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Our current consensus in the physics community is that time travel, if it exists, is very likely to be self consistent (based on some quantum postselection experiment findings and interpretations)
@Secret: They think there exists multiverse; what would you do?
thanks for reminding: Yes, the leading directions are multiverse or self consistency
Historically accurate reconstruction of Attila:
@yuggib Attila's grave is not found, right?
no idea
@ACuriousMind Ok, I've never heard of a raisin shitter.
Total War: Attila is a strategy video game developed by The Creative Assembly and published by Sega, released on 17 February 2015 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. It is the ninth standalone game in the Total War series of video games. The game begins in 395 AD, during the transition from Late Antiquity to the early Dark Ages. While the title character will be able to become the leader of the Huns, he is not yet in power at the start of the campaign. Due to its setting near the Dark Ages, the game is possibly a spiritual successor to Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion. == Gameplay == �...
Is that some Northrhine Westphalia thing?
@user36790 He lived ~500 CE, how the heck do you think we could find the "grave" of anyone from so long ago?
I never thought such game exists.
@ACuriousMind We found some Egyptian graves
king tut.
Especially that of a "barbarian" who likely didn't have a civilization like the Greeks or Romans immortalizing him
@0celo7 There a highly developed non-nomadic civilization considered it their sacred duty to preserve the remains. That seems...unlikely for Attila
Attila (/ˈætᵻlə/ or /əˈtɪlə/; fl. 434–453), frequently referred to as Attila the Hun, was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453. Attila was a leader of the Hunnic Empire, a tribal confederation consisting of Huns, Ostrogoths, and Alans among others, on the territory of Central and Eastern Europe. During his reign, he was one of the most feared enemies of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. He crossed the Danube twice and plundered the Balkans, but was unable to take Constantinople. His unsuccessful campaign in Persia was followed in 441 by an invasion of the Eastern Roman...
@ACuriousMind Also isn't the German word for raisin "Rosine"
At least that's what I would call it
@0celo7 Rosine and Korinthe are interchangable, although the latter is somewhat old-fashioned.
@user36790 strangely enough, the edda poetica mentions him, despite he's seemingly unrelated to Vikings
@user36790 (This is my naive personal analysis from my experience, I am not sure if any maths can model it, note this is from a scifi perspective) Now suppose you are a writer that uses the Back to the Future model, and you ignore the issues of reference frames and such and such as just focus on how a ripple effect propagate from an event where history is changed

Avoiding the heart death by travelling back to the past will soon bound to fail because you are effectively introducing a cold heat bath right at the point you arrived back in the past. The surrounding heat from the neighbourhood
Atlakviða (The Lay of Atli) is one of the heroic poems of the Poetic Edda. One of the main characters is Atli who originates from Attila the Hun. It is one of the most archaic Eddic poems. It is preserved in the Codex Regius and the same story is related in the Völsunga saga. In the manuscript the poem is identified as Greenlandic but most scholars believe that this results from a confusion with Atlamál. The metre of the poem alternates irregularly between málaháttr and fornyrðislag. This may be an indication that two or more original poems have been merged or that the short and long lines were...
@ACuriousMind I've never heard of that word.
At this point there is negative evidence that I lived in Germany.
(PS People kinda know what I said must be nonsense whenever the chat dies right after the relevant post of mine is being posted)
whether what I said is nonsense even in the domain of scifi is still an open question, however
@Secret What does "nonsense in the domain of scifi" even mean?
SciFi is not a science, it doesn't have "right" or "wrong", it's just a genre of fiction
Works of fiction can't be "wrong" precisely because they are not about reality.
I see
@ACuriousMind Mass Effect is wrong.
I now dislike ME and ME2.
Sometimes, I really wish physics experiments can give a conclusive result on whether time travel is possible, because it will help saving me form saying too much speculative paragraphs that often known to annoyr or bore people out (and killed the chat)
@ACuriousMind Any thoughts on the Liara thing?
@BernardMeurer So?
If she becomes a professional player, that's certainly a GDP producing job.
Protip: When chat dies, do activity that generate GDP, it will help revive the chat
@0celo7 Even if you are "the love of her life", she's...like a hundred, and expects to live a thousand years. She's shown to be well in control of her emotions - as all Asari are - , and it is made clear that she's a scholar by passion. It seems odd that she would be thrown off by the death of a short-lived human, even a loved one, to...become a spymaster?
@ACuriousMind Hmm, I guess she did take killing her mother well.
Did you play the Shadow Broker DLC?
@ACuriousMind Spoiler alert: you murder the Shadow Broker and Liara becomes the new one.
Well, duh :D
They try to explain her change in behavior. And Liara and Shep can "get together".
I still cheated on her with Thane.
@0celo7 Problem with that way of looking at it is that you don't have to romance her
Fixing the story to make sense for one particular string of choices doesn't not really help the "choices matter" aspect.
@ACuriousMind Sigh...I know.
I've accepted that ME2 is also a bad game.
Maybe Mass Effect was just a crappy series.
@0celo7 Again, it has parts that are excellent!
@ACuriousMind No!
Those parts don't make sense!
It doesn't make sense that you're building the team, so wtf?!
And what was so good, anyway? The article you sent only talks about the shitty parts.
Yeah, forget the overarching plot. The overarching plot doesn't matter one bit for characters like Mordin and Thane to be engaging, well-written and with good, sensible missions
Mordin is pretty amazing.
I was talking to my gf about sad movies, I couldn't admit I cried over a video game character :'(
There's a reason you feel really shitty as a player if you betray Mordin on Tuchanka in ME3, and that's because the entire Genophage arc over all three games is so excellently written that this is a case where empathy is not assumed.
I need to get him killed during the suicide mission in my renegade playthrough, I don't have the balls to betray him.
And there's a reason you feel really satisfied when you manage to get the Geth and the Quarians to bury the hatchet and try to start anew - because that feels like it is truly your achievement. Your choices mattered.
Oh no.
If those parts of the games hadn't been so good, no one would care about the main plot being stupid
I wanted them to wipe out the Geth.
That's why I didn't feel bad by choosing "destroy"
Damn synths >:(
@0celo7 See, I almost feel angry at you for saying that - I wouldn't care if that story hadn't been good
@ACuriousMind Wait, what?
@0celo7 So what?
@BernardMeurer Huh?
@0celo7 If someone has to get wiped out there, I'd choose the Quarians after learning their history. But I still vastly prefer the peaceful solution
@ACuriousMind Can you genocide the Quarians?
10 hours ago, by Bernard Meurer
@0celo7 Your girlfriend is a music major dude
So what?
@BernardMeurer Yeah, so?
You're the one who brought it up!
I don't know what your point is.
32 secs ago, by Bernard Meurer
10 hours ago, by Bernard Meurer
@0celo7 Your girlfriend is a music major dude
Brought up ^
Maybe we need the sage @ACuriousMind to explain.
Oh, talk about responding late
You're too belligerent, @BernardMeurer.
You were complaining about other majors not being useful
yet you date one of the majors you categorized as useless :p
That was my point
I don't see what that has to do with enjoying her company.
I'm not hostile you fucking cunt
If you enjoy her company then she's not useless is she?
@BernardMeurer I think that's the second time someone's said that.
That's she's not useless?
No, "cunt".
It's a fairly uncommon word here.
It's the best curse
it wasn't in italics tho so it wasn't an insult
@BernardMeurer I think it's good, but I haven't been using it much, lately.
It doesn't flow with ebonics.
@BernardMeurer So?
@0celo7 Yes, the Geth obliterate them if you allow Legion to upload the Reaper code to the fleet and you do not persue the peaceful resolution (or can't because you didn't make the right choices before)
@BernardMeurer She's not useless as a human being, no.
@ACuriousMind What happens to Tali?
@0celo7 Suicide.
You just gotta make sure to call women dicks and guys cunts
@ACuriousMind Holy shit, how?
I must do this.
But I wanted to romance her...hmm...
@0celo7 She just walks off the cliff where she would otherwise take off her mask for the first time if she survived.
@ACuriousMind Nice! What does Shep do?
Stand there uselessly? :P
Ah, cutscene lobotomy.
There might be some sort of interrupt, but you can't save her.
That's so sad!
@BernardMeurer I think I just said some version of "she's not entirely useless."
But I can't back off now, I'm not a hypocrite.
Oct 22 '15 at 1:12, by 0celo7
I'm a hypocrite
@ACuriousMind Context.
Also, I knew that would come
You're predictable, Bajoran.
@0celo7 I wasn't going to let you down ;)
@ACuriousMind Thank you Mr. Astley.
(Did you get that one?)
@0celo7 You did and she won't like it
@BernardMeurer Ok, unless you reverse Google that image and message her on Facebook, she won't know.
But I hope you're not that big of a creep/cunt.
@0celo7 I think the rock big enough to live under to not get that doesn't exist
@0celo7 That...sounds entirely likely.
@ACuriousMind What?
Please rephrase.
Also, can we stop with the c-word?
@0celo7 Yes, I got it.
@ACuriousMind Alright I'm not saying cranberry no more
@BernardMeurer You're a fucking creep.
@BernardMeurer YOU BETTER NOT
Say the c word
@0celo7 It's so cute when you are confused
@0celo7 I'm not a creep, I'm a detective
@ACuriousMind What?
@BernardMeurer Oh my god
You just participated in a Bob Unger story
Bob's your uncle?
No, my dad. Probably not my uncle.
("and Bob's your uncle" is an expression, right?)
@0celo7 You're not even her friend on facebook dude?
@ACuriousMind Yes.
@BernardMeurer I don't use my Facebook. Also, stop creeping.
@0celo7 Good, then I succeeded in making a shitty pun :D
@ACuriousMind Yeah, you did.
I specifically asked you not to reverse search the image.
@0celo7 I didn't, I googled "rebecca flute knoxville"
@Danu More expensive o_O?
That's odd.
@BernardMeurer Ok. Making a group text with you and Michelle. You might be ready for a Bob Unger story.
@DanielSank I was surprised by plane vs train prices in Europe, it really is more practical to take the plane
@0celo7 Lol what, your sis hasn't been on whatsapp the last couple of days
@BernardMeurer Actually let me see how this unfolds first.
There might be a rational explanation that does not involve a Bobism.
Explanation for that?
@BernardMeurer It's interesting.
@BernardMeurer I must first discuss with her.
@DanielSank I just love Ravel
@0celo7 Discuss what?
Only a select group of close personal friends, GitHub staff, and South African programmers are aware of Bob Unger.
@BernardMeurer This revelation changes things.
@DanielSank It is (odd)! And it's quite significantly more expensive too!
@Danu I remember a flight from Frankfurt to Berlin being something like 20 euros or so once
@0celo7 Oh, I'm sure I don't need to tell you again :P
@BernardMeurer Yeah, as long as you stay inside Europe you can stay under 150 if you book on time (and don't want something super obscure).
@Danu I also recall a train from Berlin (I think) to Moscow for some 300 euros
@BernardMeurer That makes zero sense. Europe is so weird some times.
@BernardMeurer It's not really my style, to be honest, but it's an interesting piece. I tend to not be crazy about piano music unless it's unusually lyrical.
@DanielSank Why does it not make sense? They would not be doing it if it wasn't profitable, would they?
@DanielSank I prefer plane anyway for its speed.
@ACuriousMind There is absolutely no chance that's profitable unless it's subsidized.
You so wrong
@DanielSank I'm really into the mechanical piano pieces like all the crazy Liszt stuff
Ryanair $\neq$ subsidized even once
@Danu 20 Euros? Are you nuts? How many people were on the plane?
La Campanella
@DanielSank I never took a plane for 20. I regularly take flights for ~60 though.
@Danu Tell me what again?
20 Euros is cheaper than walking there
It's usually 80%+ full
Cause you'd have to stop to east along the way
@DanielSank How would you know how much a short-range flight actually costs the airline? There are many things subsidized here, but I'm pretty sure that flights aren't
@Danu I'm trying to come up with numbers. 20 Euros times how many people?
From where to where?
Frankfurt to Berlin
He said between Frankfurt & Berlin
@ACuriousMind Uh, because I can look up fuel cost and estimate salaries. How is this surprising?
Let's say 150-200 people?
it was a plane where each row had four seats(with the corridor in between)
They have special smaller planes so fuel costs will be a lot lower
@DanielSank Yeah, so, how much does a flight Berlin-Frankfurt cost?
You couldn't drive that distance with 20 Euros.
Also nobody gets to bring heavy luggage (8 kg each) unless more is paid
@Danu You said 150 people. That's not a small plane.
@0celo7 They're not "flying the distance with 20 Euros". They're flying the distance with 20€*the amount of passengers.
You could drive that distance with 20€/person if you pack 4 people into the car.
@ACuriousMind Right, so let's say 150 people -> 3000 Euros total.
@DanielSank I have a very bad intuition for what amount of people fit in a crowd of fixed size, so I couldn't really say.
Oh actually, I know there are approx. 35 rows usually, times either 4 or 6 depending on the plane
So I think my estimate is decent
Interesting, jet fuel appears to be considerably less expensive in Europe than in the USA.
@DanielSank Probably add about 30x25 for extra bags
(25 euros each)
So another 500-1000 euros
Hm, I have to go to work but I'm interested in this now.
KLM has flights that go through Amsterdam for $160.
Here is some article googling turned up about principles of Ryanair (famous for cheap shit)
@DanielSank Through Amsterdam from Frankfurt to Berlin?
@Danu Yep.
My family knew the old owners, my parents stayed in their mansion once
@DanielSank I guess that's just the sum from 2 separate flights.
@DanielSank goes into an airport, the attendant days "Your ticket costs 25 euro sir", an hour of furious estimation later he buys the ticket
Munich-Amsterdam is 50 if you book early enough.
I'm not sure if it was a mansion or just a big house. But apparently it was super old.
I had to pay 125 each way for my trip I just returned from, because I just booked 2 days in advance
@BernardMeurer Heck no. I know a deal when I hear one.
@BernardMeurer A stark AnCap would refuse to buy a service that's subsidized
@DanielSank Joke's on you, since there are tickets for 2 euros ;D
But consider yourself lucky you heard this from us before you bought any overpriced tickets, eh!
@0celo7 That's because they're p silly
@DanielSank Hahahaha, indeed
@DanielSank Also in that article I linked: Ryanair gets about 1/3 of its incomes from "extra shit" (i.e. bags etc)
@Danu Ok, well IMHO that counts as part of the ticket.
@DanielSank No, because I never have to pay it.
If I have to pay 20 Euros for my bag on a 20 Euro ticket, I mean come on.
Only if you need that 23-kg bag... But I never do
@Danu Yeah yeah I get it.
8 kg is enough if you can do laundry where you go :P
@Danu How the hell are they getting 1/3 of their money on that. Are people transporting deuterated water?
(plus you're also allowed an "accessory" i.e. my uni backpack, stuffed with heavy electronics lel)
From the article:

> It’s easy to see why. Take one of its bargain basement flights from Bristol airport to Barcelona Reus, for example. The flight costs £9.99 each way but by the time you’ve added on a £6 admin fee (unless you have a Ryanair Cash Passport), £10 for reserved seating, and £15 to check-in a 15kg bag, the total jumps to £40.99 each way or £81.98 for a return journey.
@BernardMeurer Do you have my sister's number?
Wtf quoting, Y U NO
@Danu Blank lines.
@0celo7 I do
@Danu Multiline breaks markup
@0celo7 Me too.
multiline breaks it all
I dunno why people have such a hard time remembering that :P
@DanielSank : re OK you have simply stipulated that I am wrong and you are right. I guess this means the conversation is over? It's over because electromagnetic waves and fields exist, and virtual particles don't.
@BernardMeurer Text it to me, have to make sure I don't share shit I'm not supposed to
God damnit
Oh well
@DanielSank Hmm, how did you get it?
@0celo7 Alright
@JohnDuffield Haha, come on, dude. How is that even a discussion? You're literally saying "I'm right and you're wrong". Hahaha, oh my god this is hilarious.
Hey @DanielSank haven't we been through this?
@0celo7 Does your sister like octopodes?
@Danu I dunno, maybe.
I don't anyone gets anything out of these "discussions". Just quit :P
@ACuriousMind Don't have a sister.
@Danu Ok fine.
@ACuriousMind Lets just say @DanielSank is not nearly her league.
@DanielSank Uh, what? I asked 0celo7 that.
@ACuriousMind Makes me think of this
@ACuriousMind Ooops, my bad.
@0celo7 Yeah, she plays little league.
@Danu That's probably one of the more harmless movies relating to tentacles you could find :P
@ACuriousMind Potentially
Although, after that stuff about Fleming the other day I'm kinda interested what meaning might be hidden in that one
What stuff?
Wait.... what?
@DanielSank Sure
21 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
> Pussy only needed the right man to come along and perform the laying on of hands in order to cure her psycho-pathological malady.
Flemming + tentacles has disappointing Google results
@ACuriousMind Ehhhh?
@Danu Where "psycho-pathological malady" is "lesbianism".
Actual quote from Fleming.
Oh, neat-o
What a "nice guy"
You're getting too worked up about that @ACuriousMind
Psycho Pussy
@0celo7 Maybe you not enough
@Danu Is making out with people that play little league in Dutch also ant fucking?
Depends on how small she is
(sorry sorry sorry)
She's pretty short
@DanielSank : I'm saying electromagnetic fields and waves do exist. I'm also saying that virtual particles don't exist. And it isn't just me saying the latter. See John Rennie and anna saying the same here. Hydrogen atoms don't twinkle and magnets don't shine. If you're saying electromagnetic fields and waves don't exist, and virtual particles do, you're wrong.
@JohnDuffield Twinkle twinkle little star
@JohnDuffield Ok, thanks for the enlightening discussion. I learned a lot from this exchange.
I have to say, though, that the letter doesn't quite make it explicit that her being a lesbian is what he's referring to @ACuriousMind
I don't remember the movie, but maybe she is a psychopath in the movie (as well as a lesbian)
@JohnDuffield I wonder: Do you really keep a huge collection of sentences, and make a selection to copy-paste into every answer of yours?
@Danu She's a psycho lesbian
Her name is Pussy Galore for god's sake how could she not be a psychopath
@Danu Okay. Granting this to the devil's advocate, maybe it is something entirely different - curing a psycho-pathology through "the laying on of hands" of the "right man" is still...disturbing
@Danu S a v a g e
Honestly, it's quite interesting how you seem to be under the impression that repeating yourself is productive (in discussions and/or SE answers). I think I should do a count of your "hydrogen atoms don't twinkle", "I'm not making this up", "which demonstrates angular momentum is of the same nature as quantum-mechanical spin", etc quotes.
Do you collect those sentences from sources? Or do you compose a new one every other month, and perfect it until you think it's ready for the SE critics?
"Hydrogen atoms don't twinkle" is one of the cutest attacks on strawmen I've seen, I think.
@Danu He wrote them all a long time ago and now it's just an AI picking it randomly
If I say anything, I'll get banned
@0celo7 Banned.
It's funny because it's true
Did anyone listen to the new Kanyeyo album?
I think it's pretty disappointing.
The what?
Kanye West made a new album
His music is usually really good, despite his personality being you know... asshole #1 in the universe.
But this album is really mediocre IMO. I listened it all the way through, and found only one song that I'd like to hear again.
@Danu No, I'm #1 in that department
Don't flatter yourself
@0celo7 One only gets to be that after achieving something, else you're just a nobody.
Almost as bad as that supersupersuper critically acclaimed album by Kendrick Lamar (that I thought was shit)

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