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@peterh Ça ira!
Ice rime a couple of millimeters thick on the roads here and we're suppose to be having a home carer come over to sit up and look after a convalescing friend we're putting up.
I can salt and sand my patch, but I'm worried about their having to drive.
@EmilioPisanty There are around 8000 living languages on the world, but the majority of them will die out within a century. Wikipedia exists on 300 languages.
@EmilioPisanty With it, the collective knowledge of the humanity will get an irrecoverable loss. Most of these languages won't be ever written down, no recording of their spakers will exist, nothing. They will disappear, as if they hadn't ever existed.
ugh I hate my timezone, so many interesting things get missed above
3 hours ago, by Sir Cumference
Asking a question to post an answer
in The Factory Floor, 2 days ago, by Secret
Last night dream: There is a flashback involving Slereah and 0celo discussing about manifolds which they both left a comment saying that since you are gluing two surfaces together, the result is obviously not homeomorphic to a sphere. Later on in WSE (which has a background of MSE meta) Futurehistorician asked a question which had received two downvotes.

On closer inspection, found the whole question plus a 3 line paragraph in the comments by him are probably an answer to some question which the dream never give in detail what it is. His answer make use of the two manifolds discussed by Sl
O wow, now we have a real life example
@peterh I'm glad you've expanded the reach of your list to more than four languages
given your comments above, I'm not sure you fully understand what that linguistic diversity entails, but hey
I'll just link here and here and here instead
something like this, say
their are even languages where time notions goes backwards or even does not exist. How a language is structured does have a strong effect to the listener's actions and thinking
any claim that a substantial fraction of the world's languages shares any given feature (like, say the six-fold spread of pronouns of several European languages) needs to be backed by some pretty substantial evidence
meanwhile, I don't know how one can have gender neutral pronouns in the Chinese language
(there are no Chinese entry on the third person pronoun article)
> In recent years, however, there has been an attempt to get rid of the gender distinctions for the third person pronoun and go back to a genderless stage. What is most curious, though, is the manner in which this is being done, namely through Pinyin, the system by which Chinese characters are transcribed into the Roman alphabet. In other words, 他, 她, 它, 牠, and others— all pronounced tā—are now being replaced by the actual letters "ta"!
lol that's interesting
@EmilioPisanty i was about to make a smart-a** comment about how all languages involve sound, but sign language is a thing
are there languages that cannot be written or coded?
Most languages I knew seemed to have some kind of structure
even sign languages and braille only make senses if you put the gestures and symbols in a certain order
all languages involve syntax, is what I think you're after
Hmm I see, guess we cannot really call art an language then
@EmilioPisanty And the funny thing is... if we could find some measurement unit for the complexity of a language... and we would order the languages by this unit, I think English would be nearly at the end of this ordering.
Language complexity is a topic in linguistics which can be divided into several sub-topics such as phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic complexity. The subject also carries importance for language evolution. Although the concept of language complexity is an old one, the current interest has largely emerged since the beginning of the 21st century as it was previously considered problematic in terms of political correctness. Language complexity has been studied less than many other traditional fields of linguistics. While the consensus is turning towards recognizing that complexity...
@Secret I think somehow the information of the meaning should be measured per bits of entropy-normalized text.
But what will the microstates be?
@Secret I think it depends on the model of the meaning. The length of the entropy-normalized text is simpler, essentially we can get any long text and compress it with the best compressor. :-)
Are we going to reinvent the science of linguistics today? Let me get my hat and my coat.
@Secret Funny thing is, in the elementary school (!) I learned some linguistics. Essentially, a modelling of the sentences. It was a different classification of the words, as the verb/pronoun/etc . It classified them by their role in the sentence.
@Secret All sentences can be ordered into a tree structure. For example, the sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" can have around this structure: "((quick brown) fox) (jumps over) (lazy dog)". I think, the meaning of the sentences could be encoded into such a tree structure, and then the complexity of this tree structure could be measured.
@Secret It should also encode all the bonus information what a sentence has. For example, in German, if you citate something, you use a little bit different endings of the verbs, if also you believe what you citate, or if you don't. This information is simply lost on English. Somehow this bonus information could be encoded into the tree structure by metadata objects.
(btw, Germans are now on the best way to lose all of these beautiful feature of their language)
What if you want to quote someone, but remain neutral on whether you agree?
@DawoodibnKareem Then it is the different ending.
@DawoodibnKareem On German, you can citate others on a way that you don't state it.
@DawoodibnKareem It is essentially a light-weight conditional.
@DawoodibnKareem Or, because there are multiple past and future tenses, talking about multiple things in the past and in the future, you can order them on a way, to make it also clear, which happened first and later. Also Italian has this feature.
closest thing I can think of in english is how academics use the latin pace to reference an opinion you respect but don't agree with it
3 hours later…
Microsoft Word and OneNote have been pretty generous this week. I've only been averaging 3 random crashes per day.
@SirCumference Perhaps you are opening too many documents at once or something...
@Sid Well it usually happens when I try to copy equations. I have a library of math notes and definitions in OneNote, but sometimes as soon as I try to copy one, it'll crash.
Word just crashes randomly though. Microsoft really needs to fix these things.
3 hours later…
@peterh It's a bit of a late addition to this conversation, but that seems similar to the way languages are thought of in CS
@JaimeGallego Hi Jaime. I've been away, but I've just got home and there was the letter. Thanks :-)
1 hour later…
@EmilioPisanty Ignoring all the meta-conversation that circled around this topic, I do not like to use the singular they because it makes me feel like I am not addressing the person in question directly but putting the person in the category of a group of people of unspecified genders, which makes the conversation awkward for me. There is however a very simple alternative while talking over internet: Just use the fucking username.
I have no need to call a person him, her or zhe and zher when I can call the person roblox456 because it's what's in the profile description.
Unfortunate as that username may be!
@BalarkaSen I think his link have already covered that alternative, and indeed some famous transgender or gender unidentified personalities are often referred directly with their names
Sure I didn't read the link really. Just pointing out the obvious
@BalarkaSen What's unfortunate about roblox?
In real life it can be a little awkward, I do think.
@ACuriousMind Fine, what about "dicktingler3345"
@BalarkaSen Yeah, alright (although that might just be an oblivious person named Richard Tingler ;P )
@BalarkaSen No. There are good reasons in this instance to not mention the username at all.
You could use [user] throughout
But if you think that that is an improvement then you've got some very strange tastes
The reasons being?
@Blue Hey !
@Blue Where should I prepare the error analysis and all the Vernier calipers and screw gauge questions from ?
@Tanuj I used the mechanics-I textbook by B.M. Sharma
@Blue Would you advice it to me since time is less ?
Alrighty then , does it have a pdf online ?
@Tanuj I don't think so
Photocopy that particular chapter from someone
Dude !
found it ! :)
@Blue Should I go for other practicals at this moment ? Do questions from other practicals and salt analysis etc . also come now ?
@BalarkaSen that this is a discussion of a suspension
@Tanuj Which "other" practicals?
@EmilioPisanty Wait, so the reason is we shouldn't mention the username of the suspended user?
I don't get it
This site's policy on discussing suspended users is insane
I know the policy but that says we shouldn't talk about the reasons circling around the suspension.
@Blue That book by cengage doesn't have the screw gauge and Vernier calipers part
Why should that impose restriction on talking about the username? Or why is saying the username any worse than using a gender-neutral pronoun to indirectly refer to the user?
Am I misunderstanding??
@Tanuj Hmm, I had forgotten that. I learnt the working of screw gauge and vernier calipers from some online videos and just solved some relevant questions from the previous years.
Those are easy stuff anyway
@Blue Is there any online platform where I can solve previous years from ? Like previous 37 years ?
@Tanuj are you preparing for some Indian exams?
JEE i bet
Yup I am
@Tanuj my thoughts and prayers are with you
JEE it is
may Jesus Christ bless you
@0celo7 Dude ! That's so nice of you ! Thanks man :)
@Tanuj There are some but mostly they have lot of errors. I'd prefer buying a good book having all the papers instead
@Tanuj I am being mostly sarcastic
but good luck anyhow
@0celo7 Awww :')
@Blue for the time being could you name some online platforms , till I buy the book ?
I accidentally stumbled upon some #deepmaffs @0celo7
@BalarkaSen me too
@Mithrandir24601 Yes :) As far I know, the originally not science-based languistics and the CS-lingustistics are overlapping things now.
@Tanuj Embibe etc.
constructing the Dirichlet Green's function for coercive Schroedinger operators isn't as straightforward as I had hoped
it's no wonder no one has written down the proof
@Blue 37 years on embibe ? Really ?
@Tanuj No
@Tanuj are you serious about 37 years?
Yea ! Didn't you do them ?
@BalarkaSen so what did you stumble upon?
@Blue Didn't you do them ? To what extent did you solve past year papers
@0celo7 I was thinking about commuting polynomials because it came up in a olympiad style exercises I was doing. Turns out it's a deep theorem of Ritt that if $F$ and $G$ are deg > 2 complex polynomials in one variable such that $F \circ G = G \circ F$ then upto conjugation either (1) $F$ and $G$ are monomials (2) $F$ and $G$ are related as $F^{\circ n} = G^{\circ m}$ (3) $F$ and $G$ are Chebyshev polynomials.
And when I say conjugation I mean simultaneously conjugate
And it seems any proof invariably involves dynamics and topology
Which means I should learn the story
why is this deep?
@Tanuj I'm too lazy XD Just 2-3 maybe
hard 2 prove
and not just an algebraic fact
@Blue seriously ? Didn't you join any test series ?
what's a test series
@0celo7 It's a tradition to appear for a mock test every month (or every alternate month) for 12 months before the real exam :P
Phew...I just want to forget those days
@BalarkaSen here's a freaky fact for you
@Tanuj I had, but then I left
Too much stress
if "difficult to prove" means "deep", then this is deeeep
like Deepack Chopra deep
@BalarkaSen Suppose $(M,g)$ is a complete, locally conformally flat Riemannian manifold with positive scalar curvature. Then $\pi_i(M)=0$ for $i=2,\dotsc, \lfloor n/2\rfloor$
I mean it's a completely dynamical statement. I think commuting complex polynomials => same Julia sets
@0celo7 coolio
that sounds kinda Lefschetz hyperplany
@BalarkaSen I'm debating putting the proof in my thesis for the lulz
I'm doing some of the legwork that leads up to it
but GMT $\cap$ homotopy theory is a scary place
since both of those are scary, i imagine the intersection to be doubly so
@BalarkaSen It has been said Yau wrote this paper and gave lectures on it while doing so
and the final writeup was by a student who really understood none of it
and so here we are, with an impossible to read paper
Is CuO a covalent bond right?
But what is its Lewis formula then? A quadruple bond?!
@BalarkaSen The proof is like "well the hypotheses establish some GMT consequences so you can just perturb the map from the cube and it's nullhomotopic"
like, really? Would more details have killed you?
Oh I read a chunk of Milnor btw
"since $i\le k$"
Because they only can reach 8 electrons sharing all ones
idk, maybe that makes sense
@BalarkaSen which chunk?
Riddle me this
i'd say transversality if i didn't know better. $\partial \Omega$ is a fucked set
Take a $3$-manifold
Remove a line from it
what is a line in a 3-manifold
Some $1$-submanifold
@BalarkaSen do you know Bill Meeks
@Slereah closed?
I think so in our case, yes
ok proceed
what is the boundary, is it the original line, or two copies of that line?
there is no boundary
it's a no-boundary manifold if your 3-manifold was closed
Well if you were to construct the boundary
boundary of what
By taking the Cauchy completion of it
it's not compact, but it doesn't have boundaries
I'm trying to figure out how the Deutsch-Politzer spacetime is constructed
you can blow up that 1-submanifold to a tubular neighborhood and boundary of that dude will be your boundary
Deutsch Politzer spacetime has the identification of a single line, though
I'm trying to figure out if it's a well defined manifold
DP is basically
Take a manifold
Remove two points
@0celo7 A little of chapter 1, a little of 2. You wanted to know the details of 3.5, right?
Remove the line between the two points
@BalarkaSen I did, yes
Then identify the edges of that removed line
in the noncompact case
he does this thing with an exhaustion I think?
and then applies that Combinatorial Homotopy paper
and a retract
fuck, it's been two years since I read that
Right, so somehow you want to say a direct limit of CW complexes is a CW complex.
@BalarkaSen Yeah basically
(of course I've never needed Morse theory outside of the compact case so I didn't obsess over this)
(well, this Morse theory anyway. Morse theory on $\Bbb R^n$ is pretty useful)
It's all in the Hatcher's appendix A I'm certain
@BalarkaSen Hatcher is no longer under my monitor
but I'm also not at school rn
@BalarkaSen @Slereah my seminar :')
TITLE: Clifford algebras, spin groups, and their representations
SPEAKER: Carl Sundberg, University of Tennessee
TIME: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
ROOM: Ayres 113
I will give a quick mini-course on the subject of the title and discuss conditions for a Euclidean vector bundle to admit a spin structure.
Sick bro
What are those conditions that you mention?
it's not me
It's Carl
Oh right
He's an operator K theory guy who has found a love of algebraic topology late in his career
He's gonna tell us all about Stiefel Whitney classes, etc.
@Slereah You can be non-parallelizable and still admit a spin structure...
well, he's always liked algebraic topology
but anyway
@BalarkaSen I'm gonna give sick talk in two weeks
"Surgery of black hole horizons"
I never remember characteristic classes
@0celo7 ::ok-hand::
(assuming I can actually prove what I think I can prove)
maybe 2 weeks is optimistic
@BalarkaSen looking
scrolling through chapter 4 right now, scary stuff
Let me summarize what Milnor does for ya
@0celo7 are you gonna do Israel junction stuff
@Slereah No, I'm going to glue together Riemannian black holes along a stable minimal surface and control the scalar curvature
in Mathematics, 43 mins ago, by philmcole
Can somebody explain to me why we need to take a derivative with respect to some independent variable? For example we take the derivative of a position vector $\vec{r}=(x(t),y(t),z(t))$ with respect to time, because time is not a component of the vector. What is the problem if time is a component of the vector like $\vec{r}=(t,x(t),y(t),z(t))$ with taking the time derivative? This is usually not dealt with in mathematics class, since time is independent in euclidian space.
Newtonian spacetime = not a good idea
You have an exhaustion $M^{a_1} \subset M^{a_2} \subset M^{a_3} \subset \cdots$ of your noncompact manifold $M$ where $a_1, a_2, a_3, \cdots$ are the heights on $M$ determined by the Morse function, so that there's a single critical point between $a_i$ and $a_{i+1}$.
look at prop A.11 in allen
By compact stuff, there's a homotopy equivalence $M^{a_k} \to K_k$ (Kek) for all $k$.
Where $K_k$ is a CW complex.
why is $K_k$ kekworthy?
just natural association
have you been reading my thesis i.gyazo.com/0c6936c03d302a297655a2698828f873.png
@BalarkaSen yes.
@0celo7 Right, so the point is you can arrange these $K_k$'s in an chain of inclusions $K_1 \subset K_2 \subset K_3 \subset \cdots$ with those homotopy equivalences going between the exhaustion of $M$ and this dude. Take the direct limit of these complexes to be $K$. By the universal property of direct limits, this gives a map $M \to K$ which is a weak homotopy equivalence.
weak homotopy equivalence?
weak because it's an isomorphism on $\pi_n$; given a map $S^n \to M$, you can homotope that to a map $S^n \to M^{a_k} \subset M$ for some $k$ by cellular approximation theorem.
And we know it's an isomorphism on $\pi_n$ on each $M^{a_k}$.
what is a weak homotopy equivalence
A map which is an isomorphism on all homotopy groups
isn't there a theorem that says if a space is an ENR or some shit then that implies homotopy equivalence?
Whitehead's theorem says this is the same as a homotopy equivalence if you have CW complexes as your domain/range
Right, it works for spaces dominated by CW complexes too
That's the theorem Milnor refers to
is that in Hatcher?
Cor A.9
so what
every compact manifold is an ENR?
If $M$ is a manifold (need not be smooth), embed that little shit inside some $\Bbb R^N$, take an $\epsilon$-neighborhood, triangulate that subset of $\Bbb R^N$
This neighborhood retracts to $M$
So any manifold is dominated by a simplicial complex even
Does the Riemannian Schwarzschild solution have a benefit in topology
fucking hell, how do you know that's triangulable
also $\epsilon$-nbhd is probably too hopeful if $M$ is not compact
you need a gauged neighborhood
variable width
@Slereah wot
why are you gluing together Riemannian Schwarzschild solutions
@Slereah I'm trying to generalize a recent thing
it's a secret
Will you publish it afterward
No, I'm sure experts know it already
I talked to one who told me it was true, but couldn't tell me why
Typical expert opinion in math
Damn experts
Think they're so smart
@BalarkaSen Don't you need the neighborhood to be an analytic set for it to be triangulable?
Is that always known?
Is there an analytic Whitney embedding theorem and an analytic tubular neighborhood theorem?
@BalarkaSen Riddle me this
is $\mathcal Op(p)$ some open set or any open set?
Or can it be used as both?
Is CuO a covalent bond right?
But what is its Lewis formula then? A quadruple bond?!
@JohnRennie I'm not sure if this is for or against mainstream physics
@Slereah Can be used in both cases
It's a collection of rants ;)
@JohnRennie It doesn't violate causality if you define the norm properly, for Pete's sake!
this seems interesting
There is a place in Hell reserved for people who link directly to the pdf instead of to the abstract
@JohnRennie What's wrong with linking the pdf directly ?
The abstract is almost always printed on the first page anyway
@0celo7 some appropriate
@0celo7 If $U_\epsilon$ is an $\epsilon$-neighborhood of $M$ in $\Bbb R^N$, you can always triangulate $U_\epsilon$; since $M$ is compact, take a large $n$-simplex that contains $M$. Barycentrically subdivide iteratively so that the simplices of that subdivided simplex which intersect $M$ have diameter less than $\epsilon$.
Well, actually, maybe it's better to reformulate. You can always choose a neighborhood $V_\epsilon$ of $M$ contained in $U_\epsilon$ which is triangulable.
That is enough for us.
Is this true? youtu.be/xDG8EQ2Fq8w Please can anyone answer me? I found only conflicting fonts
The retract $V_\epsilon \to M$ is the domination by a simplicial (hence CW) complex.
Got a simple QM question which I want to see if I'm resolving right. (It's really elementary, but my brain lately seems to be compromised by my having a bad cold.)
@Semiclassical me?
to the room in general
First, a terminology question: I've got an operator $H_0$ whose spectrum is discrete, bounded below, and non-degenerate. (Think harmonic oscillator.) What's the name for that?
compact? locally compact, some word like that...?
@bolbteppa A compact operator apparently has a continuous spectrum though... (it's been a while since I've done this kind of thing, so I could be missing something quite easily)
Not sure, don't find the need to go into this stuff yet tbh
This method is extremely powerful and awesome
Got the Hydrogen atom associated Laguerre from it really fast and quick, can get Harmonic oscillator Hermite's fast from it, no series matching terms then spending ages getting the Rodrigues form
@Blue The abstrtact page does two things for you. (A) It always leads to the most up-to-date version of the paper and (B) it lets you decide if it is worth your time to download umptidy-ump pages of PDF.
it also loads a lot faster if you don't have fast internet connection.
@dmckee Alright, yes, that makes sense. For papers on ArXiv I mostly do link to the abstract. But for papers behind paywalls.....(you know most people are gonna use SciHub or something similar :P)
But then, in a formal setting it's better to link to abstract
it's always better to link the abstract. it's not your responsibility to link sci-hub, you can just link them the paywall abstract and they can find it illegally if they want.
i guess the only time it's better to link the pdf is it someone asks lol
Could anyone help me with a partial diffenetiation question?
xyz + x^3 + y^4 + z^5 = 0
How would one find (del x/del y) keeping z constant
Differentiate the whole thing, partially, by y. There'll be a couple of terms with del x / del y in. So you can then rearrange things.
The shortcut is to just find $$-\dfrac{\partial f/\partial y}{\partial f/\partial x}$$
Where $f$ is the left hand side...
Where does that come from?
@JakeRose Search for implicit differentiation
The hover-over text is a riot
The extra minus sign always catches people off guard.
But it has a very good reason to be there
Wont that just come up with the ordinary differential version?
Well it comes from the chain rule
Anybody got a simple proof?
Hint: Your function $f$ satisfies a relation of the form $f(x(t),y(t))=0$. Now how do you represent the total derivative of $f$ w.r.t $t$?
You don't need a parametrization for this.
@BalarkaSen Sure
That's one of the ways.
Well, on introspection, being a graph is a parametrization. You're writing $f(x, y) = 0$ (locally) as $y = g(x)$; that's a parametrization of the level set as $(t, g(t))$.
But once you have that formula how do you go about finding the y/x?
The derivative that is
@BalarkaSen Indeed, writing $y=g(x)$ is the alternative I had in mind. But it is equivalent to parameterizing.
Because you have the del f/delx,y,z
@JakeRose Take the derivative of $f(t, g(t)) = 0$ with respect to $t$. What does the multivariable chain rule say?
$z$ is a constant here. Treat it like a number.
= delf/delt * dx/dt + same for y
I dont know the the chat language for partial derivatives sorry
Well, x(t) = t and y(t) = g(t) in my case @Jake
So it's df/dt * dt/dt + df/dg * dg/dt, right?
dt/dt is 1, so df/dt + df/dg * dg/dt = 0 is what you are left with.
Cross-multiply. dg/dt = -(df/dg)/(dg/dt)
Im confused could we start again?
Can you read LaTeX?
(ie do you have chatjax enabled?)
Alright. So you start with a function $f(x, y) = 0$ and you write that (locally) as $y = g(x)$
This means points of the form $\mathbf{x} = (x, g(x))$ satisfy $f(\mathbf{x}) = 0$. To be explicit, $f(x, g(x)) = 0$.
So now you differentiate both sides of the equation $f(x, g(x)) = 0$ with respect to $x$. What does differentiating $f(x, g)$ with respect to $x$ give, using the multivariable chain rule? Well, just $$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \cdot \frac{\partial x}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial g} \cdot \frac{\partial g}{\partial x}$$
Is this ok?
so does that equal $\partial f$
$\partialf / \partialx
$\partialf / \partialx$
Put a space between \partial and f (and x likewise). Also notice that you can edit messages
\partialf / \partialx$
$$\partial f / \partial x$
$\partial f / \partial x$
Got there in the end
Well the first bit equals $\partial f/\partial x$. You have $\partial f/\partial g \cdot \partial g/\partial x$ remaining on the second bit.
The full thing equals $\partial f/\partial x + \partial f/\partial g \cdot \partial g/\partial x$
No I mean that generl expression
Oh, I see. No, it's $\dfrac{d}{dx} f(x, g(x))$
Why is it not partial?
$f(x, g(x))$ is a single variable function of $x$! The partial comes in because $f$ itself is a multivariable function.
Ohhhhh I see
Yes continue
If you're writing for an exam, then don't write $\partial g(x)/\partial x$ :P (as $g$ depends on only one variable $x$) The partial symbol is reserved for when the function whose derivative you're taking depends on two or more variables.
True ^ I shouldn't have put the partial there.
But it doesn't matter, really.
Also you're going to be faced with examples where $g$ depends on stuff other than $x$ so might as well write than anyway!
(implicit differentiation works when you're implitizing one single variable out of many)
@JakeRose So anyway, you have $$\frac{d}{dx} f(x, g(x)) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \cdot \frac{d x}{d x} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial g} \cdot \frac{d g}{d x} = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial g} \cdot \frac{dg}{dx} = 0$$
Focus on the last equality
If you cross-multiply, you get $dg/dx = -\dfrac{\partial f/\partial x}{\partial f/\partial g}$, don't you?
Yeah I see
Could we go through the same thing for 3 dimensions?
Then you'd have to take into account the Jacobians, but yes
Sure, you could have $f(x, y, z) = 0$ and you could implitize like $z = g(x, z)$ and go through the procedure to find $\partial z/\partial x$ and $\partial z/\partial y$.
It can be generalized
Could I attempt to do it and you help me when I get stuck?
We havent done matrices and stuff yet sadly
I'm going to fall asleep in a few minutes but surely @Blue could help. If not, there's a mathematics chat room where some people roam around
I'm going to fall asleep too. The math chat room is the place to go :)
Maths chat was silent when I asked earlier sadly
Or just ask here. I'll answer tomorrow morning
Or Balarka will
I wonder if there is a geometric way to visualize that formula though. For the $f(x,y)$ case. Should be...
$$y(x) = \frac{A 2 \pi i(-1)}{(\frac{\eta}{2}-l-1)!} \frac{e^x}{x^{2l + 1}} \frac{(\frac{\eta}{2}-l-1)!}{2 \pi i} \int_C d{t} \dfrac{ t^{l+\frac{\zeta}{2}} }{(t - x)^{\frac{\zeta}{2} - l}} e^{- t} \sim e^x \text{as} \ x \to \infty $$
(except when $\zeta = 2n$) right?
the hell is this
Associated Laguerre up to a constant in integral form :(
This may be crazy, but is there any way to solve the eigenvalue PDE $\hat{L}^2 Y(\theta,\phi) = - l(l+1) Y(\theta,\phi)$ just by solving Laplace's equation $\nabla^2 Y(\theta,\phi) = 0$?
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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