@Dom I'm aware of the standard close reason for 'primarily opinion-based', but it doesn't really give a good idea of exactly where the line is - for good reason, because as you'll be well-aware, different sites around the SE network are allowed to come up with their own ideas on exactly where that line is. So it's still our community's job to clarify that line as it relates to music.SE.
You're obviously right that coming up with a foolproof definition of 'opinion based' is impossible, which is why no-one's suggesting that we need a foolproof definition. I'm just saying that taking the opportunity to make clarifications when we can would be good.
"If every answer is equally valid, the question is primarily option based." - I'd agree. That rules out questions like "what's your favourite band"?
"If the question is about your opinion of something, the question is primarily opinion based". That seems fair! :)
"If you're trying to find the best ,greatest, worst, etc., the question is primarily opinion based." - again, I'd agree, unless the question is perhaps related to quantifiable or otherwise partially objective measurements of greatness, etc - but that's more likely to relate to music fans SE than here.
"If you are asking how hard or easy something is, the question is primarily opinion based" - I don't think that's always true - people at ABRSM would presumably hope their students aren't going to it easier to do grade 8 first than grade 1.
So we can already see that there are some places where we can draw lines fairly easily, and other areas where we might need a bit more discussion - but that's fine.
On a site with a topic like ours, drawing a good set of guidelines on what's too opinion based should be one of the key jobs of the meta community. If we need to have a bit of a chat over it, that's fine.
@Canada-Area51Proposal thank you also for your patience in trying to help us clarify the site. I do think that for the most part, your main site questions have been treated 'normally' for the site, but I also agree with you that it would be good to be able to add a level of precision to the explanations as to why; after all, people can't work to improve their questions (current, or future) if they don't have a good idea what's wrong with them.
I think very satisfactory answers have been given in the chat. The meta questions were closed for being too broad or for soliciting general discussions rather than asking a focused question.
7 hours later…
@Dom yep, that's an example where not all answers would be equally valid, but many would. It's an interesting case that we could consider if we wanted to clarify what 'opinion-based' meant on this site.
@jdpatent that's restating that Canada's question is the wrong side of the line, but not really clarifying where the line is. We almost got some clarity when Canada asked "As I understand it then, music history questions need documents to fit this SE? Correct? ". But then Rory replied "no. That is not what I said at all.". So we didn't get it after all!
@jdpatent I agree that the format of chat is better for discussion, but unfortunately it doesn't serve as a very good record for future users, hence the parallel utility of meta.
music.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2867/… has now been reopened, and I've added my thoughts there. Interested to know if you agree!
He has done this on various places on SE - arguing over and over that something is on topic because one word of it matches something in the On-Topic page, despite it failing on all other counts and the community flagging and voting to close
@RoryAlsop on the 'documents' thing - I still don't really see the problem - but I've written more in my answer here - music.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2867/…
@RoryAlsop I can't comment on Canada's actions elsewhere but I think I've read most of the comments and chat and I honestly don't see that he is being as awkward as you say - I rather see him being frustrated for the same reason that I've been frustrated here in the past, which has been an apparent reluctance to discuss and clarify music.SE's rules beyond a certain point.
It may be that we really can't reach a more detailed level of agreement - after all, people do this in their spare time, so there's going to be a limited amount of energy that can go into diving into greater detail...
It just frustrates me when it seems to me that energy is going into preventing further clarification and refinement of rules when that energy could go into making the rules a little bit clearer and more user-friendly.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
I think there are two issues here: (1) clarity of the rules in general and (2) the handling of this scenario. Regarding the second, I really think very good clarity has been provided to Canada explaining why his questions were off topic. That was what the questions sought. Maybe I should re-read the discussion, but I don't think he was asking about the rules in a more general way detached from his specific question.
I also think his 3rd Q is one of the clearest possible cases of opinion-based topics. Examples of on-topic history questions have been provided and patient explanations have been given.
The facts here suggest to me an unwillingness to try to understand. He didn't comment on or acknowledge the on topic sample question. After agreeing that a question was opinion-based, he said "But music can be opinion-based." This shows an unwillingness to follow the rules because he thinks they are wrong.
When Rory gives concrete examples showing why one Q is subjective, he refuses to think about the opinion-based rule and instead regresses to "But these are questions of music history then." After more back and forth, he refuses to accept the answer, saying "The on-topic page simply states 'music history' though? It doesn't delve into which questions of music history fit or not?"
This is crucial, because he appears to understand what they're saying but is trying to argue that they're wrong. This is completely backwards: he sought clarification. He asked multiple follow up questions, heard multiple examples, multiple explanations, etc. all tailored to the specific things he wasn't understanding. And upon reaching that understanding, he argued that it was wrong.
Following the line of questioning, the position he appears to be defending is: (a) rules cannot exist on the site except for what is explicitly printed in the help center and (b) the letter of the rules printed on the help center is unclear because it allows music history questions but not opinion-based questions.
Canada isn't taking his newfound understanding and suggesting changes for the help center. He's taking his newfound understanding and using it to continue arguing his case.
I think you and Canada are in different camps: you want earnest clarification, but for Canada no amount of clarification will satiate his position. It will simply further entrench his feeling that the help center is an incomplete listing of every site rule.
The efforts from Rory and Dom have all been geared toward helping Canada understand. There's no effort here toward suppressing conversation or clarification. (The mere length of this chat illustrates that :) I think your issue is that this isn't happening on meta, but I think you would agree that I shouldn't be able to ask "can we discuss the opinion-based rules" on meta regardless of how productive the resulting conversation would be.
1 hour later…
@jdpatent The only fault I can find with the amount of time people have dedicated to this particular scenario is that it's probably a bit too much all round!
- when a question is closed (or put on hold), it should be for a reason that already exists in the site rules, worded in a way that clearly relates to the question being closed.
- when I say clearly, I don't mean just 'clear' to experienced users of the site - I mean clear to anyone who can read English.
- if the user disagrees with the close reason, they can take it to meta. If at that point it's found that there's any significant ambiguity in the rules, we fix them up and clarify them.
what I've found tends to happen is that sometimes people get dragged into a whole bunch of "old favourite" arguments about how opinion-based is too opinion-based, and how the rules can't be perfect, and how not all the existing questions are good examples as to what's 'on-topic', etc etc... to the point of self-parody.
@Dom one suggestion is to try to make music.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic more of a living document...
Been busy, will doubtless be around more sometime in the future! Though I don't disagree with anything you've said here or in the chat, I do admit that's one of the 'wordings' that could be a little clearer... sometimes I've wondered why the wording doesn't say something more like "questions that ask for specific product recommendations", as it seems that it's that in particular that the community doesn't want, while more general advice and recommendations are often fine. Just thought i'd mention it again as it seems that this user also misunderstood the intent of that wording. — topo morto Sep 6 at 20:21
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Transcript for
Dec '1727
Canada - discussion on closures
Discussion on why questions are closed