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It makes sense, I just wouldn't really have expected it, but then again, I'm not sure what I expected
not that mathy crap they call physics
@ACuriousMind :D
Yeah, it was an alternative approach. I'm rather proud of it though.
@0celo7 eh?
@DanielSank I've never seen a vector
@0celo7 Some times, you say stuff that I just do not understand.
@DanielSank He's trolling :P
You mean vectors are an abstract notion?
@ACuriousMind wtf!!?
I can't go one day in this place without being accused of some horrible crime
@0celo7 I think it's just that you have such a straight faced humor that it's hard to tell whether or not you're trolling.
@0celo7 You are obviously copying the pattern of "I've never seen X" from...someone.
I get what you mean about the vector now.
@ACuriousMind Someone? I don't know who you're talking about Mr. Bajoran...
@DanielSank See, @ACuriousMind
@0celo7 You can't even tell how I figured out skillpatrol, and you think I don't see right through you? ;P
@GBeau hold me
@0celo7 Bajoran?
go write some equations, you know nothing about me
^ Bajoran?
Yeah, I keep telling him they're a race in Trek
jawohl, genau so sieht er aus
@0celo7 Wat?
But he insists my real name, which is Björn, sounds like that :P
@ACuriousMind What, he doesn't believe you?
@ACuriousMind Oh, heheh.
it's obviously pronounced Bajoran
just look at it
@0celo7 Yeah, see, trolling.
Well, joking.
@0celo7 You tripled the number of syllables! That's not how it works!
@ACuriousMind re-watched Deep Space Nine recently. It's better than I remembered and it was already my favorite Star Trek series.
I'm sure one day someone will bother to look at the chat log and see I didn't come up with that one...
Gee, how many syllables is that? One?
but until then, continue calling me a troll
whatever floats your boats
@DanielSank I think I like it best, too, although TNG had its highlights. Have you seen its "rival", Babylon 5?
Hey, someone give me 400 rep so I can see the deleted posts in which I was accused of being a sock puppet master.
@0celo7 dude
you're a troll though
like it's what you are
@ACuriousMind TNG is like putting on a warm blanket. Everything is always going to be ok. The characters almost never develop at all. I like DS9 because there's actually an arc. People's lives change significantly.
I have not seen Babylon 5.
@FenderLesPaul wow
I saw the revived Battlestar Galactica, and loved the first ~2 seasons. After that, man it got bad.
that's the most horrible thing anyone's ever said to me
@0celo7 That Kyle came up with it doesn't mean you have to keep using it
@0celo7 Ahhh just ignore him.
@ACuriousMind did you know that or have to check the log
@DanielSank If you like the...arciness of DS9, B5 is for you
@ACuriousMind Ok cool!
Maybe don't watch the last season
Battlestar tried to have arciness. Some of them worked, but most of them were so stupid I wanted to scoop out my eyeballs.
It was added after the arcs had been hurriedly concluded in the season before because they thought it was going to be the last.
I mean, the first two or three seasons were excellent.
I noticed something really funny about Battlestar. Check this out:
@0celo7 sorry
I lashed out
in anger
In the opening credit sequence, at the end, there's a title screen that says:
I didn't mean that
"The cyclons are coming"
"and they have a plan"
Or something like that.
@DanielSank so how would you pronouce Bjoereoean
I noticed that in the last couple seasons they removed the "they have a plan" part.
lol, although I've not watched it
I think this was a reflection on the writers realizing they had no plan.
The show just got so unbelievably weird and stupid.
It was a lot like LOST.
@DanielSank that would be suspiciously...planned for people without a plan, wouldn't it?
@DanielSank Oh god don't remind me
I'm still angry about that ending
After a while, characters started doing uncharacteristic and plain foolish stuff just as a plot device.
@ACuriousMind I gave up on LOST after three seasons.
I watched Battlestar through because my friend was watching it with me and said it was great.
@DanielSank In retrospect, correct decision
@ACuriousMind Right. I saw what was happening. They had so plan at all for that show. It did the one greatest sin of storytelling, in my opinion.
Although I really hoped they weren't lying through their teeth when they said they had it all planned out
Turns out they were
When a character makes a decision which is both out of character and stupid, just to insert conflict into a story, I become enraged and stop paying attention.
@DanielSank It's called Idiot Ball (caution, TVTropes link)
I've been calling that the "great sin of storytelling". Now I have a catchier term and a link!
I really hate that.
Very much. It makes a story immediately terrible.
Dumbness is ok if the character is dumb. So is making mistakes, but some times characters just randomly decided to do unbelievably (as in, I don't believe the character would do that) stupid things.
LOST was a lesson in Idiot Ball story telling.
"Oh wow, we're all about to figure this stuff out and get along. I know! I'll freak out and shoot someone for no reason!"
Yeah, it's kinda sad
Honestly, I haven't been impressed with anything Abrams has done yet.
The first Star Trek reboot was ok.
The second one was so bad it hurt.
I don't like the reboot at all, it doesn't fell like Star Trek
You watch SW7?
@0celo7 Yes. A bit unoriginal, but I liked it
@ACuriousMind It's definitely different, but I'm ok with that to some degree. I mean, each series feels different too. I don't like that Abrams (or the writers, I guess) inserts action scenes which do not serve the plot at all.
@0celo7 Yes. I liked aspects of it. I'm mostly just glad it wasn't completely horrible.
Rian Johnson is writing and directing the next one. I expect it to be much better.
What else did he do?
If you haven't watched this, certainly do so.
Those two are both rather good. Brick is truly excellent.
Never heard of Brick, heard mixed things about Looper
Brick is, in my opinion, truly a work of original art.
It's a film noir, set in a high school.
That doesn't sound compelling, does it? Yet it's a really awesome movie.
@DanielSank Have you watched Veronica Mars?
@ACuriousMind Nope. What's that?
I have some girl's shorts in my laundry -- weird
@0celo7 Ahahahahahahaha not weird in college, my friend.
Good job.
they're not from the girl I'm going out with @DanielSank
note the weird
@DanielSank The description "sort of a film noir in a high school" is also applied to that. The titular character is a highschool girl working as a private eye
I do not know how these got here
sounds like the Zodiac PI manga
@ACuriousMind Is it good? I should watch?
@DanielSank It's quite good, imo, and the longer story arcs are very well set up. How noir it is varies wildly between episodes, though
@ACuriousMind Oh it's a show. Where to get?
@DanielSank Don't know, I borrowed the DVDs from a friend to watch it.
@ACuriousMind Ok. I'll look around.
It's on Amazon.
Now to go look for Brick...
fucking love cinnamon toast crunch
Q: Detection of radioactive iodine at trash dumps

Tyler DurdenI have a cat that is getting radioactive iodine therapy and I am told I must flush the litter for 2 weeks because if I throw it away normally the dump will detect the radiation and fine me. This seems pretty crazy to me. My understanding is that to detect the radioactivity from the cat you liter...

The HNQ-worthy title would of course be: "Will I get fined for my cat's radioactive feces?"
can someone help me understand something
@DanielSank I have yet to watch the movie, but I remember back in 2013 I have used various plot synopsis (2nary sources) and piece together a timeline for Looper, and I basically end up with a 4 dimensional object
Looper is basically a major inspiration of that time travel model I mentioned some time ago, which is responsible for some of the CTC questions I asked Slereah in the chat around a year ago
@ws04 what specifically?
Looks like an airport
Still trying to figure out how to reduce the number of dimensions, though
i was just about to ask a question about it, but i guess if you can answer it first
I understand that there are proofs (e.g. [proof][1], [another proof][2]) of why the angular momentum about two points for an object is the same. However, can you give an intuitive explanation of why this is? I work far better with something I can visualize than with variables and formulae.

[1]: http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/102453/find-angular-momentum-about-any-point
[2]: http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/71761/independancy-of-angular-momentum-with-respect-to-origin-for-rotation-about-cente
3 hours later…
Q: Electrometer mode of universal amplifier

user3260984Explain why a high resistance is used in electrometer mode. A voltmeter can also be connected to amplifier but what is the use of high resistance in universal amplifier electrometer mode. The circuit is

Would Electrical Engineering be a better home for this question? Reading the comments it seems more about the amplifier than the measurement.
@0celo7 this should be the analysis of PDEs that you like...
@Qmechanic I agree
@FenderLesPaul In an attempt to find things to stop me thinking about applications, I found the rapper BoB on Twitter attempting to use LaTeX to prove the earth is flat: twitter.com/bobatl/status/691725988586061825
Hello @GBeau
@FenderLesPaul Purdue, rochester, NC state
@FenderLesPaul on schedule, UCSD today
@yuggib Unfortunately I don't see how that raises the GDP
1 hour later…
@0celo7 It raises your brain GDP
@yuggib that's not a real thing
says you...the "standard" GDP instead is really tangible
I have seen it in the night sky
in this moment, it would be more frequently seen laying low
than sky high
anyways, happy with the s'bowl teams?
I don't particularly care about either team
my dad is a Broncos fan due to Peyton Manning
the crawfish shorts guy
(btw I know quite well who he is...)
you obviously pay attention to his beach photos
no, just to commercials that they give during timeouts in football matches
oh I thought you were talking about his beach photos
(at work, distracted)
@yuggib oh, I have seen that commercial
@yuggib is all PDE stuff this ridiculous
In the last 2 weeks I have been browsing web of science for articles, by diving through the entire citation maps, reading 5000+ titles to finally find the 200+ articles I needed for literature review
@0celo7 :-D not at all...only the PDEs involving general relativity
and geometry
those are the interesting ones :(
for you maybe, for me $i\partial_t u = -\Delta u +\lvert u\rvert^{p-1}u$ is more interesting
@yuggib why were you looking at gr-qc?
list of unknowns: $u$
seems pretty boring
@0celo7 I was looking at my usual two arXiv entries: math.ph and math.ap
just integrate
actually the aforementioned paper is tagged in both
analysis of pdes
every week day, first thing in the morning, open arXiv and check math-ph and math.ap
that's how I was taught
quantum algebra is a thing?
@0celo7 algebras of operators are a thing important in quantum physics
@ACuriousMind what is "void swelling" in crystals?
@0celo7 How the heck am I supposed to know?
@ACuriousMind Uh, because you know everything?
@0celo7 but I don't know if quantum algebra exists as a name
there is quantum logic
quantum set theory
What defines something as an "algebra"?
Like Boolean algebra, linear algebra, abstract algebra,...
@yuggib there's an arxiv section for it...
Mathematicians have started to use "quantum" as a word for "deformed" in some sense. I'm not sure how much their "quantum" things still have to do with our quantum things
@guest An algebra is a well defined concept, namely a vector space with a bilinear product.
e.g. Lie algebra, tensor algebra
I'm impressed by my RAM hogging skills
@0celo7 Well...an algebraist will say it's a module with a muliplication operation in it, or equivalently a ring which is also a module over another ring.
@ACuriousMind Ok, that's the same thing but with vector space --> module.
Don't know why it was starred twice, but OK.
@GBeau no ucsb yet
then again it's 7am in Cali
oh wow an experimental paper in LaTeX
my eyes are saved
$$2A_2O_3+2B_B^\times+O_O^\times\to 2A_B'+V_O^{\bullet\bullet}+A_2B_2O_7$$
looks like some group theory crap
No Cal Tech? @FenderLesPaul
Anyone else having trouble with gravatar?
What kind of trouble?
The HTTP requests taking a long time - upwards of a minute
of course now that I type that they work. Weird.
"of course" :D
Why did stack exchange stop using Gravatars anyway?
@guest caltech hasn't sent anything out yet
I may or may not have PDE class today, the prof has jury duty
@yuggib Imagine how nonrigorous one of his grad students would be D:
Or maybe he gets some functional analyst to teach today and we get some "real" math
Oh, hey, time for a chat session!
I will say, this chat session time is decidedly less convenient from China
I'm in class during chat sessions.
We should talk about solid state physics for once.
Specifically radiation damage in complex oxides. More specifically, pyrochlore.
Sure, why not
I don't know anything about it though
I don't either. The opening paragraph for this paper I've been assigned has 11 references for background.
I'm going to have to go paper hunting.
Before we get too far into it, I do want to remind everyone of the ongoing effort to restructure the homework policy. I don't really have anything new to say about the matter today, though.
Q: Generalizing the homework policy

David ZIn our last chat session two weeks ago (sorry for the delay), we had a discussion about updating the homework policy and homework close reason. I'm making this post to summarize that discussion and solicit feedback on how to proceed afterwards. The current status According to the homework polic...

@DavidZ I'm kidding, prof just walked in. Bye.
@0celo7 <3
haha, ok
@0celo7 Don't let me think about it
but in engineering/numerics it's ok to be non-rigorous
(wat is dis)
hi @no_choice99
hey there
can someone help me to understand the comment to my answer at physics.stackexchange.com/questions/231809/… ?
We are having a chat session but nobody seems to have anything to chat about :-P
oh that works
did the guy make a joke or just said non sensical stuff?
Thank you! May your paper milk containers always fold smoothly and without tearing! — user47989 10 hours ago
@no_choice99 I'm going to go for "joke"
yeah . I'm not good in English so I may miss the joke
but i don't see what's the relation between my answer and this joke
I'm not sure why I should care whether my milk contianers tear or not
@no_choice99 I think it's just meant to be something like "Best wishes", it doesn't relate to the answer.
Yeah... I think it's a cultural thing. Paper milk containers have a reputation (an entirely undeserved one, IMO) for being difficult to open, and often spilling much of the milk inside when you try to open them.
ok thanks
So anyway. Let me fall back on some defaults I guess: who's here? Anyone in their first chat session? Or new to the site?
useless physics:
choreographic crystals
might be useful to describe some collective motion of bacteria when confined, because another article said they kinda act like electrons
should not PRL be a top notch journal?
PRL is a top journal
publishing choreographic crystals
Arguably the most prestigious in physics (well, definitely in HEP at least)
@DavidZ yeah, I thought it so
hardly publishes purely theoretical stuff though
@yuggib I don't think there's a single journal that is really well reputed for HEPth
I think most people just check on the arxiv
There used to be a well reputed one for GR but nowadays I don't think it's used as much for GR
@yuggib I remind you of the quantum $\pi$ :P
It's a minority, but I think PRL does publish some pure theory
I rarely look up those papers though so I don't keep track
@FenderLesPaul I thought JHEP was not bad
@ACuriousMind I was obviously thinking the same
it seems that if you write some nice-looking but probably useless stuff you can get published on very reputed journals
Isn't most theory research nice-looking but useless stuff?
at least HEP and GR are
@Secret interesting, cool, thx for sharing! reminds me of spin glasses! (wonder if there is some connection... it mentions phase transitions.)
CMT is definitely on the more useful side
@yuggib ahh, yeah, a lot of hep-th stuff does appear in JHEP
@DavidZ did you do pheno at Penn State?
@FenderLesPaul maybe some day you could need worldline quantum mechanics on a Kähler background manifold...who knows
assuming by pheno you mean particle phenomenology
what do you study on particle phenomenology?
I work on small-x parton distributions and saturation physics - or if you don't know what that means, it's basically the effective structure of atomic nuclei and protons in certain kinds of high-energy collisions
@DavidZ do you do simulations? or work with computer models etc?
ugh my chat interface is going crazy due to slow internet
@vzn no, not really. I write programs that calculate integrals, but it wouldn't seem right to say I'm simulating anything.
@DavidZ what language? do you use other software pkgs eg statistics analysis etc?
It's a lot more like data analysis than simulation
So are you doing a post-doc right now?
@FenderLesPaul yeah
Well, the main program is in C++ and C, the analysis scripts are in Python, the batch submission system is a Python/bash hybrid... the list goes on
haha :-P
It's stressful, actually
Yeah it seems to be quite an emotional and mental toll
I don't know how people manage that stuff and still publish papers
@FenderLesPaul if you don't publish, you will stop doing postdocs soon
and still manage to take care of finances
and not because you will get a permanent position :-P
If you're publishing papers, that makes it easier, I think. Roughly, the more you publish (given that it's all good), the better you're doing at your postdoc.
So people who publish less probably have more stress
Is that also true for grad school?
It's a dog biting its tail
@FenderLesPaul Not quite so much
no, grad school is more relaxed
I know a couple of people in their 4th/5th year and have only published 1 or 2 papers
while I know 3rd years who have published like 5 or 6
and the latter are definitely less stressed :D
btw, grad school in Europe is just 3 years in most of the countries
I've known people who have graduated without ever having published - of course in their field, that's normal (and they have a few in the works)
yeah but in europe you do a bachelor and then a masters before phd right?
@yuggib very cool blog by DZ on his research, cited/ commented before here, prob too shy or modest to cite it ellipsix.net/blog/2015/01/about-saturation.html
@no_choice99 yep
@FenderLesPaul how many pubs do you have
so phd in europe is 5 years (bachelor + masters) and then 3 years phd
@0celo7 I'll have 2 by the time I graduate (they're in the draft phase)
Oh yeah, somewhat relevant :-) That's part 2 of a 3-part series which I intend to finish someday
@FenderLesPaul wait, are you an undergrad? Or master's level?
@DavidZ undergrad
@FenderLesPaul what topics?
@FenderLesPaul 2 papers at the end of undergrad is unusual
@vzn one is on black hole supertranslations and the other is on causality constraints in QFTs from a position space point of view
let me formulate better: two published papers at the end of undergrad is unusual
Yeah you're way ahead of the "curve"
i think fender started college already knowing a lot of GR
@yuggib eg "published" at arxiv?
no, peer-reviewed published
everyone can put stuff on the arXiv
it does not mean anything
Although even having two things posted on arXiv at the end of your undergrad career would be unusual
Anyone can post there but you do have to be endorsed
with a peer review process, despite its many drawbacks, at least there is some guarantee of originality and correctness
specialists shouldn't have a hard time figuring out whether the paper is high or low quality anyway
@DavidZ yes, true
These aren't by myself or anything
they're with the professors I work for
Yeah, we know
It's unusual anyways
@DavidZ I did not know the term "parton" was still used much...
It's a niche field, but yeah, we use it all the time
@yuggib agreed, peer review is (imperfect) scientific quality control. curious what are you working on?
Unfortunately it seems to have several different meanings depending on context, and it's almost impossible to tell which one is intended
@vzn I am a mathematician
@DavidZ Parton, you mean? how does it differ from just saying "quark" in your work?
I work on semiclassical analysis in infinite dimensions, with applications to QFT
Gluons are partons too
that is the big part, also some non-linears PDEs and stuff
@DavidZ !! did not know that...!
That is, one meaning of "parton" is either a quark or a gluon (or I think it can also incorporate electrons, photons, etc. but the corresponding wavefunctions are negligible)
That's the meaning that appears in e.g. "parton distribution function"
DZ your work reminds me of the philosophy of reductionism & its possible limitations. see eg metanexus.net/essay/… (just googled that. wonder if anyone in physics has written anything similar)
@DavidZ so it's become sort of a catch-all term for anything with a non-zero amplitude in a nucleon?
But there's also something called the parton model, which I think is meant to imply that the constituents of the proton are literal particles rather than quantum fields? Maybe? I have a hard time remembering. But it's something a little different from just "a quark or gluon"
@TerryBollinger yeah, pretty much

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