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"WordPress’ unique ad-averse revenue strategy" is this how wp.com hides ads from blog owners so they think they are ad-free? :)
@kaiser I'm trying to follow here... You want to turn your array of terms into a comma delimited string to pass to the raw SQL query is that correct?
@userabuser Not really.
I have select form fields that have name/id like this: location_cat[oberoesterreich].
So basically I set the name/id to the $taxonomy[ $term->slug ].
yep... that's what I do...
Now I got the problem, that I get the following result/output inside the $wp_query:
array (size=6)
      'location_cat' =>
        array (size=7)
          'deutschland' => string '-1' (length=2)
          'sachsen' => string '-1' (length=2)
          'thueringen' => string '-1' (length=2)
          'oesterreich' => string '-1' (length=2)
          'burgenland' => string '-1' (length=2)
          'kaernten' => string '-1' (length=2)
          'oberoesterreich' => string '-1' (length=2)
as an example
This means, it's failing inside the WP_Query before I can intercept with the pre_get_posts or even the parse_request filter:
if ( strpos($term, '+') !== false ) {
	$terms = preg_split( '/[+]+/', $term );
	foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
		$tax_query[] = array_merge( $tax_query_defaults, array(
			'terms' => array( $term )
		) );
} else {
	$tax_query[] = array_merge( $tax_query_defaults, array(
		'terms' => preg_split( '/[,]+/', $term )
	) );
The $term comes from foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $t ) and then $query[ $tax->query_var ].
And it's expected to be a string and not an array.
@userabuser Does it work for you?
@kaiser Any chance I can see the full sample of code you're working with...?
@userabuser Would have to throw a dozen files at you...
oh ok np
I'm trying to follow where in core that it dictates this must be in string either comma or +es?
~/wp-includes/query.php around L#1720 as far as I can remember.
Or just do a cross file search for one of those code parts above.
...already onto it :)
Great moderation over at wp.org facepalm
They deleted the solution/code and linked to an empty pastebin... oh my fucking...
@kaiser Btw, I know you speak of Symfony a bit... I've got nicely acquainted with (Goutte) the web scraper that uses (Buzz + Symfony core components DomCrawler/BrowserKit etc). Very nice... makes me want to use Symfony in production now.
@kaiser I have had happen to me before on wp.org... its bloody madness!
I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same thread even
such idiots
They need a code snippet handler that minimizes the code pastes in the thread so to maintain the flow of the support... no brainer!
not idiots, simply volunteers that got involved with site that doesn't care about... well - anything. I don't think I've ever seen practical goals formulated for dot org forums
+1 ↑
Forum rules at wp.org
@Rarst They speak about "how can we improve wp.org codex, from start to finish" well this includes the forums too... but they don't consider this.
And yes, I insist to call them idiots. If you're a moderator, then you have to care. Else you simply shouldn't become a moderator. Period.
what I find sad is that people there have knee-jerk reaction to input from SE folks. we look uppity to them because we are used to system that gives a shit and gives us tools that work
Theoretically you would want your own forums to be the place where more WP questions get answered, but shows you the power of WPSE.
@Rarst Btw, I wonder why Matt doesn't simply buy QP from you.
@Rarst Uppity? What because we care to spend our time formulating answers for the masses, for free! What a joke.
@kaiser another point where SE system works... at most of forums mods just happen chaotically
@userabuser uppity when we try to talk about everything wrong with dot org forums
@kaiser You want to kill another code resource? Do not sell QP.
@kaiser why would he?
@Rarst That's crazy, they specifically pushed on make.wp site for improving the docs section... imo that must include forums. But hey...
@Rarst Because Sibohan(?) now needs 18 month to rebuild it.
18 months???
@Rarst Many if your compatriots annoy me with "You should be just like SE." I tend to ignore them.
She said something like 18ms.
@kaiser 18 months?..
said where?
Sorry, maybe I am slow today, 18 months to rebuild the codex? Is that right?
Sailthru / Automattic party with awesome music and food. (at @stubbsaustin) [pic] — http://path.com/p/4i6GBq
I'm too stupid with Twitter and search
Hm. Don't even remember her full name... makes searching harder.
Codex rebuild scope is more that code reference... they need to audit and rewrite content as well
This takes us full circle back to that statement by Otto :)
Ok, I give up. It was around the time where she announced to be part of Automattic.
> The hardest part about all of this is giving up working with my clients at Words for WP. I’ve really enjoyed it over the past 18 months
you probably misread this
@kaiser Re your problem... (excuse me if I am not following you correctly), but if (?) you are using WP_Query at all, why can't you just supply an array of terms to be queried in the tax_query instead of having to mess with supplying a string delimited value?
@Rarst just found it.
and yes, I've mis-remembered that part.
@userabuser I'm not. The initial query is a WP_Query (the default one). Firing the form just adds the taxonomy terms as part of the search.
So there's no additional query involved. Just the standard one where the form adds the taxonomy_slug as query var and the terms as values.
I guess I need to illustrate my problem better. I got a hierarchical taxonomy. Let's say it's 3 levels deep: 1 parent and 2 children depth.
Now my first select has the parent terms. My second select holds the child terms and the third select contains the grandchildren.
Each of those selects now has id/name="location_cat". And the options have id/name="some_term_slug".
Now I fire the form, the page reloads and I again got an array. And I got exactly nonononono idea how it's supposed to be.
Guess the only thing I could do is re-reading core files to see where exactly a tax query reworks the 'terms' => array( 'term_a', 'term_b' ) to a string glued together with a comma or a plus char.
@kaiser Well... from what I understand you are trying to do, you need to be working with tax_queryand supplying your array of values, not worrying about the comma/+ delimited stuff...
What's the relation of the search, AND / OR etc?
@userabuser Yeah, I'd do that if I would do an additional WP_Query. As the data comes from the form, the form must have MarkUp that core understands and transforms.
@userabuser AND per default.
Ok, so your issue is that you don't want to run your own query, instead really hijack the existing?
(3hr sleep btw... so be patient with me :)
<form role="search"
      action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">

	// Contextual hook that takes the project_cat term into account
	do_action( $hook_name );

	<input type="hidden"
	       value="<?php echo get_query_var( get_queried_object()->taxonomy ); ?>"
	<input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Search' ); ?>" />
Where do_action( 'hook_name' ); is where my plugin adds the dropdowns/selects.
Only reason why the hook name isn't built inline is that I do a has_action( $hook_name ) up front to avoid outputting the button only if the plugin is deactivated.
Is this plugin just meant to bolt onto any standard search form?
The search form is exactly what you read above. It hasn't got an input field using the s id/name, so the search template won't trigger.
I need to reserve this for the news/blog section later on.
Q: Passing form inputs into multi-taxonomy query

nfaustI'm in the process of building out a search page to perform a query on a custom post type and its associated meta and taxonomy. Eventually, I would it to query multiple taxonomies as well as compare values to those in the meta (ie - find posts with foo between X and Y). I have a pretty good und...

This is exactly the code from that wp.org question :)
↑ that's basically the essence of what you need to be doing, and if your search is technically custom, you can bypass in the inbuilt search process altogether
But then I'd need to do an additional query. It's already working with post tag like (flat/non hierarchical) taxonomies. Only hierarchical aren't working so far. And no, I won't do another query in the template just for this.
1 hour later…
@userabuser What I tried made no sense at all...
Point was that I prepared a "chained selection": You select a parent term from the first drop down and it displays another drop down containing the child terms. This means that won't ever be anything needed than the child terms. So setting the the select-name/id to the tax and the option value to to the term->slug is fully ok. The last one in the MarkUp will simply be set as single term. Period. In any other case there won't ever be a second drop down having the same location that should ...
... actually add to the query. The only case where this should happen would be a drop down that has a multiple argument. But I'll deal with that when I need it and not now.
That's what I thought, but I also thought you already thought that, heh who would have thought.
Yeah, I'm tired. And I was tired. And I somehow forgot that this was only a placeholder until the javascript was in there to show/hide the drop downs on demand... yeah, well. :)
we shall never speak of this again ;)
wondering for 20min why js doesn't work, id's looked like id="#frag" ...damn sneaky hashbang whyyy ..
1 hour later…
Hey guys, how are we all?
3 hours later…
Q: What about answers consisting (almost) only of a link to an external website? - or - 'How do I answer' section for the faq

t fI was wondering about (how to deal with) answers like Had the same problem. Here (random [external] link) is the solution. Firstly, I do not question the answerer's intention of helping others. However, answers like that are, in my opinion, not directly helpful as they are mere redirects (...

2 hours later…
@DigitalSea european and lumbering out of bed, you?
2 hours later…
the beauty of MP6 is it shows up all the potential css vsual compatability nightmares hiding in your code
admin styling that looks nice in MP6 and the normal without adding specific styles for both ^_^
if they radically change admin yet another time (without providingcompat and styling guides as usual) more people would stop giving a shit about fitting in :\
I used a plugin that added page with demo of main admin styles and markup to produce them, in span of something over a year it became mostly outdated and unusable
Is there some place in the DB where the taxonomy names get saved?
define names
I could query them as DISTINCT from {$wpdb->term_taxonomy}.taxonomy. But nvm. This won't work, as I don't have access to weather it's hierarchical or not. This info simply isn't available at this point (plugins_loaded) and not saved anywhere in the DB.
Wait... There was the {$taxonomy}_children option in the options table if I remember correctly...
db schema gets crazy around terms :\
and full of legacy issues... my blog had grandfathered thing with identical categories and tags that absolutely shouldn't have been able to work but did just fine :)
Three tables for terms and no meta data attachable. Still doesn't fit into my head :)
@Rarst So non-working slug collision that just worked? 8)
Sounds... nice :)
this is WordPress! :)
300 people in the world get it. And they died fighting the millions.
ICIT folks probably hear a lot about this, every time talks go into WP database Dave Coveney gets into "criiiiiinge" mode :)
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_col( "
	SELECT DISTINCT tt.taxonomy
	FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt
" );
@Rarst this happens one average 2-3 times a week
public function get_hierarchical()
	global $wpdb;
	$taxonomies = $wpdb->get_col( "
		SELECT DISTINCT tt.taxonomy
		FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt
	" );
	$results = array();
	foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax )
		false !== get_option( "{$tax}_children" )
			AND $results[] = $tax;
	return $results;
Works from within plugins_loaded.
composer is really nice, I need to read up on how to write own configs
it's like subrepositories minus all the version controll mess with them
Hm? How does composer compare to submodules?
get dependencies for you, at needed versions, etc. it's even more flexible since you can specify version logic and version control can only remember specific revision
thinking about rewriting my scrapers in silex
generisize and learn symfony stuff while at it...
I see @Rarst already switching to the dark side. Where dark actually is "works with a current PHP version" :)
being progressive is much easier when no one orders you around and complains about challenges of updating :)
@Rarst I am normally my best and most tolerant client and boss
currently I have a mess of PHPQuery, Eden (cache) and no routing whatsoever...
What exactly are you trying to do/working on?
bunch of assorted pieces, done over years. mostly RSS out for things that don't have RSS
1 hour later…
World Weather Online now moved to Mashery. interesting.
@kaiser I don't quite understand your comment here. At the time of posting the question, I did mention that there was a chat discussion... blah, blah, blah. But what details am I supposed to include?
PS: Wrt my comment on the other question I even tried the exact code she provided, and it didn't work. If you want me to delete the comment, I'll delete it though. I posted it there 'cause she's got some grip with that specific area of the code, and she'd take a look when she gets time.
@kaiser By the way, you told me not to use query_varsand use $query->set instead. That's what I am doing, if you look at the code in my question. (Just to let you know that our conversation was quite useful to me, but I still couldn't quite fix my code.)
Yeah. And your problem was two things: You overwrote the $args of the $wp_query object and you doubled the IF/ELSE conditions as well as having a mess with you conditions. So please don't comment "doesn't work for me", as your conditions are completely different. Try it without any abort conditions (so that it will always trigger) and then write "works for me" and upvote. Taking things out of context is A) unfair, B) holds people back from upvoting and C) will mislead later users as...
...they will think that it doesn't work and in the worst case even downvote a working answer. Simply don't do that. Don't compare apples with oranges.
We want good answers to be pushed and only bad ones to get downvoted. This will encourage users/developers to use the right way to do things. And this is the final goal: Providing a "library" where you can go with each and every question and find an answer + being able to choose from different ways to accomplish your goal.
ok, I'd already upvoted the answer. I posted the comment to say that I am utilizing the same method in my code, but it isn't working for me. Apparently that wasn't clear. Anyway, I deleted the comment.
@kaiser Are you looking at this? wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/90220/10691 or the code that I provided you with yesterday?
OK then, I'll now try IF NOT (e.g. ! is_category()) and see if that does something.
Sorry, I got a bunch of tasks to finish.
@Rarst Interesting little RSS reader getlilina.org (extendable)... PS. highly recommend you checkout Goutte (DomCrawler/Symfony) - really enjoying it on a scrape project at the moment over the usual phpQuery or SimpleHTMLDom.
@userabuser emitting RSS, not consuming. I know Goutte, seems to have a little too many moving parts to get into it at once
I can't get rid of the feeling that I accidently started pulling everyone over to Symfony :)
@kaiser we've been aware of it, it's just more vivid now
Yesterday uppity, today vivid. StopPress is now my official English course.
@TomJNowell Just reading. But when they quote "derStandard" (Newspaper), then the poll will actually be right.
Yeah, anyway. We already got an extreme rightwing party. It's called "Freiheitliche Partei Österreich" or in short FPÖ, which means "freedom party austria". Nearly everybody in this party is part of some right wing or neo-nazi association. When they were third in the year 2000, we had the first big demonstration in vienna (the biggest ever). And people like me were repeating protest marches every thursday for nearly six years.
The other countries in the EU put us on the "black list" on pressure of our president Thomas Klestil. Our biggest party since monarchy times is and will be the left wing socialist party. The right wing FPÖ extremists have ~10-15% votes. The rest is protest votes.
>Ryan’s a well respected member of the WordPress community .. oh ya ok...
They splitted up into the "LIF"/liberal forum in 1993 and again in the "BZÖ" in ~2007 I think. When people are really not satisfied they could gain around 25-30%, but always loose parts to their split up parties. Currently we got "Frank Stronach" and Austro-Canadian Billionaire who bought himself into the parliament. He got ~10% in the first two elections in two states so the protesters moved over to him. He's the father of Miss Stronach who failed to become Premier canceler in Canada some years
ago. So yes, people are searching for some "strong" leader or someone not being corrupt. The last decade just showed us how much was soled by corrupt politicians and that the "big" coalition didn't do anything to get those people in jail. Now everyone calls for justice. And the one promising this will be the big winner in these years parliament/country wide elections. But from the perspectives we choose there's no one who will fulfill this. My personal guess is that it will be either
Christ Democrats + Social Democrats again or Green party + those two. No one wants to let Stronach in or would allow himself a coalition with the freedom party again. Too risky.
...in a nutshell don't ask kaiser about politics in this chat ever again :)
I shall consider myself thoroughly informed
Silex is light they said... github.com/fabpot/Silex/blob/master/composer.json I am now scared to even look at Symfony :)
ah, required-dev seems to be for development...
@Rarst Not sure about Symfony as standalone, but Goutte is very simple, packaged with phar archive, easy to run without headache.
@userabuser yeah, but it only does what it does, I need some organization and stuff on top
larave, fuel, f3 <-- decent frameworks
hyped up super fantasmogoric fully featured slider: http://swipejs.com/

The indicators to switch slides underneath don't work....
for now decided to clone symfony, silex, pimple and set up autoload for them. should make Sliex work and have rest of symfony to poke and play with
@userabuser Symfony's - we are like framework, but you can like just use components you like appeals to me :)
no pressure, no stuffing you into structrure to snatch some specific functionality
i agree... thats why i like lots of little libraries out there, flourish, aura... if you really want solid control, you could always start with a router like klien/guzzle/buzz and add in your choice of ORM (if you prefer) like Idiorm/Paris or Redbean
I have klein,but at moment trying out silex routing. I adore klein syntax on top of regexp, want to bolt it on WP...
If anyone ever delivers a klein implementation for WP I'd probably never leave the platform ;) wishful thinking...
replacing WP's "routing" would probably be nuts, but using klein syntax to replace regexp configuration should be doable
Schinkel been asking for different request routing for years, guess how well it goes...
I've done 2 projects on klein as the base and I was very happy, now use it for my dashboard, but there are quite the number of good routers out there these days
hmm goes... no.. where.
@Rarst it's a sign of good design that each component is somewhat self contained and isn't tightly coupled with the rest
we are getting fancy menus instead and a rewrite to JS
@TomJNowell yep, it's pretty much their mission statement - standalone components that will work with anything and anything third party will work with
@userabuser it's a tragedy that the dashboard menus still don't work properly if JS is turned off
@TomJNowell admin is a mess.... I wonder, with these new menu push, how backward compatible it will be with previous work
@userabuser how compatible every previous admin change was with previous work? there is your answer
hehe.. put it this way, when core updates, I run from previous admin work...
damn, now I am spoiled by Symfony loader and will scoff at everything that doesn't just work with it... PSR0 all the things! :)
there' nothing to be back compatible with
I've thought about building a proper admin backend, with a back compat module to get some core apis working like WP_Screen, option settings, and the menu API, but so much effort, and so many other projects that I could start, like the buddypress redo, or the BBPress done properly, etc etc
I wonder what improvements they have in mind for core once the min PHP is raised to 5.3
aside from just shoving lambda functions and closures here there and everywhere
good question
we still have date time stuff runnin as engineered for PHP4 compat. it's been how long since dropping PHP4?
@Rarst is there no trac ticket?
we should write a series of blogposts around the phrase "what about the rest of the PHP ecosystem?"
I get the impression everyone think sit's just WordPress Drupal, Joomla and the PHPBB clones
@TomJNowell of course there are. it went like (Otto) this is a mess, let's burn it! (Nacin) but multisite! and backwards compat!
game over
meh that's just a lack of design and thought
provide an API, make people use it, when enough are using it, rewrite its internals
or at least that's one method
problem is there is too much WP "magic" stuff like options (that are not really options because they are overridden on retrieval with functions which do calculations...) people use to get offset numbers to use in calculations... meh. PHP5 weeps.
and WP is explicitly engineered to reset time zone to UTC and have all native PHP timezone functionality not be considered usable
if it suddenly starts setting timezone properly - amount of stuff (third party even if core is fixed up) that will go bonkers... ugh
there a lot of trac tickets about re-doing admin menu and option screen with a proper api
think some work has been done there
@Rarst glad that finally someone wrote that. will reference that from time to time.
@kaiser wrote what?
game over
I don't qwuite follow what is special about writing it
@Wyck I like the WP_Menu I idea/ticket from scribu. But it has already been pushed back two times.
The last time I touched the admin menu was when I wrote that menu & submenu separator plugin.
I then followed up with a (not yet published) plugin that reworks the complete admin menu, replaces it with wp_nav_menu() and a proper walker. Still needs bunch of polishing on top, but it works. When I'm done with this project, I'll publish it. Hopefully it will serve as the base for all those trac tickets.
@kaiser ya shrug, it's plumbing that no one wants to do, it'll be interesting to see the road-map from 3.6 - 4.0
if it's adopted and good - core folks had to rewrite it anyway and nothing in common with original, if it works and bad - see, another problem with pesky third party code
@Wyck Did I already tell you that I like your humor?
@Wyck pretty, moar retina, pretty again, javascript
ah, revisions!
@kaiser ha no, humor doesn't work in here
@Rarst jazz hands
@Wyck forgot about that...
I open Symfony files in PhpStorm and they are green status... I can't remember seeing "green" file in WP core
Love it when an app has a version like, only 100 million versions, that's it?
@Rarst This you current project? Read RarstRSS in the footer. Btw: Someone needs to give you a rough push so the black/white contrast resets to it's original and pleasant 180° reverse status :)
lol good list, enterprise is one to add per the comment, so much enterprise is synonymous with turds.
> Open… – we are proudly open source enthusiasts OR it opens something.
we offer "enterprise level" is common
@Rarst you forget the "E" like ebay, etoys, geuss it's a bit dated
Love .etoy.com, one of the best stories on the net
@kaiser what?
there are three lines of words there but I am struggling to procure meaning from them, rephrase
@Rarst Your site + appnews have a dark background and white type or foreground = high contrast and hurts my eyes after some minutes on your sites. Tried to phrase this as nicely as possible... and came out somehow obfuscated.
@kaiser and above that?
yeah, this them is getting scrapped soon in favor of new on HybridWing
appnews is getting scrapped or rewritten, depends on how it goes with partners
@Rarst If this is the project you're currently working on. The one that has Symfony parts, etc. in it.
> [greek letter]… – it looks cool and we chuckle imaging users trying to type it.
@kaiser appnews? no. appnews is written in autoit...
@Rarst Btw: You forgot the CMS4U company/product names...
And "App" is trendy as (h)well.
that is old post..
Doesn't matter. Most works still quite well.
or webpages that think they are apps, like hey everyone check out my new app..and it's just some sort of javascript framework or boilerplate
@Wyck I'm a big fan of those. Imho WebApps are the future. Too many separated mobile OS pushing to the market right now. Everyone with its own store + SDK + guidelines, etc. No one will ever want to maintain the same App for let's say 4-8 platforms/OS.
mobile is not governed by same rules as other tech. that's what people don't get and that's why there is such a high technology churn there.
the only reason we have a wave of mobile OSes now is that phone companies expressed mild reason to have plan B if they don't like where Android and iOS are going.
being plan B is anything but guaranteed future
Anyway, in the future even iOS and Android will face tough times. Those who provide the most open doors/lowest entry barrier (which is using plain web technologies) will succeed. With tech it's like with parties. When the kool devs jump on, users will follow (they got groupies). It's the same as when people travel a bit longer because the better DJ is in this yet unknown location.
right now my concerns is going to the store to find something that goes well with pierogi's
iOS already does part of that with providing meta tags that allow StartUp screens and bookmark icons that look like native Apps.
@Wyck pierogi's?
and that's what companies keep stumbling on. no one cares about tech. mobile OS wins because phones with it sell. tech doesn't mean shit about how well phone sells.
Palm Pre was like developer wet dream and completely flopped.
Pierogi (; also spelled perogi, pierogy, perogy, pierógi, pyrohy, pirogi, pyrogie, or pyrogy; juvenile diminutive form: Pierożki also in use) are dumplings of unleavened doughfirst boiled, then they are baked or fried usually in butter with onionstraditionally stuffed with potato filling, sauerkraut, ground meat, cheese, or fruit. Of central and eastern European provenance, they are usually semicircular, but are rectangular or triangular in some cuisines. The Polish word pierogi is plural; the singular form pieróg is rarely used, as a typical serving consists of several pierogi. Or...
Microsoft can throw unlimited tech at the problem and it failed in mobile like three times over already.
BlackBerry kept doing very well on a tech that was a wreck until they run it into ground.
same story with Nokia pretty much by now.
in mobile tech doesn't mean anything if it doesn't sell
I want my new phone and go play ingress :( delivered tomorrow evening :(
Let's see what happens with FirfoxOS and LinuxMobile. I'm pretty confident that they will bring a decent user experience. And if that one works out and the entry barrier for devs is low...
see above - the only reason they appeared is that large operators hinted they might support them. in case they decide to stiffle Android and iOS
With the massive amount of Raspberries and Arduinos, etc. I think it will only be a matter of time until the DIY cellphone thingy will start. To stay serious: The possibility that you're right is higher than on my side.
maybe but we are many years away from that. components are too high tech, that will be closer to believable when you can print both details and circuirtry at home
does Symfony have anything for file cache?.. it mentions caching here and there in docs, but not as directly usable component
Read something about it while ago but don't remember details. Sidenote @ALL Read about Aura Routing Component (guess it's standalone) and reviews have been astonishing and core pretty clean.
nice - same dev that did PHP port of Mustache wrote Silex provider for it github.com/bobthecow/mustache-silex-provider
500 left to 20k...
gets exactly no attention. We need to find a way to get around this...
@kaiser because nobody is familiar with woocommerce or jigoshop internals here?
send them to codeable.io 95% woocommerce
A rough 30% is answered. Currently inspecting if they're really answered or just marked as such.
@Wyck Good idea :)
> Just had the same problem. First uninstall the plugin. Then you have to delete all rows containing "woocommerce" in the table "wp_options" on your database. Especially "skip_install_woocommerce_pages". Now install the plugin again. The notification for automatically creating pages will pop up.
That's a ... "solution"
smooth :)
I signed up for that site and every question is like .."nope"
> I can confirm this was fixed in WC 1.5.2 :)
Q: Woocommerce blank screen variable product attribute image thumbnail

GlobalzI am using woocommerce, I have setup a variable product. Under each attribute, when I try to add a thumbnail image by clicking on the Insert Into Post button for the Media Uploader dialog, the dialog box becomes empty without any content. In the javascript console in Google Chrome, I get the fo...

This is as well a "solution"... OMG
e-commerce pollution
"This is the solution! [link to other question]" ... receives even an upvote...
> OK, I think I have found an answer to my own question. It appears that the broken admin pages with too many items were a result of my hosting provider (Dreamhost) having "extra web security" checked in the setup of the site.
again: solution
I would think it attracts more drive-by's than regular tags
People who are active in this tag surely not come back to help others
> I hate to mention this on Wordpress.Stackexchange, but I would go with using Magento in place of Wordpress.
solution with 4 upvotes
it's genius....if i open thousand questions like that and accept my "answer" I'll have Rarst-like reputation
A: Defining the same price to all WooCommerce Products

brasofiloLooks like you are not familiar with WordPress Bulk Edit. Change the Screen Options to show all the products you have (if there are too many this can be slow, and is better to do it following some 100/200 product per page). Select all the products, select Edit in the Bulk Edit dropdown and Ap...

I didn't know that I could do that. AHA.
30 flags today. And @Bainternet was damn fast.
@kaiser that's one of the top features by the ratio of usefullness to interface obscurity :\
@toscho seems like my last ones haven't yet come through to you.
flags aren’t blocked
I started flaggin through that wootag
maybe they need some time to get processed.
yes, I resolved two
@Rarst seems so :/ Another one is the publish meta box/submitdiv. I added a ticket a while ago as I couldn't ever remember how this should be handled. Got some process, but I guess it will never change as long as I was the one who added the ticket...
But some progress is better than none.
Q: Make WooCommerce questions off topic

kaiserLet's move on We already had one meta question by Tom J. Nowell asking how we should deal with the woocommerce questions where the answers that said "No" to offering free support for the Woo company products had the most support. Now I'm polling if we should update our FAQ and make them off to...

I'm officially asking if we should update our FAQ.
> Mustache\Silex\Application\MustacheTrait adds a render helper to your app:
I don't get how trait helps me if it's not included in service and I don't get to define $app class?..
Q: Make WooCommerce questions off topic

kaiserLet's move on We already had one meta question by Tom J. Nowell asking how we should deal with the woocommerce questions. It had quite some traction and support. Now I'm polling if we should update our FAQ and make those questions off topic. Reasons why to make woocommerce questions off top...

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