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7:00 PM
@nicolatalbot I thought of creating this so we don't bother other people. :D
So the lower event is wider? checks
Why do you say it's wider?
And can you explain that \frame{} you mentioned?
7:16 PM
Okay. This is a method I often use when I want to see where tikz thinks the bounding box is. The \frame command puts a rectangle around its contents. It's a TeX command, like \fbox but doesn't have an inner sep.

\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1cm, landscape]{geometry}


%draw horizontal line
\draw (0,0) -- (12,0);
%draw vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0,1,2,...,12} \draw (\x cm,3pt) -- (\x cm,-3pt);
\foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \year using int(1900+\x*10)] in
    \draw (\x,0) node[below=7pt,anchor=east,xshift=5pt,rotate=45]
Can I use this frame with any element or just with the whole/main picture?
You can't use it for anything that has a line break in it. It works on the tikzpicture because the whole picture forms a box.
It's useful for debugging, but I wouldn't use it in the final draft.
Ok. Let me try. :)
Oh no no. I got it was for debugging. :D
Uhm.. Ok there is a white space indeed.
If you add the draw option to the "Event" node, you'll see where the extra space is coming from.
    \draw[|-|] (0.8, 2) -- (0.9, 2) node[midway, above,align=center, text width=7cm,draw]{Event};
Ok. adds draw
Thank you!
The culprit was text width=7cm.
It was too wide.
Thanks a lot! :D You saved me from elaborating some complicated question on the Main site. :P
7:32 PM
@Alenanno :-)
@NicolaTalbot By the way, it's totally unrelated but you don't look the age you claim to be. :D
Just a thing I noticed.
@Alenanno older or younger ;-)
Younger! I honestly thought you were around my age. lol
@Alenanno How old are you? Sorry if I can't see it on your profile.
I'm 26. :)
7:42 PM
@Alenanno Wow. I'm flattered :-)
Ahah :D bows
Cool. That's given my ego a boost :-)
It's always nice when it happens!
@Alenanno :-)
I was reading your website...
Is this a dialect? "Heh yar fa’r got a dickey, bor?"
Except for two or three words, it looks like another language!
7:49 PM
Yes, literally it means "has your father got a donkey, mate?" but it's a form of shibboleth. You have to give the correct reply to show you're from Norfolk :-)
What's the correct reply? :P
Don't worry, I'll admit I'm not from Norfolk, even if everyone will notice my accent anyway.
As far as I remember, something along the lines "yes, but he needs a stupid fool like you to ride it" :-)
It's like a password for an entire population. Great. :D
Yeah, they've got some great expressions.
Where are you from?
7:52 PM
@Alenanno Yes. East Anglia (the bulgey bit on the east coast.)
Oooh nice. :)
Yes, it's great. I have to get my son off to bed now. Talk to you later. Bye :-)
Later! And thanks for the help again. :)

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