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@tf Wow, I can't see anything for all that text :/
3 hours later…
posted on April 25, 2013 by Jen Mylo

As an open source, free software project, WordPress depends on the contributions of hundreds of people from around the globe — contributions in areas like core code, documentation, answering questions in the support forums, translation, and all the other things it takes to make WordPress the best publishing platform it can be, with the most [...]

5 hours later…
@StephenHarris hmm its now got a bg colour behind it
I got Notable Question badge... asking about query_posts() wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/13764/… I can't remeber what was that about. probably blocked by trauma...
> echo plugin_dir_url("/", __FILE__) . trim(dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)), '/'); ?>/img-pingdom-logo.png
aaaalmost remembered right function, but not quite :)
on github or bitbucket this would be quick pull request on dot org... let it be :(
1 hour later…
CollabNet GitEye: another desktop client for Git. Looks like an Eclipse addon.
@toscho seems standalone?.. where do yo usee Eclipse req?
I said, it looks like one. The Interface is very eclipsic.
ah, I read it as "seems to be"
comments_number() has a filter named comments_number with two arguments: $output, $number. Any smart/clever idea how I could check if the function was called?
@kaiser like this?
@kaiser "check if the function was called" ? you mean called at all? did_action()?
@toscho not really.
@Rarst facepalm ... yes
Brain stuck... Was there something aside from has_action()...? : head > desk
If you're new to #WordPress theming one of the best things you can do for yourself is to read this file line by line: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-content/themes/twentythirteen/functions.php
learning theming from core themes is... uhm... questionable :)
although 2013 does seem to be much less... messy
User pokes me in comments to explain esc_* stuff to him . I link to wptuts+ and @StephenHarris article. Pokes me again. I tell him, that he should read it... "way over my head! explain!"... sigh
As if tutorials wouldn't be there for the purpose of explanation and education.
~/wp-admin/options-discussion.php ... now that's a mess
>_< all the options-*.php files need nuking and cleaning up to use actual APIs
if not a half decent one, the settings API + single entry point would still be an improvement
Just realized - after digging in core - that core does call do_settings_section( 'discussion' );, but didn't register it. Therefore: No output.
Core: ~/wp-admin/options-discussion.php on L#246 do_settings_sections('discussion')
Doesn't work with register_setting() and add_settings_field(). One has to register it first with add_settings_section( 'discussion', __( 'Title', 'textdomain' ), 'callback', 'discussion' ); which will blow up nicely as soon as someone registers the settings section earlier... grrrr
@kaiser See this plugin for an example how to hook in there.
@toscho inspecting. thanks :)
@toscho What's all that load_language() and unload_language()? Memory saving? Does it improve it that much?
@kaiser If you print_r $GLOBALS['l10n']['plugin_t5_spam_block'] you’ll see the few strings add up almost 3KB memory in WP. Not that important in this case, but I wanted to give a good example.
@toscho ok. thanks
@toscho I don't get it. Can't register with your hook order. For whatever reason: Same result.
Obviously my code works, so start with that.
@toscho Sorry. Didn't explain it well enough: Yes, your code works in the default section. Mine too. But I wanted to add something not in the middle of the core settings, but at the bottom, below the avatars section, where custom stuff belongs. And that doesn't work because of what I described above: The settings section is called by core, but not executed.
That's a bug.
You have to use add_settings_field() to register a callback for that section.
50 mins ago, by kaiser
Doesn't work with register_setting() and add_settings_field(). One has to register it first with add_settings_section( 'discussion', __( 'Title', 'textdomain' ), 'callback', 'discussion' ); which will blow up nicely as soon as someone registers the settings section earlier... grrrr
@toscho Problem is that this needs to get registered somewhere. Which core doesn't do.
@toscho Just go in core and var_dump( $GLOBALS['wp_settings_sections']['discussion'] ); to see a return value of NULL right after that call.
@kaiser This is not your day, right?
@toscho I meant adding it below... And I know that it doesn't work without registering the section myself.
@kaiser I could answer that in 20 seconds. But not in chat. ;)
@toscho rep whore ;)
The code is too much for chat, and I think it might be useful for other readers too.
excuses. everything just excuses :)
want that?
See? That was easy.
@toscho well, I wanted to add it below that....
Would've been easier to just confirm that this doesn't work and the $page isn't registered there - a.k.a a bug.
I mean I know that there're two calls to do_settings_fields(). But do_settings_sections( $page ) is a wrapper for exactly that. Point is that it isn't registered.
So I can add whatever section I want, but it will never get rendered.
Have you created a trac ticket yet?
Not yet. I was poking you guys to confirm that or tell me that I've overseen something. (@toscho upvoted so you hit rep cap easier ;)
@kaiser don't enable him
don't need to. he runs on nuclear power.
Oh, now I got it
Wait a minute …
if you need it, I'll wait a hundred as well
Now it works correctly.
The Settings API sucks. Did I ever mention that?
yes, yes you did.
And global variables. They suck too. Just sayin’.
we feel you
aside - I was thinking some about it, and in practice WP does use dependency injection, for example by passing Walker objects... but so little of it
can't do much dependency-ing when most of code is procedural
If walkers were used consistently, we wouldn’t have The Loop but new Loop_Walker;.
I was thinking about Mustache based theme again... it's masochistic - I am confident it will be horribly painful, but still itching to try
Walker is Dependecy Injection? That's like saying I build a paper plane. Now I'm a pilot and flying.
@kaiser passing instantiated walker object is dependency injection
@Rarst Btw: Concept behind Twig is pretty close to what template parts and Template tags like get_header() do.
@Rarst sure. in some way.
in basic way, but it is. what Symfony/Silex use is DI container, which builds on top of basic DI idea
@Rarst I've found it to be surprisingly ok - it's now a nasty shock to be confronted with more normal WP themes :)
@anu it what?
doh, wrong line replied to. Mustache themes
@kaiser it's not the issue with picking templating engine, it's more of issue with bridging to WP API
@anu for private stuff I guess, not public?
@Rarst Single use theme for specific site, yes
@Rarst Wanted to say that it's not worth the hazzle as long as WP templating engine can't be shut down and silenced in a convenient way. Anyway, just saying. No discussion needed on my side.
yeah, that I see as absolutely viable. producing robust public-use level solution - not so much
@Rarst ah yes, agree - lack of knowledge and a long way away from normal WP processes
Timber is released for public, but their solution seems... inelegant I guess. I see it totally working for them in house, but not picked up by a lot of people
they prepare data and run loop in PHP template, then offload rendering to twig template
so (as I understand) twig basically doesn't have access to anything but what was passed to it
ah it seems like they do call API from twig {{null|wp_head}}
maybe that is as good as it gets with WP... maybe not...
2 hours later…
I am almost afraid to think about it - if Composer dependency is GPL does root have to be GPL as well? there is not distribution, only combination by user on install
I know opposite flies - GPL plugin can download non-GPL resources (but not be distributed with them in WP repos)
1 hour later…
"repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url" : "http://rarst.net" } ] so little code, so much angst at dot org for closed source infrastructure :)
1 hour later…
Joe Humphries on April 25, 2013

It seems like just two months ago (OK, it was exactly two months ago) that I announced our last batch of new hires.  Today I’m pleased to introduce our newest employees.  There are TEN of them … so get comfy and prepare to learn all about our latest hires, who seem to have an overall fondness for food, sports, music, and the great outdoors.

Jessica Brady, Associate Sales Representative (Careers 2.0)

New York

Jessica was born and raised in warm, sunny Florida, until she packed up and moved to less warm, less sunny Chicago for non-weather-related reasons (okay, it was school). She has l …

PhpStorm file template for WordPress-related Composer package gist.github.com/Rarst/5462962
SE network updates: Users are now shown a persistent (but dismissable) banner linking to /about on the site.
posted on April 02, 2013

Users are now shown a persistent (but dismissable) banner linking to /about on the site.

SE network updates: A new footer is implemented on all sites. It links to a new grid view of all Stack Exchange sites.
posted on April 22, 2013

A new footer is implemented on all sites. It links to a new grid view of all Stack Exchange sites.

we got demoted on grid stackexchange.com/sites?view=grid# :( used to have large tile
@Rarst Maybe because our answer rate is falling like a stone.
sigh Sisyphus comes to mind...
I cleaned up old questions for months and our answer rate raised to almost 90%. Then I stopped that and the rate went down. But I cannot do everything alone.
I'll get into being more active, but dealing with unanswered quickly exhausts me :( too many things that can only comment on and need to circle back later... I want that "delayed close" feature, but guess it's not happening :(
vote down abandoned questions. They will be removed automatically after a while.
But really, this is not mod work; the community should do that.
and thus our eternal problem - not enough experts available
I disagree. There are enough experts; they just don't care enough about the site.
maybe. it's voluntary work for free after all :)
I am going to get more active again, I have my brain more or less recovered. want to focus on clearing my plate a bit, too many things started on but not gotten to released/done
7 answers today, not a single Accept. What’s wrong?
@toscho nothing's wrong. had to head over to my brothers new flat and help fixing, mounting, moving stuff. accepted. :)
I took the free spot
Is reminding authors to accept apparently valid answers in a comment a legitimate practice?
@bosco gray area. If the askers says it was the solution, then yes.
@toscho fair enough. Would inquiring as to whether or not their question has been answered be preferable?
@toscho Or - perhaps a more appropriate question - many older questions with fairly recently active authors appear to have legitimate answers with no votes, comments, or accepted answers. I feel that the authors are unlikely to return to update the question of their own accord - is there a polite way in which I might spur them to return?
Ask if the question has been solved and how.
@toscho Thanks for the guidance ;)

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