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Speaking of dubious behaviour in chat rooms
"Unfortunately, I need to take a moment and talk about the remaining 3%."
I think he means us
@bolbteppa lol yeah call it a sea and then insist that fluid mechanics has nothing to do with it... whatever
@Slereah I think we're pretty well behaved as a whole
@Mithrandir24601 Hey do you maybe know anything about Dicke States?
@vzn call it the Dirac bubble wrap, now no Navier-Stokes is needed
@JohnDoe @JohnRennie just said to not swear!
@bolbteppa lol, geez fluids have bubbles too... & ps eagerly awaiting your next talk about the Dirac Bubble Wrap :P
Dirac bucket :P
oh, better: Dirac quicksand
more seriously, the phrase 'Dirac sea' really is a bit of a poor choice insofar as a sea suggests a fluid
Cranks love to latch on analogies
whereas in the Dirac sea the 'space' of filled states is an abstract one
it's not a mechanical fluid.
it'd be like someone taking a reference to the Fermi surface as a literal surface in real space
it's not. it's a surface in momentum space
@Semiclassical maybe you guys might like to look into the original etymology instead of dismissing it.
@vzn It's like a fluid which doesn't move and doesn't do anything and doesn't behave like a fluid at all when it matters, e.g. electrostatic interaction between electrons and positrons, it's like saying electromagnetism is all just Navier Stokes because the field acts like a fluid filling space
Etymologies aren't a good basis for physical theories
A Fermi liquid?
@bolbteppa the widespread fluid aspects/ phenomena are downplayed/ dismissed in the current paradigm because they "dont fit".
Magnetosea, I for some reason don't hear about Navier-Maxwell as the basis of all life
well yes
That's a very good reason to dismiss them
The whole idea of doing QM as a fluid kinda dropped out in like the 30's
@Slereah it fell out of fashion around then, at least
@Slereah not if they are widespread. its the equivalent of putting ones head in the sand. or outside the fluid. or whatever.
That's elitist
I don't think the fluid explanation would really help much with the Bell inequality
an interesting observation. Wikipedia states the following: "he Dirac sea is a theoretical model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy. It was first postulated by the British physicist Paul Dirac in 1930[1] to explain the anomalous negative-energy quantum states predicted by the Dirac equation for relativistic electrons"
I mean really, you could use this thinking to say Maxwell's equations are wrong we should be using fluid mechanics for everything
@bolbteppa lol right! science is created by humans, and humans tend to be elitist. (in worst cases...)
But if you go to the original 1930 paper, I don't find the word 'sea' at all in there
@Semiclassical Probably earned the nickname later on
Like the big bang theory
@bolbteppa maxwell used fluid analogies to come up with his eqns. how many textbooks point that out? o_O
@vzn They stopped ever since the ether was dropped
You lunatic
@dmckee I seem to recall you were interested in this template - so here's a heads-up that it's now online ;-).
@vzn not a lot, but not many people actually read up on the history of E&M in any depth
Talk about an obsession
for the simple reason that the history is separate from the physics
(not completely separate, perhaps, but they're pursuing different questions)
not everything has to be a fluid
@Slereah lol figured someone would call me that sooner or later. am happy to report, took a nice moonbath last nite. had some nice new zoom binoculars and was looking at it in detail. awesome! :)
@vzn what are 'zoom' binoculars and how do they differ from regular binoculars?
@Slereah would you say einstein was "obsessed" with the properties of space?
or rather, what are non-zoom binoculars?
@vzn Yes, actually
Einstein was really dead set against singularities
@Slereah lol then am in good company :P
And was convinced that GR was free of them
he was proven fairly wrong
The thing I"ll point out with regard to why I don't see the 'Dirac sea' terminology as suggesting a fluid interpretation
In the spirit of arguing by analogy: Maxwell might have argued using fluids to motivate what he did, but Maxwell theory does not satisfy the equations fluids satisfy, similarly the Dirac sea might be analogy, but applying fluids equations to it is to completely miss the point
is that it's mathematically no different than the notion of a free electron gas whose states are filled up to the fermi energy
And I can tell you, from knowledge of how quantum mechanics works in such systems, that there's nothing 'hydrodynamic' about that setup
@Semiclassical gases are quite interrelated with fluids.
Maybe vixra has Water-Maxwell unification though :p
@vzn not in this respect. The filling of states occurs in momentum space, not in real space.
@Semiclassical yeah, that definitely just rolls of the tongue, doesn't it?
'Here we use the Evans sprinkler function'
@Semiclassical there are strong similarities in the math. same with bose einstein condensate etc.
Not here there isn't, except to the extent to which any QM system can be interpreted hydrodynamically
the 'Dirac sea' is not special in that regard
@vzn you're explicitly being told that there aren't, by someone who's actually in the field.
plus, Bose-Einstein condensates are bosonic and therefore can have lots of particles in one place in momentum space
whereas electrons are fermions and therefore can't occupy the same spot in momentum space
there are indeed mathematical similarities to hydrodynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates in certain conditions, but Fermi gases are very different beasts entirely
Physics chat where new old ideas go to dieâ„¢
If they're not worth surviving, then I don't see why that's a bad thing
@vzn any fool can come up with new ideas
My main beef here is that one needs to have the math to appreciate the differences between these things
not all scrap heap/ dead ideas were executed with (perfect? infallible?) justice one might say...
@Slereah I would like to think that he does not. If you think he does, then that would suggest something needs to change around here.
Just because something has a hydrodynamic interpretation doesn't mean you gain any insight by thinking this way. It may give you insight, but to assume it does is to put the cart before the horse.
If anything, you would treat the Dirac sea using Maxwell theory rather than fluid theory, http://hitoshi.berkeley.edu/221B-S01/14.pdf
"The Dirac sea is a collection of infinite number of electrons in negative energy states. Even though it has an infinite (negative) charge, as long as it is completely homogeneous, we will not be able to detect it because there is no preferred direction to produce an electric field. However, if the homogenity is broken, for example by the presence of a point charge, the distribution of the negative energy electrons is no longer homogeneous and can have a phy
@Semiclassical I'm sure there's a hydrodynamic interpretation for the beer running into my gullet, but it's definitely not an enlightening one ;)
I do hope your beer is a liquid
@Slereah Mostly, yes
aieee, heavily outnumbered
You're in the Physics chat.
Surrounded by people who largely know what they're talking about.
Although e.g. unfiltered Hefeweizen still has yeast bits in it
not me
No idea what I'm talking about
How would this have gone if we were talking about Faddeev-Popov ghosts :p
He would have come up with a QM theory of ghosts
why do you think they call it the SPECTRAL THEOREM
@bolbteppa quantum hauntology
@Slereah lol
(i have no idea what hauntology really is, but it's a good word)
Oh dear, that's a real word
cohauntology is a bit off though
coined by Derrida, no wonder you don't know what it really is :P
hauntology is where you chase the ghosts, cohauntology is where the ghosts chase you
Post modernist swine!
'quantum hauntology' seems like a pretty good synonym for how interpretation seems to work at times
Projective quantum cohauntology of BEST ghosts
"Who ya gonna call? Ghost-BRSTers!"
@bolbteppa Good candidate for arXiv vs snarXiv
Tree hauntology of forests is also a potentially real hep.th one surprisingly
Possibly tree-level hauntology?
'"This house is ghost-free to second order"
> The term refers to the situation of temporal, historical, and ontological disjunction in which the apparent presence of being is replaced by a deferred non-origin, represented by "the figure of the ghost as that which is neither present, nor absent, neither dead nor alive." wikipedia
↑ traces of schroedingers cat o_O
@JohnRennie but not all new ideas are foolish... it might be "foolish" to think so... :|
Well yes, but then you have to show it
Especially if they're just recycled old ideas
For some reason it's really only all those ivory tower stuffy establishment types are the ones coming up with all the valid new ideas, almost like one needs to know the theory they are talking about properly
True, it's never a hobo
you never see a paper authored by Skidrow Jim
the ideas are all lying around, disconnected, almost all of them already written down somewhere, waiting to pounce, they havent gained enough "strength/ unity/ momentum" yet, but its building o_O
The sheer amount of time needed to even learn this stuff, let alone go beyond it, will exclude most attempts quick enough
@Slereah you missed the fun in here yesterday
also starting from the point "QM must be wrong" doesn't usually give great results :p
Oh no I didn't.
I do my best to stay out of such discussions
I can see where it's headed
23 hours ago, by Chakrapani N Rao
↑ EP defended it so it must be good :P
Is that serious
well it's a vixra paper
he protested against rejecting it on the basis of it having no citations after a week
grrrr....the IT department pushed out an update over the weekend...now my progress is lost -.-
which I think is pretty fair.
(rejecting it on the basis of it being on vixra, by contrast, seems like a reasonable heuristic)
It's 6 minutes off 42, clearly something's fishy
Can I reject it on the basis that it's not in TeX?
also it's one page long
@Semiclassical lol EP, defender of the vixra downtrodden
it is a pretty strong alarm bell
again, his point was that "citation count after a week" is not a good indicator of quality
given a vixra preprint with a lot of citations vs. an arxiv preprint with few citations, I'll still trust the arxiv preprint
@Semiclassical ah, right, expert indicators of paper quality? by those who dont even read them?
my thesis is full of citations...like nearly 200....most of the citations I didn't read...and had to add for political reasons...
as a heuristic, yes.
'if my paper was wrong, all I would need is 1 citation disproving it', I can easily see this being flipped to justify it's correctness :p
nowadays, people get offended if u don't cite their paper
@enumaris Citing everyone on the jury?
well my thesis was a combination of papers
so it's more like
@Semiclassical there are a lots of credible arxiv papers on topics that are routinely rejected without consideration in here, maybe need to give up on citing them (unless new ppl show up), it seems mostly futile. :(
@JohnDoe I've heard of Dicke states, but not much else
the referee made some veiled comments about how I didn't do a "balanced citation list"...and I had to cite every paper I could find that sorta touched the subject lol
@enumaris lol EP insists they are are references not citations :P
@vzn well, it's a relative thing
@enumaris So... You didn't cite one of their papers?
what's the diff?
I'm guessing I missed some of the referee's papers...but since I can't know for certain who the referee is, I just went and more or less did google searches to cite everybody who touched the subject
just b/c on it's arxiv doesn't mean it's good, no. but it being on vixra is not a good sign
I've seen a few kooky arxiv papers
it being on arxiv doesn't take away from the credibility of the paper. but it being on vixra decidedly does.
my original submission had like a pretty extensive citation list already though, like probably 40 citations...
you're judged by the company you keep, etc
What's the hierarchy?
There vixra ones vixra.org/author/william_o_straub are good for example
but since the referee was b*tching about the citation list...it went up to like 98 by the time it was accepted
and if you put a paper on vixra, you're in a lot of bad company
vixra < ResearchGate < Arxiv < Real journal
What about Academia
Putting stuff on there validates these guys though
@Semiclassical think ppl around here are routinely judging "credibility" on superficial metrics. alas, took me awhile to realize it. "confirmation bias..." whatever
I'd put 'original research hosted on a blog site' as above vixra. not sure where to put it vs. ResearchGate
@Semiclassical Praise Motl
@Blue I'm not sure I've ever actually read a paper from Academia
@vzn life is short and humans use heuristics.
@vzn Can't read every crazy paper out there!
Got shit to do
I've never even heard of vixra and researchgate
he said, watching Dragon Ball Z
I'd put "original research hosted on an academic server" as about parallel to arxiv
What about a geocities website in all caps
@Semiclassical yes, exactly, so therefore am still just waiting for Mr Big Shot Alpha Male to announce to everyone that Fluid Dynamics Is the Thing and then for the whole herd to stampede. Couder/ Bush et al so far are not enough. :(
@vzn I'm sorta dubious that that will happen, but it is an interesting question: What would Bush et al need to discover in order to get the attention of the physics community at large?
They're not unknown, to be sure.
@Semiclassical Yeah, I'd say that this is just what Arxiv is, only bigger than any of the others
But it's not a hot topic
@Mithrandir24601 true
He'd probably need to do the bloody EPR experiment
Any crazy scheme in QM usually dies on EPR
Due to the Bell inequality
I do wonder about the bell inequality, yeah
@Slereah actually have been thinking along those lines also.
BTW could someone here explain me what exactly "open sides/edges" and "closed sides/edges" mean in graph theory?
That terminology is soo confusing
Also "open cluster" and "closed cluster"
I have a hard time believing that they can succeed at replicating violations of the Bell inequality in their setup
@Semiclassical am both agreeing and disappointed in your sentiment because it seems to show that somehow "mere striking results" are not really enough. but do think a tipping point is nearby/ inevitable at this point, and maybe it will be somewhat random.
The Bell inequality basically forbids any classical probability
I doubt a fluid theory could have contextuality
@BalarkaSen Do you happen to be around?
I'm not sure there. Pilot wave theory definitely survives that test
(it has other problems, of course)
@Semiclassical has it
I still haven't seen any dBB version of EPR
Well, which version of EPR?
The original Einstein one, or the spin version of it?
Any that exhibits the Bell inequality
or any of the weird counterfactual experiments, I guess
@Slereah saw your arduino experiments, are you still doing anything with electronics? am thinking of doing a homegrown bell experiment soon, posted question on it
Not right now, no
I'm pretty sure it passes those. The trajectories are weird and nonlocal, but to the extent that a wavefunction exists for that system there'll be pilot wave trajectories associated to it
Homemade EPR isn't easy to do
You need good receptors for one photon experiments
and I think the weird nonlinear crystal stuff for entanglement
Though I'm not big on experimental QM
So I don't know
Note that I'm talking only about Bohmian trajectories stuff
not de Broglie's double solution stuff
that's separate and i dunno
@Semiclassical The wavefunction isn't the hard part
@Slereah it has never been done, but that doesnt mean its impossible. have some ideas.
Most theories do the wavefunction okay
I think even the old fluid QM did the wavefunction fine
well, fluid QM is just madelung transformation
I'll give it a look
bigger pictures in this version: mdpi.com/1099-4300/20/2/105/pdf
urrr.... cry for help, I am told I can switch the email address linked to this account of mine by contacting SE staffs, anyone know how to contact the staffs?
@BlueBug Eh. Just add an alternative login and then delete the existing one, manually.
@Slereah one part of that abstract which I like is the last line:
"Finally, we discuss the fact that Bohmian mechanics is attractive to philosophers but not so much to physicists and argue that the Bohmian community is responsible for the latter."
I have too many precious fake internet points stacked onto this account though @Blue
@BlueBug You're not going to lose your points.
The big annoying part about interpretation discussions is that the kind of people who would do them are usually evangelists
@BlueBug he didn't mean use a new account.
Might as well talk about weed or abortion
I think Gisin does a reasonable job of avoiding that?
I mean 600 is like not much but I had been here for like almost 5+ years
I collect points at rate of 100 per year
@BlueBug on your account page click on "Edit profile and settings"
@Semiclassical Bohm was probably one of the worst for that :p
The on the left you'll see a link for "My Logins" - click that
I think there's been some stronger advocates than Bohm
@BlueBug then you can add a login for your new e-mail address to your existing account.
@Semiclassical probably, but few as famous
can't argue there
sorry I was unclear with my problem, I have two accoutns with two different emails
this is my main and the other one I created needs to go away, I am told I can "merge" accounts
Okay. Then click on "Contact" on the main page
Evangelism never does a cause much good in physics
I Found it ty! @Blue
Nothing turns me off more of a quantum gravity theory than "obviously this is the most logical theory!"
although really, that's all of them
I rarely see a quantum gravity book that starts with "here's a dumb theory I came up with"
(String theory is the only exception)
Obviously you've never read Motl
About how string theory is the best thing since sliced bread
My point
There are theories of gravity that were made just as counterexamples
I meant, string theory is the only theory which gives a theory of quantum gravity and says it's the most logical, it's the only logical :p
Although those weren't quantum theories
I think they were mostly done to prove that gravity couldn't be a vector theory
The way I see it, for QFT you have RQM motivating most of the stuff in there, for the standard model you have all that Fermi vector current stuff motivating it, and for strings you have all that dual model qcd stuff motivating it, then it's all natural, and as a by-product you get quantum gravity as your reward
every theory of quantum gravity has a motivation
that's how they do them!
With strings it was the graviton states popping out by accident that led to it I think, which is interesting in that it happened by accident
I mean, you know
I like string theory and all
What I don't like is hubris
Did we learn nothing from Icarus!
calling the IRS
kill me
I'll get the gun
just tell them that you're a free man of the land
@EmilioPisanty The links in "or you can see and download" 404'ed for me.
Mwatl do you mean hubris...
Saw some llamas
@Slereah I have a riddle for you
I have a VB $E\to M$. What's the name of the bundle over $M\times M\times \Bbb R$ with fibers $E_x\otimes E_y^*$, $x,y\in M$
it's not $E\boxtimes E^*$
isn't that the bitensor bundle
also why $\mathbb R$?
@BlueBug good bug
really $(0,\infty)$ but that part isn't important
Sounds like the bitensor bundle, but beyond that, I dunno
I discovered some applications of my stuff to parabolic equations so I'm writing it up
@Slereah it's not because there's a time variable
Dunno if there's a specific name for that
Although it might be used in like... QM maybe?
Non-relativistic propagator parametrized by time
I dunno
it's for a propagator, yes
prop prop propagator
@Slereah You need to be careful about definitions if you want that to be true. More than a few good ideas are named after the person who went around giving talks and showing that the idea was useful rather than the original inventor.
@dmckee I guess the bad part is when you go on about the sins of the other theories!
Publicity is sometime necessary and often useful, it's just that there is a kind of publicity that turns people off.
Especially ones that work
oh my goooooooooooood is westworld out?????
a quote from Copernicus, regarding prior models of the planets and sun
"Moreover, they have not been able to discover or to infer the chief point of all, i.e.
the form of the world and the certain commensurability of its parts. But they
are in exactly the same fix as someone taking from different places hands, feet,
head, and the other limbs - shaped very beautifully but not with reference to one
body and without correspondence to one another - so that such parts made up
a monster rather than a man"
In what I'll pretend is unrelated news, I think I'm about to send my thesis out to the reviewers on my committee
good luck

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