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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

People worry about malevolent AI, but then I remember bots are programmed by fools.
@MikeMiller Ciri from Witcher 3
Fahrenheit: good choice indeed
@ChrisWhite Well...it'd be pretty bad if we had malevolent AI in addition to all the malevolent NI :P
@ACuriousMind Some days I doubt any I exists.
@yuggib do you hate everything American
@0celo7 not at all
@0celo7 You already forgot he likes football? :P
I love football
I love basketball
@ACuriousMind joking
I hate Fahrenheit degrees
@0celo7 Ha-Ha.
And guns
I hate fluid ounzes
and guns
What about feet/miles?
not a tragedy
at least the conversions are reasonable
also pounds are reasonable
5280 feet in a mile is reasonable 0.0
no, the conversion with the metric system
the only useful conversion
not the ones within your system
ah, the difference between earth, maritime and whoknowswhatelse miles is worse than Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit is probably the best temperature
And I say this as someone who grew up in DE
The worst is pounds.
You have to divide by 32.2 to get mass -.-
@ACuriousMind Your laughs give me the will to live
Wow that sounds really...bad.
@yuggib are sports the only good thing about America
that would be fine, since sports are very good
@0celo7 no, some landscapes are really great
Something not inherent to the land
@0celo7 why do you say this?
some very good singers, like B.D.
@0537: Only need to look at one digit to get a good feel for how how it is.
@MikeMiller what are you talking about?
@MikeMiller looking two digits can be extenuating
@0celo7 seriously?
On mobile
I don't know what messages you people are referencing
I asked you why you said fahrenheit is the best temperature.
and he replied to me.
Though fahrenheit doesn't define 0 to be the freezing point of water.
Yup @MikeMiller is right
That is why it is so unintuitive and bad.
@yuggib ...I don't think you mean "extenuating"
@yuggib I have much better things to think about than the second digit, of course.
@MikeMiller cross continental brofist
<0 = freezing, >0 not freezing.
Celsius is not nearly granular enough
<3 freezing, >3 not freezing
I can tell a difference in 2-3 degrees Fahrenheit
That might all be the same Celsius number.
@MikeMiller ...I had to think about what emoticon >3 is until I realized what that's supposed to mean
@0celo7 You can tell a difference in 1 degree C.
@0537 Exactly
Why is that a bad thing?
@ACuriousMind it's a devilish grin with no eyes >:3
It just shows that fahrenheit has 1-2 redundant degrees when feeling a difference in temperature.
Fine I give up.
What is room temperature in C?
23C I believe.
@ACuriousMind damn...you saxons and the bad understanding of latin
How much is that exactly in F?
Room temperature is bullshit. How many rooms are actually room temperature?
I keep mine at 74.
In my home heat is almost never on so it's like 15C all the time.
I'm not sure if my roommate keeps turning it down to 70 or the heater is evil
@0537 GG Canadia
@0celo7 You could, y'know, ask him
@0celo7 It's only me though...
@ACuriousMind No. I will deduce it.
For science!
I have a hypothesis and will test it by making observations
Scientific method 101
But...asking him would also test it and would be easier
@ACuriousMind Where's the fun in that
I need some kind of mechanism that will let me know if someone touches the thermostat...
A claymore mine?
Meh, I'd probably get fined by Housing.
@ACuriousMind I'm taking suggestions!
It's snowing again.
What about a bank-style dye pack?
@ACuriousMind So has is snowed in Germania?
It's been snowing here everyday.
Hi, I'm trying to understand whether when you have a question to do with a rotating disc with two masses attached, is the inertia of the whole system taking into account the attached masses or are they simply 'dumb' tensions, and so the actual masses attached don't matter?
so for this scenario is 1 or 2 the correct way to work out the angular acceleration of the disc?
@0celo7 It won't be so long once you already know the right approach. Our conversation was long because I was making sure everything you said made sense.
You can't expect to have an off the cuff chat discussion of a complex issue go as smoothly as a well-oiled tutorial post.
@0537 Every day?
@DanielSank Depends how much snow counts as snowing.
Q: Do we know WHY there is a speed limit in our universe?

Landos AdamThe question is about the WHY of having a universal speed limit (speed of light in vacuum). Is there a more fundamental law that tells us why this is? I don't ask why is the speed limit equal to $c$ and not something else, but why is there a limit at all?

Everybody is missing the point of this question. Can somebody here give a good answer?
@DanielSank Hmm
It wasn't that complex though
I'm wondering if you had some mental block, I'm bad at explaining, a combination of the two or what
@ACuriousMind So far, I haven't done (i), (ii) or (iii)
@FenderLesPaul What is the tangent space
@knzhou it's not a physics question
it's a philosophy question
it can't be answered with what we know
the only sensible answer is "there's a limiting speed because Lorentz-invariance is supported extremely well by experiment"
@0celo7 a rectangular sheet that floats on top of amorphous blobs called manifolds
@FenderLesPaul don't use Arnold's definition
@0celo7 I was insisting on clarity of terminology and on not making any leaps of logic without filling in the basic steps.
I suppose that is often confused with a "mental block" :) but that's because a lot of people nod their heads without really understanding.
@e__ do you mean moment of inertia?
Yeah but there were no leaps of logic
inertia and moment of inertia are two different things
Was my assertion "the set of all directional derivatives is a vector space" a leap of logic?
the inertia of a system of course depends on all the constituent masses
yeah sorry moment of inertia
but the moment of inertia of the pulley depends only on the pulley mass and it's geometry
@0celo7 It was the families of equivalent curves that threw me.
@DanielSank Oh, ok. There's really 4 (isomorphic) definitions of the tangent space.
@0celo7 Yeah, something about the way you were describing that was really confusing to me.
I'm so familiar with them that I just use whichever is convenient.
^ Right.
but if you're working out the angular acceleration of the disc and the masses are also moving linearly as a result, do you need to take them into account by MR^2?
That's not so good for teaching.
But I tried to not do that with you
And I don't think that I did
You have to introduce one at a time.
@0celo7 There were two things:
1) The equivalence classes were defined in a way that I did not understand.
2) You used $T$ to mean two different things before explaining how those things were the same.
I think those two things were why I got confused.
@DanielSank Huh?
$T$ was always just a directional derivative =: tangent vector.
I don't really want to go through the chat again...
@e__ the equation $\tau_{\text{disc}} = I\alpha_{\text{disc}}$ only cares about the moment of inertia $I$ of the disc. The masses attached to the ropes enter in through the forces (hence torques depending on your pivot point) they exert on the disc through the ropes' tensions
@DanielSank Please?
Ok thank you
@0celo7 I think it would be more constructive for you to write a draft and post it somewhere such that I and others can comment.
Talking about "you said" "I said" is not really useful.
@DanielSank Post it? Should I just make a TeX PDF?
@ACuriousMind The room temperature is still at 74. So far it has not been turned down.
Die Beobachtung geht weiter...
@DanielSank I'm just trying to figure out which definition of "tangent space" you find best!
1) Equivalence class of curves 2) Directional derivatives 3) Span of partial derivatives
4) is the physicist definition, which I'm trying to avoid
or 5) set of all derivations of the smooth functions
but 5) is really similar to 2)
Reading transcripts from April. I can't even understand myself, how do you people do it?
@FenderLesPaul Lots of "philosophy" questions become physics questions when you go one level deeper. Given electricity, why does magnetism exist? In the 1800's that was a philosophy question; after SR it could be derived.
As far as I know, there is no explanation to that question, but maybe there is one to people who know the deeper levels.
Wow I knew a lot more about SUSY in April than I do now...like a lot more.
@knzhou well I promise you this one is a philosophy question with respect to current understanding of physics
@0celo7 If you're interested in collaborative editing I can recommend two options:
@DanielSank I am.
@DanielSank My sister works at 2)...should I give her a call to help me set it up or can I do it myself?
@0celo7 It's pretty simple if you understand git.
I love overleaf!
@DanielSank I do not understand it at all. I don't know what it is.
If you don't understand git I'd strongly recommend learning about it at some point in your life.
I'm sure I will.
^ In that case use overleaf for now.
@DanielSank Does overleaf support TeX?
@0celo7 it's a real-time TeXing environment
Dude just click the damned link.
I already did, yeesh
Yah, it's a free, online, TeX collaboration tool.
Basically the greatest thing ever if you're into that sort of thing.
@0celo7 Sorry.
You didn't deserve that.
Don't apologize
he did deserve it
Damn $\mathfrak{Astronomer}$
@DanielSank confirming my password and everything
^ Greatest password ever.
@0celo7 What's with that? I've seen people do that here before.
What'd I miss?
the astronomer?
or the frak?
He's a mysterious being who torments me by strategically starring things.
He's the "star man," hence "Astronomer."
How does this work?
oh you need a preamble and everything?
do I need to declare the documentclass?
@DanielSank I can't get this to work
@0celo7 Yes you can.
I believe in you. Use the allmighty Google.
but you are google
@DanielSank how do I share this with you?
oh god the TeX is broken by all of the PSE formatting
@DanielSank come to the other room
I'll give you the link there and delete the post
link the room. I'm too lazy to find it.
@FenderLesPaul Based on historical stats, not particularly expecting something today, but a fairly high chance tomorrow and the day after
a lot of acceptances went out last year on the 22nd and the 23rd, which were a Thursday and Friday
and the Thursday and Friday this year is...the 21st and 22nd :<
@GBeau I don't expect anything today either
also nothing has been posted for today on gradcafe
I asked my friends who graduated last year
for the schools I care about at least, the acceptances were sent out late January
around the 25th-30th
i.e. next week
fingers crossed
@FenderLesPaul for sure, stats show a lot more next week than this week
@FenderLesPaul For domestic students, almost every school seemed to send out at least some acceptance as early as Jan. 30, or I at least had insufficient stats to conclude they for sure were not
almost definitely by the end of the first week of February though
there's a bump on like ~Feb 12th for a bunch
I just want it to be over haha
I think the anxiety of waiting will prove to be far worse than the grief of possibly not getting into any of the schools one wants
because the former comes packaged with all kinds of second-guessing and restlessness
the latter can at least be healed with time
@FenderLesPaul not that I don't have an idea what I'd do if I got in nowhere, but I've put little-to-no thought into it
that would just make myself feel so much worse right now
being homeless isn't that bad
it seems like plenty of homeless people are on reddit
@Slereah "indeed, a theorem due to X says that a compact manifold only admits a Lorentz metric if $\chi(\mathcal{M})=0$"
solve for X
@0celo7 you at limits yet in that class? ;)
doing PDE homework
separation of variables is the most fun thing I've done in years /s
should I write $\frac{\partial^4 u}{\partial x^4}$ as $u_{xxxx}$?
@HDE226868 Is "who proved this fact" on-topic at HSM?
@ACuriousMind If a book states a fact but leaves the proof to the reader, is it kosher to cite the book for the fact?
@0celo7 It's a good exam strategy to leave difficult problems as a trivial exercise for the grader.
@HDE226868 cf. my most recent @Slereah
@HDE226868 yawn
what THE MAN chooses to call a planet or not is arbitrary
It's Michael Brown.
That gives it a bit of credence.
I went to a seminar he was giving at my parent's college reunion once. I got to ask him a question. That was pretty cool.
your parents both went to Caltech?
that explains you
that works as well
He was in their graduating class.
whoop dee do
so is it Steenrod?
or should/can I ask HSM
Ask on HSM.
ok, making account
how does one ask questions there
Look around the site for suggestions.
@HDE226868 unfortunately I'm incapable of such investigative...stuff
Your answer is probably in Diedonne, history of algebraic and differential topology.
@0celo7 Hey, I can't walk you through it. Honestly, it's no different than writing a question anywhere else.
@MikeMiller hmm
ah, Springer
@MikeMiller "Lorentz metric" is not in the index :/
@DanielSank Wait, ... there are people who understand git?
With special emphasis on the hover-over text.
I've read several document claiming to provide a simple mental model of how git works and it still eludes me.
I feel even dumber than usual about that.
@dmckee what revision control systems had you used in the past?
@dmckee Suppose I have a rope connected to the center of a pulley and a rope on the pulley. The rope on the pulley has both ends connected to something.
If I pull the rope attached to the pulley and the system is in equilibrium, will the line of action of the pulled rope bisect the angle created by the fixed rope?
@GBeau CVS, subversion, a tiny bit of mercurial but I didn't really understand that either. I seem to trip at the transition to distributed VC.
(Imagine a Y shape with the pulley at the vertex and pulling on the bottom stick.)
I think it must be so because the horizontal (in the Y picture) components of the tension have to cancel.
@0celo7 I think you have to assume frictionlessness of the pulley to get an exact answer, but sure: consider the component of tension transverse to the roped holding the pulley.
@dmckee dont feel bad, SCM systems are all very complex in theory. they are similar to mapping out independent/ dependent timelines which branch and merge. has reminded me some of the many-worlds interpretation. except even more complicated with merging.
@dmckee that's what I said but more elegant, thanks
@0celo7 I thought that was leading up to an elaborate metaphor for git
^ ::chuckle::
@dmckee I can relate to that. However, learning how git works is worth it.
@GBeau me2 for 1s!
@dmckee did you say you had some kind of experiments for grad students going?
@vzn For undergrads. We don't have any grad students here.
@DanielSank I got the images to work.
And they're toys.
@dmckee I had the (retrospectively invaluable) idea to switch to using Gentoo as my only desktop OS late in high school (what an experience then....). Now I ended up as the "Linux guru/troubleshooter" in the HEP group. I hope my rec letter writer mentioned it...
I hope it bodes well when applying to the appropriately relevant departments
@dmckee ok wondered what you meant by this. are these undergrad experiments? do your undergrads occasionally go to (physics?) conferences?
yesterday, by dmckee
I've got a couple of toy projects underway to give the students excuses to go to conferences, but nothing serious on the horizon.
Yeah. Those are the only students I've got, so I try to think up things they can tackle in bite-sized pieces.
Interestingly, I am by no means an expert on many "Linux" things, people in HEP groups just tend to have fairly straightforward problems/questions that are answered by simply having experienced the problem before
I've taken one group of students to the APS April meeting (one was giving a talk in a dedicated undergraduate science session), and sent others to the Missouri Academy of Sciences (which is a dinky regional conference with mostly undergrads).
@dmckee nice, it would be cool to hear more of their experiments, maybe they could put them on web sites somewhere or something... actually have been toying with an idea for awhile, may write it up sometime myself...
Missouri Academy of Sciences?
@GBeau I supervised several machine while I was a grad-student and post-doc. It's makes you a valuable guy to have around a project, but it doesn't get you that faculty interview.
@FenderLesPaul The deal is this: lots of little school need to get their students doing something that looks and feels like research. So they gang together to provide a venue, and give it a good name.
That's a good name.
@dmckee Yeah I can see that
It provides a low risk, relatively friendly venue for student to dip a toe in the water.
@FenderLesPaul missouriacadsci.org
without an alligator tearing their feet off
Yep. I also make them give talks to each other and the faculty here and grade them in part by what kind of audience they are.
just saw this on reddit, some cool technique on "electron cooling" phys.org/news/2016-01-electrons-cool-quadrillionths.html
@dmckee Suppose we have some beam that is connected by a pin to something. By "the force on the beam" we just mean the third law partner to the force on the pin, right?
2 hours later…
@0celo7 Without seeing the text I'd just be guessing, but I suppose that that would be correct more often than not.
@dmckee I went with it, answer seems to be the right order of magnitude.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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