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what kind of idiot names a theme mercurial wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/90435/…
next theme name "windows"
@Wyck I will raise you Windows Metro wpmetro.codeplex.com
lol should have knows
too easy :)
Im going to name my next theme "git"
My preferred name is virus.exe
My little Porny
@kaiser ok, I got where you got RarstRSS from. it's appnews secret sauce in autoit. yes, I wrote website in windows interface automation language. it's nice :)
PSA Marko Heijnen been working lately on moving GlotPress towards plugin. might become viable and cleaner replacement to codestyling localizations as we discussed before...
@Rarst A good search is more important.
@toscho someone can improve and contribute that :)
someone with enough time?
I looked at codestyling internals before and it's... not something I will wilingly work with
finished reading Silex docs and dragged half of my stuff over. bolted on Mustache and probably will throw in Guzzle. so far quite pleasant to work with... more laconic and less intimidating than Symfony.
@Rarst Indeed. One day I will write my own plugin for that.
how to find XSS via github; github.com/…
that search just keeps giving :)
ya it's pretty good
6 hours later…
1 hour later…
Is there a new review/flag system or have I just gained additional capabilities on the site?
Q: PHP Arrays: A good way to check if an array is associative or numeric?

WilcoPHP treats all arrays as associative, so there aren't any built in functions. Can anyone recommend a fairly efficient way to check if an array contains only numeric keys? Basically, I want to be able to differentiate between this: $sequentialArray = array('apple', 'orange', 'tomato', 'carrot');...

Interesting answers.
hey guys
back to work again.. recovering from a surgery..
uh. what happened?
@kaiser had an knee surgery. Tumor removed..
oh shit... hope you recover without problems.
almost healed..
how big would it be filespace wise if I checked out every trunk of every plugin in the plugin repo?
many many GB I expect, but on what magnitude? 9? 20? 200?
What do you think does the average plugin weight? .5 MB? This by 23k (afaik).
My guess ~12GB
Or less
hmmm, I shall have to requisition the space for my experiment and write the scripts
hey @Rarst. do you have experience with theme switching vs Menu location saving? it appears that if i set up menus in one theme, then switch theme, change the menu location setup, the first theme loses its settings. wondering if this is a wordpress 3.3 problem and if 3.4+ has it better. this seems related wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/58164/… and esp this core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18588
you know that 3.5.1 is the current version?
@kaiser :) yes i've heard. some situations are not able to accomodate upgrades immediately.
@lkraav how so?
the only issue I've come across that could cause that is server PHP version, which tbh means you need a new server or an upgrade
PHP 5.2.1 was introduced before 3.3/3.4
So not even a PHP or server issue
@kaiser I've had a server Ive had to work on where for 3.3 I've needed to modify the core files check for PHP to get WP to run, and 3.4 has failed with that same change
all moved to a new server with 5.3 now though
Currently running all my stuff on PHP 5.4.7 at the moment...
locally and server end?
I've just stumbled across this plugins.programming-review.com
every plugin and a list of PHP and wordpress functions they used
@kaiser It's a sharing plugin for many Chinese networks. Do you really don't understand Chinese? :P
Please give another code. Thanks in advance. 10% of all answers look like this. sigh
@toscho Answers like these increase a lot.
@toscho I understand that. Just wonder why Chinese only is allowed. Maybe I'd like to share to Chinese networks too...
@kaiser No, they don't.
@toscho Forgot to mention: In my impression :)
There are many plugins in other languages than English. And why not? English is not better than any other language.
Plus, the wp.org repo doesn't offer any I18n.
Did I say better? It's just what the majority can read.
are you daring to suggest the .org repo could be better?!
heaven forbid we have a composer compatible system with git+mercurial repositories, external support flags, and a set of basic coding standards rather than adhoc spam control
@TomJNowell was something around 5GB. don't checkout SVN, human don't live taht long. Jaquith has "slurper" script for it... it's bit of a mess on windows, needs to be rewritten as WP plugin really
@lkraav menus don't really save to theme, they save to theme location. diffeerent themes have different locations. will need to deal with code to get good idea what is going on...
average WP dev will get brain lock up from such workflow :)
2 hours later…
WP AJAX close to driving me crazy again...
Twenty Thirteen uses 43 different colors, 6 are only used for borders, 9 of them are grayscale.
borders are important :)
Ever counted the colours in the admin UI? ...
43 colors is a bad thing, someone should tell them that :D
@Natko go do that, by all means :)
@Rarst I mean, look at TwentyTwelve....it uses like 5 colors
one year later: 43
Question, should scribd embedding work out of the box?
[scribd id=*** key=key-**** mode=scroll]
it doesn't embed it, it just shows the text
I'm not sure if I should be doing something other than pasting that text in the editor
Pasting the link doesn't work?
(the text one no the visual one)
it should embed via oEmbed without the shortcode
@Natko but what am I supposed to do
should I just paste the text
or do I have to do something special?
if you want to embed scribd article just paste the article link
no special formatting, just c/p
That's not working
I'm guessing now that has to do with the fact that it is a custom theme made from scratch
I was reading
I'm just guessing though
should work, here's the list of supported services: codex.wordpress.org/Embeds
@Natko yep! I saw that list
that's why I don't understand
@Natko I guess I could just embed the normal html
but I don't understand why it's not working
hm...works fine for me
just tried it, post content: scribd.com/doc/70284088/…
that's all, publish and it's embeded
it shouldn't be theme-depended
so strange
just to be clear
what exactly did you say I should be pasting and where?
New Post > paste the scribd link as the post content, add a title > publish
yep, nope
I'll post a question later
what version are you running on?
maybe the article has embed turned of or something, this is the one I tried "http://www.scribd.com/doc/70284088/Recipes-From-Momofuku-Milk-Bar-by-Christina-Tosi#.UT8y2leneM0"
yours embeds
article is protected or something then
I didnt do anything sepcial
It is marked as public
yup...tried it now, doesn't embed
what the hell?
very weird
funky duppy doobie doo
'body' => string (26) "No embeds for private docs"
'response' => array(2) [
'code' => integer 401
'message' => string (12) "Unauthorized"
well, that response didn't work out thanks to SE.chatsys :)
@kaiser did you attempt to edit it? for me it chaged into correct response after hiccup
@Rarst :8476768 'body' => string (26) "N...
And no, I got no mod powers. Can't even edit my own after a minute or so.
@Trufa it's a lie :)
@TomJNowell bump tested to version in local indicator, WP whines
@Rarst about which exactly?
this update wasn't tested with your WP version blah-blah
oooh I need to bummp tested to v
sorry misread
bumped in trunk
( commits to org repos so slow )
>_< am I going to have to release a 1.4 to get that working...?
@TomJNowell it's taken from release version, so if you are not choosing trunk as stable yep
I stopped tagging releases in dot org... trunk all the things! (and develop in normal repo elsewhere)
ah sounds like a good idea
my github repo for local indicator si out of date what with the 2 repo things
keep meaning to setup something like you have with svn + git in some repo
highly recommended, huge sanity savings :)
PhpStorm 6.0 released: composer, code (re)arranger, new refactorings, REST Client, Darcula & more http://ow.ly/iOwFT
go, go, go! :)
> This version also includes an open API exposing our PHP support to 3rd party plugins. We are already seeing powerful plugins that provide sophisticated features for various popular frameworks emerging and encouraging our community to create the best experience together. Stay tuned for more information on this in the next weeks.
this could be BIG feature
they've only just added support for packages/extensions?
@TomJNowell as in what?..
open API
Im looking forward to the days light table matures and pulls all of this in
if I understand right this will be like CodeSniffer integration, just open to others to develop
its developers apear to have realised clojure isnt the only language available in the wild
I looked at LightTable recently and it's confusing mess. I expect Brackets to have more impact in future.
light table is in somewhat of a state of flux
the latest build seems a lot more manageable from the videos, but pre-0.3 is garish, and the bits I downloaded were confusing. That they've finally acknowledged that projects tend to have file systems and need some basic UI elements is a vast improvement
I've been using the PHPStorm 6 RC for the last couple of weeks, certainly feels a bit snappier - not particularly keen on Darcula though - new code rearranging and refactoring stuff is cool
Haven't played around with File Watchers - using something else to handle watching and autocompilation (and reloading) but looks like a nice feature
I will just continue to use Solarized Light...
on watchers - meh that needs external tool for LESS. there is plugin that compiles LESS using Rhino already, but performance is meh...
I'm using Tomorrow Night, but wanted to see how it felt to have entire IDE in dark
Didn't like it very much, but probably need to tweak colours etc
I use LiveReload, handles LESS/SASS compilation and browser reloading, pretty quick (ie unnoticeable)
@anu I think that one is stuck in alpha for win like forever?
yeah, wouldn't hold my breath, don't think he's updated the Mac version for a while either
But, it works for me for now
I'll need to benchmark and see what way is snappy enough... compiling BS is a lot of LESS
Git and Mercurial for the same repo - accounts with =< 2 users are free
woooooooooah.... I have Kiln account already
no svn though =[
most people in the office here are svn ppl, they've not bothered to touch git, only me and sancho have taken the leap and started using it for other things
OMG, have you guys ever used Drupal?
I have wayyyyyyy more respect for WordPress now, after working with a Drupal site.
Drupal is horrible.
@TomJNowell GitHub has SVN interoperability already
Drupal has 'panels'
@Rarst unfortunately github isn't ran from a box in our office
@TomJNowell neither is kiln? :)
but so pretty..
subgit.com might be useful
I didn't get into Kiln because FogBugz was disappointingly slow for me
I don't like the fact that Drupal doesn't really have an administrative back-end. It's like all jQuery overlays.
main roadblock is that the two people who would need persuading are either quite happy with svn and see no reason to change, or on a never ending todo list to learn git
@TomJNowell Remember when I didn't understand GIT? ... like earlier in 2012 I was asking you for help. Well, GIT is like super easy now.
@MichaelEcklund yeah you've probably surpassed me in the basic stuff, I'm relearning the svn commands what with automation scripts and generally being fed up of the UI fiascos that are svn clients
and because I use it everyday, I don't have as much git exposure as I'd like
git learning curve feels like this
@Wyck what's the black curve meant to be? Eve?
ya lol
think its eve, wow, some other 2
gits really easy, then really confusing, then easy again, I'm still on the confusing part
for basic "Im a single person who doesn't use branches and only has 1 machine" scenarios, most if not all of the UIs are perfectly fine
it's when you get branches and pushing and pulling that people get confused
and so many terrible attempts to explain to svn people the whole distributed thing
anyway Ive ranted enough today
ugh tags.
I know git also has tags but I hate svn..
@Wyck I watched an intro video for Eve on YouTube with two friends some weeks ago. We quit at half the video as our decision was that Photoshop was an easy kids toy compared to that games intro.
@kaiser never played it, but I heard it was the definition of timesink
@kaiser cubehamster?
@TomJNowell what?
for a 30 minute video he didnt cover very much
cubehamster started eve tutorials, he's only done 2 an intro and one about docking undocking
I'd love to play Eve but so much time and effort to get on the bottom rung, it sounds painful
Normally we just watch the videos and never play the game. At least non of us has a machine that could run any of the current titles :)
The right way to eat an orange ^^
Cutting it with a meat knife?
You don't cut it all the way through
Just a slit, then you open it up, all your orange slices are perfect easy to get to
lol shut up
I thought it was clever!
Just like bananas. Don't open it from the top where the stem is. Instead, pinch the bottom of the banana with your thumb and index finder... banana will open perfectly. It's way easier than opening it from the top.
and you don't smoosh the crap out of your banana that way.
That's how monkeys eat bananas.
RT @nickgaston: Top replies by programmers: http://buff.ly/ZESkmX http://t.co/JTAiJ0dz6Y
@MichaelEcklund you just been lied to what side is the top
@Rarst You're so witty.
no, seriously... that opening from the stem craziness had never been a thing around here. someone epically trolled good chunk of the world about it. :)
That's hilarious
codemplosion.co.uk/ipb Scroll to the bottom, click the Harlem Shake button. Really cool.
..php errors that when I Google the only solutions are bug reports
things me no like
2 hours later…
I wrote an app once that crashed solitaire with increasing frequency if my mom hogged computer for too long :)
write an app for resto/bar, when crowd noise gets louder so does the music
or maybe one for those annoying tv commercials that are always louder than the program
Anyone know if there a way to tell how long a cached item has until expirary? (Thinking WP transients with object cache enabled)
isn't the $expiration stored in the transient
@Wyck When WP is handling it yes, but not as far as I know when an object cache is being used.
if you don't set a $expire it's forever I think being a value of 0
$expire = 0
or maybe it is broken
"The $expire parameter is not used, because the cache will automatically expire for each time a page is accessed and PHP finishes. The method is more for cache plugins which use files."
or so it seems
@Wyck Yup, but I mean given any key for a cached item how long does it have until it expires - in general you won't know when it was put into cache
ya it's a good question I don't know
@StephenHarris get_option( '_transient_timeout_' . $transient, FALSE )
@toscho Yup, but isn't that only when $_wp_using_ext_object_cache is false?
@StephenHarris I thought that is to get the transient's value
Looking at queryposts.com/function/set_transient seemsthat option isn't set when using object cache
@StephenHarris Hmm, in that case it depends on the cache. For APC you would have to look at apc_cache_info
mmm... might have to just store the expire time as part of the cached value then.
1 hour later…
creating a file scanner anyone know any folders I should ignore for popular plugins besides "/cache"
Working on the "chained selection" filters (for hierarchical taxonomies) again. Now I realized - after going down around 50 routes where everyone was slow and buggy - that the following works:

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