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Are you saying there is a filter added in core where we can for example convert all incoming JPEG into WebP?
That's awesome.
@ChristineCooper I've had very good experience with wordpress.org/plugins/webp-express - which in addition to convert to webp will also be able to load them dynamically depending on if the browser supports it or not
Not sure if this is still accurate, but PHP's image handling methods used to be extremely bad, so if possible try to avoid imagick or GD for conversion, instead I'd go for something like cwebp.
And beware that a properly optimized JPEG may even be smaller than webp. So after conversion you should check if it makes sense.
As for the original question: I've had extremely good results with webp (& avif). One example would be a very image heavy client site, where single request payload went from ~2.5 MB to ~1MB (just images)
2 hours later…
@ChristineCooper no, I'm saying WP already does this but the conversion is JPEG -> JPEG so it's a non-operation
the filter was added in 5.8
and should be documented on the make blogs
7 hours later…
Is it even practically possible to build a enterprise ecommerce platform using a relational database?
I've been trying to find a design for the database, but when it comes to variable products, all hell breaks loose
Practically a single variable product with 5x4x3 combinations will take 1+60+3x60 rows in database
2 hours later…
assuming you're storing all those combinations as separate products
some big enterprise platforms are using horrible hacks you'd never think would work
and lots of rows in and of itself isn't a bad thing
it depends what queries you run on it
Well I mean if we store them in separate rows, then we plan to use all sorts of joins and searches on them. Otherwise a JSON type could hold all the data as a document and you could still perform basic stuff on it since MySQL now natively supports JSON
Also I was thinking about a NoSQL database for products that have no particular structure, and a relational database for other purposes such as users, store orders, etc that have a predefined structure
Many modern frameworks support connecting to multiple db server at the same time, some even can do INNER JOIN between 2 different servers
WP can query post meta values, but that doesn't mean it's ok to do it
inner joins across multiple servers sounds expensive
Right now I'm doing as I mentioned earlier, storing each variant as a record and indexing their IDs while cross referencing them as Foreign Key. I'm just wondering if I might have missed something?
Querying indexed integers shouldn't be that expensive IMO
What would your preferred method be for building DB structure of an ecommerce? considering you can choose anything
1 hour later…
@JackJohansson just think it through in your head what an inner join across multiple servers might actually involve if it's the framework itself doing it
and I would struggle to call WP's use of the database as relational
it's just a database
@TomJNowell I asked on other database forums, Just wanted to know your opinion too
And yes I think it's some framework hack

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