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Trying to build a website that has no blog but lots of pages and a few photo galleries… should I use WordPress or something else?
no reason not to, upto you really
I was just wondering, because the lack of any blog and an unusually high amount of pages doesn't really make it the best fit for WP. Perhaps it's just a matter of the right theme
@bungeshea If you're pages need more classification then it's a case for CPTs and taxonomies. I never think of a WordPress in terms of just posts or a blog anymore. It's all content types. WP is always the easiest fit for most sites...
3 hours later…
@bungeshea If you have enough time, try something else. You might learn something new.
@userabuser I did think of using CPTs, but the data isn't really grouped, it's just a whole lot of top-level pages, some of which have a few subpages
@bungeshea Fair enough, still on that basis I would still use WP... what problem are you foreseeing that it might not be a good solution?
@userabuser It seems a bit hacky disabling all blog-related features (comments, posts, etc) and all I'm using is pages
Plus, I'm having trouble displaying the data. I guess I could just create a list in the sidebar as they will not all fit in a horizontal menu
Perhaps it's just a matter of structuring the data in a different way
@bungeshea I wouldn't say hacky, you technically need not disable them, you just don't show comments in your template structure for pages. If you want to remove comment menu from dashboard, you can do that too. So long as you are using the WP API or at least following some best practice, nothing really hacky about it IMO.
WP would be a more ideal framework if out of the box it did not configure any default post types. Instead, forcing you to declare your own. But then of course it'd be somewhat difficult for non-technical users to install.
What would be nice is a convenient way to disable default post types. Everyone wins.
@bungeshea This was an idea I was toying with my CMF. Of course it was just an experimental, unserious attempt, but you know, just playing with ideas of what an ideal framework would be for developers and users so I agree.
2 hours later…
Please Do Not Use Curly Brackets {} in Template Files http://wp.me/p1xTpA-3mW
oh dear...
I alternate between both given the context of what I am doing or what I am working on and for whom, be it me or someone else..
@userabuser Thanks for your input. I will continue using WordPress for this project, after all. I think the main thing is restructuring the data in a better way
nothing wrong with a bit of { curly wurly }
@userabuser using both is fine, blanket not use brackets in templates is nuts
@userabuser I think the point is you shouldn't have any complex logic which requires curly braces in template files anyway
@bungeshea No problem... feel free to talk about your structural concerns here if you still have some later
@bungeshea that's the point he is trying to make... but sometimes I might write a nice little loop, and why do I then need to break out of my brackets for? Just because its easier to read? Not really.. I've seen more people make errors breaking out of HTML to PHP and back than the former...
<?php /* The loop */ ?> seriously?..
from the post, apparently example of great code in Twenty Thirteen
Twenty * series of themes all have one thing in common.... :D
> IF { — this is . . . wait, what’s that squiggly thing?
@userabuser I agree. The main thing is readability in templates files, and that's not going to be fixed by not using curly braces
Its a bracket, bro.
@bungeshea agreed.
> } — this is . . . WTF is that curly thing doing just sitting there?!
just chillin...
All of the <?php and ?>'s are the biggest problem
If you took them out, then curly braces would be right at home
@bungeshea Actually, they are useful: when I see ?><?php I know I can close that file immediately, because it will be full of crap. :)
4 hours later…
php array question.
when i do $array['foo'] = 'bar'; its added very last of the array. But how do i add it as first element?
@toscho but with key?
$array = array( 'foo' => 'bar' ) + $array;
@toscho ah.. okey
1 hour later…
Most funny discussion on a pull request for a long time.
Damn. There really is something for XOR and it's ^= 8)
wth... I always thought SimplePie would just live inside WP. Wrong. WP overrides stuff with custom classes, therefore everything in it is accessible via the WP HTTP filters and actions. Now that's ok for me :)
Custom workflows for the log-in pages are a nightmare :/
@StephenHarris Hook into login_init and ignore the WP stuff completely.
@toscho That would mean exiting myself right?
@toscho Guess that's what I'll have to do...
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Does every custom field has a mandatory "_" as a first carachter, or am I doing something wrong?
the _ hides the field if I remember correctly
@ruda.almeida nope, not at all. arbitrary names. if I remember right underscore will hide from interface
@Rarst And the custom field's name in the DB is the same name I should use on, say, meta_query()? Because I have a _event_end_date field in the wp_postmeta table and I was trying to reference it without the underscore in meta_query(), but it only works with the underscore.
you should use name exactly as it is created
@ruda.almeida The underscore is just there to keep the field out of the default Custom Fields metabox.
Oh, OK.
this is a very poor API
@toscho is there one you consider good API in WP? :) it's a waste to say it for all one by one...
uhm …
it's PHP fault..
WP_Upgrader and its child classes are … an interesting start.
Why say Americans bloohg for a blog?
@toscho Wait, they do?
yes, almost always
That's... weird.
um lol I have never heard anyone say bloohg, I do hear french people say blogue
each time I listen to a session, a podcast or a video I notice this.
I imagine something super slow then
maybe a southern accent will say blawg
wordcamp seattle Stage 1 no f^&cking idea what they are talking about - Stage 2 Sass/css stuff - Stage 3 Grunt
meh Qs on weekend and whatever answerable was picked off (of course) while I was out... boo...
I turned my previous question in this chat into a real question and answered it myself, hope you guys don't mind.
Q: Underscores in custom fields

ruda.almeidaI am somewhat new to WordPress. While trying to perform a WP_Query using meta_query(), I had some trouble because the custom fields created by a plugin had _ in the beginning of its name. Although I noticed it was stored this way in the database, I had no idea why it was there and thought I had...

@ruda.almeida that's perfectly fine :)
The point I made was present in different questions but I think I formulated it more directly (good for google also) =P
should make a wp plugin
I am so using Pimple in more plugins
what's pimple?
1 hour later…
@Rarst "Running this plugin is kind of a bad idea"? Can't see why.
@ruda.almeida seriously?..
@Rarst must... resist... urge... to post sarcasm sign memes...
see room description :)

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