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which part?
> If we don’t stop bashing and abusing each other for not writing code the way we think it should be written, or for it not being perfect and polished, or for not responding to us in a way that we think we should be responded to, then we will effectively kill off Open Source. We will kill all the flowers we’ve worked so hard to grow. We will have nobody to blame but ourselves when there’s no one left to tend the gardens.
@kaiser 25Billion Zimbabwe Dollars if you tell me who that reminds you of! :D
@userabuser Ok. You won. Which beer do you want?
@kaiser You did not catch the metaphor reference ;)
...she stole her style from our good friend @TomJNowell
@userabuser Already too late here :P
;) ...so re: make.wp - what was the issue there?
@userabuser Seems like Jane (again) has the idea that the community needs to get involved, because she fears to loose part of us ...
ah you think? interesting...
@userabuser Mate, you nailed it.
Ok, enough kiddin'. You mail was fromoutofspace gmail again?
yep yep
perfect time to introduce wpguidelines i think!
the perfect time is when I got a) not sick anymore and b) finished the current stuff. still have half of the print jobs to do that are laying around...
@userabuser Dropped you a mail. I'm out, so please just get back to me per mail. Thanks.
Np, have good night.
8 hours later…
@All What is everyone using as a preferred framework to create plugin option/settings pages?
my own
anyone care to share? I have no consistent solution in that area atm
Isn't consistent on my side. Just a class for form fields.
btw: you got the mail?
didn't come through mate..
i sent you a follow up incase you had wrong address
to which address?
use wecodemore/gmail pls.
you franz gmail address
sent another to wecodemore
ain't got a franz gmail address :)
@userabuser I forgot the "hecomes" part of your addy :P
Should be with you.
i guess this means my grandfather couldn't participate in stack overflow. this is ageism. i'm gonna get grandpa to file suit. — Kip Jul 4 '09 at 1:01
scroll down on that page, the comments are great!
Mr. @kaiser the archive is pw protected... do you have pass phrase?
No idea why I did that...
....to infinity and beyond
Ah, yea. I read about Buzz Aldrins Mars Cycler (genuis idea).
...fairly comprehensive plugin, did not expect as many lines...
Short introduction: You got two important properties: $debug and $debug_js. Both will throw a bunch of infos at you, when set to true. But be aware that the AJAX calls will be interrupted by the $debug property output.
@ALL When I use image_get_intermediate_size( $post_id, 'large' );, will it fail when I I have an image that is smaller than the max. defined size for the theme?
1 hour later…
The review should get hidden from lower level users. Some just go through and upvote crap. One upvoted question was even impossible to understand....
1 hour later…
@userabuser her metaphor isn't fantasmagoric enough to be my style
@TomJNowell It was the first sentence that cracked me up... "Imagine your neighbor has a garden." I was like... "Tom!" hahaha
@kaiser just re-read that.. lol
2 hours later…
The software development process as seen by the Sales team: http://i.imgur.com/U4Tvz.jpg
Q: Questions specifically asking for a solution "without a plugin"

Chip BennettReference these search results: "without plugin" (27 results) "without a plugin" (84 results) "without using a plugin" (27 results) While admitting up-front that this isn't a huge problem, it is a bit of a pet peeve. Users asking for solutions "without a Plugin" introduce an arbitrary and unn...

4 hours later…
Q: use navigation path from menu for permalink

testingI now switched to permalinks and defined my own structure /%postname%. If I click on a menu item it takes the path from the parent page (hierarchy defined directly when editing a page). I want that the permalink uses the structure of the menu. How can this be done?

would be so nifty, but crazy scary to event try implementing...

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