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Wikipedia seems to be down. It's just timing out. Is it just me or is it down for everyone?
it is working here
1 hour later…
@naturallyInconsistent Thanks. That's weird as I've tried on two different PCs in different parts of the UK. I wonder if it's some proxy that's used from the UK that's to blame. I could try using Tor I guess.
why not use one of the 3rd party mirrors? You know, those trying to circumvent the great firewall
Aha, it works if I go via Tor.
But on the same PC it times out if I use Edge or Chrome.
try typing the ip address directly. it might be the DNS
Huh? It has literally just this minute started working again!
Ah, no, if I refresh the page it's down again.
Shrug. I'll use Tor or as you suggest one of the mirrors for now.
@RyderRude No spoilers! I haven't watched that yet!
this is one of the most informativw videos ever made
@JohnRennie plsss see. it's his best
Most of Veritasium's videos are excellent.
Not all ... but most!
Derek has mastered storytelling like few people
3 hours later…
@RyderRude thanks. will watch it at the end of the day
@RyderRude have you seen this ? youtube.com/watch?v=6GDv4f2zUus (unfortunatelly, my knowledge of chemistry is horrible, so didn't really grasp everything)
@GiorgiLagidze i will see it. thanks
@GiorgiLagidze i also dont know any chemistry jargon. i think the second guy put out a substantial theory. the assembly theory
the first guy was just attacking the lack of progress and calling it all a scam
the second was just defending the attacks. but he also puts forward his assembly theory where he can take a substance and measure if it's a life substance
@RyderRude problem is 2nd guy is not a chemist in that sense, he is a computer scientiest
so i believe the 1st guy is more knowledgable :P
it's pretty annoying though that some say that we can create life and some say we never did
maybe. the first guy says that the public has been misled. but everyone has their own bias. i just hope the first guy isnt religious :P @GiorgiLagidze
haha same ! completely agreed
it is ok to attack a lack of progress if it's genuine. but pushing for creationism as an alternative wud b ridiculous
the second guy explains that this is just how science works
so basically you can't just trust anything lightly until you also possess the knowledge and in that case, you need to know biology, chemistry, physics at a very high level
but maye the public has been misled. scientists do spread their agenda misleadingly
yes, I also start to believe that it's been misled or not at all, but what someone calls "life creation" might not be the same for other people
@GiorgiLagidze yeah, in principle, we shud learn those subjects. but it's hard to learm everything in practice
yes, lifetime wouldn't be enough
i also watched a very good explanation why free will is an illusion
the assembly theory is good for detection of life but i dont see an immediate connection with the origin of life
yes, i don't think that theory can really explain origin at all
@GiorgiLagidze oh. free will just seems incoherent imo. u either hav determinism or random chance or a mixture?
@GiorgiLagidze yes
some people don't like sam harris, but watch his interview about free will with lex fredman
i will check it out
i havent watched the dinner part yet. it seemed super awkward lol
he explains it very well, i always had doubts that free will never existed but once I hear Sam also say the same, now I believe 99.99% in it
nah, i also skipped that
thwy were trying so hard to make high level jokes
looked like a parody :P
i will see it. they also seem to be discussing religion there
yeah, hate such discussions. I love debates with no agenda, just pure explanation
btw, @RyderRude i also got interested in what spinoza's god is and from first glance, it's something that could be the best explanation :P
spinoza is really hard to understand though and one also needs lifetime to conclude what the hell he was saying lol
@GiorgiLagidze he sounds like Dennett when he says he has convinced himself tht he doesnt hav qualia :P
but i agree. free will is incoherent. so it's not even wrong in Pauli's words
@GiorgiLagidze i havent tried to read his work yet but i love panpsychism
i have read some from wiki. r u reading his books @GiorgiLagidze
no, i wish. learning physics takes all my time
i only watch videos before sleep
i too only read wiki and videos
for philosophy
ive been recommended a book
yep. you also continue to learn physics ?
i think you are at good level
if i were you, i would also focus on other areas
which book ?
it's this book rads.stackoverflow.com/amzn/click/com/3030500829 i read a few pages but havent continued yet
but i plan to. it's about the role of consciousness in physics
it's from a physicist i think
@GiorgiLagidze i plan to learn some more physics like Standard Model and General Relativity
i thought you knew general relativity
@GiorgiLagidze do you also intend to study bio and chem after physics
@GiorgiLagidze no, only surface level
definitely. I think physics is gonna take me 4 years at least to get at normal level.
i dont like chemistry at all. maybe ill read some biology
i hate chemistry as well
to me, chemistry is the physics as well
but biology is definitely good
you also learned quantum or not yet ?
i have
but not standard model
self taught ?
nice. trying to do the same as well
i know upto qft rn
@GiorgiLagidze a lot of people here like this
how long have you been learning physics ?
i think i started 3 yeara ago
sorry 2 years
but i already knew Newton then
so i started lagrangian and qm
from my learning processes, what I realized is that physics is not as much as hard as mathematics lol
mathematics requires rigor, so it's not my thing
same, but at the other hand, i like proofs. if you don't look into proofs, there's no point to learn physics or math at all
that's the problem of school education
what do u like about panpsychism
unfortunately, i am not educated in it. but long story short, i am not a true panpsychist.
maybe at some level, but not fully
i will learn it at some point maybe. it just sounds like the truth
same here.
i see no way else to explain qualia
there're lots of things i am interested
but each one of them is complex as hell
spinoza was called an atheist
that depends on how one defines atheism
@GiorgiLagidze it's satisfying when u learn these
in true sense, he was not an atheist
i think he believed in a god, but not in religious gods
im not sure in what sense he cud call the entire world a god
i do the same lol
as in, i dont know what that means
here is how i interpret it
imagine that universe always existed.(always)
if so, god always existed :P
god = nature
it's hard to imagine how universe could always exist, but that's my best guess and most probable one for me
ummm.. this is still meaningless to me lol. why not just call it nature then
what does renaming it to god do
is it just a name
well, physics laws had to come from somewhere
god is someone with infinite attributes
godel made a similar argument
and god = nature is just a connecting term between those too
yeah. exactly
godel defined god as having all the good attributes. hav u seen his ontological argumwnt
@GiorgiLagidze godel excludes the bad attributes of nature lol
that's what I don't like. it can't have all the good attributes
to me, the set of all good attributes is meaningless
if something has infinite attributes, it most likely contains bad ones as well(note that we don't know what good or bad is in terms of all powerful being lol)
same here
so Godel's argument is just word play to me
spinoza doesn't say the same
i think what he says is it has infinite attributes and doesn't have the possibility to feel pain
you might say why infinite attributes doesn't mean that it can feel pain, but in my opinion, that could be the case
i dont know what pain even means in that context
you're suffering right ?
so it's not even wrong lol
we all suffer in this life
do you think god can feel compassionate about you or me ?
this is like Buddhism
spinoza says that it can't feel that
so spinoza's god doesnt care
yes. I think that's the best explanation to be honest, otherwise, if it can feel pain and be compassionate, how does that god watch the humanity suffer
this is a deism position
something like that
but again, spinoza is hard to understand and i am just saying what the internet says about him which could be not fully correct
yeah. thw details would be more sophisticates. spinoza was hunted for his entire life for speaking this
but day by day, i understand why einstein believed exactly in spinoza's god :p
einstein had a balanced view on things. criticising both creationism and atheism
yes exactly.
he called the former naive and criticised the latter
if you think more and more, that's why spinoza's explanation seems best lol
in some sense, spinoza's god is not fully creationism and also not fully atheism
it's pretty nice
do u watch veritasium
the video i gave is about nuclear war too
rarely, but have to watch that video definitely.
ya. it's really good.
ok. see you later ^_^
@Relativisticcucumber @naturallyInconsistent See this answer for a lengthier statement of the "all Hilbert spaces are the same" argument
@Mr.Feynman If you didn't keep the mixed terms, how would a commutator ever appear anywhere? If you never kept mixed terms, all infinitesimal transformations would commute!
@ACuriousMind Oh sure, I agree about that. Parallel transport wouldn't change anything at first order only. The problem is that you can't just neglect quadratic second order and keep mixed second order terms, it's kind of contradictory
In a comment Qmechanic suggests that they should instead cancel, so there must be something I lost in my computations
3 hours later…
What is the justification behind taking both the internal and external fields in some dimensional reductions in supersymmetric field theories/string theory to be independent of internal coordinates?

E.g. While obtaining $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM in $D=4$ from $\mathcal{N}=1$ in $D=10$ all the references assume both $A_{\mu}$ (external space vector) and $A_i$ (external space scalar) which are obtained from the 10 dimensional $A_M$, are independent of internal coordinates. Is that done just for simplicity or are there additional justifications?
@Sanjana it has nothing to do with supersymmetry or string theory; when you do dimensional reduction, you're looking by assumption for the theory you get when you ignore some (usually compact) degrees of freedom
if you kept the dependence on the additional coordinates, whatever you're doing would not be dimensional reduction :P
I am reducing the dimension...why won't it be dimensional reduction :p I mean...isn't it a bit unnatural to consider all the fields to be independent of the internal coordinates? I would keep internal coordinate dependence for the internal fields and external coordinate dependence for the external ones...but the assumptions are weaker than this---why?
I have seen this previously too...Even in the original Kaluza Klein reduction. I thought they were doing this for simplicity
how would a theory in which the "internal" fields still depend on the 6 additional dimensions be a theory reduced to 4d?
if any of your fields depend on more than 4d, your result is not a 4d field theory :P
the idea of dimensional reduction is precisely that you want to know what theory you get if you ignore the (compact) d.o.f.
guys, I have a question: my professor's notes contain the following computations: in the case of the free particle Hamiltonian $\hat{H} = \hat{p}^2 / 2m$ we have that $$\langle p |e^{-i\hat{H}t/\hbar }|\psi \rangle = e^{-\frac{ip^2t}{2m\hbar}}\langle p | \psi \rangle $$
now my question is: is it possible that the time evolution operator, although not hermitian, acts on bras and kets identically?
@ACuriousMind Oh yes...I had another question---Is it trivially true that if the original higher dimensional theory is unitary then the compactified theory also is or is it to be checked separately?
"unitary" is one of these words that doesn't really mean anything unless you are more specific :P
@ClaudioMenchinelli This is where Dirac notation sucks, usually there shouldn't be a minus on the r.h.s. anymore
I'm quite sure my professor completely ignored the fact that the t-e. operator is not hermitian and just wrote this superquickly
@ACuriousMind could you look at this things I wrote
@ClaudioMenchinelli what do you mean?
I'd like to upload a file of my notes lol
but I can't lmaooo
well I've computed the adjoint of the time-evol operator
what is there to compute? $U^\dagger = (\mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i}Ht})^\dagger = \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i}Ht}$
no no wait it's a bit more complicated than that I think
no it's correct
no it isn't more complicated :P
You're right
but I made so mani calculations
I had to show that $(A^{\dagger})^n =(A^n)^{\dagger}$
but the minus sign is again introduced when I take the of adjoint $(\langle \psi |U^{\dagger}(t)|p\rangle )^{\ast}$
wait a second
you considered the power series expansion of $U^{\dagger}$ right @ACuriousMind
to get to that equality
or is there a quicker way of seeing that
I hate bracket notation when dealing with operators
@ClaudioMenchinelli no :P
@ACuriousMind I'm confused as to what you mean. $\left<p\right|\hat p=\left<p\right|p$ should imply that the formula is correct.
@naturallyInconsistent I thought so too, but I think you need to consider $(\hat{p}^{\dagger}|p\rangle)^{\ast}$
@ClaudioMenchinelli If you want the proof that this is the adjoint, just consider it in the basis where the operators are diagonal, that's the simplest way to see it
@naturallyInconsistent caution: $p$ is self-adjoint, $U$ is not!
@ClaudioMenchinelli $\hat p{}^\dagger=\hat p$
Q: How does a linear operator act on a bra?

peterwrightI'm studying QM from Shankar. He introduces linear operators and says that an operator is an instruction for transforming one ket into another. But then a few lines below he says operators can also act on bras. So does the complete specification of an operator include its action on bras? Or does...

for self-adjoint operators, you don't need to pay attention in which direction they act, but for non-self-adjoint ones you need to
yeah but the time evolution is not hermitian
@ACuriousMind I'm not disagreeing, but I do not see where that is appearing in that computation.
my professor, during that lecture just wrote the single line of computations
saying that it was hermitian
@naturallyInconsistent The $\mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i}Ht}$ is $U(t)$. When we write something like $\langle p \vert U(t)\vert \psi\rangle$, then by default we mean $\langle p, U(t)\psi\rangle$ (in careful inner product notation). If you want to apply the $U$ "to the left", you first need to take the adjoint, $\langle U^\dagger p, \psi\rangle$
that's what I was trying to say too hahaha
there are like thousands of questions on this topic hahaha
Dirac notation just sucks for operators that aren't self-adjoint :P
bracket notation leads to being superficial
@ACuriousMind I completely agree
i also have a post about this
@ClaudioMenchinelli however, i dont think there is anything wrong with this equation. the operator is $e^{-ip^2/2m} \delta (p-p')$, so it doesn't matter whether you contract with p or p'
sigh, why cant you read the chat before saying stuff?
lemme see
so yall r agreeing or disagreeing with me?
im getting $\langle p' | e^{-iHt} |\psi\rangle= \int dp \delta (p-p') e^{-i \frac{p^2t}{2m}} \psi (p) = e^{-i\frac{p'^2t}{2m}} \psi (p')$
this may be easier to understand with a finite dimensional anti hermitian matrix. let's say diag(i,i,i) now whether u right multiply with the column vector [1,0,0], or left multiply with the row vector [1,0,0], u wud get $i$ as ur eigenvalue
@ACuriousMind We know that Casimir element of a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ classifies irreducible reps of the Lie algebra. But is it the case that this fails in infinite-dimensional irreps, in the sense that it might not be acting as a scalar multiple of identity, or that it fails to be invariant under Lie algebra isomorphisms? Former looks true, but I am not sure about the latter.
(Assuming that \mathfrak{g} is semi-simple so Casimir element always exists)
4 hours later…
@Supersymmetry Why would any of this fail for infinite dimensional representations? We usually classify the irreps of the Poincaré group by its Casimirs mass and spin, don't we?
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind Haha, yes. Sorry for asking a trivially false question :)

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