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@heather Whenever you're here. . .
I just wanted to apologize for the abuse you suffered from that user on HSM. His/her actions were uncalled for and extremely offensive.
I do hope you'll keep coming back to HSM in the future.
I know that there are folks who will attack you because of your age. I've been through that, too (to a lesser degree).
But I hope you'll ignore them. You're a smart person.
@HDE226868 what happened?
@0celo7 There was an incident on HSM with an abusive user.
@HDE226868 Any reason hsm's chat room has no owners? (Aside from it being completely dead, that is :P)
Q: I have a question about e=mc squared

Jackson JulienI was wondering if anybody knew exactly what E=mc squared meant. I already looked online, but I got many different answers. Someone please help me if you can. Thanks! I am also not totally sure if this a correct tag for this topic so let me know if otherwise.

why isn't this closed
@0celo7 Hm?
@ACuriousMind Weinberg's crazy notation
What happened on HSM?
@0celo7 It doesn't have half a dozen indices trailing off it, it's not that bad :P
@ACuriousMind It's deader than John Cleese's parrot. That's it. :P
Did they free themselves of proprietary malware?
@BernardoMeurer I'm not going into details.
@HDE226868 I doubt a chat room can pine for the fjords, though ;)
Q: How is "soul" meant to be understood in the context of the "Soul Theorem"

DukeZhouMy mathematics are still quite rudimentary, but am I correct in assuming this is a reference to the "finite" state of closed manifolds as opposed to a potential, "infinite" state of the non-compacted case?

@ACuriousMind That's why it's deader.
@HDE226868 I'd fight you, but you're not worth it
@HDE226868 some of these questions are very bizzare
@BernardoMeurer Meh. You'd probably win.
No, no, not physically
Someone asking about a very complex theorem in geometric analysis, which is not really an advertised theorem, then saying "my mathematics are rudimentary"
like what?
I mean just throw shit at your OS choices and get banned after calling you something ACM doesn't like
that's my kind of fighting
@BernardoMeurer How's Ubuntu?
I hate Ubuntu
Canonical is has that bullshit amazon thing
@0celo7 I'll bet they just were searching for "soul mathematics" or something similar and stumbled across that :P
Unity is garbage
Mir is a wasted effort
@BernardoMeurer What OS do you use?
apt is a shitty package manager
@HDE226868 On this machine Arch Linux, on my server I run FreeBSD
@BernardoMeurer Huh, interesting.
@ACuriousMind can I have a gold badge for largest number of indices on a single object?
@0celo7 I refuse to give any appreciation for that :P
(also, I cannot grant badges, sadly)
@HDE226868 If you'd like a soft introduction into Arch-like distros I recommend Antergos, it works very well.
If you're a Linux old-timer you can probably get Arch set up normally
or use Architect, it's a neat installer thingy
I do it manually because I like the struggle
@ACuriousMind sadly?
whom would you grant a badge if you could?
Me, for helping others be more Free
Free as in Freedom
Rebecca is still a Slave
you haven't helped her
She doesn't want to be freed
that's a lie
hey hey
@0celo7 it's a lie group?
oh screw you wolfram
Filthy engie
hahahaha I think I got that joke
my \$150 calculator can't do $e^{i\phi}$
@0celo7 That's because money can only pay for real stuff :P
ohhhh, that's why money can't buy love or happiness
but it can rent it :P
I'll mention that to reb the next time I spend money
@BernardoMeurer I'll check it out, thanks.
Are you watching any of the madness? @HDE226868
@skullpetrol What madness in particular?
Today's been full of it for me.
March madness.
Oh, yes. I had Villanova winning the whole thing.
Imagine my surprise last Saturday afternoon.
Me too.
Oh, Oregon won. Good.
I really don't understand the fascination with basketball
Have you ever tried to play?
^ accurate depiction of me
@0celo7 You're not that skinny
^accurate depiction period.
@BernardoMeurer proof?
@BernardoMeurer listening to quavo atm
$\sin(500\pi t+120^\circ)$
is the $500\pi t$ supposed to be in degrees or radians?
wtf is this
Convert the 120 degrees into radians.
@0celo7 engineering
@skullpetrol how?
I'm going to avoid doing this now
I bet ACM can't watch :P
Where do they find these people for videos lol
The hell am I watching
I fucking hate Quavo
good, popular music
@BernardoMeurer ...@ACuriousMind take him out
Did this fucker eat T-Pain or something?
Goddamn auto-tune
> He prolly think it's a club light
But really it's the red dot
- Quavo
@0celo7 The GEMA actually settled their beef with YouTube a few months ago, many of what was blocked is now accessible without proxies
@BernardoMeurer language :P
Quavo has always used a crapload of autotune
@ACuriousMind Sorry, I just really hate Quavo
Don't watch.
This is real good music
actually not much autotune in this one
@ACuriousMind can you please control his language :(
I'm just singing the lyrics :(
@ACuriousMind Did you have a chance to listen to Idles?
They're p good
@BernardoMeurer One of Fantano's favorite songs
it's so very good
@BernardoMeurer I...do not recall anything called Idles
@ACuriousMind Check the video up there, they're a british punk band
Punk is dead.
@BernardoMeurer tbh I don't know why Quavo is so popular, Takeoff and Offset are better
@BernardoMeurer why do you like this song
it's a dude screaming, his voice isn't pleasing
the instumental is ok
Because the drums are tight af
and also
Does anyone wear FCUK?
@BernardoMeurer have you listened to youtube.com/watch?v=K44j-sb1SRY ?
lil yachty's finest song
@BernardoMeurer Not really to my liking, I'm afraid
how do you theoretically describe superfluid fountain effect using QFT or whatever it used to describe it?
@ACuriousMind A shame
every book I read skips this part about how the fountain effect works.
@OBE 1. Typing that into Google I find several papers explaining it for a simple Bose-Einstein condensate. 2. It's very possible that there is no current theoretical explanation for it for an actual superfluid, since I think we don't really know how exactly superfluidity works except that it's related to B-E condensation. 3. You might want to ask this on the site so an actual condensed matter theorist might see it.
I'll just google it and read the papers thanks acm.
Oh my god
I forgot to do that
Yosida doesn't assume neighborhoods are open
what the hell is this
@OBE ?!?!!?!?!?!!?!!??!!!??!?!??
you broke him!
@ACuriousMind Interesting fact, if $L^p\ni f_n\to f$ pointwise, then if $||f_n||\to ||f||$, we have $f_n\to f$ in $L^p$
@ACuriousMind this paper by karpiuk has what I want. and yeah idk why I forgot to do that.
Seems strange because convergence of norms is so weak
i need to get good
@OBE how much analysis do you know?
not enough
i stopped focusing on it
i will start again soon
There's a formula for computing PDEs on covering spaces from the normal space
I wonder if it's also valid for covering spaces of timelike homotopies
@Slereah what does it mean to "compute a PDE"
well the specific paper is about calculating propagators of quantum theories on multiply connected spaces
@OBE Here's a problem I solved on an exam: Let $f:\Bbb R^d\to\Bbb R^d$ have the form $f(x)=x+\phi(x)$, where $\phi:\Bbb R^d\to\Bbb R^d$ is Lipschitz with constant $<1$. Show that $f$ is a bi-Lipschitz homeomorphism.
Replace $\Bbb R^d$ with a Banach space $E$ for fun.
I should sort my papers again
They're kind of a mess
I guess that the break in the Cauchy problem comes from the fact that for a lot of universal covers of spacetimes with CTCs has singularities
Hmm, if I have an $x'\in X'$, can I find $x\in X$ with $||x||=1$ and $|\langle x',x\rangle|\ge 1/2$?
$X$ is a normed vector space
I think I want $||x'||=1$.
Then it's clear by definition of $||\cdot||$ for $X'$.
@Slereah Suppose I have a separable metric space $X$. Is a subspace $Y$ also separable?
I do not know
Seems like it should be...but the countable subset of $X$ need not intersect $Y$.
Q: Quantum physics is making me depressed?

NickI know this seems bizarre, but QM makes me feel really depressed. It makes me depressed because it shows us that nothing is really real, and that everything is just probability. Does anyone else feel this way? It just seems that the world is so bleek

If someone has some comforting words for OP, feel free to add them :)
(nothing I could think of did not either sound condescending or cynical)
I left a comment.
Hey guys
Is there an article, book or text of some sort with detailed explanation of tricks like differentiating under the integral, Feynman parameterization etc and other black arts of calculus?
Ah. A separable metric space is second-countable. The subspace inherits the second countability. Then apply Theorem 30.3 in Munkres.
the schwinger -feynman stuff. . .
@ACuriousMind What happened to my comment?
@Cows ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I know qft books discuss this, but I was wondering if there were texts solely devoted to this
Do the math competition texts carry this type of knowledge?
I am curious about calculus texts that have these techniques discussed in them. The reason is that a while back, some people said i did not learn calculus because I was not aware of these things. What calculus texts have these?
Did Feynman or Schwinger write calculus texts?
there's your black magic calculus
ok give me a sec, let me think over the pictures. Give me about 3 minutes
10 internets points if you guess the book
is it a functional anal text of some sort?
It's more analysis of functions than functional analysis
Let me ask you something . .
So if I read soaked up that text, would it give me a natural understanding and intuition to understand the tricks I mentioned and potentially more?
but you would learn some black magic calculus
I do want to learn black magic calculus
What is the name of the book?
Sobolev Spaces by Adams and Fournier
looking it up now
It's on my shelf, good book
Looking through some of the pages(via amazon) It looks like a serious piece
Can you tell me how some of the information in the text has come handy in your area of research?
@Cows first, chapter 2 is hands down the best reference for $L^p$ spaces
that + Lieb & Loss and you're pretty much good to go for those guys
chapters 3-6 are invaluable for PDE
I'm taking a break from that stuff and focusing on functional analysis right now
I want to have more functional analytic tools for PDE
spectral theory in particular
Is spectral theory important for people doing quantum mechanics?
Not to most physicists I know, no
(I'm not a physicist)
I will get the book and hopefully look at it from time to time
lol don't get it
it's a very technical reference, not a textbook
if you want a textbook I can recommend something better
lol which one will you recommend?
on the same topic?
what do you want to learn more about in analysis/geometry?
I want to learn more analysis. I also want to be able to calculate things
well, what do you know already?
@Cows I'd try "Analysis" by Lieb and Loss
Well, I took the standard undergraduate calculus semesters, linear algebra, and differential equations. I self studied some real analysis. However, I have been looking at some of the techniques involved in doing Feynman integrals and noticing some tricks here and there, and wondering
looking it up now
it doesn't talk about Feynman diagrams
but it will put many things you know from quantum mechanics on a rigorous footing
It looks quite promising from the table of contents
I hope to spend more time with it some day
chapters 9, 11, and 12 are fascinating
Those chapters contain physics , I see
mathematical physics
I am going to go buy some food. I will be getting the text you mentioned for sure
bye, have fun
yes, fun
F is for fire that burns down the whole town!
U is for uranium... bombs!
N is for no survivors when you-
it ends there
@skillpatrol oh my god lol
yeah it is
I'm off, cheerio.
Later pal.
3 hours later…
Why are there so few acausal metrics in Stephani
Only Godel and Kerr
Why isn't $S^1$ a covering space of $S^1$?
Wouldn't the only connected component map itself diffeomorphically under the identity
Or is it a cover but not the ~universal~ cover
"Every space trivially covers itself."
Ah yes
Have you seen this? @JohnRennie
That's fairly standard for press reporting.
Lots of British people get murdered by other British people every year. That doesn't make the headlines because we all know it happens.
Right, right.
But when four people are murdered by a British person who happens to have been radicalised it's a big deal that the murderer is British. Oh well.
The worst mass murder in the UK was, I think, the Dunblane massacre and that murderer was British.
\o @yuggib
Did you watch the Abel Prize presentation? @yuggib
@skillpatrol no...who was awarded to?
A French guy working on wavelets.
Yves Meyer
Wavelets, when will they learn
he's a quite known analyst yes
> Of course, you can use Shelock Holmes in your story, because Shelock Holmes and Shelock Holmes are two different things
Hint: buffalo x 10
@ACuriousMind From our brief discussion yesterday...In Sakurai he gives the correlation amplitude as $$C(t) = \int dE |g(E)|^2 \rho(E) \text{exp}\big( \frac{-iEt}{\hbar} \big)$$
What is the effect on the correlation amplitude $C(t)$ for large $t$? I see how large $t$ implies that the integrand oscillates more as a function of $E$ but how does this imply that $C(t)$ decreases for large $t$, which is what I assume it does?
[Scifi random fabricated dialogue]
> Sector G Project ### currently on pilot trial. Scale up planned in the coming future, assuming the future still exists
1 hour later…
@JohnDoe You can heuristically say that if $g$ and $\rho$ vary slowly, then $C(t)$ will be close to zero for large $t$ since the fast oscillation means that nearly the same values of $g$ and $\rho$ contribute to the integral both positively and negatively. Of course, you cannot say anything without knowing about $g$ and $\rho$.
How are you doing?
@yuggib I don't understand what his work is about/why all the hype
@Slereah it is, but it's not a very good one
@Danu Quite well, how about you?
@0celo7 Please no value judgement of coverings
@ACuriousMind Pretty decent---had a really long, nice talk with my supervisor yesterday.
@Danu Those can be good or bad...
@ACuriousMind \o
@DanielSank Very good! He made it pretty clear that he's happy with where it's going so far (he mentioned we will probably write a paper after I finish my thesis).
If $\exp(i \omega t)$ is an "infinite rotini", is $\omega$ the sauce retention factor?
@DanielSank o/
@Danu See star board...
@ACuriousMind You already \o/'d.
@DanielSank Oh, I see
I do not understand the intricacies of digital high-fiving, I will admit
@ACuriousMind You'll learn. It's easier than QFT.
I saw it more as a waving hand rather than a high five. Oh well...
(where digital means "on the 'net", not "with a finger" :P)
@Danu Definitely a high five.
Whatever happened to Mafia?
Deleted his account after being called a Nazi on meta.
@0celo7 o_O
Why do people delete their accounts?
What's wrong with just not coming to the site for a while?
When I get irked I just don't show up.
I don't know. Maybe they think it's a protest or whatever, but the mods don't care.
@0celo7 What does what the mods think matter?
I deleted my account, that'll show em!
Show 'em what?
@DanielSank because who else would they be protesting
Who's "em"?
@0celo7 Presumably whoever called him a Nazi...
I don't know! That's the point
Speaking of which, I played a game called "Secret Hitler" last night.
It was interesting.
@DanielSank that person probably has long forgotten about this
@0celo7 Right.
So deleting your account is dumb.
That's my point, were agreeing.
@0celo7 By whom?
Just like how 2017 is threatening to delete his account. I chuckled for a second then moved on. He's not irking anyone by doing it
It's pointless
This is an interesting idea
@Danu I don't know, not a chat regular.
You can find it via careful inspection of Meta
Key word "Goebbels"
@0celo7 It irked me. I don't like it when people reason as follows: "This resource is useful, but people aren't using it how I want. Therefore, I will never use it again."
^ Dumb
@Danu Damon Albarn was on BBC Radio 1 last night talking about the new album.
ok gotta go
@DanielSank let me rephrase. It didn't irk the people who upset him or have the power to fix things.
ciao, everybody
@0celo7 We all have the power to fix things.
You don't have the power to bring back Chris
If you do, then you should do that.
@JohnRennie Ah, really? A lot of stuff leaked recently, I guess it was part of the promotional campaign. I must say that what I've heard doesn't sound all that interesting.
@Danu I guess Damon Albarn is at the point where he now does what he wants without worrying too much about what anyone else thinks. He was on good form when interviewed last night. Very lively and entertaining.
I can imagine. Must be nice to be in such a place.
@0celo7 you've already got a laptop. I only give away laptops.
@Danu They played a couple of tracks from the new album and my initial reaction was yes it's OK but not great.
@JohnRennie but this is much cheaper and is about a ball :)
@JohnRennie Yeah, same for me.
@ACuriousMind Okay but my problem is, and I know this is wrong I just don't know why, the sin and cos functions integrate to zero on average since they go above and below zero as they oscillate. So doesn't $g$ and $\rho$ just act as a amplitude (or something that modulates the amplitude) but still $C(t)$ is zero on average?
@ACuriousMind Oh you are saying that if we have a spike in $g \rho$ then say the positive part could contibute more to the integral?
Q: How Einstein got the first idea for special relativity?

SmurfI am reading Big Bang by Simon Singh. Here is the short story (as I understood it): Einstein gets a contradiction by assuming that 1- The speed of light $c$ is constant with respect the ether. 2- Galilean relativity is true. because if you were traveling at the speed of light, you wouldn't be...

primarily opinion based?

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