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Installed on tomjn.com, some nice improvements, but overall it looks a bit fugly and rough
but it haz web font!
Eurgh, the contrast! Or better: the lack of.
@toscho too much contrast between some areas not enough in others
not enough padding in so many places, the about page is a mess
6 hours later…
Which is a better way to create a custom feed? This:
function custom_feed_flipboard() {
	load_template( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/feeds/wtn-custom-feed1.php');
add_action('do_feed_flipboard', 'custom_feed_flipboard');
or this:
function custom_feed_flipboard() {
	load_template( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/feeds/wtn-custom-feed1.php');
add_feed('flipboard', 'custom_feed_flipboard');
or are both one and the same?
2 hours later…
600 more to go...
@kaiser you don't to be blessed with serial upvoting, do you? :P *@Rarst comes to mind*
Happend to me twice as far as I can remember, so I'm tending to say no :)
Ah! :-/
t f
t f
Good morning everybody!
Anybody else having problems viewing the questions?
Most of the time, I only see one or none question(s), no matter what tab I'm on (active, newest, faq, ...)...?
@tf no problem
@tf yeah happened to me a few times today too
especially when clicking on newest or something like that
4 hours later…
@anu but is it unit tested? :D
fantastic, into the production!
I'll never add numbers in the old fashioned way again
2 hours later…
May have found a bug, someone have post-edit open and care to test it with me?
It is simple. In the html editor, add <!--nextpage--> at the very beginning of the post, then add some content and add more next buttons. It appears that if the post content begins with a nextpage, then it ignores all others.
Or just paste this in the html editor to test this:
Hello world page 1
Hello world page 2
Hello world page 3
Hello world page 4`
Hello world page 1
Hello world page 2
Hello world page 3
Hello world page 4`
Sorry, double post. Please let me know if you get the same result.
known bug. wontfix
@toscho WonTFix?..
What does wontfix mean?
I saw that the resolution was set to wontfix but what exactly those that mean in this context?
@ChristineCooper that no one is going to be fixing it or working on fixing it
it's usually for intended behavior or technological limitatitions
Then what was that fix patch that was posted in that link?
here it's just crazy
I reopened it.
Excellent. So that fix does indeed work then...
This looks like one of those cases where patches from a persona non grata are not welcome. :(
A contributor to my platform reported that he couldn't separate his post into multiple pages. I have disabled the html editor so only the visual editor is available for them. And I added a button to the Tinymce that pastes the <!--nextpage-->. The problem is that it will not display visually in the visual editor until you save draft. To solve this, I made the button paste a dummy [next_page_button] shortcode that does nothing but to display to the user where they separated the post.
I suppose what happened here was that the user clicked the button, realised that he forgot to select where he wanted the separation (so it appeared at the beginning of the article) and to solve his mistake, he removed the shortcode but not the actual nextpage code as it was not visible for him until he published it. Waaah.
and people wonder why I rave for markdown...
WYSIWIG is never getting usable, it's been too long to still expect it :)
Problem with modifying loop. I'd use some help.
I have a custom taxonomy - 'edition', and am using a custom template for it 'taxonomy-edition.php'. Now, I am trying to customize the loop for the term 'usa' under the taxonomy, and am somehow messing it up. This is how I am doing it (in taxonomy-edition.php):
	if ( is_tax( 'edition', 'usa' ) ) {
		$custom_archive_usa_args = array(
			'post_type' => 'post',
			'tax_query' => array(
				'relation' => 'AND',
					'taxonomy' => 'category',
					'field' => 'id',
					'terms' => array( 1, 2, 4, 5 ),
					'taxonomy' => 'edition',
					'field' => 'slug',
					'terms' => array( 'eu', 'india' ),
					'operator' => 'NOT IN'
		$custom_archive_usa = new WP_Query($custom_archive_usa_args);
		while ($custom_archive_usa->have_posts()) : $custom_archive_usa->the_post();
Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong?
what is your actual problem?
@Rarst It takes my site down... says it's down for maintenance or something
@01100001 this suggests a completely different problem is occurring unrelated to your code
So, it basically breaks my site. So, something's wrong with the way I am doing it, although I cross-checked it with the codex a hundred times :-/
or its a 500 error being handled with a maintenance page
check error logs
Okay, here's the exact error:
> The website encountered an error while retrieving http://***.com/edition/usa/. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
that's not an error
you don't have endwhile if that is full code...
that's Apache saying "omg some shit went down, but we weren't told what, lets just put out a standard message that something went wrong"
go look at the actual error, aka error logs
@Rarst No, it's there. Here's the full code: paste.kde.org/691388
don't give code examples that are not valid PHP code, that makes things worse
@Rarst Oops! wrong one
@01100001 I would suggest you stop using if() : end; and start using if(){ }
clearly, just like every single human that has ever lived, you are prone to make mistakes with opening and closing blocks. I suggest you stop making things hard for yourself
coding isn't a beauty pageant
@TomJNowell MY code uses {} -- it's the framework/starter theme I use that uses :
@01100001 then the framework should be discarded for sloppiness
or you should make the ammendments if you use it that regularly
@TomJNowell it's underscores
@01100001 as I said, make the ammendments, eitherway PHP syntax errors should never be an issue. Your editor should scream alarm bells if you have made a syntax error
@TomJNowell Oh, wait! That's my code actually. That's a test site.
I don't quite agree, that can be more convenient in some situations... usually when there is one thing involved like loop and bunch of markup, not so much when thiungs are nested
I don't see any place alt syntax is more convenient than standard, it's more characters and less IDE support
Okay, so isn't there any apparent/obvious mistake in the way I am modifying the loop?
@01100001 have you gone to your PHP error log yet?
@TomJNowell it's mostly semantic "important block has closed" vs "what the heck this bracket does here?" :)
@TomJNowell The problem is I don't have the private key to login to my server atm :-/
and you can't add WP_DEBUG?
no local environment?
Not yet. New PC.
if Apache is crashing it probably isn't getting to output stage
I can assure you it's with thecode I showed you. With it removed, the site loads fine
I've been rechecking/cross-checking it for over 2 hours... no clue what's wrong
what about WP_DEBUG?
@TomJNowell I cant access any file outside the theme/plugin editor in WP dash
(until I get back home)
'terms' => array( 1, 2, 4, 5 ),
trailing comma?
your while loops are never closed
@TomJNowell Not the one.
argh just spotted the endwhile, that's horrendous, goto statement level logic
@TomJNowell can you be a bit more clear?
if( ) {
    while X
} else {
    while y
code like that should be refactored on site, I'd be surprised if it was even allowed
opening and closing a block or conditional construct should always happen in the same scope, no exceptions, of any kind
@TomJNowell But that is how it is, except that there's <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?> before endwhile
@01100001 and I'm telling you, change it
@TomJNowell Ok, that didn't fix anything
according to that it fails in 5.3.12 because of the while loop
every PHP version there says it too
@TomJNowell Yeah, I am looking into it.
No clue why it's saying that though
@01100001 because you started a while loop in a different scope to when you closed it
translate it into standard syntax and it'll be blatantly obvious why it's bad
alt syntax doesn't turn the opening of a while loop into a statement you can move around
@TomJNowell You mean, {} instead of :?
it's the same, it's just written slightly differently
if ( true ) :
    while $a :
else :
    while $b:

if the same as typing:
if ( true ) {
    while $a {
}else {
    while $b {

or properly indented:
if ( true ) {
    while $a {
		}else {
		    while $b {
Oh, I see what you are saying now. Thank you! I'll fix it right away and see
to get that to work you'd need to either use goto statements in C or jump to assembly
or use conditional definition programming, but that requires a pre-processor
you could grab the global main query and assign it to a temp var and use that as your loop object but for what you're doing ti isn't worth the hassle
lol my properly indented example isn't exactly indented well XD
@TomJNowell Aha! I have a kewl idea, pretty elaborated, but should get things done. I'll show it to ya in a moment
kk, I might need ot dissapear for a half hour in a moment but Ill comment on my return
@TomJNowell sure!
@TomJNowell (For when you get back) This is how I fixed it: paste.kde.org/691430 Added the endwhile in each conditional statement (yes, kinda what you suggested!) and that fixed it!
And the 'no syntax errors' this time in the php syntax check tool.
And Thank You!
@01100001 use decent IDE that gives real time feedback, not "check tool"
ha Think of it as a WordPress for games kickstarter.com/projects/341483420/…
@Wyck remember RPGMaker 2000?
@TomJNowell No I must have missed it, I didn't own a computer between like 1995-2001
I do remember Zork
2 hours later…
1300 comments to moderate... I am turning them off until blog revamp :\
comment asking me to improve my WPSE answer for guy's own purposes. comment at my personal blog. wat?..
2 hours later…
@Rarst can you still access TL? I cannot.
@toscho I can
Can you ping someone from the SE team there please?

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