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This user needs to be banned for spamming: wordpress.stackexchange.com/users/21174/hebe
4 hours later…
Anybody interested in a stackoverflow clone plugin for WP?
@onokazu no
I'll take 100!
I think a generic Q&A plugin would be neat, but not a clone of SO. Too much work there.
Q: WordPress Q&A plugin blatently ripping off Stack Overflow design

DunhamzzzCheck out this WordPress Q&A Plugin by WPMU Dev, they have completely ripped-off the Stack Overflow design in their plugin. Even down to the details like the accepting answers tick and tabs. What's worse is that they are charging $79 a month to have access to this plugin, essentially profiti...

lol... its Scribu's
@userabuser old news. it's not "his", just a job for hire for guys from whom this is no surprise :)
ya.. still funny ;)
they manage to come up with crap like that all the time and then take offence at bad rep
Just getting moderation tools right would be so much work.
it makes much more sense to clone SE features rather than everything. I really want to do its editor in WP for posts and comments (markdown + live preview)
@Rarst WP-Markdown by Stephen Harris is pretty close
@toscho I've been working on Improved Comment Moderation plugin :)
...has live preview (I use it.)
@userabuser I have that bookmarked but hadn't tested yet
@userabuser mangles existing post content. I had to disable it.
@Rarst So far the best one of the lot...
@toscho Didn't have that experience
@toscho why is it still open? :)
why not?
@toscho not a real question? as in who knows what code he has running there and he can't toggle...
@toscho I've come across that once - something upsets the HTML->MarkDown parser - haven't had time to track it down yet - but on the whole it seems to work. I think it may have been because those posts were previously using a syntax highligher plug-in...
@userabuser What changes did you want to make to prettify.js?
@StephenHarris For example in my prettify.js file (last line) I've modified jQuery(document).ready(function($){$('pre').addClass('prettyprint');prettyPrint(‌​);}); to include additional classes
I was modifying the script to include my own tokens that would signify and perform different actions which lead me to modifying prettify. Normally I would inject my own JS, but I saw a need where I'd want to add additional CSS classes for styling that didn't require me enqueing anything outside of this edge case.
There may have been something else I mentioned in my e-mail... I can't recall at the moment though.
I've stopped trying to mod those Markdown files in favor of Markdown-JS. Which is only 1 file at 47kb instead of several but more importantly much easier to understand (for me) than the vendor scripts that were bundled with your plugin. I'm still using your plugin though on 4 sites...
@StephenHarris It was on a fresh installation (wpkrauts.com) without any other plugins touching the post content. Unfortunately, I have no time to debug it for myself.
@userabuser Yeah but that requires the post_content to be in MarkDown. I want the post_content to be in HTML so it can be activated/deactivated without any problems (... Toscho excluding :) )
Ha, I knew it is something personally. There is probably a line in your plugin like if(user_exists('toscho')){insert_bizarre_behavior();}
@toscho :)
My chat room was deleted?
Check out the new WordPress Chat Room plugin we released yesterday: http://bit.ly/UrA1l4 Props to @ericandrewlewis for leading dev
something for all those people who want a chat maybe... but note very hopeful (chats are pain to implement)
@MichaelEcklund url?
@MichaelEcklund The US room?
This room has been automatically deleted for inactivity
Okay so there needs to be atleast two people.
Can you undelete it?
already done
1 hour later…
OMG holy crap. This site has 15k post revisions..............
and... Goodbye post revisions.
@StephenHarris I think you misunderstood me, I only mean adding additional classes to .addClass declaration on the last line of the highlighter without editing the core plugin files. Adding my custom tokens is a separate script I'm writing, but I'm now instead using Markdown-JS, so no problems with HTML to post_content (Toscho excluded of course) :)
2 hours later…
am I imagining things or site's header got smaller?
@userabuser I'm confused - Markdown-JS requires the post content to be in MarkDown, right? Since it parses it into HTML client side..?
@Rarst We got a layout update two days ago. But I am not sure about the header.
Hm, maybe the bottom margin was reduced?
youtube got banned on my country. is their any way i can still use it. Making a somekinds of proxy on my shared hosting?
nope seems same comparing to archive... I had it hidden with CSS for a while so probably got messed up in my head
@Sisir proxying usually against ToS on shared (and entry level hosting in general)
hmm.. it will be for personal use and i would be password protect it
@Sisir hosts don't care
i see.. just checked hostgator tos :(
anywayz, i might need to get a VPN. stupid government!
I created a question for this but thought it might be super simple for someone. Can I get a page's content if I only know the slug? Is there a function fot this or is this something to do in SQL?
Q: Get page content using slug

AlexI'm trying to get page content when I only know the slug string. Is there a function for this, or an easy way to do this or is this a case of doing it via SQL? Thanks very much

no worries... sorted it

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