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@hBy2Py How are things? Getting any more done with gamess?
It's coming along, but I haven't really gotten much done since about Thursday of last week. Didn't run anything over the weekend.
Haven't tried running anything with dispersion again yet. I think I may try a different flavor of dispersion, on the off chance that it's something about the BJ version that's giving it trouble.
Ultimately though, I probably need both a higher level of theory, as well as anharmonic corrections, in order to get to quality enough of spectra for my purposes.
Neither of which are particularly feasible at the moment.
I see... I know the difficulties...
Let's keep this room alive for a little while...
When I have a moment I'll look into dispersion again :D
<nod>, I'm certainly inclined to anticipate it's being useful.
The problems it was having with dispersion seemed reminiscent of difficulties I've had with COSMO in ORCA... numerical instabilities due to rounding errors or somesuch in the method.
With COSMO it's the slight differences in the cavity construction as the geometry adjusts bit by bit.
hmmm... solvent models tend to oscillate because they are applied post-calc and then reoptimised... that shouldn't happen with dispersion, which is added directly to the energy
@hBy2Py Both dispersion and the chat :-)
@hBy2Py yes exactley
The dispersion correction is a function of the geometry though, and so maybe it's not applying it in a precise enough way?
Seems kind of doubtful though.
But it's quite clear that the optimization is much more successful when the dispersion correction is turned off.
I just had a project which started about 3 years ago. I used theory without dispersion to keep it consistent... a couple of days I restarted the whole project as non-disp geometries are just bad and offer a completely different interpretation
Yeah, the distribution of peaks in the experimental versus the calculated spectra for one species I tried just really aren't even close in spots.
@hBy2Py Theoretically you converge the SCF, then you add dispersion corrections, then you determine gradient etc. This should not affect convergence much...
maybe dispersion is a bit more sensitive to small changes in geometry
that could offer an explanation
Oh, I guess the big thing is, I never did rerun a dispersion optimization after rigging up a little widget to plot the gradient and energy values over the course of the optimization.
Did you opt in internals or cartesian?
it's entirely possible that being a Cartesian optimization, it was just taking a very roundabout path to get to the minimum. I should recheck that.
After our discussion, I've been doing everything in cartesians.
It's been weird, after working in ORCA for so long, having to reexamine all of my acquired assumptions about the best practices for running computations.
yes. I always suggest to run with the defaults first, that's what the designers/developers optimise first. Gamess is a nice piece of software, but it carries around a whole bunch of old code and probably incomplete features...
I remember reading somewhere that using RI in gamess actually slows down calculations, which is somewhat absurd since RI was developed to speed things up
it has something to do with the implementation of grids and such... I don't remember...
Yeah, I was really surprised by how many entries in the manual were marked as obsolete.
being in academia, i can pick the best axe to battle a problem (usually) for free
A software that uses arrays as direct input is not meant to be understood by the black box user...
did you read my post on fixing things in gamess?
I found it incredible, that you use a single array to define all the redundant coordinates.... who programs stuff like that???
I guess 20 years ago you didn't really have a choice, but why don't you update these things?
@hBy2Py Oh the "manual"... The formatting alone is terrible... it's like a readme that's five thousand lines long... sometimes I feel like they grepped out all comments of the source code to compile the manual...
without ever checking the whole thing...
@Martin-マーチン Grant money for docs freshening is probably pretty scarce.
@hBy2Py Completely unrelated question: You are on the CCL, iirc? Is it common to reply to e-mails via the list, or directly to the asker?
@hBy2Py Oh well, I have more documentation in my bash scripts...
@Martin-マーチン Personal preference, AFAIK.
okay thanks, I couldn't find anything on it in the instructions :D
Of course, I have no idea how often people respond off list because, well, I don't get those. But there definitely have been times when someone has effectively forwarded a message back to the list that someone sent offline, and so I've seen those.
oh okay... I just subbed a few days ago... didn't expect it to be so low traffic...
I'd like to be able to say that people put anything contentious off list, but there's been more than enough... Shall we say, raucous conversation... That has happened on-list, so...
that was my whole reasoning of not doing it earlier...
Ebbs and flows.
in most parts of the world people celebrate xmess already
guess that drowns a lot of traffic...
hats keep our little paradise occupied
Yeah, I've been really hands-off stackexchange lately. Been focusing on the programming projects.
hey there
is this a new roomÉ
is this a new room?*
@gannex indeed it is. We talk (currently, mostly) about gamess here, and we did not want to spread it out in the table...
@hBy2Py RL always comes first ;)
ah ok
I don't know shit about gamess
I guess I should find out more, but I'm sorta on a deadline right now
so it's gaussian for me for now
@Martin-マーチン I was a bit sad that that happened when LordStryker took a new position and somewhat vanished... occasionally though he comes by and drops a hi, which is nice...
It's much more an ennui thing for me, though, unfortunately. Too many questions that I look at and just can't bear the thought of trying to type out an answer, only to have comments dropped that indicate that my effort hasn't really clarified anything.
If I wanted to tutor someone, I would tutor a kid in my neighborhood, or at least in my town. Stack exchange Q&A is pretty much the worst place for that.
If the overlords saw fit to add a privilege so that I could invite sub-20 reppers to private chat rooms, tutor them there, in real time... That might change the calculus a bit.
@Martin-マーチン paracetamol almost died of starvation while Jan was in transition
But, bedtime here. Catch you later.
@hBy2Py Nighty night, don't let the bad bugs bite ;) (The good ones are okay though.)
@gannex No need to learn a new piece of software if the one you've got's working for you.
@hBy2Py I'm always interested in learning new ways to do things, though, but right now I'm more interested in getting my results in before christmas and taking my gf on a ski trip
@Martin-マーチン @hBy2Py if either of you has time for a quick question...
@gannex Gaussian is a fine suit for many purposes. There are others that do better in some areas, but no need to run off and learn every available suit. Also, if you have questions regarding Gaussian, you are also welcome to ask them here. Just that we are on gamess right now doesn't mean we can't diverge...
Oh yeah skiing :D I'd love that, too.
@gannex sure, shoot, I can see if I can help
I've done a bunch of TD-DFT calculations to generate theoretical uv-vis spectra to compare to some titrations I've done (forming complexes between Cu(I) and various potentially redox noninnocent ligands)
I'm having a few problems
for one thing, I can't get the TD-DFT to work with PCM, so I've used geometries that were optimized with PCM (for tetrahydrofuran), but when I put scrf=solvent=tetrahydrofuran in the TD-DFT calculations, they just never converged
but my prof says he's happy with the results withought the pcm
so I just want to generate pictures of the electron densities of the most intense transition for each calculation
a former colleague made these things called "difference electron density sketches", but I don't know how she generated them
I'm not really an expert on TD-DFT, but I'll give it a shot
Okay, let me ask you a few question, to see if I understood correctly
you optimised your system on DFT+PCM and got a well converged geometry
On top of that you put a single point, same header but requested TD?
I've got 8 different systems actually. 4 variations of 2 ligands
and I calculated 40 singlet excited states
Okay, let's stick with one ;) the calculation doesn't converge?
which part doesn't converge?
I guess the excited states
"I get root X not converged, maximum delta is 0.00000something", where X is the number of one of my excited states
hmmm, and you don't have the problem when you removed the TD keyword?
well, I don't have that problem when I remove scrf=solvent=tetrahydrofuran
but actually, I think I'm going to ignore this issue, so I shouldn't have mentioned it
my calculations qualitatively match my experimental spectra fairly well. All the right peaks are there, but they are shifted in energy.
The most important thing for me is to figure out how to generate plots to visualize the most intense predicted transition
well you should probably use Natural transition orbitals: gaussian.com/faq4
@gannex that is not unusual for TDDFT... as long as you have little variation in the shift and the correct signals, it should be fine
@Martin-マーチン that's what my prof said, so I don't think i want to fix the convergence issue right now
all I have to go on is a supporting info doc written by a french colleague, so I think the terminology is wrong
but I'm pretty sure what I want are "electron density difference plots of the electronic transitions"
@gannex what is that supposed to tell you?
my understanding is that it's supposed to show you where the electrons go during the transition. The difference between the electron density of the ground state and the excited state.
do you relax the geometry of the exited state?
I'm not sure.
but these plots only show one geometry
well, if you do, there is no straight forward way to calculate the difference of two electron densities
my understanding is that these plots show the difference of two electron densities for a single geometry
for example
what program do you use to visualise orbitals?
normally, I use either gaussview or avogadro, but I tend to use chemcraft for NBOs
I'll give you an example though
(yellow = negative, red = positive)
so they assign this transition as an MLCT (metal to ligand charge transfer)
I've just never made this sort of plot before
I think the link to NTOs you gave me is a good starting point though, so I'll look at that!
@gannex which program do you use to look at the orbitals?
usually avogadro
hmmm, I have absolutely no experience with that program
you should look at an option to subtract cube files
well I'd really use whichever program was the most convenient. I also use chemcraft sometimes.
@gannex that one has excellent features to do these things...
i mean chemcraft
OK I'll play around with chemcraft then. I'm not sure what you mean about subtracting cube files though.
@gannex you don't need those actually...
it is incredibly easy,
Open a molecule file which has the orbitals
1. choose > tools > orbitals > render molecular orbitals, and pick the orbitals you need
2. then you will have in the right column the picker (pick a orbital to display it), where you have the display options, like countour value, style, etc... (I send a screenshot)
on the bottom there is a menu called multiple cubes operation
sadly I just realized I don't actually have chemcraft installed on this computer (it's on my laptop, but I left it at work), so I'll have to do that first :- /
from there pick "perform operation on two cubes"
pick one mo on the left, and another on the right, and then you will probably want to use the operation "subtraction of squares", click okay and the you should have a new item in the picker
that should give you exactly the plots you want
awesome thanks a lot
no problem :D
I'll let you know how it goes after I figure out how to install chemcraft again :- P
you should thank ChemCraft for making things so easy
@gannex linux?
yeah, but not super easy to install
yeah but I should figure it out myself
I remember it took me a while last time though
chemcraft is one of the rare reasons, why I still (again) use windows as an os O.o
modern implementations of wine should support it quite easily though...
the linux version has some serious restrictions, unfortunately...
well I just bought a thinkpad for my sister for christmas
so I actually have a windows computer in the house. Maybe I should just use it
haha... that's cheating :P
I actually managed to get chemcraft running on my macbook on ubuntu, but I remember staying up all night
I'm a new-ish user though
I'll figure it out
well, I remember trying to make chemcraft available on my cluster... didn't get it to work... I gave up
it is also very slow when running via x-window
I actually lied earlier. My laptop's not at work. It's just that the ubuntu partition stopped working
maybe a better option is to just fix the ubuntu partition on my laptop
uhhh, that's sad
well at least I have a good goal now
if I make these figures, all I have to do is go clean up my fumehood and then there's no research until after I go skiing with a beautiful lady from germany
in about 30cm of snow
@Martin-マーチン Got it working on my desktop
Thanks for the help!!
much appreciated, as always.
You're welcome!
Where are you going for skiing?
Mont Tremblant or Le Massif, or Possibly Jay Peak in Vermont. These are very shitty mountains compared to Europe or the West Coast though, but the snow is beautiful
I'm more into cross country skiing though. That way I can ski around on a small mountain behind our chalet and then go inside and light a fire
haha, sounds awesome
when I read le massif, I thought of le massif central in France immediately... I was there, but only in summer for hiking
well the Quebecoises like to think they're in France sometimes
I think we have a very shitty Mont Blanc also
Now I am too fat for skiing :/ There aren't any good resorts close by either... but I try to get one weekend in in february
haha shitty Mt. Blanc... or Mt. Blanc merde haha
my french is terrible, I appologise
so is mine tbqh
do you have to travel north for snow?
I love downhill skiing, but more and more these days, I get more satisfaction from cross country
there's something nice about being all alone in a snowy forest
and if anything will cut the fat its xcski. It's brutal cardio.
yes, cross-country would be nice, but I have to go way north for that. I can downhill in Fukushima or Tochigi, that's only a couple of hours away
the resorts are not very challenging, and rather small, but it's awesome to go out of town and into the mountains just for a break of the city noise
i learned cross country when i was a tiny boy of about 5/6 years... back then i hated it... no action, too boring... now it would be heaven
but I also have a vacation coming up, so that'll be fun, too... part of it will be in Tokyo, and part will be in Hiroshima, and then celebrating new year at home, and the rest i have not yet figured out :D Something will turn up
same here. Small mountains. Everybody spends their time getting good at sous-bois (glades) or freestyle since the trails are not that long
I think cross country is the sort of thing that becomes better as you get older. The best skiers I know are usually middle aged people. I'd love to learn to shoot though and do biathlons or something.
But having a nice trail really helps. In Montreal, we have a mountain with nice cleared tracks alongside a wide, flat path. So you can actually skate ski, then switch to classic if you get tired.
there's no better feeling than skating downhill along the path on the way down the mountain
hehe I want to go on break now
just because I read Montreal, it reminded me; the next WAToC is in Canada - although on the other side in Vancouver in roundabout three years...
If you have a chance you should go :D
It's fun
@hBy2Py btw. don't know if you noticed already, the Japanese course on DouLingo was moved to desktop... I only found out today, because I kinda stopped learning O.o
well theres a strong possibility I start a masters in vancouver next year so maybe I will
@Martin-マーチン any chance you know how to use gaussian's formchk utility if you're using gaussian on a cluster?
OK this is something I've been wondering for a while
do you know where the binaries are installed?
I would assume they'd be in /bin ?
I don't really do anything in the cluster above my directory though. I just submit input files using a script that's in my /home/me/bin
oh no, you would assume wrong...
where should they be installed?
wherever your admin likes it :P
:- /
if I knew where they were, how would I tell gaussian to formchk?
ok i'll guide you through it
do the following:
echo $PATH | grep -i gaussian
do you get a result?
at least noboday played with your profile :D
I have written a wrapper to easily access this, but I am not ready to release it yet
I'll tell you when it is done
this just means that nobody has put the term "gaussian" in my $PATH right?
@gannex basically
in order to make gaussian locally executable you need to add the program path to your path variable
ah OK I know that's what I would do on my computer, but I didn't realize I'd just have to do the same thing on the server
do a locate g09.profile
so I just have to figure out where the admin stores the gaussian binaries and then put that directory in my $PATH, and I should be able to run formchk locally?
it's not that simple
OK... I get g09.profile in 3 locations
you need to add a few other steps to the procedure
all inside the same directory though
can you post the results
okay... so your admin store qc software in /export/apps/whatever/
now you need to do the following:
i forgot
you should choose the version which you use to compute
it doesn't matter much, because it didnt change from d to e, but consistency
@gannex You are using g09 or are you using g16?
okay, well, let's assume you use rev E:
export g09root="/export/apps/g09RelE.01/"
. $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile
for interactive calculations you also need to set a scratch directory:
export GAUSS_SCRDIR="some dir you can use"
should I just put export g09root="/export/apps/g09RelE.01/" in my ~/.bashrc?
or just run those 3 commands
and my scratch could be any dir inside my home?
If you want to permanently make gaussion locally executable, then add it to your bashrc, if you want to use it only a couple of times don't add it
I definitely want it to be permanent
but then what about . $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile ?
hmmm... I personally would advise against that, but that's personal preference
OK I'll take your word for it
it's really bad when you are starting to run different projects on different versions of gaussian...
that'll create digital garbage
but then wouldn't I just go back and take it out of the ~/.bashrc ?
yes, you can, but what do you do when you need to switch
I programmed wrappers for that sort of thing...
seems like quickly using the formchk utility is a much more common issue for me than switching gaussian versions
that's smart though. I should learn to do that.
I'll update my wrappers so that others can use them and post it to github
you then just have to set the appropriate paths :D
*hypothetically* would I just put the lines
export g09root="/export/apps/g09RelE.01/"
. $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile
export GAUSS_SCRDIR="some dir you can use"export GAUSS_SCRDIR="some dir you can use"
in ~/.bashrc ?
do you have a log file? Can you post the result of head -6 *.log?
for .bashrc add:
GAUSS_SCRDIR=" [....]"
export g09root GAUSS_SCRDIR
. $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile
you can also save the above as a script in ~/bin like this:
GAUSS_SCRDIR=" [....]"
export g09root GAUSS_SCRDIR
. $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile
omg you don't know how much this helps
I've been making directories and renaming test.fchk files for months
let's say you have called it g09.local.sh, then you should be able to execute
-$ g09.local.sh formchk -3 input.chk output.fchk
I guess the script is a better way of doing things eh
😃 It is way easier to update
what happened?
I just tried to quit vim in chat.SE
OK everything's working now
local access makes my life soooo much easier
thanks a lot!
I've got to go to bed now though, as it's 4am here
but I'll be sure to let you know how things go tomorrow
@gannex haha :D happened to me a couple of times, too
btw. with that wrapper, you can basically run every gaussian suite command locally, even the calculations...
since I only use g09 so far I don't actually know how useful that is
but I can imagine that it would be very useful
anyways I've got to hit the hay!
thanks a lot, and good talking to you!
nighty nite, don't let the bad bugs bite ;P
if you ever need them, you know where to look
2 hours later…
@gannex I made a mistake earlier, sorry. Check if echo $PATH | grep -i g09 gives any result. It worked for me, because my versions are stored in /home/chemsoft/gaussian/{g09d01,g09e01,g16}. Alternatively, just inspect your path and look for anything that could conflict
@Martin-マーチン No!!! Did not notice, thanks for the heads-up! I have smertfon now, so have just been on the mobile version, but will gladly try PC. Does PC have speaking exercises? Mobile doesn't, a/o the last time I used it.
um... no, i don't think the beta goes that far
can I add you as a friend there?
Hmm, what's my handle...
ha. mine is polyluxus
That'll be easier... I don't think I can see it on mobile...
Found you...I think you'll get a notification?
it's done :D
oh dammnit... the Klamt is writing...
> LinkedIn seems o.k. to me.
pardon my french
yes... inventor of COSMO
Where? Main site?
the jibber jabber machine
Ahh. The CCL server must not've sent it to me yet.
OH. Scrolling down helps. >.<
I can't stand Facebook any more. Bunch of noise, mostly, in a layout I find impossible to read.
well, it's not for news and stuff... but for my friends and I like the messenger
i recently got a message request from someone asking me to write the input for a TS search for him... holy cow... that is lower than a hw dump
@Martin-マーチン Could charge for QC input composition services...
not worth the trouble
I think it is the prerequisite of someone who runs calculations, to at least read the manual
I understand that this is tedious for gamess, but you have to try
Yep. And, really, you NEVER run only one calculation...unless you really enjoy pestering people, it's going to be an awkward process getting anywhere useful.
@Mart Do you see a big difference between the zero-damped and BJ versions of Grimme dispersion?
Also, I assume I should be using hybrids for opt of organics?
@hBy2Py Well, yes. BJ has a devel-root in physics, 0 is absolutely arbitrary
@hBy2Py My working horse functional is BP86
there is nothing more efficient
don't know if gamess has pm6 implemented
It has some semi-empirical...not sure re PM3 specifically.
BP86 is better than PBE (my go-to) in your hands?
@Martin-マーチン True, but I read somewhere that some systems/properties, empirically, work better with D3ZERO.
if so, that would be my workflow for fairly complicated organics: pm6 -> BP86, M06L -> PBE, PBE0, (B3LYP -meh. but...), M06 -> any double hybrids
Prob error cancellation, though, so untrustworthy in general.
any dispersion is better than no dispersion
there are no density functionals that are right for the right reasons
you have to live with what works best
@Martin-マーチン Touché
@hBy2Py In general: no. It is usually faster.
finished my update on the gaussian wrapper... now it's time to test... nervous
Testing bash is always stressful. "I don't THINK I wrote anything that'll wipe my root partition..."
Nah. I've checked with shellcheck, it gave no errors...
and without su privileges, there is nothing cute to destroy...
2 hours later…
@Mart Huh. Re-OPT of PBE-D3BJ/PCseg-1 from the PBE/PCseg-1 optimized geometry converged in 6 iterations. Perhaps it would have eventually made it there running PBE-D3BJ from the outset.
Regardless! I can haz disperzn
what is PCseg-1?
Some DFT-optimized basis or other
= PCseg-n - Polarization Consistent basis sets.
n = 0,1,2,3,4 indicates the level of
polarization. (n=0 is unpolarized, n=1
is ~DZP, n=2 is ~TZ2P, etc.). These
provide a hierarchy of basis sets
suitable for DFT and HF calculations.
Available for H-Kr.
Doesn't say whose they are
So, I'm guessing it's approximately like def2-SVP
I believe they're the segmented-contracted versions of the pc-# bases.
If they're the same as what was put in NWChem, then yeah, that's what they are
Oh right, duh, Jensen.
gamess doesn't have many choices...
I use ChemCraft to write my $DATA group. I have compiled all def2-basis sets to use with it
Chemcraft is the best program for things like that.
symmetrisation and so such...
Do you work assuming symmetry by default, then only breaking it if you suspect the asymmetry may be important for what you're interested in?
No usually I do not assume symmetry. I check for symmetry after an optimisation, except for cases where I am sure
Symmetry makes analysis better, even though it might technically not be the absolute minimum
finally got thsi git thing working...
@gannex I have updated and exteded the scripts, including the wrapper. Have a look : github.com/polyluxus/tools-for-g09.bash

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