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@Danu Here's my most interesting one so far:
It just keeps increasing . . . on and on and on. For the rest of the scroll bar.
30 days and counting.
It might be a variable star with a really long period. That would be something.
1 hour later…
Hi, everybody.
Talking to yourself again?
Not a good sign.
@dmckee Pffft. Whatever. What else are sock puppets for if not self-entertainment?
Anyone going to APS March meeting?
Beer's on me!
@DanielSank Sadly no. I usually go to the April meeting, and I don't have a project in train that would justify the travel money.
Which is too bad, because I'd like to get out long enough to see the Spiral Jetty, which I understand re-emerged a few years ago.
'Course last year I took three students with me to Baltimore and we only got far enough from the (hideously expensive) hotel to find some good restaurants.
@FrankScience your question is not simple and there are extreme subtleties/ nuances involved in bell tests (some of what you are touching on) that can literally take years to isolate, and some aspects are still not fully isolated and are under active investigation/ research. think/ can recommend an excellent general ref/ intro/ overview is the meaning of quantum theory by baggott.
So anyway
How do you even do a path integral in Lorentzian gravity
You are supposed to integrate between two times, but how do you know what the times are without the metric
@DanielSank what do you recommend as a good ref/ overview on the subj? "measurement" is at the heart of quantum mysteries despite intense study so maybe the fault is not exactly with human understanding so to speak.
"As far as I know, the only way to show that the path integral formalism yields a unitary S-matrix is to use it to reconstruct the canonical formalism, in which unitarity is obvious"
Oh okay, well from a non-physics student perspective, I couldn't tell :O.
(Just from the comments, didn't read the answer)
I love when a theory is done by just one guy
Reading a paper on QFT from Hilbert bundles
7 out of the 10 papers he quotes are by himself
@Slereah Link?
@Slereah a suggestion: link to the abstract page, not the PDF file directly
David Z has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
David Z has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
David Z has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
ahhh too many notifications
I added the acoustics tag feed from Music: Practice & Theory and the physics tag feed from Worldbuilding to the popup dialog in the top left.
If anyone has additional suggestions of good feeds to add, let me know.
But why
I already don't like the feed on its own because you can't turn it off
I don't want more of it
@Slereah there's probably an app for that
But anyway, the point is to bring attention to questions which may be answerable by regulars on this site. Kind of like hot network questions, but more focused.
I should try to calculate the propagator for random boundary conditions for a free scalar field
Apparently it is doable but I can't find any place doing it
It's just kinda "Hey let's drop that and just calculate S matrices"
@DavidZ Some world builders are extremely hardcore and ask questions along the lines of how to use the established physics principles to make a plot or setting element work
I know world builders
Most of them don't actually give two shits about physics :V
I helped with proofreading a world building book :p
is it GR and CTC related?
PS: Worldbuilding is probably the reason why I am so obsessed with time travel related theoretical physics, because I have a crazy setting that depends on it
Time travel as common as flying an airplane, for all types of people
One reason I want to get the physics right is because I hate plotholes, especially time travel ones
you could just make it up
Using your Imagination
I have a semi working model, but it reminds me too much of star trek technobabble
Meanwhile: reading this for my honours work
@DavidZ We've been telling him that for months.
@Secret You know, saying "honours" all the time is getting annoying.
That is because you have NO HONOUR
And some mod cleared out the comments on JD's answer.
Did they also clear his answer
Why clear out everything? There was legitimate criticism thee.
@Slereah No.
poor choice
@Slereah You're going to get more stuff deleted.
also poor choice
> It is a rather lengthy theorem, the demonstration for which you can find in Straumann's "General Relativity"
You're welcome.
So what's a diff that is not in GA(4,R)?
Are you Straumann
@Slereah Ja.
ur welcome then
@Slereah Why do I feel a weird compulsion to watch Deep Space Nine right now?
@0celo7 comments are ephemeral, so it takes very little justification to delete them. If we have to forcibly remove an ongoing discussion because it turns nasty, people can repost the legitimate criticisms.
But honestly, in most cases, by the time we get around to deleting the comments they have served their purpose. Either they've been incorporated into the answer (or question, or another question, etc.), or the OP has read them and declined to do so.
I am proud to know that I was an element of the set of posters who had their message removed!
$\{\text{I'm mostly just an idiot},\text{Slereah},\text{0celo7}\}$
So anyway is there any version of quantum gravity that actually deals with non-foliated spacetimes
Path integrals technically, I guess, but in effect they always use a slicing
I guess some version of the discrete theory
Not quite sure what happens if you use a non-spacelike surface as a boundary in lorentzian gravity
This seems interesting:
Q: Make your own custom oneboxes for Chat!

ᔕᖺᘎᕊScreenshot About Oneboxing is when you post a link to a supported site on SE Chat and it automatically shows extra information. An example is when you post a link to a question in Chat and it converts to the title, start of the body and author. However, the list of supported sites is short, ...

would be good
For arxiv papers
yeah, though I can't get it to actually work
I have to say, I don't think "here's a userscript" is ever an appropriate solution to a problem. If a user experience is broken, having the user reconfigure their computer to circumvent the brokenness is really just a form of avoiding the problem.
It takes pressure off developers to actually do what they're paid to do. And it leaves the less experienced users completely helpless.
@ChrisWhite so what would you do when different users claim the experience is broken in conflicting ways?
How often does that really occur?
All the time
And I'm not saying people can't do whatever they want to their systems. But the culture of "let the userscipts handle it" is one I have a problem with.
Well, for developers who are writing code that people actually use. So I hear, anyway. I'm not one of them.
It's like games where the devs know there are too many bugs to be playable, but they rely on modders to fix them.
@ChrisWhite When the feature is something that has legitimately good reasons to exist in the main product and won't disrupt the average person's workflow, then I agree with you. But for features that only a few people want and/or would break things for the majority of the user base, scripts are fine IMO.
mmm I suppose I can agree with that
My guess is that maybe about 5 features available on StackApps would make sense to add to the SE interface, even if the designers weren't swamped with site (re)designs.
Apparently someone really doesn't like me. I've gotten 3 downvotes today, and I can't remember the last time I got any. (I don't usually step into controversial questions, or answer anything I'm not 99% sure of.)
@DavidZ Speaking of which...
@DavidZ I have a physics question for you...why is it so widespread the belief that the wavefunction of quantum mechanics has to be continuous? (I am asking you because you seem to be one of the people believing that)

To me, it seems a really unnecessary requirement that is not supported by any physical evidence.
there is a general beliefs that functions in physics have to be continuous
Also I think discontinuous functions in general are bad news
@Slereah not at all
If you're not at least Lifschitz continuous it's a bit weird
Ok we definitely annoyed someone important.
so you don't like e.g. discrete probabilities
Although there are Important Discontinuous function classes in QM
(image from here)
Well, someone had to be last, but yeah, that does seem rather coincidental
classical probability distributions are "discontinuous" as well...
Discrete probabilities are just a sum of Dirac functions
Very much continuous!
a Dirac function is not continuous...it's not even a function
Distribution, if you will :p
not continuous
Is it not?
by any mean of the term
it takes, roughly speaking, value one in one point, and value zero in all other points
does not seem very continuous to me...
I suppose not
Though theorems on distributions I wouldn't be able to derive
"When viewing $\delta : S\rightarrow\Bbb R$ (linear and continuous with respect to the usual semi-norms on the Schwartz-space – or similar on the space of test functions), it makes sense to say that $\delta$ is continuous. "
Different notions of continuity, tho
this is continuity wrt the space of test functions...it is a completely different thing
it is not continuity wrt the coordinate space
@ChrisWhite boo hoo, will you survive?
He must take revenge
What's a good book on functional integrals from a non-physics perspective
I'm a bit sick of the eternal "Let's see path integrals from Schrodinger!"
there are a couple
that I know of
what would they be
Let's download it legally
Pretty sure that guy is a barbarian
the other one, I am looking for it
I know one of the authors, and a second expanded edition should be almost ready
Ew it's typewritten
the albeverio one? T__T
I have a copy, and it isn't
Might be an old version
this one is more physical I think
I don't mind it being physical but a mathy approach would be nice
the first article is rather mathy
but with a different point of view wrt albeverio
at least I think
It would be nice to have some exact solutions of the same kind as non-relativistic QM
QFT path integrals tend to be very limited in their description
@Slereah in euclidean time, mathematically something has been done I think
for free theories there should be exact solutions
and also for some low-dimensional interacting one...
yeah that would be nice
Just for free scalar fields
Exact solution for arbitrary boundaries or something
I am a bit annoyed by the focus of all QFT on scattering theory
"Free Euclidean quantum field and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes"
Seems interesting!
there is the reconstruction theorem that tells that you can reconstruct the dynamics by VEV
@vzn Thanks for the reference. In fact, I was trying to clarify concepts therefore posted that question. Bell's inequality was included in the material of TD (Travail Dirigé). After having done this series of exercises, I still don't get the idea. And I realize that there are so many concepts I haven't digest well. For example, Alice and Bob are performing experiments on a composite system $H_1\otimes H_2$, and Alice performs a measurement correspondent to $T_1\colon H_1\to H_1$ (...)
(...) What it really corresponds is that $T_1\otimes H_2$, the result of the functor $-\otimes H_2$, or noted $T_1\otimes1$.
If you are interested in the problem of measurement in QM from a mathematical perspective, I suggest you read this paper by Ozawa of 1984:
If you have some knowledge of operator algebras you would find it quite interesting
Thanks, but I was confused about Bell's inequality in spin measurement, which is finite dimensional therefore no faithful operator algebra is involved.
After skimming that paper, there is something so-called locality.
yeah, but I do not think it is strictly related to the locality in Bell's inequalities.
anyways, the results of the paper still hold for finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, where they are actually simpler (I would say)
Starting to get to the good stuff.
If anyone's interested, let me know.
Good way to learn.
Ahhhh, finally I have internet again!
Browsing SE on a phone sucks
@ACuriousMind agreed
"supergauge theory"...really? Must physicists slap "super" onto everything that is equipped with a $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-grading?
I will find a use for $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$-gradings and call the resulting theories "hyper-".
$\Bbb Z/4\Bbb Z$ is of course super duper
@ACuriousMind : Also recall, stuperspace
I recall, I recall
Find some new stuff :P
I remember why I gave up on measure theory
The horror
why? measure theory is so nice
especially on infinite dimensional spaces
skimming the book, I'm not even quite sure where the result is
or if I could recognize it!
which book?
"Feynman Kac type theorems and Gibbs measures on path space"
ah ok, Hiroshima's book
aptly titled
maybe I should read Demichev again
IIRC it was a pretty good compromise of math and physics
Or maybe I should do like a PHYSICIST
And solve that thing without worrying about measure theory
Please don't ;)
Path integrals are just an infinite product of integrals
that's right I said it
Do you happen to know how path integrals work for quantum gravity
Since they are supposed to be from time 1 to time 2
But those depend on the metric
which is a variable of integration
I don't know, but is that problem also there in the Pauli-Fierz theory?
well no, since that is just a field theory
So do the path integral there, problem solved!
Eh, I dunno
(Or not, because the path integral as a non-perturbative object really...shouldn't exist for a non-renormalizable theory :P)
well you'd have to prove it is not renormalizable in a non-perturbative theory!
Yeah. Hm. That has probably not really been done
I'm not even sure how one does that in the non-perturbative formulation. I know vaguely how to renormalize, but you aren't really allowed to do that if you don't know the theory can be renormalized...
Even worse I am not quite sure how to do path integrals if there's no spacelike slicing
Not quite sure how it would work
I guess I can try to put a non-spacelike surface at the end but I dunno
I suppose the easiest way would be to have surfaces at both boundaries, and then some chronology violating set in between
But I would like to be able to calculate something like $\langle \textbf{causal} \vert \textbf{non-causal} \rangle$
There is a lot of unstated assumption that spacetime admits a foliation in almost all of QM though
Hm, I guess it wouldn't be too complicated to calculate
In 2D the action is just the spacetime volume
Which is pretty easy to compute in $\Bbb R \times S$ between two hypersurfaces
but then I dunno what the metric looks like for every step
If we allow the slices to be non-spacelike then the metric might turn into bullshit pretty fast
I guess Pauli Fierz might be the best bet, really
Probably well defined in 2D
@DavidZ : Feeds only work with tags? E.g. could one trigger a feed when a certain word is used in a post?
Funny how on Music: Practice & Theory the 'physics' tag is a synonym of the 'acoustics' tag. I guess their physics world is a bit smaller than ours!
But then how will I ask about EM fields for my theremin!
@Qmechanic Well to musicians, acoustics (and emotions) is why they can make music
but emotions cannot be analysed by physical principles easily
The addition "Practice & Theory" is...odd. Should we rename ourselves to "Physics: Practice & Theory (but mostly theory)"?
I don't think you can find a nice analogue to a musical performance in purely physics problem solving domains (experimental or theoretical)
you can generate music with Markov chains
Maybe I should drop CTCs a bit
And go back to whatever I was doing before
Energy conditions for non equilibrium states or whatever
CTCs are not very nice to deal with
@Slereah What were you doing before?
You may notice I don't have a good attention span :p
I was looking into the energy conditions of interacting fields
@ACuriousMind Long time no see.
@Qmechanic SE only offers feeds for tags (and for all questions, and maybe a couple other things) per site. It would be possible to have a feed that only includes posts with a certain word, or any other arbitrary criteria, but someone would need to implement it on a separate server - basically, have some code that periodically fetches the feed of all questions, filters out whichever posts meet the criterion, and republishes that as a separate feed.
3 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
Ahhhh, finally I have internet again!
My router broke, and I had to wait for today for the new one to arrive
@ACuriousMind That sucks.
I got the Mass Effect series on sale. Only about 45 minutes into the first one and I'm impressed by the dialogue.
The inventory system is a lil complicated.
@0celo7 Yeah, the first game was a little weird with that. I can promise that that aspect of the game gets better in the sequels
I miss the days when the inventory was just "you can carry whatever"
Inventory management is kind of parasitic gameplay
@Slereah ME1 has that, no limit.
I don't want to stop the game to rearrange my inventory
But 99% of what you find is crap, and it is a pain to sort through
that is another thing
Don't give me shit to pick up
Streamline your items game
I have like a dozen random armor things.
No clue if I should equip them or give them to my people or what...
Also, even the "good" items don't have a noticeable effect on gameplay
if you have all that vendor trash for me to carry why not give me the money directly
I think you can play most of the game without ever changing your equipment, except maybe at the hardest difficulty
you know what was weird?
Arkham Asylum
When you had to level up Batman
Batman had to learn to be Batman during the game
I might buy that game, too.
More parasitic gameplay
Too bad the AC games are only at 50% off.
Sasso Creedo
I'm not paying 10 bucks for an AC game. Will wait for 75% off.
I need to get all of them after 2 and until Unity.
The first two or three games are alright
I loved 1 and 2.
the whole future plot kinda went nowhere
@Huy I got the Valve mega pack on sale...we can play CS:GO now.
And now I have Portal, Half Life and others.
Too many games!
@0celo7 I hope you picked the female Shephard, her voice actor is far better than the male one, imo (and not only my opinion)
Well I guess to go back to that project I was doing
I'll have to go back into the Thirring model
The horror
Or something, I dunno
Some interacting theory that isn't the vacuum state
Hi guys, does the two-dimensional divergence operator have a direct analogy in the two-dimensional de-Rham complex?
Like, on a three dimensional Riemannian manifold the de-Rham complex is gradient ($\Omega^0(M)\to\Omega^1$), curl ($\Omega^1\to\Omega^2$) and divergence ($\Omega^2\to\Omega^3$), and in two dimensions it is gradient ($\Omega^0(M)\to\Omega^1$) and curl ($\Omega^1\to\Omega^2$)
@Bass Divergence is always the exterior derivative from $n-1$-forms to $n$-forms. By Hodge duality, this gives you divergence on $1$-forms, which in turn gives you divergence on vector fields.
@ACuriousMind Damn.
I picked male because I'm stupid.
@Bass Ah, well, if you call 1->2 curl, then there's no divergence, no
Could not figure out how to character editor.
@ACuriousMind oh, so $1\to 2$ is not curl in two dimensions?
And I always play as a gril, I like to be fabulous. It's not too late to restart...
@Bass Well...I guess you could say it sort of is, if you look at it geometrically
I see the issue!
1->2 alone is indeed curl
@ACuriousMind it's like $d\alpha=(\partial_y\alpha_x-\partial_x\alpha_y)dx\wedge dy$
this is curl
You must do what I said to get divergence - take the Hodge dual (which is a vector field again, but with switched components)
And then take the "curl" of this dual -that's the divergence
@ACuriousMind Yes.
@0celo7 Well...it depends on whether or not you're actively annoyed at the male voice or not, I'd say ;)
@ACuriousMind so the sequence $0\to 1\to 2\to 0\to 1$ (where $2\to 0$ is Hodge) is gradient, curl, divergence?
@Bass: You always have the following: Gradient is $\Omega^0\overset{\mathrm{d}}{\to}\Omega^1$, curl is $\Omega^1\overset{\mathrm{d}}{\to}\Omega^2$ and divergence is $\Omega^1\overset{\star}{\to}\Omega^{n-1}\overset{\mathrm{d}}{\to}\Omega^n$.
@ACuriousMind cool thanks!
You can't carry them out in a sequence like you can in 3D because you cannot take the divergence of what results from the curl, not even after taking the dual
@ACuriousMind Do relationships work the same regardless of player gender?
@0celo7 There is one relationship which both genders can pursue. The second possible relationship is the one with the opposite-sex human crew member.
@ACuriousMind This is in the first?
@0celo7 Yes
Does the character carry over through the various installments?
The romance options in the sequels are different, but you may continue the ones from the first in the third.
@0celo7 Yes
Is the overall experience different based on player gender?
Would you pick female and carry it all the way through?
That's the crucial gimmick of the series - not only does your character carry over, the decisions carry over, too
@0celo7 Apart from the romance options, no
@ACuriousMind For which gender are those better?
@0celo7 Well, that strongly depends on which characters you like best, which I cannot predict. I picked female for the voice for my playthrough through all three. The most popular romance alternative is the one available to both, I would guess.
@ACuriousMind so divergence in n dimensions is like $\star\circ d\circ\star : \Omega^1\to\Omega^0$, but because $\Omega^0\simeq\Omega^n$, you just write $d\circ\star:\Omega^1\to\Omega^n$?
@Bass Yeah...if you want divergence to be a number, you need to take the star again, that's right
But since $\Omega^n$ is only one-dimensional, anyway, this is only relevant if your metric is non-trivial
(Since the Hodge has a $\sqrt{g}$ hidden in it)
ok thx
Why do they care about $t = -\infty$ for non equilibrium QFT
How is timelike infinity relevant at all
@Slereah Well...$t=+\infty$ is relevant because you need to see thermalization there, right?
$t=-\infty$ looks indeed less relevant to me, though
They don't even use $+\infty$
I guess it's an analytic thing, maybe
@Secret : I'm sorry, but you'll never get the physics right for time travel. Time is a dimension derived from motion through space. A clock "clocks up" some kind of regular cyclical motion and shows you a cumulative result called the time. You cannot move through this measure of motion, just as you cannot literally climb to a higher temperature.
The state can only be thermal in the past infinity for everything to be nice

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