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12:03 AM
@danielunderwood can I test a interview-y question on you?
uh oh
go for it
So say you have a weighted six sided die such that 1,2,3 have double the probability of showing up as 4,5,6. You roll this die many times and observe the average. The average, then, is itself a random variable. What distribution describes this random variable?
jeopardy music plays
jeopardy music plays longer
there exists some transformation that maps it to a normal distribution
But really I'm not sure since I'm not really familiar with skewed distributions
The answer is that the average is normally distributed
It's just the central limit theorem dressed up to look a bit confusing...
oh the mean is just shifted, the distribution itself isn't skewed...that should have been obvious -_-
12:14 AM
Yes, the mean is < 3.5
but the distribution itself is just a normal
it's not a skewed normal
maybe not a great question lol
well my other statement that there was a map between the two was certainly correct!
the identity map yes
I could just ask for a description/definition of the central limit theorem
but I was trying to think of a more clever way to ask it
It may also be worth noting that I'm not all that familiar with the central limit theorem
Shame, I know
but this question doesn't seem to have many ways for me to give any sort of "hints" if the person doesn't just know it off the bat
like the hint would have to be "think about the central limit theorem"
since there's no way I'd ask someone to derive the CLT during an interview
maybe I'll just ask for a description of the central limit theorem lol
@danielunderwood can I try another one? :D
last one I got
if it ain't good maybe I'll just stick to linear alg questions
12:31 AM
Props to you testing your questions. I've tested mine on whatever candidates I'm interviewing
Given x and y are unit Gaussian distributions centered on 0. Given y>x, what is the probability that x>0?
@enumaris The proof for the dice is the mean value therom.
one die has a perfectly random distribution
I'm not familiar with a proof of the CLT using the mean value theorem
As you add dice you, you push the average toward the middle. This is one of those proofs we do in cryptography classes
but I definitely would not ask anyone to prove it during an interview lol
12:36 AM
That's how I got my cryptography job. :P I'm rather good at statistics.
@bdegnan what you just described sounds more like the law of large numbers though?
anyone who does quantum mechanics is good at statistics, which makes you good at cryptography, etc. Math is math.
the mean value theorem just says if you have a continuous function over some interval you have to pass through the mean at some point right
Yes, however, if you get into the actual function definitions, you can start doing probabilities for behaviors of randomness.
one die will have a flat distribution and be perfectly random.
As you increase the number, the probability of the "mean" repeating increases.
(on a throw)
the way it's described on wikipedia actually talks about the slope...
lol it's been too long since I've dealt with this stuff
12:40 AM
if you tried to use wikipedia to model a transistor, life would... not go well. It's a good primer.
oh I was thinking of the intermediate value theorem loool
@enumaris 0.5? I feel like I could be missing something stupid though
So x>0 is probability 0.5. Do you think that given the extra information that y>x, that the probability should not change?
So your contention is that P(x>0)=P(x>0|y>x)=0.5?
@bdegnan my statistics and probability theory is mediocre at best lol
@danielunderwood hint: think of the joint probability P(x,y)
What does p(x,y) look like?
That was a bit of a gut feeling answer...but they should be independent, correct?
x and y are independent yes
12:46 AM
Shouldn't p(x, y) be flat?
er, uniform
no, p(x,y) is not the uniform distribution
it can't be right, because x and y are both Gaussians
so if p(x,y) is uniform you're saying you're just as likely to get (10,000,10,000) as you are to get (0,0)
when clearly it's much more likely for x and y to be around 0 right?
Yep, there's dumb mistake #1
But actually if you assumed a uniform distribution, you'd get the same answer...due to the nature of this question...
but a uniform distribution is not well defined on non-compact support...
other than that...
Anyways, hint #2, the probability distribution p(x,y) is simply a (outer) product of gaussians
so along any line through the origin in the (x,y) plane, the probability distribution is a Gaussian...in other words p(x,y) exhibits axial-symmetry
Yeah...it's just a 2d gaussian, right?
So how would you get p(x>0|y>x) given that information?
12:53 AM
Then you cut the distribution along y=x and you get 0.25? (1/4 in first quadrant, 2/4 in second, 1/4 in third, but first is only place where x>0)
Correct :)
Maybe this question is ok...
I think the first question should be "what's the probability that y>2x?"
in which case the answer is 0.5 and maybe a bit easier to get "intuitively" without having to resort to this picture of a 2d gaussian
I like thinking of the picture of a 2d gaussian...no idea of that's what a statistician would do or not though
you can get a what's the probability y>2x by noting that y and x are normally distributed and therefore is is y-x and y-2x
and so y>2x -> y-2x>0 and y-2x is still normally distributed around 0
so the probability is still 0.5
not sure if that's any easier...
For a physicist that comes up when doing error propagation...if you don't do error propagation...I'm not sure you see that result commonly
in fact one of the proofs of that is...using the 2d gaussian...lol
1:05 AM
stats is the youngest of the maths
From a physics perspective, it makes me like the power of visualization and symmetry
and the scenario y>2x makes me want to say 0.125
or are you just saying y>2x and not x>0|y>2x?
if y~N(0,1) and x~N(0,1) then y-2x~N(0,sqrt(5))...but you only need to know that the mean adds and so stays at 0
y>2x gives probability 0.5
y>nx is all probability 0.5 you just tilt that line
Ah I see what you're saying if you're leaving out the x>0 part
the n doesn't affect the probability. Intuitively you can think of it like x can be negative half the time. When x is negative, then 2x is more negative so it's "easier" for y>x to hold. When x is positive, then it's "harder" for y>x to hold...the two effects cancel out.
next ask them y>|x|
1:07 AM
should I ask this one or just ask what the CLT is? lol
alternatively I could ask neither
and just stick to more "data science" rather than stats/probability
I mean I like this one now that I have the picture in my head. May also be one that you could see what someone's thought process is if they have to work through it. I imagine asking what the CLT is would be a relatively straight answer?
yes...relatively straight or more tricky and have to think through things...
isn't stats a data science?
stats is one part of data science
it's not all of it though
1:10 AM
a lot of data science is also linear algebra and differential calc
integral calc not so much...unless you head on over to reinforcement learning
but I mean...to be a good data scientist, it's not really like "hardcore stats" is what you need to focus on. The more important pieces, imo, are more like you know how to set up a fair experiment and execute on it.
a lot more "applied stats" than foundational stats
The person I'm gonna interview is a math minor in undergrad...this is the only reason I feel like I could get away with asking these types of questions.
If all the DS experience was gained through work experience rather than any formal education in stats/probability theory, I probably wouldn't bother with these kinds of questions
I was a math minor in undergrad, but that didn't really include any probability/stats
1:15 AM
my main concern is not really that they know these math principles, more like they know how to think through the problem
I think your thought process is good over the second question though so I would be OK if the person went through the question in that way.
The first question was way too "you know it or you don't" kind of gotcha...
well I think you answered your own question of which to ask between those two if you want to know more of how they think through the problem
I'll keep this in reserve
One that I've liked is what happens to a neural net with identity activations since then you get $y = A_1 \cdots A_Nx = Ax$
Though I guess answering that correctly doesn't really tell you much besides they have a small familiarity with neural nets and linear algebra
or "at what point do you throw out your model and stay away from neural networks for a month?"
oh like a neural net of multiple layers without a non-linear activation function is equivalent to a single linear transformation?
Yep, exactly!
1:26 AM
on those kinds of fronts I could also ask things like explain gradient descent and like if you have a linear model why you may use gradient descent rather than the normal equation to solve for the weights.
so there's a question for you, given a model y=Wx+b, what are some benefits to using gradient descent over the normal equation?
That's one reason
I also look for 1 more
Well kind of in the same sense, a streaming implementation is fairly easy when you're training it in batches
And you gotta get on that streaming train
There's a math reason though
hint: under what conditions are the normal equations solvable?
at least strictly speaking
I'm not sure, but I imagine it may be something to do with underdetermined systems and something something degenerate eigenvalues
1:34 AM
you got a word right
under what conditions is a matrix invertible?
Non-zero determinant
Which would be no good if you had an eigenvalue that was 0 I'd think
Man my linear algebra is rusty
so you have the normal equation $W=(X^T X)^{-1}X^T y$
This means $X^{-1}$ must exist right
yes and $({X^T})^{-1}$
So your answer is right that $X$ needs to have non-zero determinant. This means (in terms of eigenvalues) that there can't be eigenvalues which are 0 (this is just another way of saying non-degenerate). The Eigenvalue part isn't really all that important.
What's a really easy way to make $X$ degenerate?
It means the columns and rows have to be independent (since we have $X$ and $X^T$)?
So if you had duplicate training examples, it'd be bad
1:41 AM
hooray :D
wooo I've pulled something out of the depths of my memory!
you get a marginal pass. I can hire you, but I can only pay $3.50
$3.50 a minute? Sure!
when you have a job and grad students look rich
1:45 AM
my power has gone off...
My power went out a couple weeks ago right as I was stepping in after work...I was not pleased
It's gonna get hot here soon probably...
no AC
2:12 AM
that's when you just run away to somewhere that does have AC
2 hours later…
3:47 AM
@RyanUnger you're joking about $\nabla^2$ right
4:16 AM
@bolbteppa $\nabla^2$ is the Hessian for me, so no
...isn't that usually reserved for the Laplacian?
I've never seen a mathematician use that for the Laplacian
you'd get laughed out of town
or would that be a "villa" :-)
4:40 AM
Top of the mornin' @JohnRennie
@skullpetrol morning :-)
wot m8 @RyanUnger what would a mathemagician use? physicists use it (including ol' Feynman)
(honestly asking out of curiousity)
@kylecampbell $\Delta$, universally
ah okay yeah I've seen that in differential equations
fair enough you can laugh at me
4:44 AM
wikipedia also lists both $\Delta$ and $\nabla^2$
I'm not laughing
Like I said above Wiki can't decide which one to use
also $\nabla \cdot \nabla$
they change from line to line
Wiki is the arbiter of all truth
if it's on wiki it's true
and if it's not on wiki it's false
simple fact^
4:45 AM
$\nabla \cdot \nabla$ would be incredibly inefficient wow
When noone is looking I use $\mathfrak{Laplacian}()$
@danielunderwood I did indeed run away
@enumaris federer writes $\mathrm{Lap}\,f$ (5.2.10)
Roger Federer?
4:48 AM
he uses $\Delta$ for the modular function of a Haar measure
I don't think that explains it
he's just weird
I use $\Delta$ for differentials to tick people off e.g. $v(t)=\Delta x/\Delta t$
@enumaris we mostly just hit the "ignore" button and move on
it's great having 0celo back :D
4:53 AM
he got unbanned?
did I?
did you really not know it was me
did not lol
did to
5:01 AM
May 16 at 19:01, by Loong
@RyanUnger welcome back
ain't seen it
ya, you were gone for awhile also
note: his ban ended 19:00
6:05 AM
@RyanUnger haha it's not some iamverysmart mathematician notation, $\nabla^2$ is literally the definition of the Laplacian even on the wiki, $\Delta$ is an abuse of notation
In mathematics, the Laplace operator or Laplacian is a differential operator given by the divergence of the gradient of a function on Euclidean space. It is usually denoted by the symbols ∇·∇, ∇2. The Laplacian ∇·∇f(p) of a function f at a point p, is (up to a factor) the rate at which the average value of f over spheres centered at p deviates from f(p) as the radius of the sphere grows. In a Cartesian coordinate system, the Laplacian is given by the sum of second partial derivatives of the function with respect to each independent variable. In other coordinate systems such as cylindrical a...
you don't know anything man
$\Delta f = f(x+h) - f(x) = \nabla^2 f$
if it's on wiki, it must be true
6:36 AM
$\nabla \cdot \nabla$ = $\nabla^2$ makes more sense because if you just say $\nabla$ then it's unclear whether you're taking the gradient of $f$ or the Laplacian of $f$ when you say $\nabla f$
oops nvm
got my shapes inverted
Accepted notation is what it is, and I'm not sure arguing about its logicality or otherwise is very productive. I must admit I've never seen $\Delta$ used for the Laplacian, but if it's a standard notation in (some?) areas of maths then it is.
6:54 AM
don't mess with upsidedownface
7:17 AM
Also $\nabla_{\mu}$ is covariant derivative notation and $\nabla_{\mu} (\nabla^{\mu} \phi) = \nabla^2 \phi$ gives the (curved) Laplacian in 3D and beyond
7:43 AM
abuse of notation
@enumaris ISO 80000-2 also has both
8:05 AM
Speaking of unfortunate notation, it's hard to beat n!! for the double factorial, aka the semifactorial, and !n for the subfactorial.
8:33 AM
Does this really mean the Dirac equation is not the right equation in 2+1D
2 hours later…
10:38 AM
@Semiclassical and other users. Excuse me for last night. :-( because I have leaved the chat for my a little health problem due to the excessive heat. We're at 41 degrees now. I checked this morning and obviously there are some mistakes. I will edit my question.
10:53 AM
Excuse me for my post. But is there a reason for a downvote here? Just a curiosity. Thanks. physics.stackexchange.com/questions/494698/…
Q: A best definition of proper acceleration

SebastianoIn this link of Wikipedia https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moto_iperbolico there is a definition of proper acceleration: The proper acceleration to a particle is defined as the acceleration that a particle "feels" while accelerating from one inertial reference system to another. $$\alpha=\frac...

11:15 AM
Y'all wait I'll be learning that fancy Hamilton operator and stuff soon enough
Fancy stuff^
@blue isn't pingable
Sad times
ya, he changed his username and hasn't been around for about two months :(
11:29 AM
from the classical channel
2 hours later…
1:44 PM
@JohnRennie do you just not have a notation for $\nabla_\mu\nabla_\nu f$?
2:31 PM
@Loong of course there's a standard for mathematical symbols...though I assume mathematicians and physicists happily ignore anything ISO/NIST
@enumaris I thought of something stupid regarding that question of p(x>0|y>x)...p(x>0) = p(y>x) = 0.5 and they're independent conditions, so you trivially get 0.25 from there, right?
@danielunderwood I've never seen a mathematician talk about it
I never thought about standards until I had "engineer" in my job title...I'll just assume they're an engineer thing
2:49 PM
@RyanUnger they're always talking about some "standard form" in school?
ax + by = c
I pesonally like to use $\Delta$ as a function and $\nabla$ as a variable, so we have $\frac{d \Delta}{d \nabla}$
or better yet, $\nabla_\nabla^2 \Delta$
Apparently I don't adhere to spelling conventions either
@RyanUnger very interesting! btw speaking of fluids + cutting edge research into black holes + unresolved mysteries... 44 refs to "wave" in that paper, with special focus on nonlinearities. zero refs to fluids. doncha just luv physics compartmentalization. and experts supposedly hardcore into physics who dont read/ cite any papers :| :/ :( (zen question, is toothpaste a fluid? can one do real research on it?) :P
@vzn it's not a physics paper.
3:03 PM
@RyanUnger lol!
3:23 PM
The real gem is when you're escaping backslashes that get put into somewhere else, so you have `\\\\` for a single backslash
turns out putting 4 backslashes into markdown is...difficult
looks like a star wars fighter
|o| |o|
@danielunderwood Yep. Here's a Python example I wrote a while ago:
in Python on Stack Overflow Chat, Jun 9 '16 at 11:39, by PM 2Ring
Note that if we don't use a raw string for the regex we need 8 backslashes in a row: '\\\\\\\\(\d+),(\d+)' That's hard to read and too easy to mess up.
in Python on Stack Overflow Chat, Jun 9 '16 at 11:35, by PM 2Ring
import re
pat = re.compile(r'\\\\(\d+),(\d+)')
data = r"bla bla bla\\123,456hey hey hey\\789,987bye bye"
a = pat.findall(data)
[('123', '456'), ('789', '987')]
3:56 PM
Yeah always gotta use raw strings for the regex. I actually thought for a while that the r-strings stood for regex strings since pycharm automatically highlighted the regex
And if you don't use raw strings, you can't just copy/paste from regex101, which breaks my whole regex flow
Definitely! Doing regex in Python without r-strings is rarely a good idea.
Raw strings are one of the language elements that made me come to love Python. They aren't deep or fancy, but they are so useful when you need them. Simple, elegant, and effective.
4:12 PM
Ruby actually has regex literals that are pretty neat
4:38 PM
I feel a bit sorry for Ruby. It was chugging along nicely, and then Python blew it out of the water.
4:49 PM
awk also has regex literals, delimited by forward slashes.
@EmilioPisanty ok so I want to do something perhaps stupid in TeX
I know that I can hyperlink equations using \eqref as long as I have \begin{equation}\label{foo}\end{equation}
but suppose I don't want the equation to be numbered, but instead by labeled by something else
oops nvm I was getting an error for unrelated reasons
TeX is amazing wow
so you can put \tag on an equation and \eqref is smart enough to grab that instead of the equation number
6:06 PM
ruby aficionado since early 2000s, slowly dying breed o_O
1 hour later…
7:10 PM
Q: Dimension of the candela unit: What does J stand for?

maxagazThe J symbol can represent the unit of energy but it's also the symbol for the dimension of the candela (or luminous intensity). For the energy unit, it clearly comes from the family name of the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), but for the luminous intensity dimension, what's ...

When I try to match the Weyl metric with a diagonal stress-energy tensor, I always get that the stress-energy tensor must be zero. Is this supposed to happen?
2 hours later…
8:48 PM
@RyanUnger yes ;-)
Does this look like the expected stress-energy tensor $T_{\mu \nu}$ for the Weyl metric?
Note that if I let $T_{rr} = T_{zz} = p$ to get a perfect fluid in its rest frame, they must both be zero (since they're negatives of each other).
For the contravariant tensor I get the above. Same problem.

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