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@PM2Ring lets see!
1 hour later…
5 hours later…
theory of panspermia is weird.
why haven't I seen a space fish or something
lol but is it real tho?
how can life exist everywhere (even in space)
Q: How can an account be temporarily suspended until the year 1992?

WoJWhen looking at the details of an account I noticed that it was temporarily suspended: The suspension ends in 1992, or 2092, or generally speaking in *92. None of the years make sense. What does that message mean?

2 hours later…
@JohnRennie hi.
@YuvrajSingh... hi :-)
"The only reason he did not purge physics of quantum mechanics is that he was told by Kapitsa in no uncertain terms that he will not have an atomic bomb without quantum mechanics"
Oh Stalin.
Oh dear, this is the end of any productive work for me today :-)
Q: Explaining The Unbelievable Pendulum Catch

swishWhat would be a theoretical explanation of an "ideal" 14:1 mass ratio in this experiment, also demonstrated in this video? The experiment ties one nut to one end of the string and 14 nuts to the other, then holds the string like this and lets go: The end with the single nut ends up wrapped ro...

Q: Superposed transparent surfaces in x3dom show a jagged, patchy appearance

E.P.I am building a set of 3D figures for online display (as supplementary material for a physics paper), and I am having some issues getting the transparency features to work. Specifically, I have a set of surfaces built using the <IndexedFaceSet> primitive, prefaced with a <Material> element insid...

hoooooooooo boy
100k rep in PSE and asking a question on Stack Overflow still gives me the shivers
does anybody here, by any chance, know about 3D graphics?
I'm trying to fix the patchy appearance of this surface under transparency
or heck, just finding out what to call this would be damn helpful
@EmilioPisanty It kinda looks like self-transparency maybe?
The little spinning blue example seems like what you see
That link probably isn't helpful though, besides the example
@tpg2114 that's mighty helpful. thanks!
And this one suggests that you need to manually sort your polygons
And maybe some code here for WebGL is helpful.
Not sure if what you're using is WebGL related, I haven't used x3dom before. Or heard of it actually.
yeah, x3dom is based on WebGL
Cool -- hopefully there's enough nuggets in there to help you put together the solution then. I think it's just primitive z-buffering issues. The simplest solution might be to split the figure into two objects, back and front, then render the back one, then the front one
I really, really don't want to dive into the js library to try and fix things
well, to start with, I can't
Is the surface analytical? Can you just create two surfaces, one defined for Z <= 0 and then another for Z > 0? Or make 2 full surfaces and clip them so the union of the two is the full surface?
I'm not sure what software made the original figures, so I'm using Paraview terminology for things I suppose
Or is this supplemental material interactive...
so there isn't a fixed viewpoint
@tpg2114 no, I want the surface to be manipulatable
I want the user to be able to move the surface around
here's a prototype of the full thing: episanty.github.io/test/index.html
So then I guess the real question is how essential is the transparency. If they can rotate the object around, they can get a feel for its spatial relationships
I want parts of (c-f) to be transparent
@tpg2114 it'd be nice but it's not essential essential
@tpg2114 the surfaces are vaguely analytical, I guess? They're somewhat expensive, though.
it's an extension of zenodo.org/record/3692563
it's all in Mathematica
my stupid MCNP editor has similar issues with transparent shapes
Well, I don't need that function.
Hrm... I don't know enough about it to be helpful, unfortunately. There's other web-visualization things out there, like vtk.js which will power ParaviewWeb, but at the end they are all just rendered by WebGL. So I don't know if they handle things better or not
> Transparency in WebGL is not trivial, as the structure of WebGL was not designed to handle these types of objects
from your first link
@tpg2114 given
it doesn't sound like WebGL-based tech is gonna do much better there
that's really bad =/
Yeah, probably not -- unless those other tools sort the views properly
Which x3dom may not do, but maybe something else does
1 hour later…
This video is quite informative (the most informative video that I have seen yet).
@EmilioPisanty How are you doin' man?
Viruses develop themselves to be less fatal to their hosts. (at about 25:20 in the above video)
@ZeroTheHero I'm OK. Still adjusting to full home-office mode.
also a bit annoyed with current 3D rendering technology, cf. supra =P
The thing that annoys me most about working from home is that can't just go to the canteen to have lunch. Food is annoying :P
@EmilioPisanty man... The news I get from Luis in Madrid is scary.
and also I have friends in Burgos, Valladolid, Zaragoza...
@ZeroTheHero I'm not currently in Spain -- the lockdown caught me in Germany and I'll stay here for the duration
it does seem to be very serious in Barcelona, though
@ACuriousMind actually I now enjoy lunches more than ever.
Going to online-teaching actually generates more work than doing in-person teaching.
the email stream is relentless.
Everybody is going through the same learning curve but at different rates.
@EmilioPisanty I suppose going back to Mexico is not an option now.
@ZeroTheHero not really, no.
@ZeroTheHero Well, I find "lunch I don't have to prepare and where I can chat with my colleagues and play table football with them afterwards" much more enjoyable than "lunch I have to prepare and mostly eat on my own"...
I'm not moving from my current spot until it blows over, however long that takes
But in the grand scheme of things, I'll admit that's a bit of a luxury problem :P
@ACuriousMind I suppose it's a generational thing... I actually enjoy much more the "lunch I can prepare where I don't have to chat with my colleagues".
Heh, I guess it also depends rather heavily on one's colleagues ;)
yes... I was going to say that maybe it's an academia thing.
In Canada the universities are not technically closed although there are no students. Most of the profs and instructors are also working from home and indeed it is highly recommended for all staff to stay home if they can...
Finally the administrators have managed to run the university the way they like: no students or profs.
if they could only find a way not to pay the staff (except Deans or above) that would be totally ideal.
@ACuriousMind I can provide my delicious recipes on request :-)
@JohnRennie +1 to that!
How to write custom links on mathjax?
[link text](https://linkurl/)
Oh okay... That didn't look correct first.
@JohnRennie Thanks sir :-)
I gotta go... Stay safe everyone.
@AbhasKumarSinha note that this isn't MathJax, though.
maybe you mean Markdown instead?
@EmilioPisanty sorry, JR Sir read my mind, I didn't mean MathJAX :p
@JohnRennie The problem is not that I don't know how to cook. I just like it more when I don't have to worry about it every day and when I can eat my meal with some other people
@ACuriousMind just as well really, many would consider coronavirus preferable to my cooking.
I seem to recall a few pictures of yours that could best be described as "heart attack on a plate", right ;)
I am currently conducting trials to see how good lemon cake is at preventing CV infection, and I'm pleased to report 100% success so far. Naturally the trials will have to be repeated many times.
@JohnRennie Preferably all trials are done by the same test subject, to avoid introducing too many variables.
@JMac it's been suggested that I should do placebo trials with no cake, but given the gravity of the situation I plan to skip those.
@JohnRennie I'm sure with enough time and funding you could have done it right; but obviously we have to do what we can before it's too late. Clearly, you're doing your part.
As it happens I have a very poor sense of smell. I remember doing an experiment with a terpene in organic chemistry labs and being blissfully unaware that I was suffocating everyone else in the lab.
1 hour later…
Q: Estimating 3D movement from Apple Watch

GeppeltI am trying to understand if there is a way to estimate 3D movement using the below variables along all three axis and relative to the orientation of the device: Attitude Acceleration Gravity Heading Rotation Rate I have an Apple Watch, and I would like to understand if there is a way to est...

Migrated from Math, but doesn't belong here either :/
How cruel someone can be to let the babies hang on a bar with their hands (just to test their monkey like grip).(👇) (in the end)
silly scientists. evidence like that is just god testing yr faith
(insert poe's law disclaimer here)
@Semiclassical The sneaky demons keep planting all these damn fossils to mislead us!
@JohanLiebert Um...that doesn't sound as if it does any harm to the baby, so what's so cruel about it?
@ACuriousMind if you see the video, then you can clearly see that the baby is uncomfortable in the given situation. Also the babies are much more fragile and I don't think that it was appropriate to do it on a 1 month old baby.
At about 3:28
Not watching the video, sorry. Babies can be made uncomfortable by plenty of things (ask any young parent :P) but I don't necessarily think it's "cruel" to do that. Regardless, unfortunately, making babies uncomfortable for a short period of time is definitely very low on the scale of cruel things done in the name of science...
@ACuriousMind I agree that cruel isn't the best word to be used over here, but I don't have the appropriate word to explain the situation.
there's probably some IRB form out there regarding it
and there's probably some standards regarding what comprises "humane" experimentation on babies
(also, the parents would have had to sign off on it)
But yeah their grip was indeed surprising!
Q: How to delay getOutputStream().write() in Android Studio?

AnovaliumI'm using a Bluetooth socket to send information from my phone to an Arduino. The problem is that btSocket.getOutputStream().write(bytes); is sending information too fast and the Arduino can't catch up with the emptying up and overflows. The code running on my Arduino slows down the Arduino's abi...

youtube.com/watch?v=0o41WCg4ypU this song is so underrated
@NovaliumCompany ...why do you have a sock on SO?
@ACuriousMind What is a sock and what is SO?
A sock is a second account and SO is StackOverflow
oh sh*t
be a kind human
I'll delete it just leave it until I fix the bug
I mean, having a sock is not forbidden...unless you're circumventing e.g. a question ban on your other account
What do I do when my StackOverflow question has stopped getting views?
Not post it here again, the "don't advertise your recent questions" applies to all questions, not just physics ones
Aside from that, it's not different from any other site - edit it with more information, or offer a bounty.
1 hour later…
Could someone help, are Hermitian operators distributive in the follow way: $\langle\psi|(\hat H_1|\phi_1\rangle+\hat H_2|\phi_2\rangle)=\langle\psi|\hat H_1|\phi_1\rangle+\\langle\phi|\hat H_2|\phi_2\rangle$?
ah mathjax doesn't work like I thought, I didn't want to make an entire question out of it since it's fairly simple
basically can i "ket" the addition of two operators acting on two wfs and distribute the "ket"ing between the two terms?
@Charlie MathJax works in chat (but you need to activate it), see the link in the room description
But yes, what you did there works - for all operators, not just Hermitian ones, it's just linearity of the bra.
Thanks :) is the chrome extension the way to go?
ah yes I can see it now, many thanks
user image
why dinos?
why not
because kids like dinosaurs
Wow! I just used voice dictation do do that^ here for the first time. Have you guys tried it here?
to* do
I think I'm going to use it more often
But, then again, given the asynchronous nature of chat; it would be a lot like talking to yourself :P
@EmilioPisanty wise decision pal
The US went from "don't worry, everything is fine, we don't need any particular measure" to being the third country in the world by number of cases as soon as they started testing for them (also looks well on its way to overtake Italy and China in the next few days)
Just look at the numbers coming out of New York.
while the UK government has realised that its policy was totally wrong and very damaging and is now scrambling to turn the situation around
Who would have thought herd immunity, implying up to 40 million would have to get it in one region and magically not affect the rest of the world, would be a bad idea...
The communist government kept it a secret for the longest possible time.
and then there was that whole Hong Kong riots thing going on
dude has a thing for dinosaurs
or a thought that a giant meteor will one day kill the operating system
Maybe the idea is that OSes are living fossils?
er, asteroid, not meteor
That too...I'm sure most OSes today are at least partly living fossils
But the original operating system dinosaur was Knuth
er, still is?
@skullpatrol Hm? There's many things Knuth is known for, but work on OSes isn't among them afaik
Lol if you look up images of the book all the editions have random dinosaurs
might also be an attempt to become known as the "dinosaur book", like the "dragon book"
@ACuriousMind I have read that he dreams in assembly language
I found one of the authors explanations galvin.info/history-of-operating-system-concepts-textbook
So now operating systems have evolved to carnivorous beasts?
The more recent versions seem much more predatory...maybe we should be concerned?
Or in the 9th edition, there were 3 and suddenly in the 10th there's only one left
the apex os
@JMac thanks for sharing
I literally searched "operating system concepts why" and google autosuggested "dinosaurs" as the last word
I figured someone else had to have asked, kinda expected it to just pop up on google lol
now that shows how popular the book is
2 hours later…

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