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In somewhat intuitive words, the spatial variation along $\sigma$ is $\mathrm{d}\omega$ at time $t$, which is given by evolving it with the flow, and the temporal variation along $I$ is given by feeding the vector determining the motion to $\mathrm{d}\omega$ and multiplying by the time step $\mathrm{d}t$. Their sum gives $\mathrm{d}\omega$ on $I\times\sigma$.
@ACuriousMind I don't see why one needs the product rule or how the product rule gives that
Q: Site sidebar appears below content in Google Chrome

Michael HamptonAs of right now, the sidebar is appearing below the content, with vertical and horizontal scrollbars around the #content div. Imagine there is a red freehand circle around the misplaced sidebar... This appears on Physics and Physics Meta, but I haven't seen it on any other sites. I'm using Go...

@0celo7 Oh. Sorry. Not the product rule indeed.
Guys guys
I was reading Straumann and
Wat. Why would OP approve that edit?!
There's a theorem that fixes the Einstein equation based on a few properties? :O
But then what about the theories of gravitations with like
The Cotton tensor or $\square R$ in them
Two derivatives.
Oh right, it's a third derivative for square
But what about the cotton tensor
Or whatevs
Dunno about it off the top of my head.
Write a paper and contradict the theorem.
Get a Fields Medal or some crap
who wants a Fields medal
I already have a bunch cluttering my drawers
@ACuriousMind Not the product rule. Well, what is it then :D
I really need to read all the initial condition shit for GR really
Seems to be a complex problem
not as simple as I thought
Have you not read chap 7 in HE?
I'm gonna take PDE classes just so I can really appreciate it
I have perused it
Not in detail tho
I don't know too much about sobolev spaces and such
@0celo7 We have $\mathrm{d}(H\gamma) = \mathrm{d}g^t \gamma = \partial_{x^i}(g_t\gamma)\mathrm{d}x^i + \partial_t(g^t\gamma)\mathrm{d}t = \mathrm{d}(g^t\gamma) + X\gamma\mathrm{d}t$.
I don't even know all that much about solutions of PDEs in general
Like I vaguely know the Picard Lindenhof theorem
But that's aboot it
@Slereah Lindelöf.
Yes Lindy Hop
That's her
Lindt and Hoff
@ACuriousMind same thing
@ACuriousMind wat
and how does that do anything?
@0celo7: I should add that the first $\mathrm{d}g^t\gamma$ considers $g^{\dot{}}$, really, i.e. the flow as a function of $x$ and $t$, while the second $\mathrm{d}(g^t\gamma)$ considers the flow as a function of $x$ at a fixed time $t$.
I is confused
how does that actually help solve the problem?
@0celo7 Plugging that into $(H\gamma)^*\mathrm{d}\omega$ gives the formula I wrote down earlier.
(The "write/prove" in the hint)
because $(H\gamma)^*\mathrm{d}\omega=\mathrm{d}[(H\gamma)^*\omega]$?
still confused how plugging that in solves the problem
@0celo7 Because $f^*\psi(v_1,\dots,v_n) = \psi(\mathrm{d}f(v_1),\dots,\mathrm{d}f(v_n)$ for any $n$-form by definition of the pullback.
@ACuriousMind ffs I knew that
pls believe me
but I still don't see how that solves the problem
problem here meaning $(H\gamma)^*\mathrm{d}\omega$
I'm bad at plugging in, apparently
@Slereah what is the cotton tensor
Oh wait
Cotton tensor is third derivative, too
what is it??
It is used in like
Weirdo theories of gravity?
definition man
$C_{ijk} = \nabla_{k} R_{ij} - \nabla_{j} R_{ik} + \frac{1}{2(n-1)}\left( \nabla_{j}Rg_{ik} - \nabla_{k}Rg_{ij}\right). $
the hell
what does it mean
apparently it is linked to conformal invariance
and conformal flatness
if C = 0 then it is conformally flat
$$(H\gamma)^*\mathrm{d}\omega(\xi)=\mathrm{d}\omega(\mathrm{d}(H\gamma)\xi)= \mathrm{d} \omega([\mathrm{d}(g^t\gamma)+X(\gamma)\mathrm{d}t]\xi)$$
IIRC like the variation of $R^2$ or $R_{ab} R^{ab}$ gives a Cotton tensor
Hence why it is sometimes found for renormalization
@ACuriousMind dunno how to contintue
I would tell you more but the answer is in my Birrell and I don't know where it is and it is cold and I don't want to leave my blanket
Oh wait there it is
Hm, no Cotton tensor apparently
Only some weird ass H tensor
dangit! Almost had an answer completed, but was answered by another member...
oh well, discarding the answer - hate wasting my time like that
put a different answer up instead
not that anyone cares
@Slereah lol
@Ghost is their answer better?
well, it got downvoted, so I am deleting it anyway
I'll put the reference as a comment - at least I can't get downvoted for not being technical enough in comments
@0celo7 God, all this notation is terrible. I just realized some of my "$+$" are actually "$\oplus$" and we'd need to retrace some steps. I'm not confident in giving you hints/advice right now.
Q: What is the purpose of froth in washing clothes?

RamitI stay at a rented place and there is no washing machine. I, now, wash clothes in a bucket. When I add detergent, sometimes there is froth, sometimes there is not. I wonder if this had any impact on the washing process. Though I am aware of micelles and all that, but I wonder if froth formation i...

off topic?
@ACuriousMind D:
fix the notation
It seems clearly so to me, but given that it hasn't gotten any close votes or anything I didn't want to close it unilaterally
@Ghost It's perfectly fine to answer a question someone else has answered. If you typed a long answer and someone else beats you by a few minutes, I don't think people would look down on you for posting it anyway.
@DavidZ off-topic.
question - I have a question churning in my mind (has been churning for a while) and even after quite some research, I can not quite get a grasp on the topic - but the question is not high level theoretical physics (it's more high school teacher experimental level) - I guess that would be slammed, downvoted, spat on and closed?
@ACuriousMind I did answer, it got downvoted, so that answers that question (for me anyway)
@Ghost ...how on earth did you get that impression?
@ACuriousMind just been observing and reading
@DavidZ Chemistry indeed!
@Ghost Why don't you release it into chat first, as a probe of sorts ;)
@Ghost If your question is well-posed and about a concept or step in a derivation rather than how to build something or how to do the derivation at all, it's on-topic. What would the close reason that you anticipate be?
I was told by a couple of colleagues to be wary of posting my 'level' of questions on this aite
@yuggib Sounds like Grothendieck's work: Certain objects he worked on still haven't been satisfactorily defined, have they?
The Lindy hop is an American dance that evolved in Harlem, New York City, in the 1920s and 1930s and originally evolved with the jazz music of that time. It was very popular during the Swing era of the late 1930s and early 1940s. Lindy was a fusion of many dances that preceded it or were popular during its development but is mainly based on jazz, tap, breakaway and Charleston. It is frequently described as a jazz dance and is a member of the swing dance family. In its development, the Lindy hop combined elements of both partnered and solo dancing by using the movements and improvisation of black...
@Ghost Give it a shot!
The most famous mathematician
@Slereah Lindy hop is so great
@Slereah lol
It always amazes me that one part of the user base considers this site "dominated by high-level theoretical physics" and the other part complains that there is not enough high level theoretical phyiscs.
The site is really dominated by homework questions :p
@Danu to be honest, I am not all that confident
I've not yet worked out if this is due to differing definitions of "high-level theoretical physics" or because everyone thinks their own brand of questions is too few.
@Danu What does it sound like Grothendieck? I cannot see the message it is referring to...
(also, how to see the message one message is linked to, when the linked ones are old?)
Really I think this site needs more high level GR questions :p
It's mostly QFT
@yuggib Click the little arrow.
@Slereah Jeez, there isn't enough QFT, it's mostly QM :P
@ACuriousMind the fact is though, the impression this site has (at least according to the people who advised me to be wary) a reputation for being high level and theoretical based. That my level of understanding would be seriously frowned upon
That too
@Ghost Come on, it aint so scary
in fact many have said not to post the question here at all
Also maybe we need less questions like
@ACuriousMind Thanks :)
"Is spacetime real???"
@yuggib It's a reply to your starred message "a good definition should be the hypothesis of a theorem"
@Slereah Obviously it's quaternionic :P
@Danu to be honest, to a newcomer like me - it actually is
@ACuriousMind Don't discriminate against non-associativity!
@ACuriousMind : Don't make me get out the GR with quaternion paper
I know that non-associative quantum mechanics will be the next big thing
(if I were to believe the Corfu guys...)
@Ghost I'll not debate the fact that we have far more theoretical questions than other physics questions. I would dispute it being particularly "high level", though.
@Ghost Hmm... I mean... it's not like we can actually harm you in any way?
and I am not one to just put an unresearched question up either, this particular topic i have been researching myself for a while - got quite a library, but there is just a couple of aspects confuse me somewhat
@Danu It's a quote by Glimm; however as I understand it, even categories à la Grothendieck are well defined, because you should fix an universal set
@ACuriousMind 'high level' is relative and subjective
@Ghost At this point, I think you're just teasing us...
@yuggib The topoi and stuff, too?
@Danu no, I am most certainly not!
@Danu I don't know about that...maybe these things have not-so-clear definitions
@yuggib Did you want to say "aren't", and why not just fix it (I think the common attitude is "fix the universe to be as large as we need for this application)?
@Danu I assure you that I have researched this topic quite a lot, and have sourced several sites, papers etc
I don't understand why you're being so insecure then.
It sounds kinda ridiculous
considering the average level of the questions on this site...
@ACuriousMind Grothendieck universe is a set
used to avoid the use of proper classes
so categories are always sets there
@Danu the majority of questions are over my head
@yuggib Hm, I think I just misunderstood what you wanted to say with your reply to Danu, nevermind.
@Danu I am probably just a fraction more advanced in training/self-directed research than a layman
@ACuriousMind no problem, also my sentence was not in perfect Oxford english...
(as all my other sentences actually)
@Ghost I'm not going to try even harder to make you post your question: Just do it...
and get downvoted and slammed, yeah right...
@Ghost Okay, if you wanna be negative like that, be like that... :P
I'm starting to think I have an idea who you are...
who I am?
There was a user a while back who acted very similarly.
Hmm, looking at your answers does make it implausible.
I have never been a member here before?
@Ghost Yeah, you're probably not the same guy
I am telling you, I have not been a member here before
51 secs ago, by Danu
@Ghost Yeah, you're probably not the same guy
There is not 'probably' about it
@Danu Had the same thought, but I really don't think he's ever coming back.
well... that was surreal
my point before is that what you guys consider as not 'high level', may be due to your advanced training (comparatively) - but these questions are high level to those of us who are not so well trained, and it is very intimidating to even try and put the question together that would be, at least, passable.
The guy has a history of leaving and coming back under different pseudonyms...
@Ghost I think you're judging us before you've tried us.
there seems to be one of those guys on each part of SE
@Danu probably - but that is the impression I had even before joining, when I was advised not to join
@Danu who is this 'guy'?
@Ghost I will not attempt to convince you then.
@Ghost Just some guy...
It doesn't matter much.
and you suspected I was that guy?
@Ghost What's your question?
@GlenTheUdderboat thank you for asking - my question is about an experimental way to determine impurities (e.g. internal scratches etc) in a lens using optical means
@Ghost You mean by looking at it?
I mean subvisible imperfections
This is pretty funny, and it touches upon some typical social flaws of mathematicians ^^
@GlenTheUdderboat looking at subvisible imprefections, so far, I gathered that polarised light may be useful
@Ghost Why not just throw a ton of normal light at it and look for unexpected reflections/pass-throughs?
@GlenTheUdderboat it would be also useful to measure the degree of distortion these imperfections cause
I have been trying to find (and understand) a theoretical basis, so as to post a question
@Ghost Why would an imperfection cause a degree of distortion?
@Ghost That sounds like a really nice question!
@GlenTheUdderboat maybe not the right word for it (I am not a physicist)
We need more experimental questions!
Thinking about it, 'degree' is probably not a useful term - perhaps 'magnitude'
an imperfection would cause some degree of refraction wouldn't it?
@Danu very funny
@Ghost An imperfection would tend to be somewhat irregular in the whole picture (right?). So, I'd say, that you only had to look for irregular patterns in the out-coming light. Unless of course, the irregularity is designed to trick you.
@GlenTheUdderboat like a secret message in the internal scratches? I love it!
@Ghost Look, I don't even know what an "internal scratch" is supposed to be, so don't ask me but ask the community.
@GlenTheUdderboat sorry!
@ACuriousMind Before my time?
I meant internal imperfections
Or was I just not paying attention?
@GlenTheUdderboat did not mean to annoy you, was trying to answer your questions
@Ghost You're not annoying me. I'm just letting you know that I don't know anything.
@GlenTheUdderboat ah okay - misunderstood (again)
so, would it be a worthwhile question?
@Ghost Stop pretending like we hate you---it comes across as quite childish, to me.
@Danu excuse me? I never said that
@Ghost Sure. Why not.
@GlenTheUdderboat Thank you, thank you for helping me refine my wording before - that is actually quite encouraging
it is just an observation that a lot of members have had an impressive amount of training, and have done even more impressive amount of research - this can be intimidating to a new user who has far less training and ha contributed little to nothing to the science (yet).
I am just a lab tech for a high school
Nobody currently in chat really has done any serious research (just saying).
Though we (most of us, anyways) do have some training
@0celo7 Not sure, but if you don't remember someone constantly telling us how mean we are to experimentalists and getting offended at jokes about cooking meth, then it was probably before your time.
the training comes through in all of your posts that I have read - impressive reads (I understand some of it)
@Ghost You're not learning anything here.
@GlenTheUdderboat say what?
what were the chemist jokes before Breaking Bad
Was it making explosives
@Slereah I think it was cooking LSD.
@ACuriousMind Yup :P
@Slereah In my home town the chemistry teacher blew up his house. I assume that that happened in all towns.
was he cooking meth
@Slereah Probably meth was a bit before his time, but who knows?
@GlenTheUdderboat well, I am gone ahead and wrote the question
@Ghost :D
It seems like a good question (+1), though I have no idea how to help you find an answer
Meth is pretty old
@GlenTheUdderboat but seriously, you helped me clarify what I was in need of asking
I appreciate that
@Danu I don't like how that article seems to imply that pop science is the way to go :P
@ACuriousMind Well...
what is 'pop-science'?
@Ghost Acting as if one could explain technical results of modern physics by classical everyday analogies and without math. :P
or explain math without math
@ACuriousMind ah, sort of like a worse nightmare version of Twitter Physics?
@Huy I think I have seen that - even my brain detected it! - I think an article I read used kittens as a strange and ineffective analogy for integration
@Danu I can probably now prove my colleagues wrong (the ones who advised not to join or ask questions here)
@Ghost: there's a website for students to chat here and someone asked a while ago how the abstract of a thesis should be written. the most popular answer by students was "the abstract is a summary of your thesis that is understandable for laymen".
@Danu you ever planning to study functional analysis? or have you already?
@Huy yes, that would make sense - I read one of my boss's thesis abstract... got a migraine and almost spontaneously combusted
@ACuriousMind Well you are mean to experimentalists. And you're a meth dealer.
I don't think I've ever seen an abstract of a maths article that would be understandable for anyone just having finished high school. but obviously it's just us mathematicians being unable to express ourselves properly!
@Huy A little bit---I don't really like it much.
But it's ubiquitous in physics.
why do you not like it, @Danu?
@Huy I'm not a fan of analysis
@Huy that reminds me of a funny-ish story, of an unintentional owning of one of my many bosses
@Huy It's linear algebra's ugly older brother.
do you by any chance have too much free time and want to go through a book with me? I think I'd be much more motivated if I found someone to study with =_=
@ACuriousMind: I've studied it a bit already, but I'm revising it atm
@ACuriousMind Disgusting old aunt, you mean.
I find it much more beautiful than linear algebra tbh
@Huy me?
@Danu yes you
What book do you have in mind, haha.
Most of my training was from my years in the Army
@Danu: the one my prof wrote, I find it much more interesting and motivating than others
@Danu: it's available online for free
@Huy Author/title?
@Huy What kind of time scale did you have in mind.
I won't be able to do anything less than the order of 1-2 years.
@Danu: I don't know, I'm just revising it and mostly want to focus on the last chapters (10-11)
@Danu: the chapters aren't all building up, so it's possible to jump to chapters one is interested in (at least it says so in the introduction)
@Danu my physics 'training' was from on the ground as an Army Engineer - was getting good, until I learnt first hand what ballistics can do, particularly momentum
I'm currently revising 2-4 and then I'll see if I can jump right into 10, but I doubt it so I'll check what else I need
@Ghost You... got shot?
@Danu yes
That sucks :(
@Danu: is the "interpretation" of the Laplacian via the Proposition in section 1.4 very common amongst physicists? I'm quite ashamed to admit I haven't thought about it that way so far and it makes a lot more sense to me now
it did for a while, then I recovered - after a bit of physiotherapy and surgery, I am pretty much all good now
@0celo7 Borderline offensive...
@Huy Which proposition/interpretation?
@Danu: Prop 1.16, right at the beginning of section 1.4
I see no interpretation there.
@Huy Yes. The lattice version of the Laplacian is just the average over next neighbours and is used all the time.
ACM has secretly already finished the book =_=
Never seen it
Well, used all the time among the people who have to discretize stuff to put it on their computers
That something that satisfies the laplacian is its average over a sphere around it?
That's the normal interpretation AFAIK.
I thought it was the divergence of the gradient...
TIL there's an interpretation
that's what I did too
I always thought about it as the divergence of the gradiant
but I find it much easier to think about it as the average now
I think of soap films.
but I hate minimal surfaces
Soap films?
Films of soap
@ACuriousMind Will we continue on the Cartan identity exercise?
@0celo7 You may well continue, but I'm not really motivated to work through it in detail.
@0celo7 Cartan identity as in the $\iota_X \mathrm{d}+\mathrm{d}\iota_X=\mathcal L_X$?
Well I have no clue how to continue
You're my only hope
@Danu Yes
Unless your notes use Stokes theorem and some homotopy formula to derive it, it's not what I'm looking for.
@0celo7 That's ridiculous---why would you do that?
It's much more elementary.
I know!
Just use induction. But that's not what the book wants.
The proof I know does not use induction.
1) Check it on functions. 2) See both commute with $\mathrm{d}$ which shows that they coincide on one-forms. 3) Use the derivation property to conclude they coincide on arbitrary forms (when written in local coordinates). 4) Finish by noting the operations are local.
Well I meant induction by step 3
That's not induction.
Er, other way around
The book wants me to do it another way
Which book would that be?
Arnold, page 198
btw the only reason I said induction was because I read your notes
and I swear to Christ I remember them saying induction
post please?
Since they are derivations
LX (α ∧ β) = (LX α) ∧ β + α ∧ (LX β) (5.101)
they also agree on forms of type fdg1 ∧ · · · ∧ dgn.
(this is step 3)
also I'm not going to fix that TeX
well I apologize
I know there's no induction
but I thought your notes said it
and I figured it was some induction like thing
No worries :P
now you think I don't know what induction is
if you could help with the second problem on page 198
prove by induction $\sum_{k=0}^n k = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$
using the hint
I'd be very grateful
@Huy well, it works for n=1
@Huy This is pretty simple
and it is consistent for $n+1$
@Danu: it was sarcasm
so it works for all $n$
@0celo7 No time
something along those lines
as a joke because 0celo7 doesn't know how induction works
@Huy ?
@Huy wtf was that wrong?
seriously, don't f with me bro
I'm testing out of a class and induction is covered
can someone please just help me with this problem!!!!!!!!!
Why don't you post it on Mathematics?
Because it's homework?
we have a different policy regarding HW
@0celo7 you do realize that math.SE has a very different homework policy, yes?
because we can
@0celo7 Have you ever been to Mathematics? It's literally just homework over there.
@Danu: now you're a bit exaggerating =(
@Huy $\geq 90 \%$
yes, that's true
I will post it when I get home.
::returns to crystals::
Death to homeworks shakes torch
1 hour later…
@Slereah indeed
I've been ruined by this site's draconian policies
@0celo7 draconian policies?
hang all experimentalists, etc.
say what?
if an experimentalist shows up in phys.se hq, he or she will be hanged
what about lab techs?
they're not worth bothering with
maybe fudge the wiring somewhere and they die of an unfortunate accident :)
@0celo7: Please remember that sarcasm is difficult to detect online, and that other people can't know what your actual views are.
falls over in shock
A self-moderating chatroom??
wait, you're telling me we don't hang experimentalists
::puts away rope::
@0celo7 thank you so very much
@ArtOfCode more like ACM is starting to feel responsibility for me
he's like a mother duck
...debating whether to point out the obvious gender flaw there
@Ghost I am a lab tech you know
for now
one day I will run the lab
@0celo7 likewise - that is a relief

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