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w3 total cache now has 451 files
1/2 size of wordpress
4 hours later…
Fixed Apache and run some new tests if anyone sees anything wierd gist.github.com/wycks/5001067
I am creating a custom taxonomy, and am a bit confused about what the with_front argument for rewrite actually does. Initially I thought it would remove the taxonomy base in my URLs (i.e., example.com/editions/canada to example.com/canada). But it doesn't do that!
Anyone know what it's meant for?
Aha! Figured it out. :D
1 hour later…
Things are crazy right now. As if my contact form ended winter sleep. People are contacting me for the funniest reasons. Todays highlights: Can I haz geocodes for VB or C#? Where do people get those ideas from?
hand over the geocodes!
I should have answered with the following
> Your answer can be found at ?lat=16.75&lng=43.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
it's SASS though, I'm looking to see if I can duplicate in LESS, but the bit where the mixins are generated on the fly is proving problematic
he's got stuff like device('laptop') which auto generates laptop-half laptop-third etc
though I'm aware I could do .third('laptop') or something but there's extra complexity there
@TomJNowell There's a LESS port by Peter Wilson.
When you read the issues than you'll see that the main branch is not called master, which is quite annoying.
ah but thats a port of Inuit, not github.com/csswizardry/csswizardry-grids
completely modular. take what you need, all you can eat.
@kaiser not quite the same, that's 1 size fits all
the whole point of the new grid repo is he can say lap-two-thirds phone-one-half desktop-one-third, and it all works as expected with breakpoints etc
sure I could port the basic grid system, copy it 2 or 3 times and prefix each version and wrap in a media query
but I'd like to see if there's a way fo automatically doing that the way he did in SASS, defining it once and auto creating the necessary classes/mixins
1 hour later…
@TomJNowell why not? had you tried reproducing it in LESS and hit issues?
@Rarst it's not a problem of trying it and it failing, it's a question of 'how' would you try it?
how would I define a mixin where the mixins name is part variable/parameter?
selector interpolation?
> Selector Interpolation

> If you want to use less variables inside selectors, you can do this by referencing the variable using @{selector} as in string interpolation
that's what I've been hunting for
I think it's recent addition
Hi all
hope you havent missed me ;)
@Brady ...who are you?
must be a walking dead ... searching shotgun
@Brady we burned effigies in your absence, the flames were beautiful
Note to everybody who ever needs to do a remote request with file_get_contents() and gets back a XML response: To get the headers, simply use $http_response_header right afterwards. It doesn't need to be pulled from global scope or anywhere else. It just exists, is filled and contains the headers. My personal WTF!?! of the day...
so news update. I've left Philosophy Design and now working at Big Fish
since when do zombies talk...
are those like real company names? sound like anonymizing euphemisms :)
real company names
www.philosophydesign.com and www.bigfish.co.uk
cool :) I wonder if it is intentional for Big Fish (I think "Big Pharma" is pretty popularized phrase)
dont think so
wait, they are not actually dealing with fish? never mind then...
no fish but maybe one of their clients deal with fish...
apparently it was easier for automattic to make some GPL icons from scratch than find any genericons.com
very, very ugly and not a single one matches the others in size, style or position.
there don't seem to be many genericons
what about the others, draft?
trunk looks fugly with the super oversized icons on the pages, they look silly next to the teeny weeny menu icons
Please, please, please can all those remote HTTP APIs start to send anything aside from 200/OK if the request failed?... grr.
WP admin reminds me of my room. I used to move furniture around every few years to freshen it up. Then I mentally matured and threw out everything but bed and desk which was all I actually used/needed.
@Rarst I've toyed with the idea of flattening everything out and simplifying and padding out things, but last time I tried I couldn't get over how horrid the admin menu implementation is
with tadlocks plugin for admin themes etc I might look back into it
@TomJNowell I am thinking about working out front-end posting workflow and just not go into admin :)
meh, admin needs to be implemented more like a frontend theme and workflow, that they cant do admin rewrite rules just demonstrates how much of a mess it can be
true that, I said for a long time that I don't see why admin isn't just a theme
heck we might destroy or be overwritten by picking the wrong priority number, and if we deem not to for those reasons, it might happen anyway
my theory is that Matt or someone around there just feel nervous about people opting out of it if it's too easy... well, reaching point when people do that anyway
and stuff like db_delta and maybe_create_table should be in wp-includes
(string) $response->response->message->attributes()->messageCode
sure, this is how I should get an error message from the XML response facepalm
@kaiser lol
I'm really dealing a lot with remote APIs and this is something that happens really always: The response simply is "pile of data 'composed' by someone surely not sane". Question seems to be "Is there some standard for HTTP communication? Yes! Now go and ignore it until it looks really perverted.".
'Seckendorfstraße 4'
Oh, yeah. Perfect response data.
wtf is that?
recent API I was working on for a plugin did not have any failure response either... bizarre.
That should an ß, but it seems that the content doesn't come as UTF-8, when the header says so.
The response message codes are funny:
1       // OK
-2001   // 'Connection to remote server failed. [General Error]'
random numbers ... // etc.
Another funny fact: I have to POST a XML file with a specific namespace to get a response. The response contains no namespace at all...
haha.. now that is weird
it scares me that I can come up with duplicate question posted year ago about issue I had never encountered...
2 hours later…
@Rarst @kaiser I've my own version of the grids now but I get weird classes like ."palm-"one-whole
and I can't figure out how to remove the quotes
@palm: "palm-";
 * Our breakpoint specific widths classes.
@media only screen and (max-width:@palm-end){
and I've got:
`.@{namespace}one-whole { width:100%; }`
removing the quotes from the palm var doesn't do it as I get a space, doesn't like the dash
AHA nevrmind ~ fixedit
try @{palm}
well with ~ it works if I define the classes in html
though silent mixins don't work
the gutters don't appear to be applying either =(
ah wait no I think they are
Best comments. "Can I proxy a 503 as 305" :D
@TomJNowell Sure that this will work out?
@kaiser nothing wrong with this line, * *\ isn't a comment
though maybe we should swap $stuff for @stuff anyway for consistency, even though it's commented out
on my local tests it works if you add the html classes, but not if you try to use them as mixins in LESS
oh... right :)
Greetings, is there any way that I can add an avatar here without using Gravatar?
@ChristineCooper why not use gravatar? You're aware your avatar will be the default on 95% of blogs and websites out of there until you change it?
anyways, open up your profile and go to your avatar and find out the answer
Ahh is the image upload something new or has it existed for a while? Maybe it is restricted to your reputation points because I remember when I signed up here, I couldn't find it. But maybe I wasn't looking properly.
it's recent
I already use Gravatar but for a different email address. I linked my FB account here when I signed up which uses an old email...
you can add multiple emails and images to gravatar account
Yes that is true, I will need to check where else I use this particular email to ensure that my image won't popup at random places ;) So I may go with the image upload instead.
still grrr about ~600 translation calls during boot I can't get rid of
wp-settings.php is like a drawer where people put things to deal with them later...
so it seems I cannot use selector interpolation on a mixin, and those rules generated via selector interpolator cannot themselves be used as mixins
Cannot find a reset for css background-size
auto works.
@TomJNowell yeah, seems doesn't work in mixin...
@Rarst yeah =( I've modified it so it doesn't rely on that now in places, so it should be pretty solid for the whole using in html classes thing
the lessphp thing in wp-less seems more forgiving of it than less.js
I’m on a plugin with 1000 different strings in 1500 files. Release date: next Monday. Shoot me.
@toscho that is problem how?
The problem is the English strings are partially wrong, and four people are messing with those file in parallel.
Fixing merge conflict on binary files in Git isn’t fun too.
as in what do you need to do with strings so it is a problem? people are a problem all right
I write the translation and the docs.
then ouch indeed
And just scanning all those files for changes takes ages.
You know how with strip_tags() you can set safe listed tags? Is there a function similar, but instead of safe listing those tags, it only removes those tags?
1 hour later…
Alex Miller on February 21, 2013

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #43 with Joel Spolsky, Jay Hanlon, David Fullerton, and special guest Alexis Ohanian, calling in from the Tutorspree office. Alexis is the co-founder of Reddit and an investor in Hipmunk. He’s a strong advocate against SOPA and PIPA, and knows how to dress well while doing so, thanks to Joel. (Listen on to figure out what we’re talking about here.)

Talking about subreddits: Alexis wanted tags to categorize content coming into Reddit, but his co-founder Steve Huffman pushed for subreddits. Alexis tells us why and how it works as well as it does. (Joel has his own subreddit! And it was the first one ever!) …

Q: I have a new plugin I'd like to share, what's the best way to do so?

Matthew BoynesI published a new plugin to the plugins repo that I'm rather proud of and think it will be extremely helpful to developers, and I want to share it with the WPSE community. Is there an appropriate way to do so? I tried to find discussions about this and came up empty. I found one case of preceden...

Should wp_list_pages() output classes like "current_page_ancestor" and "current_page_parent" by default? I'm getting a menu, but no classes at all. Could be a bug?
Yo, who cares to help me with a bit of WP?
StopPress is not for questions, use the actual site
@Madara Feel free to post a question on the main site and I am sure you will get assisted there. Unless if you have a question that may be of general interest to the attendants here...
Well, it seems a bit basic for the general site, and I can't say I need a definite, practical answer.
Go for it, however most basic questions can be easily answered by Google.
@MadaraUchiha Beside being a mod at the anime side of SE, do you happen to write about anime or manga in your own blog or similar?
@ChristineCooper No, sadly, I don't have the time.
The WordPress site I'm making is for a friend/client who is an optometrist.
Anyway, I've set up a custom post type (Products), and a taxonomy (Category)
Now I want a page to aggregate those (i.e. a Catalog)
Do I need to construct a catalog-page.php and add a new page (whose contents will be empty)? Or is there a more clever way of doing it?
@MadaraUchiha I'd use custom post type archive and facet it by category
@Rarst A new custom post type called 'Archive'? Or have I misunderstood your lack of punctuation?
@MadaraUchiha now, you alredy have "Products" CPT - its archive
archive-category.php and then single-products.php
@Rarst There's an archive? :o
I knew asking here was the right move
category is a bit weird you should use a custom taxonomy maybe? category is the default one
@MadaraUchiha yeah, you declare if you want it in register_post_type() args
How do you aggregate Products?
what do you mean by aggregate?
Well, it's all in Hebrew anyway, so it doesn't really matter how I name it for wordpress.
@Rarst You can group "posts" into "categories", you can group "computers" in a "network". How do you group "products"?
@MadaraUchiha in taxonomy. you can attach categories (native taxonomy) or register dedicated custom taxonomy
@Rarst You didn't understand the question :P
I'm asking about correct English
i.e. how should I name it
But that matter very little
english is like my third language :P the thing about WP that if you use normal human english it might mean something totally different as WP terminology
I have another question, this one totally annoys me
Whenever I crop an image (for the thumbnail), I can't get the changes to work only for the thumbnail
I want an image cropped on someone's face (for instance), or resized specifically
However, if I choose "Thumbnail only", it won't save the changes at all (even though it says "Changes saved")
False alarm, it seems to work now.
your questions seem like totally main site material btw
@Rarst You think? I'll ask it there than
But I'll try the codex first
Where should I be able to find it? (archives on CPT)
read up on CPT in Codex (or elsewhere)
@Rarst Alright
What's the connection between 8-bit/WPDaily and Automattic aside from their theme available on WP.com?
@TomJNowell Thanks for taking the time to make that server identification plugin. Pretty nice.
@Wyck same people who buy retina from apple will cry that this is crazy expensive
1 hour later…
add_theme_support( 'structured-post-formats', array( 'quote', 'video' ) );
Not sure if I really like it. Ticket 23347
@MichaelEcklund you werent at the manchester itnerest group were you?!
@toscho the whole post formats thing is crap imo
when was the last time you saw a quote or chat or whatever in a loop and were so grateful it has its own styling
weren't they introduced like years ago with a big "who cares"

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