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Good morning!
Mornign All :#
morn' guys...
Jay Mahadev ..
>The Birth Of Lord Shiva :
- According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is one of the three supreme gods. There is an interesting story behind the birth of Lord Shiva. One day Brahma and Vishnu were arguing which among them is more powerful. The same time, a massive, fiery pillar appeared. The roots and branches of the tree extended beyond the view of the earth and sky.
- Both Vishnu and Brahma ran to find the start and end of the pillar. Brahma turned himself into a goose and flew to the top of the pillar and Vishnu turned into a boar and dug the earth to look for the roots. Just then, Lord Shiva emerged from an opening in the pillar. Recognizing Lord Shiva’s great power, Both Brahma and Vishnu accepted that Shiva is the third Supreme God, who will rule over the universe. It is one of the best known stories of Shiva.
Good morning guys
Good morning
Good morning
@Radhey Where do you find these kinda stories ?
form google..
Ha but site to hase ne
not on particular site..
now a days I started watching series of *mahadev on *hotstar..
@Maddy there?
see this ,
I have used same but not able to reflect remote properties
console ma set kri properties?
i need to publish changes too?
add some key value there and then try it
I have added same things
default value is reflected form this file
using the same demo or created a new project?
BUT every time in side addOnCompleteListener , compiler goes in to else
using new one , i have used just property of existing one
there is cache time just set cache time to minimum in order to check latest data
amm just a min
@Radhey created a new google-json for ur project?
ya ok
did the same thing :/
no luck
I hv created this while learning
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-config:11.6.0'
leave it , I'm digging into it :/
check above two links and create key like above snap
one strange issue @Maddy
if I setup config related stuff inside activity then it works , not inside fragments
plus if i change the value of params inside remote config variable and publish it again then it will not reflect!
it will reflect after uninstalling the app:/ did i miss anything in flow?
@Radhey u r on a right track
I will not work instantly when u publish the changes
It will reflact over the app after you come to screen again and check for the cache time
if cache time is expired it will try to get fresh key-value from remote
not sure about the fragment but if is a case then get ur data in activity and save it in some prefs, get it in fragment
@Maddy fixed (Y)
for fragment too
2 hours later…
means te mari link paste.ofcode.org/wU9gApu8WXB7uLg8dK6TqG check j nothi kri
ema already ae kryu j 6e me :(
if (mFirebaseRemoteConfig.getInfo().getConfigSettings().isDeveloperModeEnabled()) {
cacheExpiration = 0;

darek time 0 mukyu to thy gayu
production ma hr time 0 ny mukvanu
jrur hoy em krvanu
hr time 0 mukis to remote mathi datafetch ny thay tyare su thase?
km k cache j ny thay kai
@InsaneCat Welcome back
@Maddy tyare else condition ma jase and default value load thase
let me correct if i'm on off track!
ur off track
default value jyare first time load krva nd cache available na hoy tyare use thase
tara case ma most of the time else ma jtu rese
debug mate cache time 0 nd production mate kyk proper cache time add krje
code check kr maro
ya ok
ha ha yeah @Kuls i'm waiting for your reply :P

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