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@amWhy the question i linked to had nothing to do with the edits.
it isnt even relevant to the question
16 hours later…
@TheGreatDuck Okay, I thought that was your edited question, and thought it an entirely different question, which, I guess it is. Sorry about any misunderstanding.
4 hours later…
@amWhy the question I linked to is the one i edited to want reopened. The question linked to in the edited post is irrelevant to the question itself.
I only put it there for further reading if someone feels so entailed.
That's what I thought. My suggestion to you is to simply post the edited post, which is much different (or clearer, and better) than the original, as a new post altogether, with link and all. You've improved the original considerably, and in a sense, the question has evolved enough to post anew. (link and all). :)
but the link isnt relevant?
There is no one who could successfully that your edited post is a repost of the original. Go for it!
Let me know when you've posted it :-)
i already did
Q: Is there a finite set of divergent limits such that all real number linear combinations of them span all divergent and convergent limits?

The Great DuckLet us give a few definitions. We define a continuous sequence to be a real valued function $f$ defined on the open interval $[0,1)$ such that there exists a real number $c$ for which $f(x) \leq c$ for all $x \in [0,1)$. We define that a continuous sequence $g$ is a continuous subsequenc...

:-) Nice
it grew exponentially
@amWhy any thoughts on the limited numbers section?
addition and multiplication are not unique
which is... bizarre.
I'm looking it over now. I made a teeny edit, to make your analogy more evident (just as the complex numbers can be viewed as 2-d ......., so too can the ....
you changed a question to a statement.
roll back, of course. I think I kept the question mark, but ... I get it...roll back and try to make it clearer that you are asking your question.
yeah unless you feel it shuldnt be a question?
@amWhy thanks. feel free to edit as you please. im heading off now
@TheGreatDuck take a look now: I used a comma to separate "Just as........ , can ...... ?
thumbs up

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