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whats the views?
A concept from underscore. You can replace editor content live with any kind of HTML.
is that _s or underscore.js? ;)
sorry mate wasnt familiar with this or maybe still asleep
I was wrong, it was from Backbone.
So essentially this similar to what you can do with node
add_action( 'admin_footer-post-new.php', 't5_mce_view_test' );
add_action( 'admin_footer-post.php',     't5_mce_view_test' );

 * Create a clickable checkbox when '[checkbox]' has been written in TinyMCE.
function t5_mce_view_test()
wp.mce.view.add( 'test', {
	pattern: /\[checkbox\]/g,
	view: {
		events: {
			'click': 'clicked'
		render: function() {
			this.$el.html('<label><input type=checkbox> Click here</label>');
			console.log('this.$el', this.$el);
			return this;
ah ha!
My idea was to enhance my contact form with draggable elements in the editor.
if I may say... don't abandon the idea just because they intend to drop it...
But cooking my own solution takes too much time. The views would have been so easy to implement.
can't you bundle the views.js ?
Probably. But the core experiments had many side effects, I don’t think I could solve that efficiently.
Plus, I my JavaScript skills are terrible. It took me almost two hours just to implement a permalink preview … :)
...well I'm sure you could find some help, I'd be willing. I have love/hate relationship with JS but I am getting better as I waste the best part of my life toiling with it and all of its varying layers of sugar ;)
there's also the help folk over at SO too ... :)
But the time that would take! Maybe next year.
1 hour later…
ahk yes the dragging, you cant drag and drop galleries in 3.5b3
1 hour later…
Somehow most core "improvements" end half baked. And the good and easy ones get abandoned. Ahkmhm.
> Pivot time: We're removing views.
@toscho I wish I could write something like that to a trac ticket and it would simply happen. Without any discussion.
1 hour later…
@kaiser Every time I open a client TF theme, I laugh at that reference to - clientfuckcha :D.. so true.. so true..
These guys sell tonnes of themes... I bet they laugh... "let the pro's fix it...we'll just get rich"
Take a look at the TF theme authors forum and their questions. The YOU will laugh (and cry at the same time).
Themeforest is a CopypastaKingdom
I'll have a read... I need more laughs :D
@kaiser which is why everyone there pays money for sauce
@TomJNowell elaborate metaphor?
@kaiser copypasta? pasta? sauce? secretsauce?
cheese sauce + pasta mmmm
@TomJNowell I think you should write a WP developer-metaphor plugin. When in doubt, consult the metaphor.
@TomJNowell I wanted to know if everyone == buyer || author
Jarlsberg mmm
@kaiser purveyors of sauce to copypasta fans
Ruby. Burn.
@TomJNowell why not simply say "authors", hm? :D
@All Please give @toscho an upvote on the question. That's exactly those type of Qs we need in the newsletter.
I don’t expect WordPress to be able to bump our PHP minimum to 5.3 until 2014 or so (5.2 @ 66%). But something to think about. #wpcs
@userabuser @TomJNowell Just in case you didn't notice it on the linked TF thread. The OP has a "Mod" thingy attached. Haha!
@kaiser because that would not be as humorous, wouldn't want to let @userabuser down
@kaiser I just saw that
Yeah man... Must Have Metaphors
> I don’t know if is the best way, but it works
> why WP core is inserting empty tags??? WordPress dev guys should fix this ASAP
is it? ¿
@kaiser anyways not really a metaphor, sauce is more meme than metaphor, knowyourmeme.com/memes/sauce
Good question from Tosch...
An analogy if you will...
@TomJNowell Lesson learned.
> You got to take a bit of a chill pill xstortionist :) You know the forum rules about calling down hate on the reviewers, let’s try and keep things constructive. (from staff)
Seems like @pippin was the only who had a valid answer: Don't do it.
I think that thread is what caused his blog post...
> Do hotels/maids prefer that I leave the room cleaned? - Quora
From looking through the TF forum, I find a lot of avatars that I've already seen over here. Sadly I don't have good feeling with most of them.
ah yes theyve had that up for a while
theyve a holidays thing too
sadly github for OSX messed up the clone to mac button and left me with an empty folder and hundreds of deleted files staged for commit and no mass revert button
@TomJNowell reminds me to uninstall that thing...
@Rarst botched update =/
it's useless anyway
for very basic stuff its nifty, and when it works its great, but for more complex stuff it's lacking
It is completely missing the possibility to choose a target folder. On win I have to enter the settings, change the target path and go. Every time. Uninstall.
Btw, a pretty interesting setup from HumanMade. Symlinks to default files, WP core in subfolder, etc. Wonder if this works with MU.
@kaiser multisite doesn't cupport core in subfolder in stable, fix supposed to be upcoming
ahk, yes. remember. thanks
@Rarst Human made -> tea -> support cupport
clever ;)
Anyone here ever have the need to limit how many terms an admin can chose on a post?
@Brady depends on if you want to make it front-end and polite or back-end and rude...
@Rarst back-end
@Brady How did you go with your rewrite issue?
@userabuser got rid of the page and used custom variables and template redirect
@Brady I have an answer somewhere about how to filter out non-existing terms on save. look it up, should be trivial to change to quantity check
@Brady Guess there're quite some questions about that topic on the site.
@kaiser yes but no real answers. I was wondering to make a plugin
@Brady K cool. Curiously though did you have add_rewrite_tag in use with your rule? That seemed to describe your issue... no endpoint...
@Brady Would be a good idea. Something like a pre_save_post filter callback that checks $_POST and term_exists()....
were developers can apply via filters what taxonomies they want to limit and how. Then the plugin would check on post save and hook in some javascript to deal with unticking..
so attacking it from front and backend
but that meta box for taxonomies is very complex. The Javascript to manipulate that and all possibilities is not going to be easy.
I'm thinking I should just focus on backend first
Yeah, logic should be fairly transportable but working on the back end first is going to be easier.
@userabuser this is what I ended up with:
function connectRewriteRules()
    global $wp_rewrite;
    $wp_rewrite->author_base = 'connect/member';
    $wp_rewrite->author_structure = "/" . $wp_rewrite->author_base . '/%author%';
    add_rewrite_rule('connect/member/([^/]+)/?$', 'index.php?author_name=$matches[1]', 'top');


So is it just limit the amount of terms that one can add (numerically) or also limit which terms can be selected in that numeric limit.
function connect_template_redirect()
    global $wp;

    if ( $wp->query_vars["connect"] == 1 )
        include( TEMPLATEPATH . "/connect.php");
add_action( "template_redirect", "connect_template_redirect" );
@Brady Start with a base/abstract class that handles the filters. Then set front/back on top.
@userabuser limit how many terms can be selected for a post
they can add terms... but can only have x amount chosen when saving.
Many a time I've wanted to limit the choice by just one term.
The biggest problem is the concept. Which term to take?
@kaiser well thats why it needs a front end solution using JS
so the user adds/selects a term. then it stops them adding/selecting another until they deselect/remove a term
@Brady re: rewrite rules, I think your initial issue may have been related to not using, add_rewrite_endpoint
...sorry @kaiser (not for you that one)
@userabuser don't think that would have worked TBH
@Brady Shouldn't be too hard to do this...
as I wanted to add location and a-z to urls
shame its an intranet otherwise I could show you how it works
its a lot easier to understand when you are shown
Fair point...
but here is my pre_user_query for the connect page:
add_action('pre_user_query', 'sort_connect_author_list_by_last_name' );
function sort_connect_author_list_by_last_name(&$object)
    global $wp, $wpdb;

    if( $wp->query_vars["connect"] != 1)

    if( $wp->query_vars["atoz"] == "d-f" )
        $name_having = "AND `c_last_name` REGEXP '^(D|E|F)' ";
    } elseif ( $wp->query_vars["atoz"] == "g-i" )
        $name_having = "AND `c_last_name` REGEXP '^(G|H|I)' ";
    } elseif ( $wp->query_vars["atoz"] == "j-l" )
        $name_having = "AND `c_last_name` REGEXP '^(J|K|L)' ";
room for improvement there I'm sure but it works fine
@Brady lol. Ever heard about range( 'a', 'z' ) ;)
@Brady This is quite interesting... because yeah I think it can be improved... if I wrap my head around the concept a bit better. Interesting!
@kaiser ahh well that array of A-Z was never actually used
Also $wp->query_vars["atoz"] = "a-c"; shouldn't it be "a-z"?
@kaiser no
Ah, no. k
instead of a normal pagination... We have A-c, D-f etc...
@Brady For limiting to a single term there's wordpress.org/extend/plugins/radio-buttons-for-taxonomies. For the front-end it works by replacing the metabox and then there's logic for the back-end too.
@Brady Regarding term/tax limits. Should not be difficult to do this... even if JS was disabled you could assess the array results. I'd run a test and inspect how the array is handled versus hierarchical/non-hierarchical... But that said, if you are taking terms via your custom input then you can order terms as they are entered easily...
@StephenHarris that works when only wanting to limit to one term or when using hierarchical terms.
$name_having = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prepare(
     "AND `c_last_name` REGEXP '^(%s)' "
    ,implode( '|', array_map( explode( '-', get_query_var( 'atoz' ) ), 'strtoupper' ) )
@kaiser good man :)
@kaiser actually that wont work
A-C needs to become A|B|C
need a range in there
@Brady Hence the implode( '|', ...
$range = explode( '-', get_query_var( 'atoz' );
$name_having = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prepare(
	"AND `c_last_name` REGEXP '^(%s)' "
	,strtoupper( implode( '|', range( $range[0], $range[1] ) ) )
@Brady I believe she's working on supporting hierarchical. Not sure how that would fit in with the logic - do posts added to a child get added to the parent too? If not, kind of makes the hierarchy a bit mute.
@StephenHarris no you misunderstand me
if your taxonomy is hierarchical then you get tick boxes
if you taxonomy is not hierarchical then your terms act like tags
then radio buttons dont work...?
they wont no..
I need to do infographic on freaking excerpts... people can't get them
 $c_location = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prepare( "HAVING `c_location`= %s %s", ucwords( get_query_var( 'office' ) ), $name_having );
@Rarst yes please!
I have post on it, but apparently who needs me when there is crappy Codex article?..
@Rarst Not easiest concept for some to understand..
Yeah, have to look into it everytime I'm fiddling with it again.
I have same problem with clients, always have to screenshot the dashboard area and explain the way excerpt can vary in use per their requirements...
@userabuser oh, I agree it's insane to understand... problem is - people are not trying to. they read some lacking incomplete description somewhere (or imaging one altogether from what they think is going on) and stick with it
@Brady I think I still do :S. It replaces the metaboxes, so that instead of the tag list you have radio buttons (so obviously only useful for the times where you said you wanted to restrict it to 1 term) ...
@Rarst Best place to show such screenshots would be Code. Imho.
@kaiser wrong re?
@Rarst spot on... Also I think the confusion is that the Excerpt refers not only to the metabox, but then also the descriptive term of Excerpt itself.. that trips people up. If you say Excerpt and don't mention the excerpt meta box then that's one step closer to their confusion. Logically if you think about it... not that hard :)
Hey @japh this ThemeForest themes doing stripslashes deep on major global variables such as post, get, etc. Not good. http://themeforest.net/item/elegantica-responsive-business-wordpress-theme/2629870
Contextual help in the UI (backend) would help this problem BIG TIME... so much
..and still 646 sales ;)
@Rarst What's wrong with that?
@kaiser I wasn't the one talking about screenshots
@Rarst Screenshots/Graph/AllTheSame
@kaiser ehm, are not... :)
@userabuser Guess what's the domain of the vendor: premiumcoding.com
@kaiser @TomJNowell can we get a metaphor on that?
@kaiser Should be premiumbanking.com
@Rarst yunottakeitasitis? ;)
@userabuser hmm? I wasnt paying attention
@userabuser premiumbanging.com
@kaiser Their slogan, stripslashes, $post cheques
@kaiser Not a bad name... I previously owned fuckingbang.com
You forgot the underscore. Or was it a stripped slash?
@userabuser sold?
@kaiser not that one, that dropped out of my portfolio... (couple hundred...) some I let drop...
@userabuser Man... Haven't even tried that ? (facepalm)
@kaiser Wow.. why didn't I think of that. I should have considering some things ;)
> More generally I have seen lots of porn sites using WP..not that I browse for them but u cant help seeing them if u look for wp themes
Didn't know that before. But I know what will keep me awake tonight: Brainstorming an URl
@kaiser Long story, but very very lucrative market in some niche pockets...
@toscho Please add the source :)
Lots of good URI available especially with .xxx TLD
@kaiser that site is horrible.. could kill it.. nice suggestion honestly
wpnosehook.com is still available …
I hope "checking out wp themes" isn't going to be come an euphemism...
Free WP Porn Theme: littlebizzy.com/themes/tube ... read the descriptions below the download button...
1. Install WordPress on your server (wordpress.org)
2. Upload all plugins to your /wp-content/plugins directory
3. Upload the theme to your /wp-content/themes directory
4. Create a directory named 'videoimages' on your server within /wp-content/ and CHMOD to 0777
5. Activate all plugins by visiting /wp-admin/plugins.php
6. Activate the theme by visiting /wp-admin/themes.php
7. Visit /wp-admin/categories.php and rename the 'uncategorized' category to 'All Videos' and change the URL slug to simply 'videos' in lowercase letters
Those are the installation instructions... OMG
We should totally build the WPornSE theme.
@toscho How many times have I already asked you to build such a site with me?
downvote porn?
I would moderate each client’s site for the first month.
isn't that equivalent to S&M?
ioncube.. common specially for internet marking themes
What is ioncube?
@kaiser you've never seen it?
rather encoder
not so much encryption but obfuscation in the extreme
yeah what i meant
know peeps who deion scripts anyway...
Never seen/heard before...
people don't get it, to be near uncrackable, first you need to minify your php, obfuscate, then run encoder (ioncube or zend etc).
@kaiser got number of theme/plugins that are like this...
you wont see them in any normal theme/code shops of course..
they usually reserved for proper IM launches... where they make stupid amounts of money to put some TF theme authors collective profits to shame..
I should build a fucking porn theme... and name it exactly like that
well.. not like its misleading name
count me in
k. will do. maybe @StephenHarris joins the party too.
for any theme or plugin that can benefit marketers (IM'ers) etc, I have launch channels... easy.
of course you should do flowchart on WordPress excerpt they said... it will be easy they said...
@Rarst Just wp_trim_excerpt() is a nightmare.
tell me about it...
there should be some convention how to draw damn hooks...
Facebook Has A Business Model Problem http://buff.ly/UGfZ0i
awww... companies trusted facebook and got burned. huge surprise! not.
when will people learn - if you have no control then you have no say.
@Rarst When I read your messages here in chat and later find them again on Twitter, then I can't get rid of the feeling that we're your humor-peer-group. :)
@kaiser you are my "too WordPress for Twitter" group
some messages are on the fence...
hmmm... can more link slip into excerpt? I am losing track of code. or my sanity.
wp_trim_excerpt() is a peach comparing to get_the_content()
I give up on this comment thread wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/72145/847
@Rarst The really not funny thing with excerpt/content is that the user expects [A] from theme (A) and then gets [B] after switching to Theme (B)...
Found a new word: Catpion. A caption text displayed for a cat image.
@All What's the opposite of .filter() for jQuery? Functionality: Reduce object/array by one (or more) object(s).
@kaiser can you use .not()
Whether you need to combine with using map() function or each() in your case not sure...
@userabuser Already tried that and it doesn't work that way. This is more for direct DOM selecting, not so much for filtering results... as always with jQuery. My current theory is not to make jQuery/JS work, but to alter the MarkUp and get 'round the jQuery selection faster. So far works good.
@kaiser Would array.reduce be of use to you then? I know I seen benches for that before against each() I think... destroyed it... I think jsperf.com (?) ... interested to see what you're up to anyway.. sounds interesting
@userabuser Not interesting. I have three textareas and need to switch their visibility based on click in radio boxes. The radio boxes values are equal to the textareas class.
Just trying to "quickly" fix/add what I wanted to do with the image widget.
ah I see... personally would just use :checked selector and show/hide... isn't that quick enough?
I already have click handlers (name spaced). I take the attr( 'value ) - which equals the targets class - inside the click handler function. My only problem is that I don't know how to handle that with multiple widgets. I surely want to avoid setting anothers widgets value and mess it up.
see codez?
I'm now leaving to get something to eat, then come back, eat, turn Laptop off and go to a concert. Will mail it tomorrow. I'm just too annoyed by it already.
the click should be in the context of what is clicked, so too subsequent actions, but maybe I don't follow... however yeah if you want mail it.. will looks. Have fun! Im off to sleep..
1 hour later…
I think I got the request filter running. Yeah!
> My issues with WordPress stem from how complex and bloated it has become over the last few years. WordPress used to be this “charming” little piece of software that had you at “hello”.
...must have been well before my time :)
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Rarst I had chosen a more linear approach.

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