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@toscho See what happens when I don't answer questions!
6 hours later…
Same goes for me. Currently there's too less time to go on answering...
ah, BS :) I answered when I was at my busiest and not answered when I had nothing at all to do
It's different, when you work for someone else its on their dime :) When you work for yourself it can be more difficult when your projects increase...
You can at leats vote each time you read a post.
...assuming I read them :/
I need to get back into a groove... once you get momentum going you can probably keep up a reasonable answer rate.
Voting? I do.
nice ASCII art
@userabuser yeah, I tend to have fits and bursts of rep
One of you sugar daddy rep whores should donate some to me though...
You can get all the rep I lost due to rep cap. :)
Where do I collect it? :)
That’s difficult, because they are double-virtual.
Sounds like quantum physics
Toschian Dynamics*
General Toschian©
read this tweet (retweeted by scribu) and almost choked on tea twitter.com/gamerz/statuses/327226675047833600 :)))
lesterchan, and actual development progress?
no, read the tweet. "Plugins Repo Moved to Github" :)
yeah I got that part
I thought lester chan had ceased all development after getting hired or something
the plugin repo, not a plugin repo
yes I got it, my comment on him and development is a general Lester Chan comment not a tweet specific one
ok. I am just getting to my tea, not full brain power :)
Im on my second
@Rarst White Tea, Green Tea, Black Tea or Red Tea?
@userabuser black
Ahh proper English then!
Let’s make pagination off topic.
And rewrite rules as well.
May as well include WP_Query, that one is annoying.
"...in controversial move WordPress Stack Exchange declared WordPress off topic"
@Rarst :D
we should rename our site to ********* StackExchange.
@Rarst Send that out in a tweet for some amusement.
meh, won't work out of context
@Rarst Most people don't even know what "context" is, so don't worry about that.
can't get good idea how to proxy all of WP stuff into Composer format... it doesn't do dynamic exchange (submit package name, recevie packages data) so need to generate static for ALL of it... so need to crawl (and re-crawl) ALL of it... which will end up in Otto doing bad things to me.
where bad things can't be anything aside from words... what a pitty.
ban my VPS IP and thing (to-Composer-converter) is dead
You need to do it client side (love that phrase) ;) ... in other words: Write a plugin, share it and people who use it will do that for you.
so instead of me doing crawling once there are bunch of people doing it? there aren't enough shit list points for that
Isn't distributed official repo crawling the reason why got plugins? Call the plugin WP_Tor_Crawler :D
And try to get it into the official repo.
you know I do things to actually get something done, not to screw with core folks... :)
Make it a Ninja Operation: Use new account for wp dot org, add new account on GitHub, etc.
@Rarst I'm disappointed :)
@Rarst btw: couldn't you crawl through TOR network?
@Rarst Can’t you just reuse your existing login-botnet?
@toscho you are confusing me with some other just denizens :)
@Rarst Short PHPStorm question. Inside a class method I got a comment line starting with @see. But everything I tried returns with Cannot find declaration to go to: @see MethodName() | $this->MethodName() | ClassName::MethodName(). Any idea how this works?
When I just throw it in the phpDocBlock it works with just the MethodName().
phpDocumentor spec says class::methodname(), works for me?..
@Rarst Inside a method?
what do you mean inside?
public function ABC()
    // @see XYZ()

public function XYZ()
    // @see ABC()
that's not valid PHPDoc
I know, but PHPStorm 6 tries to resolve the target, so I thought it might work.
/** @see WP_Query::get_posts() */
@Rarst works. thanks!
PhpStorm even autocompletes this form of tags so not even more typing
Not too sure how reliable measuring of a levensthein distance based on metaphonetic comparison is in languages like Mandarin.
Ok. That sentence is over-the-top-nerd. hehe...
> My solution is universal like for core php developer also.
@StephenHarris In case you got that message...
I so much dig that I can just add third party composer-unaware git repo to my composer one and just have it work
not perfect (only works per-package = for each version separately), but it works
♫ No rep today, the fun has gone away …
hm, it seems like dynamic composer repo might be doable with providers-url but don't get how it works yet... :)
curious convo on twitter - does singular page need Loop
You should really try and use this backlink search engine based on WP: http://nutritionbomb.com/seo-tools/wordpress-backlink-search-engine/
works soooo well :)
@toscho wp com theme guidelines say needs full loop. I can't think of anything other than loop hooks won't fire otherwise...
@Rarst depends on your definition of a loop
Is array_walk() a loop?
> Full loops must be used in all templates. Just calling the_post() in a template like single.php or page.php is not enough.
I assume they mean while(have_posts())the_post()
The while is nonsense
@toscho Why doesn't WP_Query class define functions with visibility, public, protected, private? Are they just being sloppy or what?
ok never mind.. this is antiquated code
Q: Bug in the Tag Wiki edit form

s_ha_dumThere is a minor bug in the tag wiki edit form. In FireFox on Debian, the "excerpt" box is partially covered by the right hand sidebar. It makes editing the excerpt a bit annoying as you can't see part of the content.

hmmm.... chicken/egg - need sha256 to request composer file, so need it in advance and can't form dynamically
hmm perhaps you are screwed...
try all possible values
can anyone recommend my any plugin framework which allows creating plugins quickly and good format for option pages? I like option page with tabs
I am searching on github now..
@Sisir scbFramework
@Rarst from scribu?
that's what scb means, yes...
documentation looks good.. checking it out now..
broke a tea pot... don't expect brain activity from me tomorrow
@Rarst cowboy-coffee style yo. Go loose-leaf in a sauce pan and dump it through a coffee filter. I'm not saying you shouldn't mourn your teapot, but it doesn't mean you have to skip the tea!
I guess I could make it in [0.7l] cup twice for same dosage...
$tea_pot = new TeaPot; // you have a new one now! :)
if only... I am also blocked at home by crazy hair - no hot water :\ weekend is not looking up
I found out that the Russian Federation has 21 "independent" republics. Maybe @Rarst wants to choose some new place where hot water actually exists? ;)
I don't live in Russia, you ignorant Australian
also I live in the capital... as far as this country goes this is the top of food chain :\
screwed with Composer :( will have to crawl if doing it...
how do i pass saved option data..
scb plugin framework.. pastebin.com/9bccjzFJ
@Sisir that's not a gist?!
scbFramework plugin on wp reop is it suppose to be installed and activated? its ends up with fatal error..
@Sisir not really, that is just example
@Rarst okey.. but you might want to have a look at it.. when i try to activate it the require doesn't find the file causing fatal error..
what do I care? go bug scribu :)
:P I see your face on the plugin page..
it's on github with issue tracking and stuff
that was my punishment for contributing style and extract() cleanups in several classes :)
@ALL Any idea how I could reliably check if a the current query as well was a tax_query?
@kaiser check if property in query object is set?..
What I got so far:
empty( $GLOBALS['wp_query']->tax_query->queries )
get_query_var( 'taxonomy' )
foreach ( get_object_taxonomies( get_query_var( 'post_type' ) ) as $tax )
    if ( '0' !== get_query_var( $tax ) )
        $flag = true;
Not sure which one is most reliable.
3 hours later…
@Rarst FirstWordProblems. Duh.
coined and hereby to be used as "first world problems in WordPress" context! :)
JetPack for iOS might just be the most addictive thing ever.
Jetpack Joyride?

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