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Wonder why all the comments from the nomination phase get removed in the election phase. There's some important stuff pointed out in there
just to reduce clutter, most likely
they're still visible in the Nomination tab of course
4 hours later…
I'd prefer the comments were visible on the election tab, too - many voters likely won't click on the nomination tab
1 hour later…
@ACuriousMind Wait there's a nomination tab?
I completely missed that even though I was actively looking for it. Just blends in with the rest of the webpage
one more data point for "many voters likely won't click on the nomination tab" ;P
huh, neat, I didn't realise they changed the voting to full order-by-preference instead of three ranked choices
and, unsurprisingly, having comments show on all election tabs is a longstanding feature request...
5 hours later…
@MoreAnonymous Nope, Now studying to change the world
@satan29 use AWK
mast bhai
@RewCie What does that entail?
@MoreAnonymous joined college vro
B.E. CSE/Gen Engg.
in Dot Chat (AI Chat), 10 hours ago, by hyper-neutrino
Or, as y'all would say, ... .. . ..... .. .. . .......
2 hours later…
If marks in Eng = 12/25 , Maths = 40/50 , Science = 15/25 then Marks obtained/Total maks = 67/100 = 100%
If equivalent fractions are taken for all subjects to out of 100 then, Eng = 48/100 , Maths = 80/100 , Science = 60/100 , Marks obtained/ Total Marks = 188/300 = 62.66% .
Why they are unequal
The first gives math twice as much weight as the other two while the second gives all three subjects the same weight
To get the same result, you'd have to give 200 points total to math (or count the 80/100 twice)
2 hours later…
@RyanUnger That's because JD is a dime a dozen
They're all over the internet
Have you seen this guy Dimitri chakalov
That is misspelled
He keeps emailing me
He doesn’t believe gravitational waves or fusion
Oh I think I linked something of his here
Why would he email you about it
Are you some kind of authority on the domain
@Slereah I'll share ryan's email on r/earthisflat in that case :P
Wonder if theres a flat earth gravitational wave community now ?
Honestly doing flat earth physics sounds fun, tbh
I looked it up once
The Newtonian potential of a cylinder
It is not easy to write
1 hour later…
'We don't do the simple case of a spherical potential, we've graduated to cylindrical potentials!'
It's a pretty nasty formula
Infinite sum of Bessel functions or something

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