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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

but certainly there are GR books that do a good job of motivating it
@ACuriousMind Assume there is someone who does not like you.
The chance of picking this person randomly tends to 0, no?
@FenderLesPaul like?
I want to see a different approach.
@ACuriousMind So assuming the human population is finite, which it is, you are not universally well liked.
I like Rindler's explanation
in "Special, General, and Cosmological"
@0celo7 Not the way I defined it :P
@ACuriousMind You're not making yourself any more liked with this.
@FenderLesPaul lemme see
@FenderLesPaul ..."Special, General, and Cosmological..."what?
Don't have it
oh oops it should be
"Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological"
@FenderLesPaul can you summarize?
unless you do topology in your book, your book is literally trash
@0celo7 Aw :(
come to think of it, I only have one book on my shelf which has no topology
besides my school books of course
The thousand-page ballistics thing?
that's at home
and it's a great reference
if you're into that kinda thing
@0celo7 And yet you've never actually done topology, have you? ;)
@0celo7 What will you use for the hammer, then?
I'm not sure I can summarize it's a very wordy set of sections but it's basically the standard argument of finding an interval that's invariant under Lorentz transformations
@ChrisWhite I don't like you
Now you've made two of us cry
I've done some topology
@0celo7 is a big meanie!
I'm just not very good at it
yeah fuck all of you
@0celo7 Big meanie confirmed.
@ACuriousMind I've been mulling over your answer here, and I'm still not entirely convinced.
What, for example is fundamentally wrong with your option 1?
@FenderLesPaul I see what's going on
You've shown that x and p don't preserve the subspace, but couldn't I counter that you shouldn't be using x and p but rather better operators?
@0celo7 hmm?
in Rindler
now I just have to remember how to do derivatives
ugh, that gets messy, doesn't it?
@ChrisWhite The Hamiltonian of a free particle is just the square of p, and the Hamiltonian generates the time evolution. In general, the Hamiltonian is some combination of x and p, and it still generates the time evolution. That x and p cannot be restricted to a finite-dimensional subspace means that you cannot restrict the time evolution to a finite-dimensional subspace.
As in, by elevating x and p to something holy and demanding that whatever theory construct contain them and their commutation relation, haven't we already chosen to work with the full unbounded operators on the full space?
@ACuriousMind Do free particles really exist?
That's not entirely facetious.
@ChrisWhite Yes, that's essentially what my answer says - the canonical commutation relations are equivalent to choosing at least one of them unbounded.
@ChrisWhite I'd grant you that they don't, but e.g. the harmonic oscillator certainly exists, and it, too, requires the canonical commutation relations between x and p to obtain the commutation relations between their complex combinations that gives you the ladder operators
If I have a finite laboratory and I measure a particle traversing a finite distance over a finite time, could I not do the whole computation without x and p themselves, but rather with some finite number of x_i and p_j, where x is the limit of x_i and similarly for p?
Sure, it's convenient to take the limit of our operators first, and then apply these unbounded things to our much-enlarged space. But what about the alternative where we start with everything nice and bounded, compute results, and take limits of the results as we let things become unbounded?
I'm not expressing this clearly, but basically I feel there is a subtle interchange of limits going on for the sake of convenience, possibly at the expense of ontology.
@ChrisWhite Do you think classical mechanics is a faulty description because it supposes continuous and unbounded space and momentum?
Because your argument doesn't seem to be about quantum mechanics now
@ACuriousMind Good question. Perhaps? Not necessarily?
@ChrisWhite I'm not sure what kind of limiting procedure you are imagining here. It's not only the operators you have to change, you basically want to set up some kind of sequence of every larger (but finite) spaces of states, right?
something like that
Again, the main issue I see is that the time evolution on the infinite-dimensional space does not restrict to the finite-dimensional subspaces.
At least, well, it does for the energy states in some sense, but who says you have to truncate in energy?
@ChrisWhite What does your ontology say to my argument that boundedness of one operator discretizes another?
I'm not quite following your argument
@ChrisWhite For x and p, restricting one operator to a finite interval will discretize the other by general properties of the Fourier transform
If your momentum space wavefunction lives only on a certain interval, it's position space equivalent is a function on a lattice with spacing that goes as the inverse of the size of the interval
So saying you trunctate momentum/energy somewhere means you restrict the quantum mechanical theory to predicting discretized values of position.
I think I agree with that
But I reserve the right to withdraw my agreement in case I find myself backed into a corner :p
But you (or rather, the question there) said "let us bound energy/momentum because we can't measure it above a certain threshhold". It's not evident to me that this is equivalent to saying that we only can measure position in certain steps.
On a side note, the unspoken subtext of this question makes for a very interesting analysis of the effect of modern cosmology on society:
Q: Religion After the Discovery of a Multiverse

Vakus DrakeIt has occurred to me that were to get substantial evidence we lived in a infinitely large and old multiverse, the effects on religions would be massive. A incredibly large number of religions are based on the idea of a deity or deities creating everything that exists. However while our univers...

The person asking is basically saying "[Abrahamic] religions only survive because science says the universe is finitely old, so it gives them an out to allow for Creation."
It supposes that religions care for scientific evidence in the first place :P
people will just find a way to bend the words of their texts
to fit the scientific norm
if not outright reject the scientific norm
No no no, that's not interesting, and not really right either
what I mean is that for most of modern science the universe was seen as eternal and unchanging
only in this day and age do we find people who've lived their whole lives being told that scientifically the universe is rather finite
@ChrisWhite So, in your view, the question is asking how religions would look like if we went, uh, 150 years back?
but the person asking the question seems ignorant of the fact that his proposed scenario was history
also the answers seem ignorant of this as well :/
It's tagged
Worldbuilding is a weird place.
(No offense, @HDE226868)
^ do pings work with trailing characters?
Yes, they do if they are punctuation.
for some reason I had it in mind they didn't
Well, if that didn't ping HDE, I don't think he'll be terribly sad :P
Anyway, it's ironic how the current scientific consensus settled on a theory developed in part by a priest, which was doubted because people thought he was trying to introduce Creation into science, that is now held up as the counterexample to Creationism.
> The system does attempt to ignore most punctuation to allow for proper notifications, such as a single trailing dot, comma, or colon. The exact matching rules are not documented, but extensive tests performed on 30 August 2011 indicate that the following algorithm is used: (meta)
@FenderLesPaul I'll stream when Trump's speech is over.
No clue when that will be.
@ACuriousMind I'm still going to think on this unbounded operator business.
With any luck, I'll lose contact with the world for a couple months, only to reemerge with all sorts of new fringe ideas about quantum finitism.
Not sure if that would be awesome or horrible
I'll be here for your exorcism in any case ;)
Remember to bring the holy plutonium.
Can't touch it. Vampire.
Sounds like something for me to do.
@FenderLesPaul That was pretty glorious.
@ACuriousMind How do I PoE?
@0celo7 Just...start playing it. There's no trickery to the gameplay as such, and part of the fun is learning by trial and error what characters work and what don't, imo.
How do I save
You don't
I killed a Hillock
Now what
@0celo7 "Enter the town for your reward", I believe
How do I quit the game
Not forever
Press Esc, click exit.
It's all rather intuitive :P
I see
Ok I have the reward, now what
@0celo7 I am beginning to see why modern games have all these quest markers :P
@ACuriousMind these games need to be made for normal people
Not freshman analysis people
@0celo7 "Analysis 1" is a perfectly ordinary first-semester course over here, I still don't know what is so unsettling about that.
The fact that I'd fail it
Now that I just don't believe.
Ok, is there a map or something
I got a quest
@0celo7 Press tab for a local map, u for a world map
Also, hold alt to see stuff lying on the ground, tap z to toggle always seeing stuff
Ok, the quest is not on the map
There is only one direction which you can go in.
I died
It happens, you get better
There's a billion dudes
Do I run through or try to kill them
Second death
@ACuriousMind Some offense taken. But not much.
@0celo7 Are you aware of your flasks
Some kind of tutorial should've told you about them
Normally we use to designate technology levels; it looks like there it was supposed to be about sociological development.
What is a flask
Three close votes, though.
@0celo7 These potions that are bound to 1 to 5 that restore your precious life and mana. Don't you see tutorial messages? (If not, turn them on in the options)
@ChrisWhite Yep, pings work with that. You only have to get the first three characters correct, if I remember correctly.
@ACuriousMind no tutorials
I got a skill point!
'Night, all.
@0celo7 Do you have any labs?
Hi, anybody can answer this briefly here with reference or no? hsm.stackexchange.com/questions/2687/…
@obe not explicitly
I will later
Thanks in advance!
@Victor I don't think physics has axioms
at least that's not the right word for whatever physics has
@0celo7 How are the nuclear physics labs like? Do they take you to nuclear reactors or facilities?
@obe in grad school we go to ORNL, yes
@ACuriousMind I'm very confused
I'm now in a stinky cavern or something
@obe I should probably replace grad school with graduate level classes
since if I do the 5 year program I'll be doing grad school work in my 4th year
@Victor You can't derive Hooke's law from Newton's laws because you would have to derive why a spring behaves like it, and the material properties of stuff (like the elastic modulus and other things) are just experimental input to Newtonian continuum mechanics.
@ocelo7 Do you understand now?
@ACuriousMind Thanks a lot!
@0celo7 This game has nothing that should confuse you. You can do it by just killing everything that can be killed in every map you can enter. I don't think I even fully know what the plot is about :D
@Victor It's also not an exact law, by the way - stretch the spring too far, or measure very precisely, and the law is no longer linear.
@ACuriousMind Appreciate that, but if string theory prove true, can we call it axiom?
@Victor There are also "axioms" for quantum mechanics, and you can also call Newton's laws axioms for classical mechanics. Axioms are just things you set as true to derive the rest of the theory, I would not call a theory an "axiom".
Many thanks @ACuriousMind
@ACuriousMind well something must be confusing because I'm confused
@0celo7 mmk
@FenderLesPaul why else would I be confused
@0celo7 huh?
I was just replying to your trump statement
Well now I'm sleeping
Well, reading SRGF
I'll stream tomorrow, probably
1 hour later…
For those who have expressed doubt about my dislike of block equations in comments I present physics.stackexchange.com/questions/199406/…
4 hours later…
Anyone else unable to be logged in on meta?
3 hours later…
Works for me @DavidZ
@0celo7 : why don't you go and talk about your killing games someplace else.
@JohnDuffield they have created a separate room Sir.
@skull patrol : good. Right then, who wants to talk physics? Anybody want to pick something?
Why choose unsolved problems?
Who says they're unsolved problems?
The title.
Don't you want to play?
Play what?
in English Language & Usage, 2 hours ago, by Saladin
I think calling someone troll is being naive. If troll was something which wasn't welcomed then these cults underground movements like "4chan" never had existed
Is that^ what you want to "play"?
Play physics.
27 mins ago, by skill patrol
Why choose unsolved problems?
@skill patrol : because it's fun to talk about stuff like that. It's like your Feynman picture with a twist: Know how to solve every problem that hasn't been solved.
But you don't gain any practical "know how" by talking about the impossible, do you?
@skill patrol : who said anything about the impossible? You gain practical know-how by talking physics.
how so?
@skill patrol : you ask questions, I answer them, you learn something.
why can you not divide by 0?
Because the result is undefined. Division is all about saying how many of this are there in that? And it doesn't work when this is zero. Note that some people would say the answer is infinity, but that isn't true. And by the way, that's maths, not physics.
you said I would learn something, but I didn't.
Then ask a question you don't know the answer to. If I do, you will. That's how this website is supposed to work.
Thank you Sir for your time.
1 hour ago, by skill patrol
user image
Uh huh, member for 2 years 9 months, questions asked 0, answers given 1. @skill patrol, you might want to read up on physics stack exchange sometime.
thank you for the link Sir
@dmckee Ah, don't you see they are needed for clarity?!
I wonder how often 12262 has been told "you might want to simplify your notation" by now...
1 hour later…
Why is that allowed? That's evil...
@FenderLesPaul Did you watch Mr. Trump last night? Great speech.
@0celo7 is it on the youtubes?
Q: Can I ask silly Fermi questions?

ShingCan I ask a Fermi question on Physics Stack Exchange and looking for creative and plausible answers? Even that may sound silly? Such as: How much sea level will it rise if you pee at the sea?

Seriously? CNN says he got 30,000 people in their headline, but Fox says that number is too high?
I can't believe people are seriously voting for Trump lol
@FenderLesPaul As it stands, he's the only one worth voting for.
Maybe Carson or Paul.
Paul doesn't have a chance in hell though.
they're all insane
They are, but for a different reason than you think.
"What's my first favorite book?"
"The Bible"
Jesus Christ
these people are retards
That's called pandering to your audience. No way in hell he actually thinks that.
I didn't say he was a retard
I said the people were
of course he knows what he's doing
he's a good speaker
Sadly the American far right embraces conservatism for the wrong reasons.
*most of
Even that might be too strong.
The people who cheer when someone says they love the bible probably embrace conservatism for the wrong reasons.
it also helps that his audience is fucking stupid
not that Clinton's audience is any smarter
So only Sanders has a smart audience?
no his audience just uses reddit a lot
but this is the first election where I'll actually go out of my way to vote
it's also the first election wherein I've donated money
I never understood that
how did that even become a thing and why in the world are right wingers so passionate about it?
@FenderLesPaul Phrasing!
I'm not sure...Jews vote Dem most of the time.
best part is when the people start cheering when he says he's going to repeal Obama care
"yaaaaay you're going to make it hard for us to get medical care wooo Murrica"
It might have to do with some religious bullshit, i.e. "protect the land of Jesus."
@ACuriousMind sorry :p
@FenderLesPaul I think especially when treading into politics where you are not certain every reader shares your view it's best to use non-offensive language
@ACuriousMind you're definitely right
my bad
I just tried to scroll with w and s.
Ridiculous! I scroll with j and k
I don't get it.
I've been using Vimium (as per ACM's suggestion) for a couple of weeks now and it's great.
Has some issues but most things I now manage to do without a mouse.
@0celo7 It's not a joke - I really do
I might have to go evil mode on emacs to get more consistent keybindings though.
@ACuriousMind wtf
how do you type j and k then
@0celo7 Well, obviously the keybindings are not active when a text form is active
@ACuriousMind obvious to you
seems cumbersome
you have to click anyway to get rid of the text form
why not just use the mouse
@0celo7 Nope, you don't have to click.
when I hit enter
I can keep typing
I have to click away
yes, confirmed
@0celo7 Do I need to know shankar page 193?
@alarge will watch in a bit
Just hit esc to unfocus the text.
@obe moment
@alarge does not work in Chrome
@0celo7 Does on mine (Chromium, but whatever). Maybe the extension adds that.
@obe well if the professor asks you to find the wave function of the SHO, then yes
but I think just knowing that the energy is quantized is enough
@0celo7 It's hard to memorize the derivation.
Did you?
@obe no
@obe I agree
but then I'm not taking a class
Fair enough.
@Huy omg I love this keyboard
If I take a class I will have to memorize it.
ask ACM
@0celo7: I love it too. :D
he's the expert here...
getting more used to it already? :P
my roommate is a gamer so he doesn't mind it
@Danu what's up
$\langle o \rangle$
someone kick the nerd
I don't have TeX on
I think we needda cut out the political discussions here, guys. Lol.
are you saying that as a mod or as a friend
I'm saying it as a concerned citizen.
oh that has to be a joke
oh my god
my sides
@ACuriousMind This is a case of a supervillain at work.
@HDE226868 I think he linked that above
It's an interesting question to be sure
@0celo7 Hm. I wouldn't be surprised.
3 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
Aw. I wish I subscribed to the "All Worldbuilding questions mentioned by ACuriousMind as evidence of the supervillains there" feed.
Although those have been tapering off a bit with the new topic challenge.
@ACuriousMind I just got the security question "who is your favorite pet" and it locked me out because I put the one who used to be my favorite :/
the pre-Einstein days
You don't get a second chance?
lol I got the first question wrong
I'm an imposter!
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