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can laps provide a per plugin load profile?
1 hour later…
@Bainternet nope :( WP just loops through list of files and includes, nothing in between loads. P3 can - it logs deeper and heavier on PHP level by using register_tick_function()
hmmmm... what if I splice fake non-plugin includes into load dynamically...
validity checks will probably smother it :\
cloud be :\
basically I have 2-click xphrof-generated callgraph set up, but it's not something that can be packed off into plugin and just be always-on
Q: Disable migration targets for blocked users

toschoWe got the list of common migration targets recently. Nice. Thank you. But some users are question banned on at least one of these sites, and we cannot see that early enough. Not so nice. Please disable options that are not available. Maybe make this information visible to moderators only. But ...

@Rarst What is it about with Siobhan/Twitter?
@kaiser look through the thread, she asked about identifying architecture style in photo
@Rarst oh... me and twitter :)
<!--?php <br ?-->/*
 WARNING: This file is part of the core Genesis framework. DO NOT edit
 this file under any circumstances. Please do all modifications
 in the form of a child theme.
What the heck is this <!--?php <br ?--> ?
Closing accidental comments, missing line breaks and PHP tags in one move? 8P
@kaiser an effective way of drawing attention to a warning
Should read in that case, WARNING: Do NOT use the Genesis framework, ever.
looks like someone accidentally hit HTML comment over php or something...
This output happens when someone tries to enter PHP code in TinyMCE without admin privileges.
Ah, ok. Found it in a post about PHP comments in different frameworks.
@kaiser elaborate?
ah, you mean it happens in post... I thought you found it directly in source
Nope :)
I'll need to do research on posting code for blog revamp :\ it's messy
I've resorted to using gists for most code snippets, anything longer than 2 or 3 lines, it's worked so far
problem is that decouples code from content and backups
github screws up embedding and suddenly all code is down
urgh... rewrites... hate wp and non existing router...
maybe should try layer real router before WP instead of replacing. check custom rules if nothing matches pass on to native WP one
Honestly: It's not worth the time. WP simply fucks up shit in so many ways, that I'm already at the point where I won't use WP again for anything more complex than simple pages.
If you start replacing something like the WP_Rewrite with a router, then you can go with a full custom system as well.
@kaiser any blog post coming up about that one? incl. what are you going to use for whatever you deem more complex.
@lkraav about what?
if you hover on my message it should highlight the one i pressed Reply on
does it?
@lkraav I'm trying to dig into Symfony2 now after I did some stuff with Silex.
@lkraav yes it does, but you weren't clear enough for me to understand what you were talking about
what do we think about this github.com/jbrinley/wp-forms
i think @Rarst tweeted it, so it must be worth something
any real world experiences with it here?
i'm thinking GravityForms is still The Answer, if going with the "life is short" approach
@lkraav wasntme
@lkraav looks pretty good.
yeah solid effort for sure
and not e1 knows about GF or wants payware, so i'm all for a solid forms api
@lkraav nice, but gravity forms allure is the GUI
Can someone explain me why $wp_query->max_num_pages returns type of float? Not that there could be 11.32 pages ...
@lkraav Looks good. I'm thinking of releasing a Gravity-Forms-esque bare-bones form customiser. I.e. has a form customiser, but does nothing but triggers actions to validate / process submission. I created it for event booking forms, so will probably extract it out an release it.
@TomJNowell yup that it is.
@StephenHarris Interesting... Currently started working more seriously last week on my own form API for WP after using GF quite heavily, will be interested to see what you come up with...
@lkraav Probably the only serious approach to form handling in WP to date (programatically that is).
@userabuser maybe you want to build a GUI on top of it?
@kaiser Yeah I do, because I think I can do a better job than GF which is slow, but to be honest, to put a GUI by myself is a lot of work, so unless someone jumps on board to help I will probably stick to traditional programmatic route.
Also... looking at ways to declare forms programatically that map to GUI (more conceptual investigation)
@userabuser GUI wise - almost identical to GF, with a few tweaks, and uses much less own brand CSS. Also its more php based rather than the JS horror that I found in GF when trying to create an add-on for it. The javascript (in my opinion) is neater too, I'll be adding wp-js-hooks and some point too.
On the downside it was made to solve a problem with abstracting it out much of an after thought. As such the (php) code itself is kind of an unholy evolution... consisting primarily of two classes: Form and Field...
@StephenHarris Sounds nice. GF is horribly slow and awkward on large forms.. After using it for any extended period of time you can clearly see where it can be improved. Also, JS is not their strong point... I've made numerous addons for clients using GF and yes there is an element of horror involved. For what its worth GF does have a fairly extensive API which is more than anyone has offered to date.
I'm on holiday next week, but when I'm back I'll pull it out onto GitHub. I was going to, but then Ninja Forms seems to be a fairly polished form builder
yes that's true, there's at least a few competent competitors to GF
although GF is the only one ive used
@StephenHarris so what's the advantage using yours over ninja forms? :)
@StephenHarris NF is alright yeah but still plenty of room out there for alternatives, especially OS. Problem right now for me is that traditional, programmatic form APIs are very verbose and that shits me off, I don't want to declare a small novel to render a form so I am trying to tackle this issue from a different perspective.
@kaiser That's why I've left it to rot, I don't think there is any unless you want a library to use in a plug-in rather than form builder plug-in.
@kaiser NF is slightly less clunky than GF on the GUI side. GF really does not handle DOM interaction very well, or at least they do not know how to really insert, remove, add shit to the DOM without bringing the UX to a halt, or jittery experience at times.
@StephenHarris ...that's the thing though, there is no real lib to use in a plugin unless you roll your own. WP seriously lacks a standardized way of declaring forms whether they be in plugins, meta boxes, option panels, front end forms, whatever. I'm aiming for one API to handle the lot whatever my requirement, not a class for meta boxes, another for option panels and another for general forms. That's insanity to me...
@userabuser Not sure mine solves that issue. Not much of a programmatic api currently (but plenty of hooks). Designed for use with the GUI rather than buliding form programatically. Even what I've taken out so far is very much tied to that concept.
@userabuser But I see what you mean. Its gets even murkier with the settings API :/
Yup, the only way the matter will ever be handled is from an OS standpoint, all these other form handling what-nots are ultimately aimed at generating revenue so they tackle form handling from a retail consumer perspective and its just forms, not forms for front end, meta, options/settings... just forms. This is the one area WP core should really have focused on by now, but have seriously dropped the ball. Look forward to seeing what you're up to if you get round to throwing it on GH...
Great, had just ~5000 log-in attempts in two minutes.
Redirect permanent /wp-login.php localhost
@toscho why not gone?
I want some traffic on their own machines
I've read something about that it's more evil to keep them hanging so they have wait until timeout on each connection... don't remember implementation details
But that would block threads on my server.
it somehow released it from occupying server but didn't release connected client... read long time ago, don't remember specifics
@toscho then redirect them to the Oakley site you yesterday posted :D
bot won't care to dl video...
maybe decompression bomb in gzip or something would do it... :)
oh, the video had the size? didn't look that carefully.
@Rarst sounds like a valid idea :)
Just looked at my Analytics account for unserkaiser.com - lots of people from Automattic visiting me 8)
@kaiser what account do you have?
Funny that they show up as Service Provider. Wonder what I did this time.
@StephenHarris what do you mean by "what account"?
@kaiser What are you using as analytics tool?
Google Analytics
@kaiser oh, ok :)
Wonder what the one who found me by searching "kaiser's bridge historical attractions wordpress" was up to :)
@StephenHarris Analytics. The Analytics. :)
Q: Using comments to vet answers

Chip BennettPlease refer to the comments thread in this question: Custom post type single-{custom}.php not working Visit the permalinks page (which will flush it) and check again. – vancoder 17 hours ago @vancoder That did it. I just visited the permalinks page, clicked the save button (didnt ac...

Hint when using paginate_links() in some pretty permalinks, edge case scenario (will work in other cases too): Use the following args.
// We need to add `1` as page num here to avoid adding the `page/n` suffix.
'base'      => get_pagenum_link( 1 ).'%_%',
'format'    => $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()
	? user_trailingslashit( "{$wp_rewrite->pagination_base}/%#%" )
	: @add_query_arg( $wp_rewrite->pagination_base, '%#%' ),
Throwing get_pagenum_link( 1 ) in it will get a link to the currently displayed page with whatever query args in whatever pretty or ugly URL rewriting style, but without the page/n suffix. As stupid as this is: It's kind of future proof and so far rock solid.
client... 40 active plugins... jokes on me
and they are all essential
...says the client.
The snowflakes save my business!!1!
But no, they are not. By the time I am done he will have less than 10 and a big bill. Still.. front end grinds to a halt lol.
@toscho lol
it's not about quantity of plugins... it's about quantity of bad plugins
@Rarst Some bad plugins here :)
most are
I wonder what is next evolution step for plugin repo. 1. we have thousands of plugins! 2. which are so bad now we hide those that are old and likely to be most bad! 3... ?
@Rarst Somewhere in here not so long ago was link posted to a video cast session with WP guys talking about options for repo... can't remember what it was though.
Q: Add Requested Debug Information to FAQ

Chip BennettReference this question: Where do I get "Bug Information" to add to a question? We do often ask people to indicate the debugging steps they have taken. This is a reasonable request, as it cuts to the quick of any issue, and ensures that WPSE members don't have to walk anyone through ad nauseum s...

...boom, tried to declare Options-Theme-Framework plugin and Fatal Error because clients damn theme has used the same options framework and modified it slightly, now I have to resort to another framework. This is the shite that bugs me with WP... insanity.
Disable all plugins and switch to Twenty Twelve. Does it still happen? :D
har har... hehe
sometimes I think WP themes should have been one CSS files and nothing else... they all look like boring beaten header-column-sidebar anyway :)
"WP look"
You should have to obtain a license to be allowed to create themes, else risk a jail term.
meh the .org repo doesnt exactly highlight themes that dont fit into the usual sidebar header massive options page bucket
custom community is the top of the featured section at the moment, and behold, 1 marketing gimmick screenshot and a preview that opens half offscreen, with a frontpage thats unconfigured with issues
Secure Cloud Storage - tresorit.com (5GB free), or using Promo Link get 50GB register.tresorit.com/…
@userabuser it's a download link... wat?
like dropbox
@userabuser a.k.a. downloads their desktop app. nothing like a register form there.
> In a minute, you’ll be able to collaborate securely and privately.
> Thank you for choosing Tresorit!
> Your download will start in 0 seconds.
No register here‌​.
no but apparently you need to download this version for the 50gb
No password recover... 8/
download our 50 GB app for free!
i store all of my sensitive data in the cloud and use one password for all my email accounts too.. :)
better brave than worry
Exactly, I thought, what could possibly go wrong? And then I came to the conclusion, nothing can.
I already hate how they named the symlink
Franz's Tresor ... click git won't work easily. Done.
Invite other user to Tresor. Via E-Mail... default role: Manager... wtf
yes, indeed: secure like hell :=)
Should be default role: Power of Attorney
>_< new post formats UI is a mess
Alex Kings plugin that they took was better than this
someones decided to pretty it up, removed the tabs for looks, then barfed at the UX afterwards
whi needs something like Dropbox when there is already Dropbox? such a lame ripoff wave...
@TomJNowell when was last time something in WP interface made you think "wow, this is really good" ?
@Rarst I wasn't expecting good, I was expecting the same or similar, instead they've utterly ballsed it up
@Rarst there are alternatives... like Box, Google Drive and many others, this is just another. More storage is one benefit.
@TomJNowell ...aaaand already push to scrap it from 3.6 make.wordpress.org/core/2013/04/23/…
@userabuser I have 21GB free Dropbox storage and new phone added me 50GB for next two years... :) it's just funny slash lame how Dropbox hit the gold and suddenly everyone is desperately trying to cash in on their success without really coming up with anything meaningfully superior
21gb free on DB? I thought their limit for free was lower than that..
did 3.6 basically implode? editorial improvements scrapped, post format on the verge on it... leaves almost nothing (storage foolproofing...)
Well I've posted an image of Alex Kings original UI as an example of an improvement
@userabuser 16GB from referrals (been half that, then they retroactively doubled to 500MB per), 3GB camera uploads, few more gigs from tutorial and two dropquests
nice power user...
speaking of Tresor, anyone been to the nightclub Tresor in Berlin?
thinking about meta.wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/2465/… ... do you think it's viable to do something like supportdetails.com for WP? put your URL, have site scrape public info from it and format report
yeah its viable but to what extent are you thinking?
would be best in WP of course but that's either getting it into core or plugin... mess
@userabuser let's think what can we scrape: WP version (almost certainly), PHP version (possibly from headers), theme info (likely, unless minified), typical plugins (caching markers, etc), some stuff like replaced jQuery... what else?
@Rarst (Some) Plugins & versions (looking at stylesheets/js)
drawing mental blank here for more WP related stuff
On a related note (no help here though), I use this in my plug-in to check for if wp_footer() is called in theme: (included only in WP_Debug): github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/master/includes/…
Heard there was something cool being discussed ...
see @toscho , this is how you whore for attention on twitter :)
@EAMann see above :)
@toscho you said twittter is not working for getting people to look :)
That's what brought me here ;)
Okay, I admit: You’re a better whore than I am.
love you long time
@toscho don't worry, few more thousands tweets and you will learn too
I can’t win all games.
Andrea Rennick is at 98K tweets, I cannot not click anything she tweets. seen more quilts than I ever cared to... :)
@userabuser as far as I remember in 1997
@TomJNowell Your screenshot on Make is broken
@kaiser it used to work, I wonder what happened
@TomJNowell just hotlink it to imgur for a fetch and post it from there again. probably hotlinking denied via some delayed system.
@userabuser @Rarst should be possible to detect javascript errors too, no?
@StephenHarris not without executing JS which is probably out of scope for such tool
@Rarst Or something like jsHint?
Q: Mark unwanted tags (such as plugin-recommendation)

t fIn a comment to a plugin-recommendation tagged question @toscho advised a user of reading the tag's description when/before using it. This is, of course, a good advise. However, let's be honest, who reads a description of something self-explanatory? If I'd want to ask for plugin-recommendation a...

@StephenHarris jshint is written in javascript... I wouldn't bother with doing things that opening browser console does much better
@StephenHarris you could do this, if its going to be a web service then you can run such libs for usability testing and what not. You have the likes of Behat/Mink and also PhantomJS/CasperJS
On that note you could even determine whether a theme is responsive and to what extent too
posted on April 23, 2013 by Jen Mylo

In honor of the upcoming 10th anniversary celebrations, we’ve put a special 10th anniversary tshirt in the swag store at cost — $10 per shirt plus shipping. They’ll be on sale at this price until the anniversary on May 27, and they’ll start shipping out the wek of April 29. Some people who are planning [...]

3 hours later…
Q: Sidebar slideshow widget

ShiggityShawAnyone know any quality image slideshow widgets that can be put on a sidebar?

This question found its way into our newsletter. Let’s glow in shame.
2 hours later…
Batman’s monthly search custom post types question. I thought he would forget to ask that again.

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