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Hey can anybody help me on that? Its a previous Russian olympiad problem and I am not being to able to crack it effective...
Hmmm, I don't see @DavidZ around. Anyway, it's chat session time! Following the schedule from the last few times, the first thing would be to welcome newcomers and take questions about the site.
Anyone new here (and will to out themselves :P)?
Could someone give me a quick example of common proton capture, I have 7Li(p,n)7Be and 13N(p,\gamma)14O but I need one more.
I'm new I guess :D
Does anyone know how I get a line break in quoted text? If I do:
>line 1
>line 2
this just concatenates the lines.
@OhAuth Please be relevant to the session.
@JohnRennie Use <br>
@ACuriousMind Doh! Of course, never overlook the obvious. Thanks :-)
And there goes the schedule, I guess :D
@MAFIA36790 So this is just for questions about the site?
@OhAuth no; no; you can ask but later at the 'open' discussion :)
@OhAuth Well, you appeared here right for the biweekly chat session, which usually was a bit more structured than the usual chatting the last few times
Hello guys.
But the last few times participation was a bit higher and DavidZ had prepared a schedule in advance, so I guess it's free-for-all now :P
Well, let a single one host in absence of @DavidZ; @JohnRennie?
@TheDarkSide Hey there, guy-named-after-the-first-part-of-a-Pink-Floyd-album-title
:: Looks around :: Who? :P
Hey hey
Today's youth ::sighs and shakes head::
@MAFIA36790 sorry, I got distracted. I've managed to answer a book id question on the SciFi SE that has been bugging me for days. Somehow the key memory just crept out of the dingy cellar I laughingly refer to as my memory :-)
Dingy cellar !
@ACuriousMind "free for all"? the horrors! o_O
Okay, since DavidZ is absent, we can go to 'open' discussion, right ;P
@yuggib So basically anything about path integrals?
session turning to normal chat
@vzn Well, I thought the schedules were a good idea since unstructured chatting is what usually occurs here also without a chat session :P
@ACuriousMind think DZ is very brave attempting to find/ promote some "structure" in chat... kind of a "paradigm shift" :)
I mean, these session hark from a time when chat was basically dead otherwise; it's different now and trying to change the chat sessions into something different from normal chat isn't such a bad idea
@vzn: Did the ad get upvote?
I say for this session, we should all say what we were doing on 9/11
Except @0celo7 because he was probably pooping his pants back then
@MAFIA36790 it cleared 6 briefly & ran but is now around ~5. everyone plz +1 it / thx
Hey all, sorry to be absent but I had some trouble with my travel and I can't participate today. (except just to check in now to let you know that)
@JohnRennie I see your answer/rep ratio is "better" on SciFi than here. Is getting many upvotes on SciFi easier? ;)
@DavidZ howdy!
Hello @dmckee. Since you are here, I might just ask you why you are so smitten by the Zemansky, Dittman quote in your About Me part. (Of course, that's true but what's so great about that?) Just asking!
@vzn okay; now the link being corrected; why isn't it getting upvotes?
@MAFIA36790 said this earlier. downvoters do not nec express their reasons, ofc some are known. all we can do is speculate. would rather not overthink it at moment, just want to get 6 & stay there... :) ... lack of fully coherent/ aligned teamwork is certainly not helping "us" :(
@TheDarkSide I just like the way it's framed. We encounter new definitions of temperature several times as we more through our education and each one gives new ways of understanding the world. I think that line encompasses that experience in a witty way.
@dmckee OK. That's true, though I'm not too sure about the "witty" bit.
@ACuriousMind I generally only answer story ID questions on the SFSE - I find I have little interest in discussing detailed interpretations of Tolkien :-) The story ID questions tend to attract a lot of upvotes.
@JohnRennie: Do you watch movies?
The trouble (calling it trouble is perhaps excessive) with the Physics SE is that all the answers I'm really proud of are to hard questions that only a handful of people understand. So they don't get many upvotes.
Meawhile, tex.SE is drawing donkeys. These tex.SE people always seem so... happy.
@MAFIA36790 actually no. I love SF books and read several a week, but I've never been a fan of films or TV SF.
@ACuriousMind lol
@JohnRennie Oh, I know about that :)
@JohnRennie ohh nerd :P
My favorite thread like that was on Mathematica SE
@MAFIA36790 guilty as charged :-)
The thread about doing a butt plot
@Slereah how about the batman picture on Mathematics? a few hundred upvotes lol
This one is much better
Q: How do I draw a pair of buttocks?

Simpleton JackI'm trying to develop a function which 3D plot would have a buttocks like shape. Several days of searching the web and a dozen my of own attempts to solve the issue have brought nothing but two pitiful formulas below. They have some resemblance to the shape I want, though not quite. Could you...

@Slereah There is some debate over the correct interpretation of the "three-legged donkey" in this case :P
Look at that shapely plot
@Robert : ... that's not a "leg" ... — Eric Towers 17 hours ago
Risque :P
@Slereah lol gives me excuse to use a fave word callipygian
A single word meaning "with beautiful buttocks". The ancients had their priorities right.
it got a booty
@ACuriousMind amusingly the word is hundreds of yrs old and even tied to old greek words/ concepts. reminds me of evolutionary psychology...
I think we should put it behind us now
@Slereah Predictably t becomes a contest of the wittiest comment after that:
-1 I rotated it to no avail — Dr. belisarius Nov 26 '14 at 5:12
@JohnRennie Yes, what is our chat session becoming!!
Another thread I love on SE is the one on the dangers of overfitting
@JohnRennie the butt of the joke
@DanielSank No worries
We should get back to fundamental issues
It had a scatter plot of the US population
Fitted to second order, it gave a decent growth curve
@JohnRennie such as?
Fake internet points are nice, but there's plenty of better places for mine
At order 4, the population TOTALLY COLLAPSES in the future
@EmilioPisanty :)
Particularly past 25k, there's really no use for the things
@Slereah Apparently scared for my mom because she was in the Pentagon
@EmilioPisanty Indeed not.
@Slereah Clearly a prophesy of the end times.
@JohnRennie Oh.
On the other hand, there's a lot of awesome people on the site who rightfully only spend limited time procrastinating here, but still produce awesome stuff
@EmilioPisanty Guilty as charged.
and it's only right that they get nice shiny big numbers next to their name
@EmilioPisanty In fact doesn't that describe all of us?
@ACuriousMind Ancient asses were probably not even that good.
The procrastinating bit.
@EmilioPisanty Like Motl.
@DanielSank Personally, I can't very well say that I limit my participation on this site to levels that are consistent with the fact that I have a PhD thesis to write.
@Slereah lolwut?
@EmilioPisanty Hahahaha, nice.
Yes indeed, I found PhD thesis writing actually increased my participation on this site.
Funny how that happens.
He answers questions in a manner completely different than what OP wants
@MAFIA36790 invited the illustrious/ notorious "lumo" as a speaker on popular request, didnt respond, doesnt anyone else here/ somewhere have some sway on him?
I always console myself with the fact that not procrastinating here would rather mean doing it elsewhere instead of doing what I'm supposed to do.
There's also some selfish reasons, though
@vzn Well he is a bit of that sort.
I must confess
cf. his "physicist proof" of some characteristic class thing
@vzn I hope that doesn't mean we are retaliating by calling him a swine?
@EmilioPisanty That's funny. There are certain habits I have on this site which I think are influenced largely by my knowledge of some of my personal statistics.
I wrote "we", and that's not right!
Gotta go. Bye guys :)
So anyway do we have a session topic?
@DanielSank Yeah, for sure
@Slereah lol, says mr (~NSFW) buttocks
@DanielSank Like what?
There's a good quote, I think from Jeff Atwood, that any time you put a number next to someone's name on the internet, they will want to increase it.
Applies to rep for sure, though after a while you can learn to control it.
Nothing NSFW about a mathematica plot
@EmilioPisanty aka gamification, they wrote an entire blog post on that
Nothing but cosines and hyperbolic tangents
@EmilioPisanty That's common human psychology :)
@ACuriousMind I have a reasonably high average score per answer particularly for users with 100+ answers.
I try to maintain that.
But also to badges, bounties, you name it.
@DanielSank Yeah, I saw that link in your profile today, funnily enough
@DanielSank yep; that's what rep is meant for :P
favorite badge, tumbleweed
@ACuriousMind I'm also reasonably high on the editors list.
@EmilioPisanty Yeah, I'd like to do one which ranks by fraction of accepted answers because I think I'm high up on that too.
I gotta go. Back in a while.
@DanielSank Cool, have a good one
Here's a very beautiful octopus to keep everyone company while I'm gone.
@DanielSank I understand the motivation behind that (because in the best of worlds a high ratio would mean your answers are really better than those of others), but I think this is a bad motivator because it dissuades from answering niche questions that are not broadly applicable or are only understandable with substantial prior knowledge.
@DanielSank There used to be a SEDE query for that floating around.
@ACuriousMind That's why I want to rank by accepted answers.
Can you be our guest for physics AMA if you have time @Emilio?
Anyway, back later. See you guys.
@MAFIA36790 +1 for Emilio being a guest.
Otherwise I'll just be a guest every weeks
@MAFIA36790 Potentially in the future, but I'm afraid not for the time being.
@DanielSank That's very kind, though.
@Slereah You are our mice afterall ;P
@EmilioPisanty We'd be waiting.
You'd better find other guests because I'm pretty sure my topics are gonna get weird otherwise
anyways, work calls
good day y'all
@EmilioPisanty whoever objects the most to "our" plans should be an early guest, you & DS nearly tied on that so far :P
@DanielSank Also a bad motivator because it relies on the OP alone , and because it relies on the timeline. A late but great answer will rarely get accepted over an average one that was accepted earlier since it feels wrong to many people to unaccept a correct answer. And sometimes the great answer is the one that doesn't directly solve the specific problem but puts it into a greater context, but OP accepts the one that more directly gives a down-to-earth solution.
@Slereah: Whom do you want to see as guest (apart from our dear Lumo)?
I dunno
I know that Frasco is on SE
I guess he could be cool?
Oh Moretti might be good, too
@Slereah He was my second choice after Terry.
Is Terry Tao here?
@Slereah Only on MO.
@MAFIA36790 re that. had a crazy idea. want to start a (open ended) poll on top ppl to invite. alas, cant think of a good place to do it other than meta (the registration aspect is hard to deal with elsewhere). want to start meta post with individual answers as top physicists as guests, with no respect to feasible/ realistic chances of obtaining them, only expressed group desire. now, my question, how many ppl would downvote that?
Errr who else is here
Timaeus seems to know stuff, even if he doesn't know how to answer questions properly
@Slereah He is always silent ;/
@Slereah He appears deliberately anonymous. If I wanted to remain anonymous, I would definitely not agree to a chat session specifically about me.
I would also like @Qmechanic but I respect his anonymity too.
@Slereah already invited Tao in here, hes very active on MathOverflow (but not chat); he has been named/ requested quite a bit
I'm quite hurt that no-one has asked me to be a AMA guest. I'd be happy to talk for hours about science fiction and why Hawkwind is the greatest group there has ever been.
@JohnRennie Our second mice ;))
I think if you want to attract Motl here, you need to tell him everyone here disagrees with him
@Slereah Do you want a constant spat?
@JohnRennie are you serious? consider this an invitation; will you do it? :)
@Slereah ohh, then Hail Lumo!!
Let's ping him at Reference Frame ;/
@JohnRennie Only if you tell us the black magic ritual you perform every full moon to stay ahead of us other users :)
@vzn I don't know enough about physics to make it worth while. And since you can count the number of Hawkwind fans on the fingers one hand I doubt that would be a great draw :-)
@JohnRennie C'mon we know your intelligence... that would be great if you become our guest ;)
@JohnRennie (this false modesty thing on SE is driving me crazy) :( cmon man, think youre perfect for job, am sure you will get at least as many ppl as slereah, and its emphatically not a popularity contest, at least yet :P
@ACuriousMind I have to confess I sometimes answer a question because I can tell it's going to hit the HNQ list.
People will just assume that it was a typo on Hawking
I NEVER talked with Ron Maimon though ;(
After a bit you get a feel for it. Questions that are just hard enough to be interesting but easy enough that non-physicists can understand them.
@JohnRennie yes, again, perfect for job :)
@JohnRennie I guess there is no magic after all :(
I could talk about colloid science ...
@Slereah D and G are just one key away ;/
Just a sly old man gaming the system!
@JohnRennie thats the beauty its your choice :)
Tell us @JohnRennie
What is milk
(and no, I don't really consider that "gaming the system", it's fine)
My only paid employment as a scientist was as a colloid scientist, and actually it was a fascinating twelve years. Doesn't have the kudos of GR though.
The science of soap powder just isn't as cool as interdimensional warp drives.
@JohnRennie there is no speaker after slereah yet, DS is interested but not ready yet, plz seriously consider next slot, its all yours for the taking
@JohnRennie utilitarian engr drives the world
@vzn However, we have to think on how to take our next guest; there must be some rules....
So, it is fixed:
Our guests in line: Slereah; Daniel; John; ...... and then in line: Terry, Moretti and of course the great Lumo ;/
Where is ACM???
@MAFIA36790 certainly want to invite him but he called the prj halfbaked >:(
Maybe @Yuggib also can be our guest. He is really good helping others (me of course ;P).
what do you think of the meta poll idea? am this )( close to trying it
@MAFIA36790 yes basically think all the chat regulars are prime targets
@vzn this is my initial thinking to select. Of course the candidates must be willing and responding (thanks to Motl).
Anyhow, I now need to get back to the fascinating scientific literature I'm currently reading:
@JohnRennie What is it based on?
It's an interesting idea - there are people that you forget about.
So if one of them stole your wallet you'd forget about that person and everything connected to them. You'd probably decide you'd lost the wallet.
But if you're one of those people how can you live when everyone forgets you the moment you leave their sight?
@JohnRennie Okay; that's a deep philosophical implication....
That definitely concludes we want @JohnRennie as our guest ;P I really want to know more about his book collections of such genre ;))
The sort of science fiction I like most starts with an interesting idea and develops it to see what happens. The first Claire North book I read was The First 15 Lives of Harry August‌​.
I like my science fiction to be a lot of world building
It examines what happens if you are repeatedly reincarnated with all your memories intact.
Oh man that would be awkward
Like when you're born
Do you tell your mom?
"Mom stop shoving that titty in my face"
Yes, that would be a bit awkward :-) As it happens, Harry August's mum dies giving birth to him so it doesn't arise.
Still, do you tell the people around you
Hello I'm a baby with a grown man brain
You'll have to read the book and find out :-)
It's an easy read and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Claire North made her name writing children's books, and her writing is pretty straightforward.
@Slereah: I'm on somewhat uncertain ground here, but I don't see that appearance of a singularity is a topology change.
Well for Schwarzschild, apparently not
But for Kerr
The manifold spans all of spacetime, so it doesn't change in the sense of evolve with time, and there isn't preferred time axis anyway.
I'm not sure
"Topology change" has a very specific meaning in GR
It means that the shape of the leaf of the foliation changes
If there is a singularity that just means there is a region of the (4D) manifold that is singular. It doesn't become singular.
Well, it can become singular
Like topology change isn't forbidden, in GR
It is just heavily restricted
@Slereah OK but foliation has no physical significance. It's just a choice of time coordinate.
I think topology change is independant of the foliation, though
If the topology changes in one foliation, it changes in all foliations
My point is that it's not a change. This is a 4D manifold and it has a certain toplogy in 4D.
If you foliate it then it looks like a topology change.
Well the point isn't the etymology
The point is
But that's down to you restricting the leaves to 3d
There are theorems that apply to topology change
Very specific theorems
If the topology of the leaf of a foliation into spacelike surfaces changes, then either the spacetime isn't time orientable, it contains closed timelike curves or the metric has singular points
the fancy term is "Lorentz cobordism", if you want to know
@MAFIA36790 well if somebody is interested, I can do that ;-)
@ACuriousMind That's all true but I'd still like to see the data.
@yuggib I am very much interested; and so would be everyone :) I've many things to know from you.
Let's not make the fallacy of avoiding information for fear that we're too stupid to properly interpret it :)
There are many potential candidates I can see if they really want to respond:
@vzn I think we'd get more upvotes on the community ad if the art were improved.
JoshPhysics, Moretti, Terry Tao, @yuggib,.... Arnold? i never interacted with him.... and of course our very dear Lumo ;/
@DanielSank Well, it's not bad though... but yeh not good ;P
@yuggib there is certainly interest! the next slot after slereah at mid july is still open. how about it? :)
@vzn good news!
I'm cleared to do the AMA, and I can answer Google related questions.
Anyone know the answer to this?
Q: Super Mario Galaxy problem

JeffεSuppose Mario is walking on the surface of a planet. If he starts walking from a known location, in a fixed direction, for a predetermined distance, how quickly can we determine where he will stop? More formally, suppose we are given a convex polytope $P$ in 3-space, a starting point $s$ on t...

@DanielSank kickass =D
I'm hoping there are a good amount of mathy people here
@vzn I asked a friend of mine who's majoring in arts to revamp our AMA ad's image. Hope that's alright :)
now come the delicate topic/ past minefield of when
@BernardMeurer Excellent.
Thank you.
Thought maybe if we came up with something neat looking it might attract more peeps
@vzn Whenever.
@BernardMeurer think the more the merrier
@DanielSank Isabel's sister
@BernardMeurer Ah good. Octopuses are excellent artists.
@DanielSank if we leave at least one mtg to DZ, the next slot is mid july.
@DanielSank Hahahaha
@BernardMeurer all for it. was leaning toward something "flashy" myself earlier. however with design/ art, its rarely possible to plz everyone, or maybe even a lot/ most...
@DanielSank lol
@vzn I'll be in Japan.
Not a good time.
@DanielSank Fancy
@BernardMeurer Honeymoon :D
@DanielSank np. but ofc youre highest priority based on your schedule. how about august?
@vzn Well let's just do it when I get back.
@DanielSank Honeymoon in Japan! That's so cool!
@BernardMeurer Yeah I'm excited.
@DanielSank have been meaning to ask about the octopus :)
Tokyo, then hiking in the mountains, then Kyoto.
@DanielSank Bring me a coin, I collect coins
@vzn Which one?
@BernardMeurer Will do. I collect paper bills.
@SirCumference Very few mathy people that are not theoretical computer scientists or something related care about the formal running time of algorithms. The question is already asked at the most appropriate stack for it.
@DanielSank congratulations
@DanielSank Paper bills? Rich...
@BernardMeurer Yeah, I have some Chinese bills that are worth almost nothing. It's pretty cool.
@ACuriousMind lol there are ~2 entire SEs dedicated to the topic
I'm sure speed runners care about mario running time :p
@vzn ...that's why I said it's already asked at the most appropriate stack. What's funny about that?
@DanielSank I have a danish coin with a hole in the middle, It's my favorite
@BernardMeurer Yeah those are neat.
@ACuriousMind thought you were saying something like "not that many ppl care about theoretical runtimes"
I have some Asian coins with holes.
@BernardMeurer Is that related to why you're banned from a city there? :P
@ACuriousMind Yes
@DanielSank i wish my coins had holes
@vzn No, read my sentence again. "Very few mathy people that are not already theoretical computer scientists or something related" is different from "very few mathy people" or "very few people".
@ACuriousMind understand, but its still twisted. (T)CS is extremely mathematical etc
@vzn What? I didn't say it isn't. I said that mathematicians who are not theoretical computer scientists or something similar don't care about runtimes. And that's true. No algebraic geometer, no set theorist, no functional analyst or topologist cares about such things.
anyway am gonna respond to SC re that in Computer Science
@ACuriousMind so why would we focus on mathematicians who are not in CS? what does that have to do with this room? why would that be an assumption?
I worry about the complexity of my method for putting butter on my bread in the morning even
I don't know how you guys live without that
@vzn ...because Sir Cumference said "I'm hoping there are a good amount of mathy people here". And I was pointing out that "mathy person" doesn't mean at all that you know a single thing about runtimes.
@ACuriousMind ahem ok ACM fine, lets just say that SCs original query is a bit funky to begin with. re "mathy people" his terminology.
there are many mathy people here. from both physics/ CS. & mathy people outside of CS/ physics might be interested in that problem also. (its a crosscutting problem, hence maybe some of the high votes.) etc
@BernardMeurer Now I worry about the complexity of your method of deciding the complexity of putting butter on your bread
@ACuriousMind Please don't do this. Last time it took me a week to snap out of an unbounded recursion like this

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