why can’t I split the plate in two, and imagine that each half is just a point at the centre of mass of that side?
isit because the square term takes away any linearity to the r?
Q: what do I do if I or a sibling on my account started a bounty on accident

Lunasomeone started a bounty and I did not want to can I do anything to undo it. if there is not I request that there is a way to retract the bounty on the same day.

Can I ask a mod to go over my edited answer there and check that there isn't anything out of place?
Say, @ACuriousMind or @rob
@EmilioPisanty Two things: 1. I think it would be better to not mention the current suspension, since we generally take the position that suspensions shouldn't be a matter of permanent public record unless the user themselves chooses to make it one. 2. "whom you're acting for help" in the fourth subsection is not syntactically valid English.
Unless it's some Briticism I haven't heard :P
("syntactically valid" is one of these phrases that starts to appear normal if you spend all day reviewing automated source code transformations)

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