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@Danu : no. I just looked up a question I recalled from a week or so ago and referred to it. To reiterate, John Rennie said, "these virtual particles are really just a mathematical device and they don't really exist" Anna v previously said "thus virtual particles exist only in the mathematics of the model".
I like how referring to textbooks is "not thinking for yourself", but if JohnRennie says it, it is true without question.
@JohnDuffield Demonstrating my point, again! Especially that Anna V quote, you must've used that more than 15 times now!
(I don't disagree with the statement about virtual particles as such)
How dare you question the legend (literally!)
I'm still not even epic :(
Why is it invisible in my browser?
Why is what invisible?
@ACuriousMind : I think "hydrogen atoms don't twinkle" nicely ridicules the nonsense notion that virtual particles are short-lived real particles that pop into existence spontaneously, like worms from mud.
@ACuriousMind Grace Note's Twitter ad
@user36790 I think there's nothing there
@user36790 That screenshot is of the bottom of an answer, as far as I can tell
I'm not sure what should be there, can you give the link?
@ACuriousMind the community ads thread
Grace Note always posts something that also looks to me like an empty post
@Danu And you asked me to stop...
@DanielSank That was about the physics discussions
(you're also 100% right, but let me just ignore that)
@ACuriousMind Check mine.
If you can't see the twitter ad, you should report that as a bug
Interesting. It also looks empty to me IIRC
Because, as you can see, there is something there
@ACuriousMind what browser?
Is that why it's always downvoted? I just assumed people hated our twitter bot :D
@user36790 Firefox
OS is Windows 7
JK I see something (but I switched to firefox not all that long ago)
@ACuriousMind OS is Windows 7 too.
Maybe it's a chrome issue?
But browser is Opera.
@Danu : when people believe in something for which there is no evidence, and when they've believed it for years, they cling to that belief. They invent all sort of excuses not to face facts. It's difficult to get them to see reason. Breaking a conviction is like shifting a tooth. You need to apply pressure, and keep it applied.
@Danu Nope, visible in Chrome too
@JohnDuffield Repeat 'till they believe! Okay.
@Danu : no, keep showing them the evidence and the references until they stop believing in fairy tales.
2= 2= 22= 2+2
@JohnDuffield I really wish I could engage you in a real discussion, but you've shown that you're not interested. I'm bummed. I went through this with CuriousOne and after hours he finally actually listened and found that he was wrong about a similar issue to what you're talking about now (virtual particles). That was rewarding for me because there was a real exchange of information. Too bad.
@user36790 Apparently, you didn't get the reference :P
@ACuriousMind easter egg?
@DanielSank Going for the disappointed parent approach, huh? ;)
@user36790 Uh...an easter egg is a hidden and funny feature of a game, often breaking the fourth wall, how would anything I could say be such a thing?
@Danu No, I meant what I said. I had a long session with CuriousOne. For the first 60% of it, he just kept making useless statements about the fairy tales in which I believe. He was more interested in saying that I'm wrong than he was in discussing the actual physics.
There at Math SE, some users are complaining too.
@DanielSank I know, I loosely followed
Finally, I got him to actually discuss physics, and then Lo! and behold, he changed his mind and said I was right!
And he did become more reasonable recently IMO
not just on this one issue
@user36790 Don't post those to chat, either report it as a comment on the answer itself or on Meta Stack Exchange
His tone with me changed considerably after that.
though he's still needlessly sarcastic, often :P
^ agreed
@ACuriousMind Oh! Sorry.
@Danu Is there ever a situation where sarcasm is needed? :P
@user36790 Huh?
@DanielSank : you're running away because you can't face up to a challenge to your conviction. You don't have anything to counter "virtual particles are really just a mathematical device and they don't really exist".
@DanielSank: Are you okay?
@FenderLesPaul nervous somewhat
@ACuriousMind Sure
@BernardMeurer Lol Michelle told us to STFU
Lol @DanielSank you're not getting anywhere
@Danu Outside of a sarcasm contest? :D
I'm so confused right now.
@DanielSank YOU LOST BRO
@user36790 What are you talking about?
@Danu he seems to be really losing it lately as tracked in tabloids... lately thinking "this will not end well"...
@Danu What?
@DanielSank In your attempt and seriuos discussions
Oh, sorry I had @JohnDuffield on ignore. That was super confusing.
@DanielSank No, I'm seeing you are being tangled in unending argument with... avoid that....result is always inconclusive.
@DanielSank Yeah, the ignore feature is basically useless if other people are reacting to stuff you can't see
I'll try one more time:
@JohnDuffield You can't measure electric field. You can't even measure force. You can measure displacement of a spring scale. So by this reasoning not even electric field is "real". By the same extension of the term "real" that we use to allow ourselves to think of electric field as "real", also virtual particles and many other things (i.e. temperature) are "real". I guess that's all I have to say.
@DanielSank : Beh, all you can offer is some handwaving little story about CuriousOne. As if that's at all relevant. Again, you just don't have anything to counter "virtual particles are really just a mathematical device and they don't really exist".
Let's all just agree to disagree @John
@JohnDuffield Are you aware that you just completely ignore my message which is just prior to yours?
@Danu Can we disagree to agree to disagree?
@Danu I will agree to this, actually.
@DanielSank : the field is the electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic field interactions result in linear force and/or rotational force. When we only see the former we talk of an electric field, when we only see the latter we talk of a magnetic field.
@JohnDuffield How... is that relevant?
@Danu Say the word, get some others to agree, and I'll do it.
Because this is ridiculous.
@BernardMeurer sup
@FenderLesPaul ups
@JohnDuffield Can we perhaps reach some agreement about avoiding further discussions of you vs. [whoever you are agreeing with at that given time] if it involves "the usual" topics that have been discussed ad nauseam (including e.g. virtual particles, "spacetime" etc) in this chat to no effect?
I think perhaps the best solution is to make a separate chat room for such discussions
At this point I think most of the regulars are just tired of it
@Danu I don't know if I'm tired of it, or tired of been punished for not being tired
@DanielSank : it's relevant because we're talking about ontology, and what exists and what doesn't. You will be aware that there are no "electric" waves, they're electromagnetic waves. In similar vein the electron has an electromagnetic field rather than an electric field per se.
@JohnDuffield: You disagreed on this with Timaeus, also. He tried to explain you but... hmmm.
@Danu : if somebody doesn't want to talk physics with me that's not a problem. But may I remind you that this is a chatroom, on a physics website. I rather thought the general idea was to chat about things, including physics.
@user36790 : please show me where Timaeus tried to explain.
@ACuriousMind Wow
sheesh dude, kanye wests latest album & personality attributes are far more relevant here than virtual particles etc :|
So I can't even be the biggest asshole? I'm just an average asshole.
@JohnDuffield Sure, but I also think that there is room for some discussion (ha-ha) on which topics are appreciated by the majority of those who spend their time in this chat room.
@vzn Duh
@0celo7 fully endorse you as the biggest :P
So what do you think about the album? ;)
40 mins ago, by Danu
@JohnDuffield Your answer to my question on why charges are not affected by their own magnetic field. Check that.
@Danu I have not listened to it.
Is it still only available on Tidal?
@Danu agree with you that kanye has talent, have liked some of his songs from awhile back... but he seems to be spiralling personally...
@vzn http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/2/2/e1501466.full
I will get back to this soon, still digesting it
actually recent kanye gyrations seem vaguely reminiscent of ... martin sheen ... fully anticipate kanye will soon announce hes been diagnosed with bipolar or something ... yikes
Is Kanye still with Kim?
@Secret thx, interesting! it is rather rare that experimentalists refer to bohmian mechanics etc
@0celo7 yes, its a half-crazy marriage. dont give it great odds myself... rumors are that she dislikes his twitter tirades... :|
oops martin sheen charlie sheen
@user36790 : do you mean this one? I can't see any explaining from Timaeus, just assertions. By the way a moving charge doesn't create a magnetic field. You can work this out in a heartbeat by saying it's you moving instead of the electron. You don't create a magnetic field for the electron just because you moved.
@Danu No thanks.
If he can't be bothered to put it somewhere decent he obviously doesnt want me to listen to it.
He wants da ca$h
Maybe Tidal promised to give him a larger cut or something
He ain't getting it from me.
But I'm not going to pirate it, either.
You're not missing much
@Danu I never liked his work much anyway
I'm trying to approximate the grating spacing of a cd, but am a bit lost.

Given a density of information on a cd, I think I can find the linear density of pits $\lambda$ (a ring segment) by equating the total number of bits to the integral $\int^{r_1}_{r_2} \lambda 2 \pi r dr$

how can I then use this to find the number of concentric rings that make up a cd? (I know it's a spiral)

Any ideas?
I'm thinking of using the linear density to find how long a line would be to contain all the bits, and then see how many circumferences of the average radius fit inside, but that doesn't seem very elegant
@Jacobadtr Why not? Sounds perfectly good to me.
@Danu Did you mean to tag me - as opposed to the John who shall not be named?
@DanielSank I don't know..., i'll do that and compare it to the known value, and see how good it is
@BernardMeurer Shelby: "I like to collect pressed pennies"
What does that even mean
For the record I agree with John Duffield re the virtual particles.
@JohnRennie Do you agree that an electron is a 511keV photon going round and round?
@0celo7 aaaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhbhhhhhhh! :-)
@0celo7 anyway doesn't the photon move on a Möbius strip? Or some such idea.
@JohnRennie : good man.
@JohnRennie For the record, I saw no one disagreeing with that statement about virtual particles, either.
@JohnRennie : the important point is that we start gamma-gamma pair production with two 511keV photons, and we end up with an electron and a positron. The wave nature of matter is scientific fact. We can diffract electrons. This wave is not moving linearly, and the Einstein-de Haas effect is scientific fact too. It "demonstrates that spin angular momentum is indeed of the same nature as the angular momentum of rotating bodies as conceived in classical mechanics".
@ACuriousMind I haven't been through the thread in detail. I was just responding to a drive by tagging from Danu.
@0celo7 Shelby looks weird af
@JohnRennie 'Kay, carry on then ;)
Some of those descriptions are plain stupid
Have to go. Still struggling to finish reading Darwin's Radio.
@JohnRennie Looks fancy
@BernardMeurer it's a bit Hollywood in style. It has a Dan Brown/Michael Crichton feel to it. A good fun read though.
@JohnRennie I was talking about your picture tho hahaha
But now I'm searching the book since you said it's good
@FenderLesPaul I just wanted to say hi really, nothing much
@BernardMeurer The picture is from a operetta I was in about 20 years ago. I'm respectably clean shaven these days :-)
@JohnRennie Are those glasses still around tho?
@BernardMeurer Hi! :D
@0celo7 are you free later tonight?
Hey guys
@FenderLesPaul You did undergrad at Cornell right?
@BernardMeurer yeah
@FenderLesPaul Yeah he is, he's bloody useless
I almost had a heart attack because of Cornell today. Got an email from them
but then it was just a complaint about a missing whatever
@FenderLesPaul hey fend, you do active research right?
or at least did recently
@user507974 yes sir
There is a formula Coxide = OxideEpsilon * ε0 / Oxide_Thikness. You divide ε0, which is supposedly vacuum electric permiability, measured in F/m by capacitor thickness? Shouldn't you muliply them to cancel meters out?
@BernardMeurer when does Cornell release undergrad acceptances?
@FenderLesPaul for research proposals, should it be 1 column or 2?
@FenderLesPaul $Soon^{tm}$
basically I've mimicked PRL formatting but the only random proposals ive seen on line seem to have 1 column
before or until April 1rst I believe
@user507974 I like 2 column formatting
@FenderLesPaul as do I, but it is something seen when writing proposals and not limited to publication article right?
@user507974 yeah
@FenderLesPaul thanks
now all thats left is for me to do is stop myself from going insane from enumerate not working
@user507974 There's no such thing as putting a stop to going insane
@FenderLesPaul when you need to do numbered lists what package do you use
In Python?
Oh, I don't :)
thought that was fend comment
@FenderLesPaul You should do campaining for me a the admissions office
Ive been trying to use enumitem or enumerate and i keep getting a stupid "Environment enmuerate undefined. \begin{enmuerate}"
So should you @user507974
you mistyped enumerate
that's why
oh god
that makes so much sense
you know
this is me, im not even mildly surprised
You'd have a lot of trouble in programming
I have my days
ironically proposal is for programming project
Will do code review for food
a ball rolls up the a hill that makes an incline with the floor theta = 36. the coefficient of kinetic and static friction is .45 and .65 respectively. The ball approaches the base of the hill with a velocity of 12 m/s. I want to find the acceleration of the ball up the hill.
I have set up F_acceleration = F_normal sin(theta) + F_friction
Is this correct?
Or should it be F_acceleration = F_normal sin (theta) - F_friction
Use \$ \$ for mathjax
that'll make your equations readable for one
That's alrighty :)
$F_a = F_N \sin{\theta} + F_friction$ or $F_a = F_N \sin {theta} - F_friction$
There, beautiful
lol, very helpful @BernardMeurer :P
is there easy way to do the chat jax stuff without bookmarks
cool, so how does this work? As the ball slides up the hill, friction acts against the ball's motion and so does the parallel component of the normal force. right?
@user507974 that is the easy way
@ACuriousMind Now you solve his question
but when the ballstops, then friction acts against the ball's parallel component of its normal force.
When I write this with second law, I would write something like $F_net_x = F_f + F_{||}$?
im so confused
does anyone know?
i dont need an explanation. just a yes or no answer is ok
i really need this answere
@Pallas If you don't need an explanation then I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place
ok, well an explanation would be nice, but an answer is ok
@JohnRennie YES, you and your endless discussion in the h bar... So sick and tired of it!
(just kidding, to prevent misunderstandings)
Nobody wants to just give you teh answers to your (presumably homework) questions @Pallas
@Danu Gimme teh codez
I just don't answer because I genuinely don't know it without thinking, and I only think when there's money involved
@Pallas "parallel component of the normal force" What? Do you mean "horizontal component of the normal force"? Because "normal" is perpendicular and there is no parallel component.
Is the orientation of spacetime just because of the lowest entropy boundary
That's word salad AFAIK
ok, so i think it's F_a = F_f +F||
If we had a boundary with lowest entropy at the other end of time
Would we assume that the arrow of time is the other way around
Oh, haha
I thought you meant orientation in the diffgeo sense
Well kinda
Well many argue this yeah
I mean, time orientation is always arbitrary
that entropy induced the arrow of time
But on the other hand
The wave equation isn't time symmetric
Or is it???
Classically we only allow retarded potentials
Does anyone else have the inexplicable urge to roll their eyes when they hear "arrow of time"?
In QED is it time symmetric
With Feynman potentials and all
Wait no
@ACuriousMind Yea.
QFT is specifically defined on the future light cone
At least in the axiomatizations I saw
When they ask for a horizonal force moving the box up an incline, are they saying that the force is parallel to the incline or parallel to the floor?
I wonder what it would look like if the state of lowest entropy and the solution of the wave equation got reversed
How many time arrows are linked together
Is it just happenstance or are they correlated
Or is it even without meaning
I am getting the Philosophy
why do you even care
I suppose because I read "The Clockwork Spaceship" recently
It's about a universe with Riemannian metric
It has a lot of philosophy wanking on what time's arrow means
Also there's the whole Hawking-Israel book
Lots of time arrow stuff
f(x)=x+cosx), g(x)=x does the $\lim \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}$ exist
(also I slept like 4 hours last night)
@sharafzaman L'Hopital rule
yes @Slereah
does it exist or not?
Limit to what?
the see this link imomath.com/index.php?options=686 and kindly tell me what is written under heading "Cases where l'Hopital's rule cannot be applied
"Limit to what" is the crucial question. Just writing $\lim$ without a value towards which $x$ is supposed to go is meaningless.
@ACuriousMind see that link
Also how does $\frac{1-sin(x)}{1}$ not have a limit at 0?
@sharafzaman Complete nonsense, the limit of $-\frac{\sin(x)}{1}$ for $x\to 0$ is just zero.
@dmckee ORNL synchrotron data gets sent to users in a Word document :)
yeah I think that guy made a typo somewhere
@FenderLesPaul D;
Fucked up the counterexample
@0celo7 I'm very sorry to hear that. No one deserves to be treated that way.
@ACuriousMind : yes, I have an urge to urge to roll my eyes when I hear "arrow of time". IMHO there's a lot of popscience nonsense concerning time, and not enough people look at what clocks do.
@0celo7 Not even Excel?!?!?!
@ACuriousMind Nae
@ACuriousMind No.
A time orientation can be given by a vector field.
Vectors are arrows.
@dmckee It doesn't bother me
@0celo7 the Word specialist :)
Rebelling against his superiors
@Danu The Weird Al take is better and more generally applicable.
@dmckee is superior to me in age alright
@0celo7 Sorry, let me clarify, *Danu
I thought you got off on hierarchy
I get off on GDP, boobs, and some other things.
But not hierarchy.
When you think you know a guy...
> I get off on GDP, [...]
@0celo7 And wisdom, charm and good looks, obviously. At least until my nose and ears grow a bit more.
@dmckee Obviously? Your nose is definitely growing, Pinocchio.
@ACuriousMind It took me a long time to come to grips with this.
Is this not a safe space?
@0celo7 But...now you've got it firmly in your grip?
@ACuriousMind Yes, holding it right now.
Good thing I'm not in high danger of touching money you've touched
@ACuriousMind If you think you're weirded out, think how the people in this group meeting feel.
All high on GDP, I bet
@ACuriousMind They're physicists, dummy.
Ah, just high, then
@ACuriousMind Don't count on it.

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