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Guys, I have question about the following exercise
Let’s say $R$ is the resistance in the loop. Can we still say $\mathcal E=RI$? I mean, we can’t really equate $\mathcal E$ to some electric potential $V$ now, because.. we don’t really have two poles? (or do we?)
Or.. maybe to phrase my problem better: $V=RI$ was originally motivated, saying that Ohm’s law, $\vec J=\sigma\vec f$, would usually only be used in the case of an electric field ($\vec f=\vec E$), and then they went on saying that $I$ is proportional to $\vec J$, which is proportional to $\vec E$, which is proportional to $V$, and hence in ohmic materials we have $V=IR$. However, in this case the force is magnetic, so I’m wondering how to argue that $\mathcal E=RI$ (if that even holds at all?)
Hm, so my idea is to do the following: so obviously we have magnetic forces going on on the two horizontal segments that will yield an emf. Now, these magnetic forces will act on the charges to make them move (though they won't do work of course), and this will yield into an electric field, which will make the charges move smoothly.
Now if we look at one segment ab (of length $a$) of the loop, we know that the potential difference must be $\mathcal E/4$, because the electric field smoothed out everything, so $-\int_a^b f\cdot dl=\mathcal E/4$ (where $f$ is the force per unit charge), obviously the resistance will be $R/4$, because we have only quartered the length of our wire (and $R$ is proportional to the length), so we get $I=V/R=\dfrac{\mathcal E/4}{R/4}=\mathcal E/R$, and so indeed $\mathcal E=RI$ holds.
This is the only way I can think of to show that it holds, but I’m wondering if there would be a more direct way, maybe from definitions?
7 hours later…
@ShaVuklia It's a straightforward integration. For a wire carrying a current I the field is $B = \mu I /(2\pi r)$ and the field is everywhere normal to the plane of the square. So just integrate $B.dA$ over the square to get the flux $\Phi$.
Then the EMF generated is just $d\Phi/dt$ as the square moves away from the wire.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
My problem isn't calculating $\mathcal E=-d\Phi/dt$, but I was rather thinking about the meaning of the emf in the first place. I think I have some general understanding about it now, and it is as follows: first of all, we can't call (of define) the emf "work done per unit charge", because for all we know we might integrate over a magnetic force. Second, we can't always include a potential in the story, because in the case of a Faraday field, we wouldn't even have a well-defined potential function to begin with. So how I interpret it now, is that emf does represent energy, but rather “re-di
Actually, $\mathcal E\sim \vec f\sim \vec J\sim I$ doesn't makes sense... Hm, haha I'm confused
Q: What role does the non-commutativity of the tensor product play in experimental quantum computation?

Siddhānt SinghWe know that $H_A\otimes H_B\neq H_B\otimes H_A$ (in general). Theoretically, we know the formalism and what observables to construct from the two compositions possible, but we never talk about both the possibilities. I wish to know that how experimentally the Measurements or Evolutions are done ...

Just to verify, shouldn't the answer to this just be that there exists an isomorphism from $H_A\otimes H_B$ to $H_B\otimes H_A$ ?
Q: Hilbert space of a quantum system

user1620696The first postulate of Quantum Mechanics as I've learned can be stated as: The states of a quantum system can be described by vectors in a Hilbert space. I've seem also some people also requiring the Hilbert space be separable. Anyway, the point here is: we are associating a Hilbert space t...

> Having different vector spaces that correspond to your physical setup is no worse than being able to choose your x y and z axis to point any direction you want in the lab. Truly no different. They are all isomorphic, and 3d vector space. And it isn't a problem.
So basically it doesn't matter which option - $H_A\otimes H_B$ or $H_B\otimes H_A$ the experimentalist goes with. It's essentially similar to choosing a suitable coordinate system. Amirite?
@ACuriousMind Could you impart some expert knowledge on this? :P ^
Nevermind. The answers make it clear now :)
What does a 'pure state' and a 'mixed state' mean for the free particle Dirac equation?
Non-relativistically, a pure spin state is such that there exists a direction in which the spin component of an election has the definite value $+1/2$. A mixed state arises when the particle is part of a larger closed system and as such does not possess it's own wave function, so that we use a density matrix, called a polarization density matrix, when analyzing the spin.
Relativistically, the spin vector does not commute with the free Dirac Hamiltonian in general, it only commutes with it in the particles rest frame, so that we must define a pure state to mean the spin has a definite direction in the particles rest frame. This apparently means we cannot represent the state with a spin wave function in an arbitrary frame of reference.
When you write $\hat{\psi} = \sum_{\mathbf{p},\sigma} \frac{1}{2 \varepsilon}( \hat{a}_{\mathbf{p} ,\sigma} u_{p , \sigma} e^{-ipx} + \dots)$ in quantizing the Dirac equation, $u$ acts as a spin wave function with momentum $\mathbf{p}$ and spin $\sigma = \pm 1/2$ (where the $\sigma$ labels the undetermined spinor $w$ in the free particle solution $u_p$ as e.g. either of the helicity eigenstates), and you're apparently using a pure state.
This seems to imply that the expansion of $\hat{\psi}$ does not hold in all frames, but it's supposed to be a general solution...
So - what exactly is a mixed state in this context? How does it relate to being in an arbitrary frame?
For a mixed state, you're supposed to use the density matrix $\rho_{ij} = u_{p,i} \overline{u}_{p,j}$ (for $i,j$ the bispinor components of $u_p, \overline{u}_p$).
2 hours later…
@enumaris hmmmorning
What do you do during the weekends? The hbar missed you :P
a lot of gaming
of what type
watched Johnny English
had some food
simple stuff :D
mostly CS:GO
noicey :D
my game sense is super poor...so far I'm just working on my aim tho
aim has gotten somewhat better
but my kd is still bad cus I keep getting shot from behind or when I don't expect it
I tried bowling after a long time, yesterday
nice nice
bowling hurts my fingers
One ball slipped from my hand and almost broke the glass behind me
@enumaris Those can be pretty heavy, yeah
5kgs or something
I did, however, manage 2 consecutive full strikes though, after an hour XD
nice, that's 20 points for the first one
Then I sat on one of those massage chairs. Those are really fun lol...with remote controls and all
Hey I used to play a lot of CSGO...probably spent too much time playing it in college though
I'd buy one of those if it's for sale
(and cheap)
I used to play a lot of CS:Source
But only recently started CS:GO
I don't think I played CSS until after I played CSGO. The last time I played CSGO it seemed like I'd just hear kids screaming slurs in casual or have people leaving if I played comp, so I kind of just stopped
just do
voice_enable 0
it's a life saver
(in console)
what rank were u?
Damn, pretty expensive
But looks like it's worth it
Yeah I did some, but probably not as much as I should have. I was MG2 before I quit the first time then came back and had a hard time getting out of silver
I'm currently Silver Elite
I played on a community server for a while that was really enjoyable, but it kind of died down as a few of the regulars got busy
ranked up from Silver 3
I spend most of my time playing FFA deathmatches on the community servers
I've managed to be able to maintain a kd of roughly .7
when I started I was at like .2-.25 kd lol
my goal is to get to 2-2.5kd
still long way to go for that
what language are you guys speaking in
@Blue Yes
@ACuriousMind Thankew :)
I was always told that those were how to get better, but I just didn't find them as fun as regular matches
I find them more fun
cus regular matches I'm usually dead
and just spectating
DM I can respawn instantly
I think FFA DM does help with aim a lot. But I also play on that ulletical aim_botz map to improve hs accuracy
Q: About Polarization Density Matrix of Electron

HYWThis is my understand of polarization Density Matrix of Electron. Can you let me know if there is anything incorrect? Thanks a lot! In rest frame, Polarization Density Matrix is only needed for ensemble of electron. If there is only one single electron, its spin is well defined and it is "fully...

3 m's please
I am the hmmm police
Actually I shouldn't violate our rule (don't post questions which you just asked on the main site)...lol
self censorship
but muh free speech!
Hi, everybody.
@ACuriousMind out of curiosity, what's the "quintessential equation" in string theory? Like the String Theory equivalent of the EFEs or F=ma.
Is the quintessential equation in QFT considered to be the K-G equation?
maybe the Dirac equation?
or maybe some Lagrangian
In particle physics, the electroweak interaction is the unified description of two of the four known fundamental interactions of nature: electromagnetism and the weak interaction. Although these two forces appear very different at everyday low energies, the theory models them as two different aspects of the same force. Above the unification energy, on the order of 246 GeV, they would merge into a single electroweak force. Thus, if the universe is hot enough (approximately 1015 K, a temperature not exceeded since shortly after the Big Bang), then the electromagnetic force and weak force merge into...
but good luck getting that into a bite-sized form loool
But everything in QFT depends on what fields you bring in, right?
Like you could have the SM Lagrangian, but that doesn't really describe all of QFT
and it doesn't even include the strong force
Also the SM Lagrangian on it's own is quite the ugly creature
I think if you have the electroweak lagrangian alongside the strong-interaction's equivalent you'd have the entire SM in there
Ah, I was confused about what you meant by "quintessential"
maybe iconic is a better word
$G=8\pi T$ is iconic
$F=ma$ is iconic
You'd still need the Higgs Lagrangian wouldn't you?
$F=\frac{Gm_1 m_2}{r^2}$
@danielunderwood maybe...
$\frac{G}{T} = 8 \pi$ GR is solved!
So the Schrödinger equation would be the iconic equation of QM?
For me, yeah
How about the propagator equated to the path integral?
QM would be like $i\hbar\partial |\Psi\rangle/\partial t = H|\Psi\rangle$
but it's probably not as iconic
What about thermodynamics? Second law?
maybe the definition of entropy
I've heard of the Polyakov action a lot for string theory, but I have no idea how far it goes besides already being over my head
Dirac equation definitely
I don't know about string theory, but my current ring theory exam is kicking my ass
Unfortunately, I don't have to show st = 1
@enumaris I just saw this. Don't know if it's of any interest to you github.com/google-research/bert
not familiar with BERT
got an overview?
or do I have to read the paper...
thanks for the heads up tho, it looks interesting :D
I couldn't do any better than what's in the "What is BERT?" section of the readme or the paper abstract, but it looks like a sort of document embedding rather than just word vectors or something that just handles a single word. I thought there were some document vector models, but no idea how it compares to those
I see...
I saw some stuff on lda2vec
apparently that's also document vectors
based on topic modeling
there's so many new models coming out...
I messed with some document models at one point, but it's been quite a while
all this is interesting to read up on
this seems interesting
Gotta have models before your models
Hah I just found a different link to that paper because I have no idea what the "transformer architecture" is
There's also a lot of cool new start ups in the AI space
some cool ideas out there
I heard of one where they're basically trying to build those holograms from that movie
Only in CA though
The Time Machine
or something
NC evidently doesn't believe in startups lol
like a museum curator
based on NLU
I don't think it will be nearly as sophisticated but...still a cool concept
most of the start ups are in Northern Cali unfortunately...
It's all the same from way over here!
I need to apply to more places...
these recruiters are not panning out lol
and openai didn't even respond to my email asking how long it will take to get a response -.-
I applied to a hardware startup and it seems really neat. Those seem to be very rare though
@danielunderwood What is the startup working on?
hardware neural nets
u ever see the movie Ex Machina?
seriously tho, I think the development of A.I. has to go hand in hand with hardware
it can't all just be software side
I guess the quantum computing guys are working on the hardware part
3D printers. It sounds like the position would be a fair bit of simulation and data analysis
Yeah QC would probably be pretty interesting. I doubt I could get any of the interesting positions though
work on those brains from Ex Machina
get a working one
Hmmm there certainly are a lack of AI hardware startups
make hot A.I. that look like Alicia Vikander
Unless you count CV as hardware
Curriculum Vitae?
lol computer vision
There are some companies in robotics, but I don't know that they're using AI outside of cv at the moment
I meant more like hardware of the A.I. brain
rather than the limbs
now that I think about it, the whole body is pretty important yeah
basically, gotta make that chick from Ex Machina a reality
Ahh haven't seen it
should check it out
it's not the greatest movie ever
but it's at least interesting
I wish I had enough room in my garage to do serious hardware work though
Also, Alicia Vikander is the bot so what's not to like
you need a lair
I miss being at a university. Need some obscure piece of equipment? It's probably right down the hall
you can solve that by getting a lair
I need to make more money so I can afford a lair...
unfortunately I didn't win the Mega Millions or the Power Ball
so my plans have stalled for a bit
I did get an email from a recruiter at a government contractor and their site had something like "building the future of defense with AI"...I was mildly scared
That's going to be quite the lair
I wouldn't go into a job like that
I don't want my name associated with skynet, no thanks
I'm not sure if it would be associated with skynet or not
I mean I could be on their side early on
the A.I. singularity is coming
there is no running from it
soon we will all be in a glorious utopia, serving our benevolent A.I. masters
better to be associated*
But still, I'd rather not put my name on skynet
or they could also fear their creators and go after them first
crap, I forgot to email the guys at bernardo's company
I said I would...
@BernardoMeurer hey, I forgot to email the guys at your company, sorry. Can you give me their email addresses again?
@danielunderwood I definitely welcome robotic governorship over the status quo looool
jk (not really)
Yeah I probably would too. Could definitely go with some robots to replace bureaucrats
Hi everybody
Anyone had red Weinberg qft vol2?
@enumaris no biggie!
@enumaris Brandon, bernardo at standard dot ai
great, thanks :D
was there a third person?
I recall 3 people
@enumaris I'm AFK right now, thus the delay
Sorry for that
You can CC jordan as well same email domain,
@enumaris I wouldn't say that there's any one central equation, just like there's no unique central equation for QFT.
@BernardoMeurer got it :D
@ACuriousMind how do you guys brand yourselves then? :P
@enumaris With an iron?
@enumaris hot stuff did you see her in tomb raider? liked it! =D imdb.com/title/tt1365519
I haven't watched tomb raider
but I did see man from UNCLE
and the new Jason Bourne
just saw bohemian rhapsody opening wknd/ sat, liked it
@enumaris Don't forget again to email :P
haha will do
(well I forgot the "Don't ask about asking, just ask" rule :)
So for Noether's theorem, the charge defined by $\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} d^3x j^0$ is conserved provided the boundary term at infinity vanishes. Are there any typical situations where that boundary term doesn't vanish?

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