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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

@FenderLesPaul are you on campus right now?
So do other fields have April Fool's arxiv posts?
@ChrisWhite momentum :(
> Deviations of the observed CMB [...] are obviously highly significant and deserve to be pursued more aggressively in order to discover the physical phenomena underlying them. Through intensive investigation we have discovered that there are equally surprising features in the digits of the number π [...] Putting aside the unreasonable possibility that these are just the sort of flukes that appear when one looks hard enough...
> One additional realm that hasn't been adequately considered, however, is that this large increase in exoplanets would also impact claims regarding astrology.
@ACuriousMind that ending oO
I went with Citra
1 hour later…
@Slereah Haha the boring physics conjecture
>not defining the metric as a nondegenerate section of $S^2 T^*\mathcal{M}$
@Slereah is this a physics book
@Slereah shouldn't that be a $c^4$ in eq. 2.12?
What do you guys use for latex with version control that is free
I Like 100% free
with version control and is private, not public
@skillpatrol Time to write another proof on the el blog
have fun :-)
@skillpatrol this is not fun
Never forget Einstein and The Evidence
@skillpatrol have I mentioned that I hate topology and analysis
trying to prove obvious things "rigorously" is terrible

I see weird stuff that I do not understand atm
Oh, of course! The preimage of an open set is open :P
@Danu For once that definition of continuity actually came in useful :D
any hope for a completely free latex platform with version control . I kind of want to track my changes and stuff
hey dude
is there something weaker than a proposition
that's something unproven
what do you mean by "weaker"?
in theory
the men's zone is so true lol
Money is quite important
tfw in the danger zone
yeah I am in the no no zone lol
@topologists If $f:X,Y$ is a homeomorphism, does $\overline{f(X)}=f(\bar X)$ generally hold?
I think it should, at least in metric spaces where we can take sequences!
@0celo7 can you explain the question less abstractly?
@kevinTahN. huh?
what's unclear about it
that should be $f:X\to Y$
$\overline{f(X)}=f(\bar X)$
@kevinTahN. is the closure of the image the image of the closure
ah I see
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝐽 Homeo 𝐾) ∧ 𝐴 ⊆ 𝑋) → ((cls ‘𝐾) ‘(𝐹 “ 𝐴)) = (𝐹 “ ((cls ‘𝐽) ‘𝐴)))
What the fuck is that
cool beans
Oh yeah that's right
Topological spaces can be defined equivalently by open sets and closed sets
@Slereah can/should I just link to that page on the blog
@Slereah Challenge: reference a metamath proof in a GR paper
It is probably a standard proof really
Thinking about it
A geodesic will always be either timelike null or spacelike
thinking about what
Since the connection is metric
I think that could be a part of the proof that $\exp_p(I^+(0)) = I^+(p)$
Any geodesic that has any tangent vector timelike will have all of them timelike
i'm going to bed
write up the proof
cya later
or the sketch
I'll take a look at it later
Q: What can be done in order to re-open a closed question?

Matt SteinbergI recently asked a question that was originally put "on-hold" (you can look at the question here: SU(2) Rotation Matrices Problem from Halzen and Martin). Now, I’ve read the homework policies several times, in an attempt to edit my problem so that it is more in concurrence with the site’s polic...

1 hour later…
@kevinTahN. git
it has its faults (there's no good manual, and the command names are magic incantations with no relation to what they do), but it is by far the best version control in existence for anything
@JohnRennie did they even have computers back then? :P
82 is barely out of the punch card era
@skillpatrol It was a hugely exciting time for us computer nerds. The computer industry wasn't the settled place it is now and new types of personal computer were appearing every week (well it felt that way).
How does it feel now that you're an old man
With the specter of the grim reaper looming over you
1 hour later…
@Slereah a bit too far, Slereah
anyone knows where to ask questions (on SE network) related concentration, sprituality and all that stuff?
There are several religious SE
i am atheist, so i don't want religious SE, rather i need for the question which i had posted but it got closed (let me send question link)
If there is an appropriate site, you might find it in this list
unfortunately i am not able to find the question :(
but crushed version of my question is : i am losing my concentration from any works,(*like studying, coding, music*) but i really love to study but when i do that i get bored to early, i don't know how will i get my dedication back ? :_(
Ahh... that one you might want to take to reddit or something. I'm not sure if it would fit on an SE site.
You could check on Academia but I really don't know if they accept that sort of thing. Start by searching. I think people have tried to ask such questions before.
thank you! David
There is also a health Stack Exchange
i don't think it is health related issue, is it?(and i am 14 approaching 15 years)
@ramsay sounds like natural growing pains :-)
we all had to go through it
but this makes me cry!
It gets better as you mature.
Hang in there.
Or doesn't.
mb you will slowly get crushed by life until you give up all your dreams
13 mins ago, by Slereah
mb you will slowly get crushed by life until you give up all your dreams
this ^ really sounds bad
Welcome to my world
you world is depressive (i guess) Slereah
could be worse
you still there @ramsay?
perhaps an extension of the zodiac :P
@skillpatrol yup
you ok?
come on, you've got so much to look forward to
life is just beginning
but i don't wanna waste time, i want to make myself back, what i was in 2015 :(
what were you?
i was very very muvh dedicated
these things go through cycles
look at the "big picture"
@DavidZ Looks more like a vixra article :p
I suppose it's an april fool article
Too bad it was posted on the 31st!
but our teachers says "teen period is most important and it decides whether one can be successful or not" and on other side i am wasting my teen period
They are lying.
groundbreaking article
Most of what you will learn in school as a teen will not be of any use
You will probably forget most of it and, if need be, relearn it later
It is also probably wrong to some degree
For several reasons
enjoy your youth
"enjoy" i am in 12th grade and next year my university, lots and lots of pressure and competition
Slereah, I've never forgotten the maths and physics and chemistry I learned in school
What pressure ramsay?
@ramsay And yet, when you look back in say 5-7 years you'll sigh and say: "Damn, back then life was so freaking easy"
Physics is easy to get into
hardly anyone wants to do it
(at least that's how it goes for almost everyone)
Life is always easy mate
Much easier than physics anyway
Ramsay after reading a few of your posts it sounds like you have internet addiction
too much internet makes u lose ur concentration because ur always jumping about to different pages
give yourself an internet ban for a week and just read books and youll be better mate
Armchair psychologist confirmed
yeah mate
i can dabble in any field
Australian confirmed
using the problem solving skills i have developed
through the study of physics and mathematics
yeah I'm an Aussie too
@Mew i will definitely follow his step in few minutes
nice @Slereah :D
bye! see you guys maybe after a week , thanks @skillpatrol ,@Danu, @Slereah, @Mew
yup, it's tough growing up in this Internet age
np ramsay
all the best
2 hours ago, by skill patrol
Hang in there.
@skillpatrol Honestly, we've got a really nice life.
I'm worried about the future ~50 years though.
Hopefully by that point we will all be dead
I'm sure they said that 50 years ago too. @Danu
I'm not so sure.
I feel like 1966 was a pretty chill time in terms of future prospects
Ask someone old enough to remember.
I did, and they agreed
Wasn't that the hippie era?
Vietnam war etc
1966 was the cold war
People thought that the world might be destroyed by then
Still the case today
Except more global warming than nuclear annihilation
World War III will be fought with sticks and stones.
WWIII won't be fought.
Oops, I meant IV
Game theory keeps us all in check
Nowadays the nations powerful enough to actually wage world war don't have that much interest in conventional warfare
Even Russia barely tries anything
And they're not really capable of waging a world war
Why fight a real war when you can run a simulation on the Internet :P
Quite unfortunate, really
Cold war would boost those research budgets :V
Yes mister general, I am working on a convex normal neighbourhood bomb
Hi guys! When talking about the $U(1)$ gauge transformation of QED, Maggiore distinguishes between the electron's charge $e$ and the parameter of the $U(1)$ representation $q$. I can see that there's a difference, because he lets $\Psi$ transform to $e^{iqe\theta(x)}\Psi(x)$ and $A_\mu\mapsto A_\mu+(i/e)(\partial_\mu U)U^\dagger$, where $U(x)=e^{ie\theta(x)}$, so $\Psi$ transforms in a specific representation of $U(1)$, whereas $A_\mu$'s transformation does not depend on $q$.
Is that correct so far?
I'd say so?
Each particle can have its own charge, after all
@Slereah But since $q\in\mathbb Z$, the charge of every particle would be a multiple of $e$?
The coupling can be arbitrary, I think?
It just happens that in the standard model all couplings are $\propto e/3$
Or maybe they redefine $e$ to be $1/3$ of the electron's charge, then the electron and positron are in the $q=3$ rep, the up quark in $q=2$ and the down quark in $q=1$.
@Slereah Yep. Makes sense. But is that related to the $U(1)$ representation?
Do the down quark, the up quark and the electron transform in the $q=1, 2, 3$ representation of $U(1)$ respectively?
Q: Guidelines for *answering* homewore-like questions

garypI was looking for guidelines, but the best I could find is this. Is there a better statement somewhere? That was hard enough to find. Perhaps a entry could be put in the help to make it easier to find. I thought this was a settled issue, but the comments to the answer I linked suggest ot...

homewhore questions?
1 hour later…
In the neighbourhood, is a point joined to $p$ by a timelike curve an exponential mapping of a timelike vector?
Pretty sure it is but how to prove it
@Slereah why don't you @ me
@Slereah It is!
Apparently there's a theorem $\langle d \exp_p(v_x), d \exp_0(v_p) \rangle = \langle v_p, w_p\rangle$
Because other people might know, you ego monster
That's the Gauss lemma
Do you even know any Riemannian geometry?
No :(
@Slereah go read do Carmo
@Slereah I am proving it right now on the blog
O'neil has a proof of it
Is that the lemma I want to prove that thing I was talking about
Feels pretty good about it
$J^+(p,\mathcal U)=\mathcal U\cap\exp_q \overline{\mathcal T^+}$
@Slereah I'm going to prove this now.
I should look into the proofs of the various CTC theorems
Tipler, hawking, rigidity theorem
@0celo7 nah I just got back from MIT visit
I'm at my home in Long Island
and I'll be heading to Berkeley tomorrow
@FenderLesPaul I need you to tell me if you can access rd.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-26654-1 from your fancy Ivy League internet
my school doesn't appear to have purchased the 2016 grad texts in math stuff yet
and I don't want to shell out $80 for the hard cover
Too bad there are no legal ways to get it
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Slereah if you have a legal copy, send it via skype pls
of the newest edition
I have the 2nd
Second not fancy enough for you?
there's 100 pages of new stuff in the 3rd
@0celo7 I find that highly ironic :-P
@0celo7 I can access it when I'm at Berkeley
Oh wait
I can access it even now
Oh come on!
Time to email the librarian
@FenderLesPaul Unless you want to send me the mycopy :)
When's your birthday again?
A: Examples of math hoaxes/interesting jokes published on April Fool's day?

samcarter[only borderline mathematical] Today Ali Frolop and Douglas Scott published a paper (http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09703) in which they found: ... there is a remarkable correspondence between each type of peculiarity in the digits of π and the anomalies in the CMB.

@FenderLesPaul Way too far down the road, I can pay you
@joro: here are two proofs. 1. Permute the letters of "Ali Frolop". 2. Look here: arxiv.org/abs/1504.00108potentially dense yesterday
@FenderLesPaul OH
I can send you the money via snapchat
That's a thing, right?
@DavidZ what do you mean
I would never want an illegal copy ofc
No no, everything has to be legal Mr. Mod
@0celo7 I mean that, given that you're asking someone to give you a copy of something, it's ironic that you're so particular about the person you're asking having a legally obtained copy when the method by which they would get it to you is presumably illegal.
@fellow americans, is "theatre" the common spelling of "theater" in the south?
@DavidZ Preposterous! Everything is legal!
Copyright infringement (with respect to distribution) is a matter of how you get the copy. There isn't an attribute "legal" or "illegal" that is attached to a copy of a work and follows it around as it passes from person to person.
lol :-P
(not a lawyer, BTW)
(but I do have a 100% HNQ hit rate on law.SE so there)
@DavidZ I'll let you in on a secret
"legal copy" is a code so the N S A doesn't raid this place
I don't care about your business with the NSA
For the record, we don't actually care about copyright here - I mean, we don't take it upon ourselves to enforce other people's copyright agreements. There's no rule against discussing copyright-infringing files. No rule against posting links to them.
I thought it was heavily discouraged
Well, it's against the law, sure, but we're not going to pile more discouragement on top of that.
@DavidZ :P
Actually: I probably shouldn't say we don't care about copyright. What I should say is that whatever is in the SE terms of service regarding copyrighted material is what we go by.
Please @DavidZ
We would never break copyright
@0celo7 is a good boy
But if you're going to get in trouble for copyright infringement, that trouble will come from the police, not from the mods.
the popo
@DavidZ don't worry, emailing the math librarian right now
Hey, like I said, I don't care ;-)
Very cool paper
for those interested
modular forms D:
@FenderLesPaul better to link to the abstract page than the PDF file
That's like the One Rule of citing arXiv. Use the URL of the abstract page, not the download link for the PDF.
@DavidZ and check the possible permutations of author names, at this time of the year! :P
Well, you have to check a lot of things :-P
Ali Frolop wakes up every March/April :D
I always hope for a new epic joke paper to appear on arXiv for April Fool's Day, and I'm nearly always disappointed. Though the astrology of exoplanets one was pretty good, I thought.
@DavidZ why
because it's way more inconvenient to download and open a PDF file than it is to read an abstract
And you can get from the abstract to the PDF, but not the other way around
(not without manually rewriting the URL, anyway)
@DavidZ that's what I do
And the abstract page has links to INSPIRE and ADS and so on, as well as blog trackbacks, and you can use it to find other works by the same authors, check publication info, etc.
@0celo7 yeah, nobody else wants to do that
It's always the highlight of my day
gr-qc is so sad to scroll through
these days anyways
it's hard to see a field dying before your eyes
why is it dying
gr-qc is populated by papers that scream "we're trying our best to keep classical GR research alive by publishing papers on rehashed toy problems or poking very very very deep holes into problems no one cares about"
@FenderLesPaul are you sure it sent correctly
@0celo7 I mean classical GR is just so well understood that at this point the gr-qc papers are either papers of the above form or very dry papers on modified theories of gravity
Yes I am
> so well understood
NO ONE knows how to smooth curves
what a tragedy
@FenderLesPaul hasn't that always been the case for GR
I mean all the big GR effects that we can check experimentally have been discovered within the first 15 years of GR
@FenderLesPaul If you can prove that causal relations are transitive, I will become your slave
@Slereah no
Shapiro, that thing with gyroscopes
g waves
@Slereah well that's definitely not true; GR didn't become really popular until the 60s and 70s
No, the one from Breitbart
and GR research was definitely still going strong in the 90s and early 2000s
but it's slowed down considerably now
Well yeah but most GR things outside of cosmology have been pretty niche
which sucks for me
ok but that doesn't change the fact that there were still a lot of relevant GR papers being published in the aforementioned period
but no so much anymore
anything relevant now tends to just come from Andy Strominger and his army of grad students
It would be nice if some decent experimental results came out
Not much since Gravity Probe B
@FenderLesPaul if you get me the mycopy I will send you the money however you like!
god, the typesetting in this book is terrible
what was he thinking oO
well it went from nice computer modern to that crappy springer latex stuff
god damn I've been on hold with Jet Blue for 20 mins
I wonder if the equation $f_{**}=fg$ has interesting solutions
I stuck my headphone thing into the USB port
it made a noise in the headphones oO
Q: Should we suggest that authors of complete solutions to homework-like questions delete them?

garypThis week I've seen several complete solutions posted to homework-like questions. One author asked if he should delete his answer. I'm inclined to answer yes, he should delete it, but I'm putting the question up here to see what others think. Ah ... the author deleted it on his own, so I can't...

Well yes
USB port has current running
@Slereah Would you happen to have a proof of that?
of what
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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