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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@JohnRennie it's the worst option except for all the others
That said, pushing auxiliary files to a separate folder isn't a huge problem either
Just not as trivial as you'd hope
Are auxilliary files temporary files created during the compilation?
Depends what you mean by temporary
@ACuriousMind Did you unban me?
As in, if they get deleted does it matter?
@0celo7 You're back! :-)
There's a .aux file that's essential if you want to compile correctly
@EmilioPisanty Are you certain?
If I just load the .tex and run it, it always works
Doesn't matter if there's a .aux or .log or whatever else
@0celo7 yes and no
It won't get references right, for instance
Ah, yeah
For this I had the references as footnotes
Er, I actually need to still put them in
That's all in the .aux file
But there's no real bib file
@EmilioPisanty is this the notorious compile it repeatedly until it works feature of TeX?
But that doesn't mean you need to add the aux file to git
@JohnRennie that's what it is, yes
Ah, but once you've got the final pdf (or whatever) it's then safe to delete the .aux files as well as the .log files?
@0celo7 Yes, because you didn't do anything wrong this time. For the flagger (and the record), excessive profanity is fine to flag, but a single instance of "fuck" not directed at anyone (i.e. not used as an insult) is not flag-worthy.
@JohnRennie yes
flippety flip
@ACuriousMind Is this okay?
@ACuriousMind implying I do anything wrong sometimes?
@ACuriousMind are we the SE chat room that spends the most time on metachat discussions?
thank you, in any case
@BalarkaSen I don't see anything flipping wrong with that :P
clap... clap clap
I got suspended once for saying faggots
That's offensive @j
@JohnRennie halp
In fact I had six faggots for lunch yesterday
@EmilioPisanty Yes?
@JohnRennie is that a euphemism?
@BalarkaSen they were very good actually. I mashed them and put them on bed of mashed potato.
@EmilioPisanty We certainly spend more than average on that, yes :P
@JohnRennie win 10 is stuck with a blue screen and circling dots with a "restarting" sign
Has it just updated?
Has been for over an hour
@JohnRennie I don't think so?
I ask because MS release Windows updates on the second Tuesdau of the month i.e. the day before yesterday, and PCs tend to pick up the update over the next few days.
It was sluggish and the power menu had "update and restart" so I clicked on that, and this was the very first thing it went to
@JohnRennie is that alluding to some irishmen?
I knew you Englanders were hard core anti-irish but that's a bit much
Aha! "update and restart". It's installing updates.
I'm afraid you'll just have to wait. It can take a remarkably long time. An hour isn't unusual.
^ That. And I'vbe heard several horror stories about unreasonably long up[date cycles (hour+)
I hate updates
Normally it shows some kind of progress
Go have dinner, drink a couple of bottles of wine, and if after that the update hasn't finished throw the PC out of the top floor window.
Our at least it explicitly says it's updating
One thing I like about how Apple updates macs is it sets most of them up before the re-boot with the machine still usable.
@JohnRennie I just sent and cooked dinner and ate it and washed up and it's still doing it
@0celo7 :-) I really did have pork liver faggots for lunch yesterday.
Though some kernel updates seem to violate that general rule.
@0celo7 lmao
I just got the reference
@BalarkaSen hmm, I haven't got it yet ...
@EmilioPisanty does the computer have a disk activity light? Is it flickering?
What do the Irish eat
There's this really bad gag about potatoes and Ireland which I think is vaguely tied to the Great Famine
Well, yes, the Irish were notorious for eating potatoes back in the Victorian period. But that seemed a tenuous link.
And you are what you eat
So a mashed potato is an Irishman in a bad situation
Ah, OK ...
In this case, there's an orgy happening above him. With livers!
Either someone has slipped acid into my coffee or this conversation is getting weird :-)
You're the one who brought it up
I just said I'd eaten faggots with mashed potato for lunch yesterday, which is true and they were very nice.
Well, not everyone considers pig offal a delicacy :-)
In fact that was the meal
So now they refer to side dishes as twigs/branches? :p
@JohnRennie that's NSFW
@JohnRennie you're incapable of eating green stuff
It does kind of look like it's already been through a digestive system :-)
@JohnRennie no, there's no light
It's an ssd if I remember correctly
It's still going
The wifi wasn't picking up when I told it to restart
Is it safe to try a hard reboot?
Seriously, it's going on two hours with no visible change
Q: Red indicator in the review queues

AccidentalFourierTransformNew top bar is live, and I loath it. Creature of habit I guess. Anyway, see the screenshot: What is this red indicator doing there? What is it supposed to mean? The queue is clear; is this a bug? I keep refreshing and it just stays there, staring at me.

What does momentum *imparted to floor* mean? It doesn't make any sense to me because velocity of floor is always zero and hence $M. \vec{v}= 0$.

Context: A ball bounces repeatedly on a floor. Find the momentum imparted to the floor. $e$ is given. I just want to understand the "momentum imparted to the floor" part of the question. I will solve it myself then.
imparted to floor*
@EmilioPisanty I'd drink some wine and go to bed. If it's still hung tomorrow morning press and hold the power button till the computer turns off, then hope it turns on again.
@Abcd presumably it means the change in momentum of the ball
@JohnRennie Oh, why did they mention "floor" then?
Is it the same thing, if yes, how? How can momentum be imparted to floor?
@Abcd the point is that the total momentum can't change so the momentum imparted to the floor must be equal to the momentum change of the ball.
But I agree it's a poorly worded question
@JohnRennie Yes, but we can apply momentum conservation only when net external force is zero. However, here there's gravitational force in vertical direction.
@JohnRennie AT the same time, it's a famous question.
If anyone knows the reason for momentum conservation in vertical direction despite the presence of gravity, please let me know.
@Abcd You're not applying momentum conversation to the system "ball". You're applying momentum conversation to the system "ball and earth", on which the external force is zero.
@ACuriousMind Oh, yes! Exactly! I wish I had thought of it this way. Anyway, Thanks a lot :).
2 hours later…
@BalarkaSen I need help with bundles
@BalarkaSen $M$ and $N$ are manifolds. Consider the bundle $E=\mathrm{Hom}(TM,TN)$. Let $\pi:E\to M$ be the projection. What is the interpretation of $\pi^*\Lambda^nM$?
Hm, so that's a bundle over $E$...
... such that sections over $U \subset E$ are coming from sections over $\pi(U)$ by composing with $\pi$
sections over $\pi(U)$ are just $n$-forms
so it's hom-valued n-forms?
or n-form-valued homs?
Wait, let's think about $E$ as just $TM \otimes T^* N$, for Christ's sake
Now, hm, hm, hm
The projection map $\pi$ is just collapsing the $T^*N$ factor and mapping $TM$ to $M$ by standard tangent bundle proj, right?
So what is pullback of the n-form bundle along the tangent bundle projection?
It's that tensor $T^*N $
I think a point in that pullback is an element of $\Lambda^n_xM$ attached to an element of $L(T_xM,T_yN)$, for some $y$?
where does $N$ come into this picture
I think it's just $\Lambda^n M \otimes TM \otimes T^*N$
over what base
Wait, I'm getting all confuzed.
@0celo7 Ok, answer me this simple question. What is pullback of $\Lambda^n M$ along $TM \to M$?
@BalarkaSen It's the bundle over $TM$ with fibers $\Lambda^n_xM$
where $x=\pi(v), v\in TM$
Which is kind of weird to me
but a bundle over a bundle is a bundle over the lowest space
@BalarkaSen Pullback bundles have always confused me
I need to draw some pictures when I get hom
freudian slip lol
@0celo7 But anyway, your thing is that tensored with $T^*N$.
@BalarkaSen In a tensor product do you product the bases?
@BalarkaSen Ugh
the usual hom bundle construction is for bundles over the same base
Yeah I was confused
I have no idea what Hom(TM,TN) is actually supposed to be
lol you tricked me
Maybe it's a bundle over $M \times N$
Or maybe not
yeah it is
where is @ACuriousMind when you need her
Right, over each $(m, n)$ associate the vector space $\hom(T_m M, T_n N)$
Is @ACuriousMind a lady now
@Slereah I think my female avatar confuses some people :P
@ACuriousMind are you saying I'm too stupid to remember your gender?
@Slereah Why are you proving things about worms?
mister lefty worm is equal to mister righty worm
@BalarkaSen soooo $\pi^*\Lambda^nM$ is a bundle over $M\times N$
that makes more sense
Well, is it
@0celo7 No, I'm saying my avatar confuses some people (such as here) :P
Oh $\pi^*$
When I had Triss I actually got a comment on the main site that started with "Hey beautiful"...
@ACuriousMind You need to be more A E S T H E T I C C about your avatar
I suggest this
@BalarkaSen No, video RPG characters are my jam, as you like to say
slowed down 80's elevator music are my jam
and should be yours too, unless you are a normie
@BalarkaSen Got no problem with being a "normie"
I just had the response function of my ear measured.
I have a 20dB dip at 1KHz.
@ACuriousMind Seriously, man, learn the musical memes.
@rob is there a multiple-comment-upvote feature hidden somewhere on the site?
As to "Physics is a subject which you can do with equations, there's nothing else" --- there are textbooks and study guides that may give you that impression, but that's basically nothing like being a physicist. — rob ♦ 22 hours ago
↑ 'cuz, y'know, a thousand times that
@JohnRennie computer finally came back to life, btw
1 hour later…
@BalarkaSen ACM must live a sad life
No memes, no magic
He's just not a very hip hop person
@JohnRennie idk what's going on
it refuses to let me me commit changes if I change the .tex
@BalarkaSen so that pullback dude is a bundle over the hom bundle
Dunno why I thought it should be an M-bundle
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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