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@ACuriousMind How can I show that $h(x)$ has a local "extreme" at x=2?
and say whether it will be a max or min
if the first derivative is 0 then it's an extreme
@BernardoMeurer The proper English term is "extremum" or "extremal point". Also, your statement as written is wrong (look at $f(x) = x^3$ for a counterexample).
Yeah, yeah, if the first derivative is 0 and the second one is non-0
and then if it's <0 it's a max and >0 it's a min
(the second derivative that is)
Do you have an intuitive reason why?
@BernardoMeurer If the second derivative is negative, then the first derivative is going from 0 to negative at this point, so the function itself is decreasing, so the point must've been a maximum
@ACuriousMind Ah! Of course!
When I graduate you might end up being the top person on the thank you list lol
Now the only thing I don't know how to do is the MacLaurin magic with the Lagrange spell
but idk if I can learn that in like, 1h
@ACuriousMind Is this stuff just applying the formula?
is MacLaurin just Taylor for f(0)?
@BernardoMeurer I have no idea what you mean by "Lagrange spell"
Lagrange remainder :P
@BernardoMeurer Yes
@BernardoMeurer I have neither the remainders nor their names memorized :P
@ACuriousMind Yeah it seems pretty "just know the formula" to me
In case your curious this is the exercise
I guess you just apply Taylor with lagrange and handwave
He uses the more-squiggle character in his solution
Oh @ACuriousMind, can you answer a question?
Just had a wonderful argument with a psychotic landlady (not mine).
Denise, if you're reading this, thanks for being a good landlady <3
@DanielSank Wat?
Is she J's landlady?
Denise is mine. I wanted to make it clear that I'm not complaining about her.
Jason's landlady is one of the more unreasonable people I've met.
My hats... they're gone!
@DanielSank What?
They've taken our hats!
We need a patch script to enable our own hats whenever we want.
Order has been restored.
Who knows js?
@ACuriousMind Order?!
These Klipsch speakers are making my wallet look at me scared
You call this order?
@DanielSank Huh, that's actually a good idea
I'll have to wait until next year to figure out how the hats work, tho...
Then I might be able to write a script
Heyyyyyy that's a good idea.
Dump the page before and after the hats are deployed.
Do a diff and just copypasta the code that adds the hats!
Why didn't we think of that before!
Goodness, the fact that that's possible is part of why the internet is so scary.
Anyone still have a page open with hats?
Preferably one on the user page
@ACuriousMind Can I go by with 5€ a day for food?
@BernardoMeurer Maybe, but you won't be happy.
Maybe I can sell my body for money on the streets
@ACuriousMind Oh btw, can I ask you a question?
@SirCumference Just ask the question, bro.
@ACuriousMind Don't ask to ask, come on, you've been here long enough
@BernardoMeurer Yes, but it probably means little meat and you having to survive in a kitchen without setting fire to it ;)
@DanielSank Well I want to make sure he's here, lest I waste my finger energy
@ACuriousMind I have a woman now
Great, one more victim of the fire :P
She loves cooking, all I gotta do is go to the supermarket which she hates and I like
Ok, well here goes: can the Big Crunch happen if phantom energy exists?
@SirCumference I have to wonder why you thought anything qualifies me to answer that question.
@SirCumference Only if you carve away the grumbo well while manufacturing the plumbus
@ACuriousMind Well you like GR, right?
I also have to wonder how you got that impression :P
Er...well, you answered some of my old cosmology questions
@SirCumference He doesn't like any physics involving things larger than 5nm or so
Oye, where's @0celo or Chris when you need them
@BernardoMeurer AND HATS
How many hats seasons must go by without thy presence
@BernardoMeurer Ehhhh, you know... males can cook too ::points at self::
If I am elected moderator I will build a Chris White to keep out hats in our chat
@BernardoMeurer Dude, your hero is gone. Deal with it.
@SirCumference You had to ruin the subtlety
@DanielSank You're my hero
@BernardoMeurer Ok then
@BernardoMeurer :D
Chris White was just like, the Robin
@BernardoMeurer I vaguely feel as if I should be offended by that :P
@ACuriousMind Lol
It's probably true. In fact, 5nm is likely a massive overestimate.
I feel naked without my hats.
at 5nm tunneling can be observed, no?
The top hat added a bit of elegance to my pie gravatar...
Chris W knew GR better than anyone else ;-;
Okay kids, time for me to go to bed
analysis exam tomorrow
@SirCumference did you see Emilio Pisanty's comment a bit ago?
a lot of black magic awaits
@heather No?
@BernardoMeurer best of luck =) and good night
@SirCumference lemme see if i can find it
See you all after I get assblasted by a senile professor
@BernardoMeurer good night =)
how can you look through all things said by a user?
Stop stalking me @heather
@heather Define "said"
@BernardoMeurer, sorry =P
@heather Use search box.
@ACuriousMind stated at the hbar
Use search box.
@DanielSank, i tried various wordings, none of them were right
i can't find the statement i'm looking for
Is it from me?
and just putting the username and hitting enter doesn't work.
Q: Search for all chat messages by a particular user?

JezIs it possible to search for all messages by a particular user in the chat search, at http://chat.stackexchange.com/search? I tried searching with the 'search for' field empty, but got no results... and with '*', the same.

@BernardoMeurer, nope, EP
@heather In that case you cannot do that
@heather Try more general wording
the search box is like dumb google
very dumb google
@BernardoMeurer I've tried, i'll go again
Wait, ACM, do you know some GR?
ah, here we go
that recent tab helped, thanks @DanielSank
@SirCumference Yes. I don't know much about cosmology, though.
yesterday, by Emilio Pisanty
Have folks seen this?
Ok, can you tell me where this equation comes from?
$T^{\mu\nu} = \frac{\hbar^2}{m} (g^{\mu \alpha} g^{\nu \beta} + g^{\mu \beta} g^{\nu \alpha} - g^{\mu\nu} g^{\alpha \beta}) \partial_{\alpha}\bar\phi \partial_{\beta}\phi - g^{\mu\nu} m c^2 \bar\phi \phi$
I have it written in my notes but I didn't have time to write any context
yesterday, by Emilio Pisanty
Not sure if it's the same person as before, but it's definitely interesting.
@heather Last seen in 2015, what's the big deal?
@BernardoMeurer this is for you
I'm not even sure if it's GR
@ACuriousMind ::shrugs:: Sir mentioned CW, which just made me think of it.
Sigh, this stuff is getting too fast
@SirCumference Judging from the symbols used it appears to be a stress-energy tensor for a complex scalar field
OK, thanks
Wait, why is it written so weirdly, that there is just a silly way to write $\partial^\mu \bar\phi\partial^\nu\phi$
I don't know if I got it down perfectly...
I was rushing, he talks at 1 million words per minute
Also, this formula
$g = -\frac{GM}{R} + \frac{1}{3}\Lambda R$
I know this is for the acceleration of the universe, but I can't find it online
$g$ is usually used for the determinant of the metric
@ACuriousMind Sigh, that was dumb of me
@ACuriousMind You talking about the second formula or the first?
@SirCumference Hmm, no, it's not exactly that. However, it is the standard stress-energy tensor for a complex scalar field.
@SirCumference the second. I don't recognize that equation, though, I'm just guessing
@ACuriousMind Okay. The prof used an analogy where he compared it to gravitational acceleration in Newtonian mechanics (hence, $g$)
@EmilioPisanty Sorry to disappoint you, but didn't you see that that user was last seen in 2015?
Ugh, I'm losing sleep over all this
Howdy @Ramanujan
@SirCumference I am good and how are you doing?
All right
good night everyone
Hey @AlfredCentauri
They took our hats
@SirCumference Life's a beach...
@AlfredCentauri Huh?
What up?
@AlfredCentauri Oh, think ya meant to reply to the hat thing
@SirCumference Just briefly checking in to see if I have any comments to address. I'm taking a break from the exchange for a bit (I think they call it a 'Wikibreak' over at Wikipedia). How are you?
But good in general
@SirCumference I feel more or less the same way. Everything good here?
Physics is starting to confuse the hell out of me
Thank god for this site
@SirCumference It only gets worse... I (think) I miss my 'arm chair physicist' days when I could convince myself I actually had some competence in this. My QFT class last semester pretty much convinced me otherwise.
@AlfredCentauri Pff, I thought Newtonian mechanics and high school geometry were my thing
Then all this GR stuff comes in
I'm losing sleep studying over all this, plus the other classes I have
@AlfredCentauri On a side note, I have a question
You go on astronomy SE at all?
@SirCumference I'm going to try the 2nd semester of GR for grins. Heck, you just never know what might happen. Losing sleep isn't good but I know what you mean. It seems like one can't escape the problem sets even in sleep.
@SirCumference I haven't tried the astronomy.SE site. Do you recommend it?
@AlfredCentauri Exactly, I'm having nightmares about forgetting the important stuff on a test
@AlfredCentauri Yeah, definitely
Then again I have over 4k rep there so I might be a bit biased
Well anyways, my next question is, do you have tampermonkey?
@SirCumference Alright, on the strength of your recommendation, I'll take a looksee.
@SirCumference <sigh> what on Earth is a tampermonkey? Hold on, Google is my friend... OK, the answer is no, I don't have tampermonkey. What will it do for me?
Okay then...you ever heard of a userscript?
@SirCumference Many moons ago, I remember trying something called greasemonkey to manage userscripts but my aged memory might be faulty.
@AlfredCentauri Ok, so you know what JavaScript is?
@SirCumference for the sake of argument, let's say yes...
@AlfredCentauri Right, so JS is what websites use
@SirCumference yep, this is sounding familiar...
A userscript is a piece of JS code that lets you modify any website you want
It's basically a browser extension/plugin that you write for yourself
@SirCumference OK, do you mean modify a website locally or actually modify a website?
Tampermonkey is a chrome plugin that installs a userscript you wrote into the website, so you can modify the website for youself
@AlfredCentauri locally
That way, you can fix any petpeeves you have with the site or add a design/feature
@SirCumference This is really beginning to ring a bell now; I think I remember looking into this back when I was experimenting with Gentoo Linux. Go on...
So I was gonna ask you if you were willing to test out a userscript I wrote
@SirCumference What's in it for me? :)
Uh, I dunno. You bored?
@SirCumference Is it nefarious?
It just adds a design to Astronomy SE
@SirCumference dang, now I'm bored :-)
Needed an opinion on how it looked
@AlfredCentauri Well if you're up for it, you'll need to download tampermonkey
@SirCumference Done
@AlfredCentauri Okay, then click this to install the script
Wait, crud
There, try clicking that
Now do you see anything change on Astro SE?
@AlfredCentauri Uh, you there?
@SirCumference Yeah, I got the warning about malicious stuff etc. and the install button doesn't seem to do anything. I went to the Astro SE site and then I got the deleting your hard driv...
@AlfredCentauri wait wtf
You didn't get something that looked like this?
@AlfredCentauri Uh, everything okay?
@AlfredCentauri You there...?
@SirCumference I'm back - I've created an astronomy.se account, made sure the script is active (as best as I can tell) by Tampermonkey, and I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. What am I looking for?
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind @0celo7 Hiii
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
@SirCumference that's the proper acceleration of a stationary observer in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric. The symbol $g$ means the gravitational acceleration in the sense we teach it to schoolchildren i.e. $g = 9.81$ m/s$^2$ at the Earth's surface.
hello @JohnRennie!
i had 18 hats in the end ....
Congrats :-)
The hats are surprisingly good fun for such a basically silly idea.
they are indeed!
they made gravatar gorilla even more of a touch of class!
hey @JohnRennie - meaning to ask, what is your field in Physics?
That's ... complicated :-)
lol - now I am even more intrigued
Cambridge doesn't do separate physics, chemistry, etc degrees. Everyone does a single Natural Science degree and you choose the courses that suit you. I ended up doing mostly quantum chemistry.
Then I did a PhD in solid state photochemistry, which more or less follows from my degree.
technically speaking, I am a photobiologist - having originally being a geologist
But after that I left academia and went to work for Unilever where I worked in colloid science. This was a complete change of subject (financial considerations!!) and is really physical chemistry rather than physics.
I'm retired now and have gone back to physics just as a hobby. I had always wondered how general relativity actually worked, and now I know :-)
that is actually awesome!
Being retired has its advantages :-) The time it takes to learn this stuff now my brain is wearing out it remarkable. I've been at GR (part time) for the better part of a decade!
If I was still working there just wouldn't be enough hours in the day.
that be true!
my academic trail is like a drunken meandering torrent
hello @DanielSank - I made it to 18 hats before they took them away!
@JohnRennie do you still publish?
@Doc No. It's all just for fun these days.
@JohnRennie excellent!
meanwhile, I work 5 jobs (2 are research based) and the associated cat herding
Ello :-)
@Doc Very good.
@Kaumudi.H hello!
@Doc That's too many jobs.
@DanielSank gave my gorilla gravatar a touch of class
@DanielSank yup, i work 40-70 hours a week
My octo was enjoying the top hat and specs quite a bit.
average of about 60 hours
I mean... I probably hit that too, but that doesn't mean I have five jobs!
Five jobs is nutty.
@DanielSank 3 of them pay the bills
U crazy.
You must have a lot of bills.
nah, not many
@DanielSank very crazy
3 paid and 2 volunteer jobs
You must really like what you do then.
love it
keeps me in and out mischief at the same time... sort of a Schrodinger's work ethic
@Doc Good for you. I think doing something you don't like makes no sense, given that one has a choice.
@LuBu absolutely and most of them are outdoors and 4 of them are on my own terms
i get to walk 10+ km a day for my ework
Wow, u walk 10+ Kms everyday?
yup, can't drive
Whoa. Can't u cycle or something?
Why can't you drive though? Walking might be fun, if you're not in a hurry. But you might not always be in the mood for walking.
I have partial paralysis, car would need to be modified (too much $$)
@Doc Sad to hear.
as for cycling, I am about as coordinated as a drunken swan on an oil slick
@LuBu eh, I have adapted to it - the condition doesn't really stop me
@Doc That's awesome :-)
"Stand tall, fall proudly, fail graciously, but never give up"
and now I don't fall anymore
My favourite motivational quote is:
"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the kerb"
I like to have modest targets :-)
@JohnR: Ello! :-)
I think quotes are usually just corny. =)
@Doc :-)
@Kaumudi.H Morning :-)
This one i like though: “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.” Just because it brings up the fact that trying to teach a concept to someone challenges your understanding about the concept.
That's a worthy target to aim at, but sometimes understanding something requires a level of background knowledge that six year olds just don't possess. I much prefer Einstein's (alleged) quote Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
That's true, but atleast it brings up the fact that trying to explain something might end up teaching you.
so true!
If someone is interested can come in mathematics chat room I need some strange help
I'll check the room out, but i won't be able to help though.
3 hours later…
@FenderLesPaul Wow, hey, long time no see!
Anyone here knows reduced mass technique in classical mechanics ?
Arrrgh, why on earth would you write "We use the same convention as in ref. [11]" and not just write down the damn convention?! Why do reviewers let this crap pass? :P
Oh well
@JohnR: Hi, again! :-P How's ur day going? (Gah, I just found out that I'm totally screwed, BTW, with regard to the exam and all)
Good. I've got a lot of work done. Now I'm sat looking at the rain wondering if it will ever stop :-)
@Kaumudi.H Exam woes? What's up?
Ooh, rain! :-)
@Kaumudi.H I believe you had a bit of a storm a few weeks ago :-)
@JohnRennie Oh, just that, u know, I've got 14 (6 Phy + 8 Math) chapters to finish in 24 days, etc etc.
If you're under time stress prioritise. Decide what areas you're likely to do best in and do those first.
@JohnRennie :-P Yeah, no, the weather over here is just fine as is. I don't wish for it to rain...it would be nice to have it rain for just like, half an hour or something though.
Then if you have time left over go for the less interesting chapters.
Yeah, I wrote a mock exam today and figured that stuff out; what to finish, what to leave for later, etc.
So you're not totally screwed then :-)
:-) Don't u know me well enough by now to know that u should never take everything I say completely literally? Especially suspiciously hyperbolic stuff like "TOTALLY screwed" :-P
Oh, crap, "hyperbolic" was the wrong word to use :-P Hyperbolic: Relating to a hyperbola.
Huh. What's the word relating to "hyperbole" then?
No, hyperbolic is the correct term.
It can mean of or pertaining to hyperbole as well as the mathematical meaning.
Ohh, wokay, thanks!
@SirCumference Yello :-)
So yeah, 24 days and 14 chaps is not exactly a joyride so I am kinda screwed but yeah, hopefully I'm able to get it done. Dyou wanna know what the best part is, @JohnR x'D ?
The best part? Is there a good part to being totally screwed (leaving aside the more obscene interpretations of that phrase :-)
x'D I was being sarcastic. The best part is that all of the 6 chaps. (that I've got to get done) in Phy is electrodynamics stuff.
Ah ... wonderful
Though some people like electrodynamics
:-P Yep. So good. But thankfully, I passed with 95/100 in physics last year (I had electrodynamics among some other stuff in my final year of high school) so I know most of this electrodynamics stuff and even kinda like it. It's the thermo and the mechanics I was having problems with and those parts are OK, for now.
So you've finished the hard bits and have the easy (well, easier) bits left to do? Life is looking up.
:-P Yeah, but still, the next few months are going to be rough.
> I know most of this electrodynamics stuff and even kinda like it
With the great advances modern medicine is making there is hope for a cure one day :-)
x'D Sure sure.
We're here to help, though I'm probably not the first person to turn to with electrodynamics problems.
@ACuriousMind Trust me, they do this a lot more often in maths papers
And there seems to be lots of people willing to help with the maths, though again that isn't one of my strengths
@JohnRennie :-) This place is my only hope, really.
Gosh, I cannot wait till June. Dyou know that my life has been this way for...the past 3 years?!
> This place is my only hope, really
Ok, you're doomed :-)
:-P You're way too modest. I'm pretty sure u'd be able to help me with electrodynamics. We don't have advanced stuff in our syllabus. Well...that is, of course, if u want to :-P

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