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@ACuriousMind There were historical episodes, too. I seem to recall that in the US the Hurst operated newspapers duked it out with a couple of other big chains for mind-space in the early 20th century., in a way that people would recognize from Fox-vs-MSNBC today.
Err ... Hearst. I have a student with the other spelling and it has infected my brain. Or something.
@dmckee and @alarge Thanks guys! I am trying to modify the way I explore my configuration space with unequal steps at different temperatures. At the minute I just have smaller steps at lower temperatures for localised sampling. Both are subject to barrier functions that automatically reject updates if they exceed the pre-determined limits. If I instead use penalty functions I am hoping for a quicker convergence? Is that a valid plan you think? :)
@AngusTheMan I've no idea how it will affect convergence, but I'd guess it will improve your odds of finding local extrema along the boundary. Possible the right place to ask about that is Computational Science. Better chance of finding someone who has experience with it.
@AngusTheMan Before starting with penalty functions: how did you select your step sizes, and how many moves get rejected? Are the rejections close to the rule of thumb of a half or so?
@alarge At the minute I have ... variable=variable_old+random_number*step_in_variable ... then a check to see if variable is within limits pre-determined. If it lies outside the acceptable limits it is rejected. At lower temperatures I have just divided step by 10. Primitive I know but, it works quite well. The accepted-rejected is really 50-50.
However I am thinking of dispensing with that method for something a little fancier. I am not doing this for any computational comparison experiment, literally just to see if it gets me to the answer any quicker. My focus is getting results, not so much the method etc
@AngusTheMan Why do you think a soft constraint would help convergence? Are you stuck near the boundary? I'm not sure what exactly are the quantities of interest anyway.
@alarge I think what it is, is I am just tinkering with new ideas and hoping that by some miracle I won't have to do nested MPI to increase the efficiency/ decrease CPU time .
@AngusTheMan Well as I mentioned earlier, do make sure that you are using SIMD (likely AVX) and in general try playing around with the compilation of the program. Can get you significant gains.
@Slereah So a super mutant walked up to me and hit me with a bomb
Also what the heck is that
@alarge I am investigating that! Thank you a lot for your help :) I'll let you know how it goes!
@AngusTheMan Also, did you profile your code? Do you know where the bottlenecks are? With MPI and all your computations might be memory bound.
Has Newtons constant $G$ been measured in ISS? -I think this should be done.
@Slereah How the heck does Diamond City fit in...a building??
What the heck
Well as usual with Fallout, cities are about as big as a street
Diamond City has like 30 people in it
Can more physics knowledgeable people chime in on this answer
A: Resistance of a diode

Olin LathropRecombination of electrons and holes doesn't really dissipate heat. Keep in mind that "holes" are really a handy abstraction for thinking about semiconductors. They don't really exist as physical entities other than a place where a electron could be but isn't. Electrons aren't completely free ...

@Slereah Any tips on what quests to do
I think at the very least he is ignoring phonons, although he is right about no heat, but because of the generation/recombination equilibrium. I'm no quantum physicist though, and he is the EE top-scoring user.
I'm not sure we have someone frequenting this chat versed enough in condensed matter to authoritatively answer that
Give me a few years, @ACuriousMind
@Slereah What lake were you referring to
There's lots of lakes
No clue which one has a town
Errr, the one to the south east of Sanctuary?
The first one
Wow Kyle got messed up!
if you're in diamond city though you can just buy rad away there
What if his brother really is a synth...
@Slereah I found a lot
after a while rad away isn't a big problem
Stimpaks, tho
@Qmechanic: Another question on a situation where I'm not sure what to do: A user *repeatedly* gives bad answers to questions. They technically answer it, but they offer - in my eyes and, judging by the downvotes, that of others - no insight into the underlying physics. They are frequently just pictures with one sentence or formulae without explanation. When commented on, the user will insist the answer "is correct" and that further exposition is unnecessary.
When not commented on, the user will neverthelss post a comment that says the downvotes are "there to discredit him" and the answer i
@ACuriousMind I think you should ask another mod, because I've been around the block a couple of time with that guy and may not be a neutral arbiter.
@dmckee I see.
For myself I have simple stopped interacting with him.
And I'm trying to lead a little by example.
Well, I've already resolved not to comment on those posts anymore, I mainly wonder whether flagging the comments about "discrediting downvotes" as not constructive is, well, constructive.
@ACuriousMind I wonder who this user could be!
@Slereah Probably not who you think :P
@alarge I have profiled the Monte Carlo moves and found that at at lower temperatures I had inefficient Markov chains because the acceptance ratio between parallel chains was variable. I have fixed this by controlling the acceptance ratio between adjacent chains. So now everything is as efficient (or inefficient) as each everything else.
@AngusTheMan Cool. What I had in mind though was making sure that you know where exactly in the code most time is spent. Which loops etc.
Pretty accurate
@alarge Oh I see, yes I have an outer for-loop that contains within it the Monte Carlo (which has been MPI'd). It is the computation of the outer loop which takes the most time. I don't know if it is memory or cpu bound .. I would guess cpu?
@Slereah :D
@ACuriousMind Danu
@0celo7 ??
@ACuriousMind looks like I was right
+1 America
I have no idea what is going on in your head right now :D
@ACuriousMind Trying to figure out what to do in Fallout
@ACuriousMind Why did you add in "I'Ve"
I honestly never hear people contract "I" and "have"
I think that's a foreigner thing
That sentence made perfect sense without it
so -1 Germany
@0celo7 You're right
@0celo7 English people do it all the time though ;)
-1 for americans
@0celo7 Hm, I became unsure whether the "I have" is as understood there in English as it would be in German.
@ACuriousMind Oh, you can put that there
But one commonly drops it in informal speech
@0celo7 That's what she said.
@0celo7 That was exactly what I was unsure about.
Wait are you saying you would use "I have" more than "I've" @0celo7 in informal speech?
@AngusTheMan You have to differentiate between have as a full and an auxiliary verb
The full version is usually not contracted.
@ACuriousMind : I see some of his answers are just one line with a link. If you are tired of having to waste time discussing with him for leaving a NAA comment on his answer, in the future just flag as NAA, and a mod will delete or convert answer to a comment.
So like .." Have you seen this? I've seen this" ...
@ACuriousMind You mean akhmeteli?
No, this guy:
Apparently I was not clear enough in my anonymizing description :P
That's an impressive amount of answers for such low rep. :P
@Danu 67? Wow.
Maybe he can challenge Duffield in his upvotes/post ratio :)
I actually think this user knows some physics, but is a bit blasé about details and has trouble communicating clearly.
I say we burn him as a witch!
@AngusTheMan Well
It depends
@Slereah How do you know he is a witch?
Hmm, now you're making me thing
Will get back to you on that
@dmckee if he survives he is a witch
seems fair
@0celo7 Oh don't take my word for it, I am rubbish at languages and all that :p ... Just how we talk over here s'all
although all my american friends would say I HAVE or DO NOT rather than don't
kinda weird to me tho
@dmckee We could ask Terry Jones that one.
Has anyone considered that he might also be a very small rock?
@ACuriousMind wow
@dmckee what
@dmckee he could be some form of Lithium ion cluster for all we know - given the name .
@0celo7 What do they teach children these days, anyway?
It's not his nose, its a fake one.
do you ever just quit Facebook and immediately open it in a new tab ..
Does anyone here know anything about double power law density profiles in astronomy?
@HDE226868 I know they are a pain to plot. Does that count?
@AngusTheMan Uh, what?
@dmckee Uh . . . I guess. I was going to ask if there's any physical significance to the break in a double power law.
@HDE226868 It usually implies that you've entered a regime where new physics sets in or that two effects have traded sizes so that a previously small one now dominates over a previous large one.
@dmckee Interesting. Thank you.
Has Newtons constant, G, been measured in ISS? -I think this should be done if it's not made yet. I didn't find an answer with google. ... Regs "A Witch"
@dmckee STDs are bad
This might (or might not) reveal us more than any new test made in Particle accelerators
G is pretty poorly known compared to other constants
Then again, I'm not sure it's that important
@Slereah If constant is constant or not constant is important.
@0celo7 They taught that in the bad old days, too. With similar modest level of improvement in STD rates. Something about being young, I think. Even vaguely recall.
@JokelaTurbine Out of curiosity, what makes you think that would produce different results than anywhere else?
@JokelaTurbine Observations of the solar system demonstrate that it is constant over scale up to tens of AU. Observations of multiple star systems don't give as much precision but are also consistent with constancy over hundreds of light years or more (compare HR-diagram mass with orbital period...).
@0celo7 treponema pallidum pallidum is fun
@dmckee Thanks, but after studying a while these observations. They seem to be sort of circular reasoning.
You really do need to know something about the depth and breadth of observational data before you start trying to form new theories. Take your ideals, put them in a box for later consideration and go start learning some real physics so that you have the ability to put your ideas to the test.
@HDE226868 The gravity might be explained by QED, in this case the G wouldn't be constant.
@JokelaTurbine What? Gravity has nothing to do with QED.
@0celo7 I had it as a plush toy...no idea where I put it however
@JokelaTurbine I don't see the logic there.
@yuggib lol
How did you acquire a syphilis plush toy?
in germany actually
they seemed quite popular at the time
@ACuriousMind Gift from a very sweet lady in Germany, I suppose.
Well, I think I'd give that to people just to be able to say "Remember how I gave you syphilis?"
@ACuriousMind Yes, it seems to be Angels pushing towards sun, without wings; feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_07.html#Ch7-S3
Isn't it cute?
Sooooooooooo cute *.*
Aww. . .
@ACuriousMind Yep, did it exactly that way
@JokelaTurbine I don't follow. What has the old idea of angels pushing the planets to do with QED or a variable gravitational constant?
@dmckee Thanks. I will try to do that. BTW, the Answer which JR gave here physics.stackexchange.com/questions/214042/… was not correct. I think you can verify this directly from JR.
@ACuriousMind I'll look you the point, short. Feynman explained how the gravity could be explained by QED, but the problem was the rotation of planets, which would stop. This explanation would change the basic idea of gravitation, and would most probably lead to a situation where the G is not constant, or, otherwice said, if G is not constant, it would be a partial hint to this direction.
By the way, does anyone knows why JD has been suspended?
@JokelaTurbine I'm not sure what you think QED stands for. It's Quantumelectrodynamics. It doesn't describe gravity, and it can't. It describes the interaction of the electromagnetic field with matter.
and on a related note, why has he not been suspended longer?? :-P
@JokelaTurbine There is no mention of QED anywhere there.
In fact, it ends with
> The quantum-mechanical aspects of nature have not yet been carried over to gravitation.
^precisely what I was about to write
@yuggib Sadly, no
@0celo7 T__T
I am quite curious
me toooo
Damn gossip girls ;P
@ACuriousMind is a big meanie
@HDE226868 Yes; "not yet". Well, I have an idea, and and even a way to make an observation about this. I can talk about this idea, and I was asking about if this might have been already done. But I don't have interest to argue about any stuff. I mean our opinions doesn't really change anything in nature. Thanks. I am fine with this, and hope no one got disturbed.
my point is that we would be far more relieved if the ban had been longer
he's my best friend
@JokelaTurbine Are you trained in quantum field theory? Do you have an overview about the technical difficulties in quantizing gravity, and why conventional strategies fail? Do you know what the currently favoured approaches to quantum gravity are and why? If the answer to any of the above is "No.", you don't have an idea, you have something which will not withstand the slightest scrutiny by professionals.
you talk about the devil
The time when people not formally trained in physics and/or mathematics could make contributions to fundamental theoretical research is long gone.
@ACuriousMind Are you saying one can't self study
@0celo7 Hm, "formally trained" is not intended to mean "having completed a course", but to mean that you have mastery of the formal tools needed to do theoretical physics.
I'll take a better word for it if you have one
@ACuriousMind I don't
Is that real or fake JD
what do you mean by real or fake?
@0celo7 The real deal.
Hello, @JohnDuffield
@yuggib someone was impersonating him
@0celo7 He is suspended, probably can't answrr
@yuggib I know
I can still say hi...
someone was impersonating him? why?
This user, for unknown reasons.
lol he got banned too
only from chat however
SE mods rule with a steel fist
@0celo7 Nothing compared to when the Shog is called, see SciFi
@ACuriousMind Also statistics probably will tell that the chance of both being completely self-taught and changing the entire picture of physics is negligible.
@ACuriousMind I was there earlier
So for all intents and purposes, yes one can ignore self-studying people when it comes to revolutionizing quantum gravity.
billions of deaths
@Danu but probably not zero
@Danu Don't discourage the @0celo7! ;)
@ACuriousMind Just saying it how it is.
@0celo7 Hmmm. Shog9 called the physics mods "kittens" by comparison to the MathOverflow mods.
@dmckee That makes me a lovable, beautiful unicorn, doesn't it? :3
@ACuriousMind "the"
what the hell does that mean
We may spend too much time talking things over and developing consensus policy.
@dmckee The audience is quite different than MO.
I'm a human kitten being
@0celo7 Well, you're the only ocelot in here, you deserve a definite article!
@Danu Yeah. You probably fart gum drops too.
@ACuriousMind I think you just translated your German literally
@ACuriousMind If I wanted to revolutionize quantum gravity I would have applied to a quantum gravity program
@dmckee I love myself.
@Danu There have always been autodidacts, but they have to join the community to make a real impact.
@ACuriousMind Ok, I have no problem with that. What comes to your second comment, I propose you study history. Most of the Fundamental theories has came from not "formally" trained people, but who do have the capacity to use the needed tools and the curiosity to study the available info. Ie. James Joule was a beer brewer. What he did was simply experiments and observations. The Key to science is not really that complicated. There is nothing in world you can't study by your self.
@dmckee Can you name me a significant one in physics (so no Ramanujan >:) ) after 1900?
I think I have tainted @Danu's view of autodidacts
@JokelaTurbine Nonsense.
Give me some examples from post-1900 physics @JokelaTurbine
@JokelaTurbine You have two HSM mods here. Think carefully. :-)
@JokelaTurbine I said the time is gone, not that there never was one.
@Danu Nope. But I can't name most people who have made a contribution, either.
@Danu John Duffield
@Slereah Shhhhh
@Slereah heehee
Progress is made in part by people whose contributions are very localized and often singular.
What's the name of the Time Cube guy
Gene something?
Gene Roddenberry? :P
Gene "Time Cube" Guy
@JokelaTurbine First sentence of the body of Joule's Wikipedia article:
> The son of a wealthy brewer, Joule was tutored as a young man by the famous scientist John Dalton and was strongly influenced by chemist William Henry and Manchester engineers Peter Ewart and Eaton Hodgkinson.
C'mon. Dalton!
That's a heck of an education.
Lol nice example indeed @JokelaTurbine :P
@dmckee Yep, ie. the Cavendish Experiment was actually an idea of John Michell, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Michell ,,, and I think he did the impact.
Who's he?
Dalton some chemist or something
@0celo7 Atoms.
@HDE226868 What about them
I want some plum pudding
@0celo7 Dalton was one of the early theorists of them.
@0celo7 He invented them. We had no atoms before Dalton.
(That may or may not be accurate :D)
Now that's not true
@0celo7 Hey, no fair! That's Thompson!
There was some Greek guy
@0celo7 Democritus.
JK It's not named after him.
@HDE226868 I'm joking
But the name coincides.
@ACuriousMind Sorry, I replied to the wrong message. :P
@JokelaTurbine You might want to consider Danu's question about post 1900. The landscape is much more complicated than it was in the 17th--19th centuries now. And please note that I started with an assertion that autodidacts have to join the wider community to contribute.
It's pretty hard to do experimental physics in a meaningful way by yourself nowadays
Theoretical physics is doable but there's a lot to catch up on
All the guys you point to were plugged into the community of letters that made up the scientific establishment of the time.
@Slereah Especially if you're not allowed to build your giant space laser, hm?
@Slereah Nah just spend a few billion
They had joined the wider community.
@ACuriousMind The mad grant money is hard to come by.
I bet Trump could do some awesome experiments
@JokelaTurbine And concerning the sentence "there is nothing in the world you can't study by yourself"; try to do a mathematically acceptable proof without any training by a mathematician...
@yuggib Challenge accepted
@0celo7 : Can mexicans quantum tunnel through a giant wall
@Slereah "doable" [citation needed]
@0celo7 (removed)
@0celo7 you are having training by mathematicians...
@yuggib orly
how do you know
maybe I'm sitting in my parent's basement
really the hardest part of doing original physics when you are an autodidact is just knowing what has been done already
you're doing a major in math...
@yuggib how do you know
As many great ideas as you may have for physics, the thing is that most of those ideas have already been had
And usually disproven
In some cases a hundred years ago
what if a quantum fluctuation happens and I'm no longer doing math
yes, that's always possible...
quantum fluctuations are a bitch
wonder what the Feynman diagram for that process is
@ACuriousMind ?
it has probably the form of a very obscene word, directed to you :-P
that resums to (removed)
I think the question mark at me is because he expects me to come up with the diagram
Or to go on a rant about fluctuations
Or both
he misses JD
I was expecting a Secret-like diagram with a big "f*ck you"
Hatcher is undergraduate?
it completely fails to address logic, or the structure of a proof...
Atiyah's K theory is undergraduate as well
I wish I were that smart...
@0celo7 It doesn't say either of that
@ACuriousMind So chemists can't have any fun then? :'( "cries uncontrollably"
It says you should follow up the undergraduate books with Hatcher and Atiyah
I clicked the little arrow on your post
@ACuriousMind But then it says "graduate ..."
implying the stuff that follows is graduate
@0celo7 Hm, true
does clicking the little arrow show you what message you are replying to?
@AngusTheMan Yes!
Don't you see the little arrows to the left of the @?
@ACuriousMind nice :)
If you click on those, it takes you to the post that was replied to
ah I see .. I couldn't see any change when I did it that is all.
I think K theory is like algebraic topology and differential geometry with functional analysis and PDEs mixed in, right @ACuriousMind ?
@0celo7 idk what K-theory is, honestly
@dmckee I do agree, And I even have formal studies. My problem is simply the language and that this is not my main work. For post 1900 stuff; ie. The airfoil theory from Lanchester 1907, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_W._Lanchester#Aeronautics Funny enough, he simply observed seagulls,,,
All I know about it is you can prove the AS theorem
I know most things in Hatcher, though.
@ACuriousMind As an undergrad?
I would take a class that uses Hatcher in my fifth year if I went that route
@0celo7 Yes, my algebraic topology course which I took in my fifth semester covered that.
@ACuriousMind what the hell
And that was not unusually early, most attendants were third or fifth semester students
I give up
when are you supposed to take topology?
the PDE things that are named there are fairly standard
@JokelaTurbine 1) Not a physicist. 2) Took informal engineering classes.
and surely undergrad
@0celo7 There is no explicit "topology" course. You do a bit of topology in analysis, depending on the lecturer, but that's it. All other course repeat the basic notions like continuity and homeomorphism, and then do their specific thing
Okay, here's a highly non-mainstream post-1900 "physicist" who is - if nothing else - self-taught:
Kauko Armas Nieminen (born 15 February 1929 in Kuopio, Finland) is a Finnish self-taught physicist. Although Nieminen is most known for his works in physics, he does not have any academic training or degree in physics, but is entirely self-taught. He has a bachelor's degree in law from the University of Helsinki. Nieminen's research and theories in physics are unusual. The basis of his work is the theory of "ether vortices". In principle, the theory claims that the universe is filled with ether, and as the ends of the ether come close to each other vortices appear. The center of a vortex is an...
Red flag
He looks like Vermin Supreme's brother
@HDE226868 "Kauko Nieminen selling his works on the street"
Santa is an autodidact physicist
"The basis of his work is the theory of "ether vortices"."
@ACuriousMind well then I'm stumped and give up
Red flags intensifying
@ACuriousMind I never said he was right. :-)
"Nieminen claims his theories can explain gravity, quantum phenomena, ball lightnings and the creation of the world."
Level 5
there's no way I can ever be that smart, what's the point...
Kids, don't grow up to become Kauko Nieminen.
@Slereah well, I strongly supposed he is also the author of a certain wikipedia entry...
when was the last time a weird theory actually turned out to be true
Like something nobody thought was possible
I think it was plate tectonic
GR is pretty crazy
@Slereah Quantum mechanics? Black holes?
Quantum mechanics wasn't that controversial
It kinda grew naturally through experiments
@Slereah It counts as weird, though.
@0celo7 self-studying topology is easy :-P
Plate tectonic was some fringe theory though
@Slereah Oh, yeah, that sounds right. Nobody liked Wegener.
I think that was his name.
@yuggib I should just stop coming here
being around smart people is really depressing
"His hypothesis was controversial and not widely accepted until the 1950s"
That recent?
He died in 1930. That sucks.
Then again, atomism wasn't widely accepted until like the 1910's
@HDE226868 1) why is these questions then here? physics.stackexchange.com/search?q=lift+of+wing That's the physics which Lancaster sorted out. 2) I have completed engineering studies. But I found it too simple to be noted.
Rolls right off your tongue
@JokelaTurbine His discipline applied principles of physics.
@Slereah Hm, "$\dagger$ 1930 im Grönlandeis". Poor guy.
a green land is a good place to die; green is a good color
@Slereah It kinda does, though.
@ACuriousMind LOL
@Slereah If it helps, I don't try claim anything. All this stuff has been in the nature all the time. We just need to observe them. And In most of the cases the already made observations will just be lost as the stupidity growths over.
> there is no topology course
Implying I'm not taking a full-year two-part course on topology :P
@Danu I was not aware you are studying at my university now :P
I am
...or am I?
Who knows...
I'm pretty sure you're still in Munich
Nothing is ever easy in these games...
Quest chains

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