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A: Do I need to guess from here on this sudoku?

MhmdNo you shouldn't guess. The puzzle has a unique solution. However, you can't continue unless you calculate all possibilities. Once you do that, solving the puzzle will be easy. I have added the possibilities below. If you want to do that on your own, don't look down. Once you do that, I think ...

How is it clear that in that place it's a 7? Why is it not a 5?
@Adelin if you look at thd possible numbers at that cell, you can see there is only a 7. What makes you think there should be a 5
@Adelin I have updated the answer with the proper explanation.
@VotBear, thanks for the remark please see the updated answer
@Mhmd - your additional note is not true either. You can have a 3 on row 5, col 7 and a 5 on row 9 col 9, thus allowing to have a 5 on row 2, col 8
@Adelin no it is not possible. What will the value of row 9 column 8 be then? When you have two cells in the way explained above they are called naked pairs:
row 9 col 8 can be a 3
@Adelin I don't think you understood the point. You have to look only a column 8. In a sudoku any column should have the numbers from 1 to 9 only once. If we apply this concept to column 8 we can see the cells in row 5 and 9 can have only the values of 3 and 5. If one of them is 3 the other should definitely be a 5. If you are still confused, please look at the link in the above comment to know more about naked pairs.
actually on column 8 you can have a 3 on row 8 as well, or a 5 on row 4. Why not?
I’m around
@Adelin You shouldn't be thinking: "Which cells can have a 5?". Instead, you need to think: "Can the cells in row 5 and row 9 have anything except 3 and 5?" Since they can't, and we should be able to fill all the cells. Then 3 and 5 can only be in these cells. For that, we eliminate the possibilities of 3 and 5 occurring in all other places in that column.
I was super excited but sadly R9C8 can have a 7
actually it can't... hmm
because 7 can either be on R7C7 or on R7 C9
That's the explanation
you should edit the answer and post this rationale: the fact that 3 and 5 can only be in those 2 places (and how you came to that conclusion)
@Adelin yeah sorry for confusing you but I usually eliminate obsolete possibilities on the go.
np. i upvoted. edit and I will accept the answer

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