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@bolbteppa This one seems great. Thanks
@bolbteppa The physics bible
2 hours later…
In the case of 2nd order PDE Laplace eqn how does the specification of one normal derivative on the surface determine the soln?
I have seen the uniqueness theorem but intuitively can't understand how is ONE normal derivative is enough?
1 hour later…
5 hours later…
Is anyone familiar with spin vectors?
@MoreAnonymous what is a "spin vector"? Do you just mean the classical angular momentum vector?
@ACuriousMind Oh I thought it was mainstream. They are introduced in Spinors and Space-Time Volume 1 - Penrose and Wolfgang Pauli - Chapter 1
I can try my best to explain them but I'm new to them
if you can't tell me what it is without referring to one specific reference it's likely not mainstream :P
it's very possible whatever you're talking about is mainstream, but "spin vector" is too generic a name to tell - people also use that to refer e.g. to the vector of spin operators and several related things
@ACuriousMind It's the name they use in the book :'(
this explains why I didn't find the spin vector tag
@MoreAnonymous ...also, why "and Wolfgang Pauli"? The co-author of Spinors and Space Time is Rindler, Pauli was dead for more than two decades when it was published
for some reason chat is acting weird
define "weird"
A picture says a 1000 words
though this one says about 10 :P
unknown errors are the worst :P
You think Slereah would know this? Tempted to tag him
@ACuriousMind Also Im tempted to explain but Im afraid I'll butcher the concept
It's likely
(that Slereah knows more, not necessarily that you'll butcher it :P)
@Slereah are you familiar with spin vectors from chapter 1 from Spinors and Space Time is Rindler, Pauli?
oh, I see, Rindler is also named Wolfgang, that explains that
@user4539917 Another reason to study ... :P
@ACuriousMind are you checking out the source by any chance?
@ACuriousMind dang Slereah is my hope
@ACuriousMind Would you be up for me trying to explain it?
Be cautious though ... I sense this is definitely gonna go wrong
3 hours later…
found a good explainer youtube.com/watch?v=fzYV6VrsHyQ
7 hours later…
I don't know that I have one that I'd recommend highly over others, but a lot of people I know got started with Andrew Ng's machine learning course. I didn't get through it since I didn't care for the matlab/octave base, but I believe it's been remade into https://www.coursera.org/specializations/machine-learning-introduction that's python-based and consists of multiple courses. I did https://www.coursera.org/specializations/deep-learning, which is more of a path for deep learning as applied to things like computer vision or NLP and I thought it was decent.

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