(1) 'the whole second half of that sentence is starting from a false assumption' : This may be, but why not leave the question open and then correct me? This is a question of rightness, not of scope?
I'm not sure how this answers my question overhead: (4) Isn't this true of most questions of music history? We can't answer questions about composers or their works unless we ask them?
Perhaps this disagreement may be worth discussing, not only for my questions, but to help me better understand music history for my knowledge. Why don't you consider them music history ones?
WHEN did the appearance of the quarter rest in music change from its original appearance - as a backward looking number 7 -( ) to its current look ()? I have been searching the Internet with no luck. I know the original quarter rest looked like a backward eighth rest, so the design was changed c...
This is about a historically documented change in notation. It has a very objective answer and sources to back it up.
The questions you asked about Xenakis while being about a historic composer, are more about interpretation, finding examples, and knowing what he was thinking which aren't really good topics for the site in general whether it is historic or not.
(5) A separate question: will questions to which I linked be closed for off-topic? (6) If popular questions that don't fit the website, are left open, then they can mislead future users in posting unfit questions, as appears the case here?
To improve my understanding, can you please explain what the linked questions have, which mine don't? Dom's answer doesn't apply to them because the linked questions are far more subjective.
@Canada-Area51Proposal There are a lot, but I will try and give you some pointers if I get time over the next couple of weeks. The main thing to realise is they meet SE guidance so any direct comparison with yours wis not worthwhile effort.
@Canada-Area51Proposal off the top of my head, the dance of the knights one is the only one that I would have thought about closing. The others all meet requirements as far as I could see.
oh - and there was an odd one on technicality detracting from feeling or something similar. That one, I'm not sure about at all. I think if it was asked now it would be closed
@Canada-Area51Proposal That is not constructive at all. If you think one should be closed, you vote to close it like anyone else would.
@Canada-Area51Proposal This is why I have once or twice mentioned that this site doesn't appear to work the way you want it to. There are a couple of other folks who also don't like the fact that the SE model and subjective sites don't perfectly match, and have left - which is a pity, but if you do find it difficult to see how to fit, it is worth looking at other sites.
SE is very different to online music discussion forums, where your questions may well go down better
@Canada-Area51Proposal your post would be very likely to get downvotes, as the SE guidelines are extensively documented
And the majority of those other questions you listed meet guidelines
SO it would be a rather pointless question - what you need to get your head around is why your ones don't
And @Dom's explanation was very straightforward, I thought
with some possible exceptions as I alluded to up there, and those are probably historic (ie our standards were much more relaxed when we were initially growing)
The guideline about find songs or resources is concrete which is what one of your questions was closed as.
opinion based is always trickier to describe.
Likewise there's no hard line for too broad.
We're very happy to help explain to you why questions were closed, but looking at every example that may or may not be slightly subjective in some way isn't going to be very fruitful for anyone.
(14) Back to (9), because another Meta post appears helpful, will you close it if I do so? Or can you allow me to post it, even if you don't judge it constructive?
(15) And I thank you both for your help. The hitch is that after our discussion, I still can't clinch the distinguishing reasons.
I do try to do this, but somehow these reasons still appear too hazy to me. (15) I need to rectify (9): I may need to refer to my questions as examples, but not to request their reopenings because I've already posted about this. Does this change your answer to my posting another Meta post?
Remember: as the site grows there's a different set of users who review close votes. The users here today are not the exact same that were here when the site first went to beta in 2011 and neither it the site's scope exactly the same.
All you need to do is read and digest all the things Matthew, Dom, myself and others have been telling you all this time. When your posts are closed, read the materials. Read the full [about] and How to Ask pages. Read meta.se faq.
@Canada-Area51Proposal there seems to be a disconnect here in what we keep saying, and what you keep trying to read into things
We can always update the on topic page if requested. The trouble we're having seeing where the disconnect is and pulling more example questions won't be the solutions.
@Canada-Area51Proposal argument, annoyance from calling out other people's posts, other unspecified things that are likely to happen, because your approach seems to be very high friction
Even with Dom and I being very patient, you don't make things easy for people to try and help
If you have questions about travel in Canada - we have a travel site. Politics in Canada - yes, we have a politics site. Law in canada - there is a law site etc
@Canada-Area51Proposal of course, but look at the model
and you will see why it makes no sense
SE own the model and the framework
it doesn't matter if users vote for something if it doesn't fit - see the multiple attempts at a sex stack exchange site.
(27) About "you don't make things easy for people to try and help" - I've offered to create a Meta post to let others educate me on what distinguishes fit and unfit questions. But it would be easier if we can agree to this?