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@Rarst The editor keyboard shortcuts don’t work anymore after the Opera upgrade. Can you confirm that?
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Rarst Just a note: PEAR comes packaged with current XAMPP. Works out of the box on new installation :)
1 hour later…
Can't get apache to run... no error.log that's helpful... painful day ahead.
6 hours later…
Hello all
Q: Why was a question directly pertinent to Wordpress migrated off the site?

JimThis issue is directly pertinent to Wordpress as it has to do with TwentyTwelve and will affect anyone using TwentyTwelve either now or on WP 3.5. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13282955/super-long-scroll-past-end-of-page-on-android It shouldn't have been migrated.

@toscho which shortcuts?
@Rarst Ctrl + k to intend code or Ctrl + l to create a link.
@kaiser I tried XAMPP like three times over years and each time it had issues running. I am not touching it again.
@toscho first time I hear about those... didn't shortcuts were userscript territory so far? but doesn't seem to work now
@Rarst These shortcuts work without user script. worked.
But we had a layout update at the same time, so I am not sure if it is Opera or SE.
@Rarst Not sure what to do with this question.
time out. I just woke up.
@Rarst Currently I'm with 1.8.x. Installation worked well and after removing the port conflicts for Apache and running it as admin, everything runs smooth. Command line shows pear --version response, so I'm satisfied (so far). Dunno what surprises I run into the next days. What are you running?
Evening everyone!
Guys, have a question for you. I have css + js files and I would like to apply them to theme twenty eleven. Would that be possible?
@Eugene look at child themes
I have a single.php file is there anything I need to change to this line <?php get_template_part('content', get_post_format()); ?>
@benlevywebdesign "I have an essay, is there anything I need to change to this line then they ate the cake"
please provide context!
@TomJNowell I have to correct you: Please ask on the main site.
@kaiser yes, provide the context, but also, do it on the main site!
I am trying to have a single.php file
I have it but I'm not sure its seeing it/working or the "magic" is happening
Ok the only thing it is not doing now is seeing the stylesheet
Q: How to use WordPress HTTP API to download file from remote location

BradySo this PHP code works for me: $ch = curl_init( TCS_CPDF_REMOTE_ZIP ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); $data = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); file_put_contents( TCS_CPDF_LOCAL_ZIP, $data ); but when trying to use the WordPress HTTP API: $the_bod...

anyone want a go?
@toscho I concur with @TomJNowell - it's not clear what code generates it, etc. Might or mgiht not be on topic. So far just insufficient details.
@kaiser I use Uniform Server but by now it's so hacked up I would probably just install mysql and apache/nginx some time
Jetpack is getting... ridiculous?
if someone arbitrary launched plugin that does so much crap people would laugh it out of the repo
@Rarst people have, jetpacks being kept in by the invisible hand of the Automattic android in the sky, afterall that tiny little fuel tank ran out of fuel years ago
Backbone was recently added to core. Can anyone explain why we'd need that in WordPress?
[ I'm just wondering the kinds of things it might be used for ]
So, for under-the-hood API stuff?
@saltcod Custom TinyMCE views. That’s a really cool feature, and both libs are needed for that.
Test plugin for TinyMCE views, requires WordPress 3.5:
 * Plugin Name: Test MCE Views
 * core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21812

add_action( 'admin_footer-post-new.php', 't5_mce_view_test' );
add_action( 'admin_footer-post.php',     't5_mce_view_test' );

 * Create a clickable checkbox when '[checkbox]' has been written in TinyMCE.
function t5_mce_view_test()
wp.mce.view.add( 'test', {
	pattern: /\[checkbox\]/g,
	view: {
		events: {
			'click': 'clicked'
		render: function() {
			this.$el.html('<label><input type=checkbox> Click here</label>');
3 hours later…
A woman told her programmer husband to go to the store, buy bread, and IF there are eggs, buy 10. He came home with 10 breads. via Nikolay
so the most visited page is grossly inadequate one. swell...

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