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04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@kaiser I've seen grand+ paid for minor fixes in vendor lib easy just because it needed to happen
It varies depending on the project, the client, the commitment.
@TomJNowell I am exclusive to salary job
@anu agree completely. I am sick of having to account for work hourly and issues that come out of it.
@Rarst Hard to imagine, but I just have to believe that out of your mouth.
@Rarst I just don't do it. I turn down clients that want hourly rates. I prefer to do daily rates to get enough info to accurately estimate a job, then fixed price + contingency
@anu I am paid fixed for month but need to report hourly anyway :\
@Rarst That's normal in most jobs outside the IT industry.
@Rarst that's part of being in an agency. I had to do hourly reporting when I worked for a large consultancy and then for a boutique agency
When you estimate to a client how many hours the project will take and your hourly rate, do you make them pay so much upfront?
@kaiser I am not saying that this is normal situation... but every day there is someone there with desperate need who is looking for big/specialized brand to fet it done and fast
even though I was salaried - so every week, FRiday afternoon, was the timesheet fantasy hour, where we made up shit to fill up 40 hours a week
@Rarst As I said: I believe you.
@anu yeah, screw that :(
@PolluxKhafra Why would someone have to pay upfront? Just don't deliver until you're paid.
@kaiser just keeping conversation going... there are a lot of financial "levels" in this stuff, so what seems hilariously high (low) for one person is daily norm for another
@Rarst Fully understand that. From what I've read about you guys in here, I'm much more expensive.
@kaiser I would think to make sure they are invested. So you don't do a ton of work and then they back out when you're finished. That never happens?
@PolluxKhafra I do 50down. rest upon completion.
@PolluxKhafra I normally don't take big projects from people that I don't know in real life. And even if I would do that (for a startup having a genius idea for example): What would be my problem? I've their idea, the finished code and would just have to run it and destroy their business with an earlier system, before they could.
although the 50 down is an estimate.
Plus: When you did work with clients (in whatever industry) for some time, you get a feeling if people want something really and are able to pay. If not, you just stop contact.
@kaiser Ok I see
@kaiser probably because rather than maximizing amount of money I am looking to minimize amount of bullshit (I had couple lifetimes worth in education system)... doesn't work out well so far :\
@Rarst I guess I didn't get the answer completely. But reason for me being more expensive is easy: Keeps away blood suckers. Works well so far.
@kaiser I am at loss what to do going forward, but rest and personal time first so I don't have to think about it for a while :)
just need to crush last tickets... my state for last three weeks
kaiser's emails give me images of predator slowly circling exhausted developer for right moment to grab him and drag into his project :D
@Rarst ssht confident!
@kaiser confident what? :)
@Rarst My mails - else I could use chat too :)
@kaiser ...confident email?
lost me
@Rarst confident vs. confidential .. didn't loose you.
ah, ok :) everyone - you didn't read that :)
When the next mod election comes and people are pushing me again to "go mod", then I'll "go god"! Man, how much will I love those remove and delete links ;)
I hate airline adaptive pricing
@kaiser there are even better ones!
@Rarst haha!
That reminds me, before I build it myself, anyone know of a hellban/slowban plugin for WP?
Ah, that's "ban", not "burn" ...
@Rarst @Brady WUT?!
@anu remind me the exact definition of the two again?
Hey all
Does anyone know how I would pull the comments into one post from another post??
@matt please ask question on main site
To setup a proxy pass / mask situation, I just need to 1) setup the hosts directive, and 2) change the WP home_url, right? [ using wp multisite ]
@BrianFegter do you have skype? I broke the web twitter sending a tonne of DMs
I just moved a BP install to my development server. They're running Buddy Press. Each screen is flooded with errors like this: Strict Standards: Declaration of BP_Core::setup_globals() should be compatible with that of BP_Component::setup_globals() ... I've never seen an error like that, what does that mean? Is it a Buddy Press fault, or can I correct this?
@Rarst have you ever seen someone pull comments from one page into another/
@matt how would I know if they are doing that from seeing? :) shouldn't be complex
What do you mean by that, sorry?
@matt how would I know the comments are from another page from seeing result? never mind... shouldn't be complicated but I don't deal with comments much
hurmm OK I havent managed to get it to work.
The reason for this is I need to have a popup on approved comment submission, the only way I have managed to get this to work is to have a redirect when a comment is submitted, then on that new page a timed lightbox popup. For that reason I want them re-directed to a page that looks the same as the homepage, so when they close the popup they can read their comment.
@matt get_comments( array( 'post_id' => $some_post_id ) );
Ok but then I would have to make a custom template for that page, right?
Ok but then I would have to make a custom template for that page, right?
*oops sorry for double post
@matt Ask full question on main site, please.
Q: Pull comments from one page/post into another page/post?

mattI am creating a facebook app via wordpress but some how need to pull the comments off my homepage and insert them onto another page, essentially what I am trying to do is duplicate the homepage with a different url/page name. I have mananged to do so easily but I need the comments as well. Thank...

@matt ...and please don't push them here. We already got a feed of new questions.
Sorry, first time using the chat.
@matt also this question has been asked already
I did a search, sorry guys.
Q: Linking to Page Showing Only Comments Without Parent Post

kevtroutI'd like to show post comments on their own page without the parent post. I know I can use wp_list_comments() on the single post page and pass a callback function to use my own comment display markup. I plan to do this so I can include a link with each comment that will show that comment on it'...

@kaiser howdy
thanks guyds
this schema stuff I've been reading about is really going to put wordpress themes into overdrive
@Wyck which schema stuff?
drowning in meta
seems to be several hundred of them
@Wyck SoftwareApplication and its subtypes:
> GameApplication, EntertainmentApplication, BusinessApplication, MultimediaApplication, DeveloperApplication, DriverApplication, EducationApplication, HealthApplication, TravelApplication, FinanceApplication, SecurityApplication, BrowserApplication, CommunicationApplication, DesktopEnhancementApplication, DesignApplication, HomeApplication, SocialNetworkingApplication, UtilitiesApplication, ReferenceApplication, SportsApplication, ShoppingApplication, MedicalApplication, OtherApplication.
ya crazy, even this
Recipe: cookTime, cookingMethod, ingredients, nutrition, prepTime, recipeCategory, recipeCuisine, recipeInstructions, recipeYield, totalTime
@Wyck I'm inherently suspicious of anything labelled as semantic, especially a top-down defined approach
@Wyck skinColourCook
@anu well google is still king and they are starting to use it bit by bit
Hey guys sorry if im being ignorant but can I just add the code to get the posts to my main page template as I only have 2 pages on the site.
other sites are integrating it faster as well
@Wyck true, but Google also do a ton of half-baked stuff which they then give up on
I guess they will simply add other{$stuff} all over and that's what people will be using. In 90% of all cases, where I looked at it, I simply didn't find a single case matching - aside from lastName and firstName,.
microformats and RDF didn't get much traction - will be interesting to see if this does
@anu well for example when you search for a movie, the imbd results actually have tags for actors in the search results
rotten tomotoes also does this with director, and ticketmaster does it for events
I think google is worried about all sites that wont use it, so they introduce it slowly
buy yahoo and ms is also behind it and serveral governments
so who knows
@Wyck yes, but I think these are the easiest cases (tightly constrained domains), and even then I'll bet it deals badly with disambiguation. However, I haven't really looked at this in any detail, and I'm just channeling my inner skeptic !
@anu ya I don't know either, I do know some people are using it to manage in-house
also it has a deathDate tag lol
@Wyck I spent some time over the last 2 years working with a large scientific journal publisher, and they're heavily into semantic tagging. Horribly complex - I stayed well away from it :)
ya it really makes it more complex
Google's self-driving cars though - that's future shit :)
Click on »robots« in the menu - guess what you will dream about tonight.
1 hour later…
@TomJNowell :) Yep. brian.fegter is my handle. my email is brian at fegter dot com I should be on later tonight.
@Wyck re: schema stuff -- I know a lot of publishers are against implementing it. Why would a searcher click through to the actual site when the search engine can use the schema tagged data to extract and present the movie times, recipes, or whatever on the results page. You can already see it happening with movie times and dictionary definitions -- at least I do.
@marfarma good point, also makes scraping a lot easier
Upon adding a new role, can I assign the new role every capability the administrator has, without having to create an array of every capability?
tried get_role('administrator') and dumping the capabilities into an array, then adding the new role, with those capabilities, but no luck.
Whoopsie, forgot to remove it after my mistake. Readded it with proper permissions.
@BrianFegter btw fegter.com needs updating by 4 major releases
If you remove a role, what role do those users default to as a fallback?
How do you use a static class call in a hook?
register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, self::uninstall()); ? Seems to work. Error went away.
register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, array ( __CLASS__, 'uninstall' ) );
just me or is wordpress.org loading no css
literally no css files
just you
here is the stylesheet
ya I see it
think it's my router
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding:	gzip
Cache-Control:	max-age=315360000
Content-Type:	text/css
Date:	Thu, 30 Aug 2012 22:52:43 GMT
Expires:	Sun, 17 Jan 2038 00:44:24 GMT
Last-Modified:	Tue, 14 Aug 2012 21:58:18 GMT
Server:	ECS (fra/5966)
Vary:	Accept-Encoding
X-Cache:	HIT
X-nc:	HIT luv 139
Content-Length:	4741
Looks okay
ya shrug, my router overheating and acting wierd
max-age and Expires don’t match. bah
I prefer 2038
why bother having both though
max-age always wins.
04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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