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@TomJNowell well I deleted the wp_ tables from the database... but it does the redirection to the www.mysite.local/wizard/step1/wp-admin/install.php and since I am trying to install it via the wizard that I created and not through the actual WP blog installation I am getting a 404 page not found (cos obviously the file doesn't exist at that path)
any idea how to disable that redirection?
never mind.. I seem to have found it at $link = wp_guess_url() . '/wp-admin/install.php'; at wp-includes/load.php on line 431.. I shall play around with stuff there.. and see if a little commenting does the trick :D
commented out the code in the wp_not_installed( ) function and that seemed to do the trick.. yay!!!!
@TomJNowell Thanks for the advice. All the problems that I was previously encountering seem (tried it out locally only) to be gone.. now onto trying it onto a server....
2 hours later…
Can someone take a look at this attempt to use media_handle_sideload and tell me what I'm missing. Im butchering the hell out of this. pastebin.com/b0adJT2p
@PolluxKhafra $file_array is the issue. 1: you're still doing the wp_handle_upload stuff, and 2: it expects the PHP file array aka $_FILES, see here: codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/media_handle_sideload
@TomJNowell What am I setting $temp too? And what about 'name' and 'temp_name'?
@PolluxKhafra that example is for downloading a file from a remote URL
those variables are trying to fill in the gaps PHP has already filled in as part of the upload
since you're doing an upload, you can skip that step
you already have a filled in $_FILES object
that might be better doc
you can use the post_data arg to modify the title so you dont need an additional post meta
ahhh ok thx Tom!
why was I pinged?
was it then re-edited?
oh hey @TomJNowell.. how are ya? how was ur walk 'to the office' (I presume)
@ShyamK yeha I replied to the wrong message
@TomJNowell so how was ur day? (or has ur day only just begun.. got no idea about the time zone u r in)
@ShyamK GMT, not long in work
@TomJNowell aah.. so its still morning there.. me I'm in India so IST.. its already after noon (2:40 pm to be exact) here..
do u work exclusively in WP?
or are you some developer for WP?
@ShyamK we're a WordPress shop here
speaking of which, I have WordPress work to do
aah..okay.. nice.. well u better get on with.. best of luck to ya :)
3 hours later…
So, I've never been down-voted on this site in the year that I've been here, and then today three latest answers in a row down-voted. 3-3.me/qjlG Including one with 7 +1 votes. I think I made someone upset with the review tab.
@BrianFegter don't mind it. minor streak doesn't matter and if someone gets ridiculous system will react and reverse by itself
@Rarst Thx
the good thing about SE - it's reaaaally hard to be a pain for someone :) except to mod, but we stupidly asked for that :)
Be careful what you wish for I guess. :)
no one told me it's forever! :)
It's like purgatory
Low quality posts are down from 700+ to 286 this week in /review/
@BrianFegter don’t worry. :)
@toscho Whoa!
yeah, hurt a little bit. But the user was easy to spot. Rarst showed him the door.
And the downvotes were reversed the next day automatically.
anyone know if it is possible to somehow subscribe to wordpress.org/extend/plugins/browse/new ? it has no feeds
Awesome :)
@lkraav Feeds for new plugins · updated plugins
@toscho: tyvm!
@BrianFegter The Hate List!
Q: Contributing to the community

partoaI have recently found myself with some time on my hands and with no problem of my own, I would like to solve someone's problem. I'd like to contribute to the WP community how best would I be able to do this? I would like to contribute in way of code. I can take a suggestion of a modules/features...

@toscho yes
@toscho yes
@toscho CW is still under do-not-bother orders
@Rarst The question is on topic but asking for a list of things. CW means: more people are invited to edit. I think it fits here.
@toscho "fits" is not the argument to make it so, CW is currently considered confusing and it was promoting itself to be abused ("I will ask this crappy question but it is ok because I want it to be CW"). I never apply it manually anymore, only let system apply it when rules are triggered
"Review": Feels somehow strange to see an answer that is plain wrong, but valid ... and then click "Looks good" :)
@Rarst I know. But that is not a crappy question.
@toscho but it doesn't benefit from being CW either as for me
@BrianFegter *punch*
> To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post.
↑ doesn't work on a lot of answers, where you left it.
You're moving too fast ;)
@All can someone please upvote this answer to get the right answer above the solution? Thanks.
@kaiser The really correct answer would be this one. :)
@toscho Okok. Upvoted. And have I ever told you that you must've lost your sanity down the WP way somewhere? ;)
is there any way of querying for the longest answer on WPSE ;) ?
@anu data.stackexchange.com
I think I am slowly starting to detox from work. I have ideas in my head again.
How would you guys go about tackling associating single music posts with an album so that you can display those albums later with all its contained songs? I have a custom post form so I can take an album entry or give them prior ones theyve entered to select from but from there.....
@anu there is my longest post. maybe you can change that?
@kaiser punch received
@PolluxKhafra Post2Post plugin and two custom post types
@toscho wowzers
Um. am I reading the schema correctly - are Posts questions AND answers?
ah ok PostTypeID
I am outscoring Ohad this month, hope he is ok... :)
I was lazy this month.
at least on our site.
Clap for me I fielded a question that started with "noob question" yesterday. killed it lol!
I guess Mike Schinkel still has the highest average post length.
Followed by Christopher Davis.
@toscho Look at the times from when to when he wrote all those answers... insane.
Q: Is MikeSchinkel a company?

Jan FabryBased on his activity, I have come to the conclusion that MikeSchinkel must be the anonymous facade of a company. It must consist of at least: One developer thinking up the solutions One UI person creating the layouts and making the screenshots One copyeditor writing the answers One judge moder...

Three more upvotes on that one and I get a meta badge ;)
Oh my, we had many strange questions back then. Okay, we still have those questions. We just close them faster.
I live like 2 blocks away from that guy. Gonna set a camera up.
One has to love english:
> If things are inconsistent and lack output, they are crap
> If things are incontinent and leak output, they are crab
@PolluxKhafra 2 blocks aways from Mike?
@kaiser yeap
@PolluxKhafra Drinking coffee together sometimes?
@kaiser noooope
@PolluxKhafra Your mother tongue is english, right?
English mangled by 10 years of smoking pot and rap music..sure
@PolluxKhafra Ok, then you're the right one to target: What exactly is "swell"? Examples: swell height, swell period, swell direction. Context: weather.
@PolluxKhafra Sorry, forgot that: YO!
lolz a swell is a wave
in the context of water
@PolluxKhafra perfect thanks. Another question: I got swellHeight_m (wave height meter), swellDir (wave direction - unknown unit), swellPeriod_sec(time until next wave - seconds) and sigHeight_m (significant wave height(?) - meter). What's the difference between sigHeight_m and swellHeight_m?
not funny
@PolluxKhafra ?
Did I affront you somehow with my question?
wrong chat
@kaiser I have no idea what significant wave height refers to
@PolluxKhafra @PolluxKhafra Did you figure this out?
Linking your music posts
@MichaelEcklund reading posts 2 posts wiki
In physical oceanography, the significant wave height (SWH or Hs) is defined traditionally as the mean wave height (trough to crest) of the highest third of the waves (H1/3). Nowadays it is usually defined as four times the standard deviation of the surface elevation – or equivalently as four times the square root of the zeroth-order moment (area) of the wave spectrum. The symbol Hm0 is usually used for that latter definition. The significant wave height may thus refer to Hm0 or H1/3, the difference in magnitude between the two definitions is only a few percent. Origin and definition The ...
@PolluxKhafra Thanks - I read that, but I don't get behind the difference. Thought, that you might know that.
@PolluxKhafra @MichaelEcklund Just use "posts2posts". Did something with it and it's just perfect. Also read through the "Issues" tagged as "question" on GitHub. The only thing I'm missing so far is a possibility to alter the additional form fields when attaching posts to both ends. By default you get the same form fields.
I built a website which revolved around music. I had three custom post types. Artist (or band/group), Album, and Song. The artist and album CPTs were synced with a custom taxonomy. (Example: the post title of the "artists" CPT, would be inserted as a term in the "artists" taxonomy.) So each of the CPT's post title would be inserted as a term in the appropriate custom taxonomy.

When you publish a song for example, you could then just select the proper artist and album from the taxonomies.

Then when you output the data on the front end, you could just loop song posts (or if it's single, jus
@PolluxKhafra There's probably an easier way, but that's what worked for me.
that way, for each song that was posted, i had the associated artist and album information as well.
@MichaelEcklund Thats pretty nifty.
thanks, i try hard.
@MichaelEcklund What site is it?
@PolluxKhafra I'm far from a WP guru, but I thought I'd at lease share my past situation with you. It seems you're doing something similar?
@PolluxKhafra I'm not allowed to disclose that information. Client confidentiality. Sorry. :(
@MichaelEcklund Yeah I have a site where artists post both videos and music from the front end. Never tried it before.
cool cool
Sidenote: "posts2posts" has two separate tables. The main table is only : p2p_id -p2p_from - p2p_to - p2p_type, so it's pretty fast. And you don't have to maintain the code ;)
@kaiser big plus
@PolluxKhafra I would make sure you have your submitted posts set to "Pending Review", before they're actually published on the site. You can try to develop an automatic moderation system, where if the submitted post passes your test, then set the post_status => publish, or manually approve submitted posts. I definitely think you do need some sort of moderation in place, especially from user driven content.
@MichaelEcklund I tried to get around that by making all artists request an upgrade from a basic account to an "author" making them submit a form linking to an example of their work. So the only people posting are vetted and get downgraded if they abuse.
@PolluxKhafra You have an awful lot of trust in your users. :P
@kaiser I originally upvoted you for this but now that I'm a mod I'm offended by this ;)
@Brady Now there's the wookie speaking ;)
dunno what a wookie is?
@kaiser wtf is that
@Brady Never seen star wars?
@kaiser very briefly. I didnt like it
Chewy. Chewbacca.
Big brown furry dude.
@Brady Maybe you just had one Cosmo too much during lunchhour ;)
:5973604 nice. I show a dislike to something you like and you resort to calling me a woman :'(
such hateful words come from you :'(
Sorry I'm just emotional its that time of the month again :'(
@Brady Just kidding. Only 50% of mankind don't like Star Wars. Those are women.
@Brady :D
@kaiser Oh no you didn't just say that.
@PolluxKhafra If you want to try a plugin that allows you to do everything in a more "automated way", the way I did it manually. Check out this: wp-types.com/documentation/user-guides/…
"Star Wars" is alittle bit like "The Simpsons". There's no moment in life, where you can't quote or compare something to it.
@kaiser female SW fan here
@marfarma Please change your avatar. Else you become a gender myth like hakre ;)
@kaiser "You'll have to speak up. I'm wearing a towel." -- Homer Simpson
@MichaelEcklund can't reply. All simpsons quotes I know are in german...
Me fail English? That’s unpossible.
Seems like everyone in here, is in the Europe area.
@kaiser off to change my pic - just for you - sigh
my fav from homer: Son, a woman is like a beer. They smell good, they look good, you’d step over your own mother just to get one! But you can’t stop at one. You wanna drink another woman!
@Brady You don't want to know what you're expressing when you say step over {girl} in austrian dialect.
@marfarma ahhhh, All this time and there has been a woman lurking amongst us...
@Brady Hint: @RebeccaChernoff
@kaiser I know but we know she is a woman
@Brady Right. You're behaving like a real counter spy.
@kaiser ok - I can't change it locally, it's tied to gravitar -- you'll just have to look at my linkedin profile - linkedin.com/in/pauliprice
what is one of those?
@marfarma Wow, look at all that experience.
btw - my avatar is a female character from Avatar
@Brady Girls are pretty similar to men. The just can't pee while standing. Does this answer your question? I really tried hard.
@MichaelEcklund Yeah, get old enough and that happens
@kaiser You've got mail
> Ptrgrammer bei Equitable
who says girls cannot pee standing up
@kaiser damn - forgot I hadn't fixed that. Mostly people don't read down that far
@Brady that just blew my high
@Brady buah! flagged!
So why was that flagged?
@Rarst I would never use that.
@Mahnax Was meant as a joke to one of our mods.
@kaiser Or did you just like that it's almost German?
Thought he'd remove the flag by himself.
@kaiser Please remember that any 10k user network-wide can see the flags.
@marfarma Would've been "Progammierer bei Equitable"
@Mahnax But not everyone would react as lightspeed as you. :)
@kaiser Ich weiss, ich versteh deutch
@kaiser I do my best.
Da schau her. Wir haben aber "Deutschpress" dafür ;)
@kaiser did you seriously flag me!
@Brady No. Just your picture.
Well, you all have a nice day, I'm off.
Bye! waves
Sometimes when I can't sleep I try counting sheep, but my ADHD is a !@#~$&^ nightmare.

One sheep, two sheep, dog, pig, old McDonald, Hey Macarena!
How do I add a term to an attachment with media_handle_sideload?
@PolluxKhafra media handle sideload returns an attachment ID
attachments are normal posts with the post type 'attachment'
all the same things apply
featured images parents taxonomies post meta etc
albeit with a few attachment oriented functions like wp_get_attached_image or w/e its called
@PolluxKhafra Format the basename of the file to the way you want it, an insert a term maybe. But that's reliant on a nicely named image.
@TomJNowell damnit I was hoping you wouldn't notice me still working on this lol
$id = media_handle_sideload(....
wp_set_object_terms( $id, array(terms...), $taxonomy, $append );
ofc you should check if $id is a WP_Error object with is_wp_error first else your code may self combust
@PolluxKhafra that would've made a nice question actually, I could do with the rep, else I'll never break the 10k barrier
Ok I'm on it
I'm sure you could break the 1k barrier quickly that way =p
if you're asking those kinds of questions you should be in the 4 digit rep bracket anyway
So here's a totally unrelated question, but I'm curious if anyone knows this. I have a server here at my house which I use for development. If I connect to it using the actual internet host name, (domain.com) my transfer speeds are limited to that of if I were in a different country. But when I connect to it's local domain, it uses LAN speed. Why wouldn't it just serve LAN speed no matter what? I'm in the same room as it.
@MichaelEcklund because it isn't clever enough to realise that along the route a great big circle occurrs
routers tend not to track what machines are involved while hopping
@TomJNowell My rep should be lower if anything. It's amazing how little I understand compared to what I've built so far. A testimant to this site and everyone that holds my hand.
also why the server? Why not just localhost?
@TomJNowell I don't understand you last message.
@PolluxKhafra it's amazing how little the average dev understands compared to what theyve charged so far. A testimant to their clients and everyone that dishes out cash
The server is a separate machine. If I key in localhost, it will connect to local host on my computer, and not the server.
@MichaelEcklund I just run a local server and do everything on the one machine
@MichaelEcklund thats why I have my hosts file on tap!
I often switch machines depending on my location, which is why I was reliant on putting my work on a separate machine, so I can access it anywhere.
here we only use servers for production and staging, mainly to show a client and for them to test before go live
ah but thats what version controls for
and laptops
I still need to figure out version control. I can't imagine how much more productive I would be.
@MichaelEcklund what's the hold up -- install git and go
@MichaelEcklund server has master copy, you make a copy for yourself. You think of some changes and commit them to your copy, then you put them back to update the authorative master copy
@marfarma ...go despair
@MichaelEcklund every now and again someone else does the same, you pull their changes from the master copy down to your local copy so you can see what they did
@Rarst what despair - it just works
Q: Add a term to an attachment submitted from front end

Pollux KhafraI have a front end post form where users can upload a file with their post that I save as an attachment using media_handle_side_upload(). I need a way to add a term to that attachment so I can show a loop of all specific attachments by a user with that term.

svn makes my head hurt
@marfarma git just works? you must be from parallel universe or something :)
every now and again you decide to go off on a tangent and start a 'branch' like an alternate universe, when your alternate universe looks how you want, merge it all back into the main branch
@Rarst I'm an old unix hand. I had a sparkstation on my desk instead of a PC for many years of my working life. I administer linux servers using ssh and vi
can't stand looking at a control panel
and git just makes sense
@marfarma figures... yeah, that would do for some git synergy :)
@TomJNowell So I pull from the remote master copy, to my local master copy, then branch my local master copy to something else. Make my changes on something else, then merge to my local master copy. Once everything is golden, merge my local master copy to the remote master copy? Or am I mis understanding something?
@MichaelEcklund you got it. That's exactly the workflow.
@marfarma I tried that before, but where I get confused is at the branching. So I'm in my local repo. I make a pull request. Now, I create a branch. Do I need to make another pull request to my branch?
@MichaelEcklund you can push branches that you want to maintain long term to the remote server -- but if you're only branching locally, then you create the branch then select the branch, and it will be a complete copy from the point of branch.
@MichaelEcklund version control attempts to create a timeline. Think of a repository as history
the 'master' branch is the main timeline, and you've got a server with a repo on it. You consider it the authorative definition of history
in this case history of your code project
If you switch back to master and commit some changes (think: hotfix) you then have to merge the master into your branch
Out of curiosity since I only work on my own site, what are the going rates for people who want say a portfolio or any basic news blog?
you can diff branches to see how they diverge from each other
as a developer you make a new 'history' and pull the contents of that server down into it, and make additions
every now and again you 'push' the changes you made to your history up to the server to share them, so that the authorative copy on the server is updated
one day you decide you have a super fancy experimental feature!
instead of building it in the 'master' branch, you create an alternate timeline called 'super experimental feature'
you can push that to the server too, and the server will know about both 'master' and 'super experimental feature'
oneday you decide that 'super experimental feature' is not so experimental anymore, and is ready for inclusion in the main code
@PolluxKhafra I don't think there are any 'going rates' -- But custom design work of a simple site starts at about $1k
so you merge it into master and push back up
for professional US-based talent
@PolluxKhafra I charge £30 ph though I should probs charge more. How much people pay me for a job is thus directly coupled to how long the job takes to do
if you have the expertise to produce better quality work, you can charge more
@TomJNowell Thanks for the explanation. And @marfarma Thanks for contributing as well.
@MichaelEcklund your best using it if you want to learn
nothing's stopping you using it personally as a 1 man thing
@PolluxKhafra I charge $75 hour - for side project work, and will barter with willing service providers
all projects should be version controlled, it's not just a team thing
I am just so swamped with work as it is. I can't justify a new learning curve at the moment. :(
I'm in NYC
@TomJNowell Do you do freelance work?
After Labor Day, I should have time.
@BrianFegter yes though I have a main job so I dont actively seek it, not that I'm opposed to doing it
I'm in the same spot. I've recently started taking more side projects
@marfarma that's almost £50, do you think you wouldn't manage that rate outside of NYC?
@TomJNowell probably not
@marfarma How do you justify hours spent to your clients?
@PolluxKhafra calculate hours, so you can say "around XY" in front.
@TomJNowell 30.00 EUR = 37.52 USD Wow, you charge that much per hour?
@PolluxKhafra they trust me - I provide an estimate and work very hard not to exceed it
@PolluxKhafra And don't give any work out of your hands until your received the payment.
the hourly rate just helps keep scope creep in check
@MichaelEcklund sarcastic?
@MichaelEcklund I could charge more, my current work is with someone who knew me when I charged 30 though and I'd feel awkward raising the rate, I'm mostly doing the work as a favour to her ( though not pro bono )
@kaiser No, I've been charging: 20.00 USD = 15.99 EUR - hourly.
@MichaelEcklund £12? hmmm
@MichaelEcklund Will remember your hourly rate. If I want to pass some work to you, what's your address again? [email protected]? ;)
I can imagine someone like @Rarst or @Toscho could get away with charging £50-£60, more in the right places
So I'm the only broke person here working on their own startup. Everyone else freelances
the US sucks, everyone wants stuff for free or dirt cheap.
@PolluxKhafra freelancing doesn't mean you're not broke
@TomJNowell haha!
hourly rates sound impressive but work doesn't exactly flood in for most, and it's inconsistent. One month you get nothing, the next you earn more than your parents put together
Don't know what you're all doing wrong. When I don't drive my Bently, I ride my white horse.
@MichaelEcklund I disagree. You need to raise your expectations. I've made triple to five times your rate on a consistent basis in the US.
@kaiser glad to see Lady Godiva still alive and strong
@MichaelEcklund I think you should at least be entry level at 30-35 USD.
@TomJNowell Yea. You should come to my place and help me drinking all that champagne.
@BrianFegter +1 I'd say raise the rates to at least 30 USD
at the lowest
As for me - my firm bills me out at over $200/hour I can't justify side projects for less than $75/hour. Doesn't mean I get a lot of takers.
@kaiser gladly, wire me an address and I'll bring the caviar
@TomJNowell what does @toscho charge now? wait, I don't want to know. it will make me sulk. :)
@BrianFegter Interesting. I'll have to raise the bar.
@marfarma firms with PM, creative, copy, dev, SA, etc... can charge that much
@TomJNowell Will send you an mail. Guess the other ones could else try to pick the crumbs from my Persian carpets.
@kaiser those things are disposable, let them have the tassles as a keepsake
@ALL Where do you get most of your clients from? WPSE?
The obligatory Mark Jaquith rate link: coveredwebservices.com/rates
@kaiser wordcamp
@kaiser word of mouth
@BrianFegter In my case it's security industry vertical knowledge. I'm business client facing and understand what they need better than they do. But it's got nothing to do with core developer skills.
@TomJNowell Don't want to stumble upon them. Might happen, as I never lower my head - golden shoes just blend my eyes in the sun light.
@BrianFegter time to switch to obligatory Yoast, he upped rates to 350 euro already
@marfarma ahh
@Rarst oooooo
@Rarst One of the rare moments where I've to use this one: LOOOL!!! WHAT A JOKE!
@kaiser I don't find a two bits of funny in that... good for him, what else to say? :)
@Rarst It's nice to be internet famous
@kaiser if we could all self market like Joost Im sure we could charge those rates
@TomJNowell @Rarst As I worked in the HR industry for quite a time, here's why this is a joke.
later guys
I'm comparing it to soccer/football stars. They all get really high rates and lots of offers, when they play in the best leagues for one or two seasons. But when their team wins something like Champions League, World Cup or something like that, the offers decrease. Reason: Expectations too high and entry level too. Everybody thinks: Too expensive and we're too less important to hire them.
@kaiser that totally went over my head
So the 350$/hour will be chargeable maybe for four hours in two month. Or maybe never.
@kaiser 350 euro... and he is full time I think so that is just side project rate
@Rarst With a 99% chance that no one will ask for an offer.
For the most part, developers undersell and underprice themselves. In the 5 years I've been out on my own (this time round). I've moved up the price bracket and not suffered. If I miss out on work because of price, then shrugs. The worst projects and clients I've had have been the cheapest ones, so no big loss
fully agree
@kaiser I doubt that. I recently read about person charging $1000 hourly (not WP industry) just to focus on own stuff and only work hourly for people who really need his very specific expertise and can afford couple hours
Hardest lesson learned as a freelancer?
@Rarst And the other joke on the joost guy - for me - is that looking at his code is a pain.
@Rarst I remember that, feel like it was a bit of a publicity stunt as well, front page of HN for a day is a nice way to get known
@Rarst My personal advice: Don't believe that.
@kaiser why not? if couple grand solve some major business roadblock in a day, what the reason not to pay them?
@Rarst what's your hourly rate?
@TomJNowell I don't say outside of local circles, will get me laughed out of the room and loose me street cred :) not much above Michael (although I get paid month fixed, not hourly)
@kaiser Are you married? just curious? :)
@Rarst As there're always people above the (decision making) level, who say "No, I can't tell this directors bord". And else, companies just don't have the money. Don't forget: Big companies are growth driven.
@Rarst oooh I dont mean if you took your salary and figured it out from there
@BrianFegter Why asking?
Also. I never bill by the hour - always by the day or week. Hourly billing is a complete pain, and encourages client micromanagement. Wish more devs stopped being timesheet slaves
I don't get paid £30ph at my fulltime job
* or project
I raised rates on side projects to spend more time with my wife and son...that's my context for more expensive rates.
@anu Interesting idea.
@anu what's your day rate?
@BrianFegter No, ain't got a wife. But a girlfriend.
04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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