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Q: How should we handle unspecific comments linking to the FAQ?

toschoI have seen more and more comments like this recently: It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question, see the FAQ. This is j...

can someone smart explain to me how is_super_admin() and is_admin() are logical name choices for what they do respectively, in relation to each other?
for some reason Debug Bar does ! is_super_admin() in its init(). i need to provide it for my subsite admins, so wondering how i should go about it.
is_super_admin() is for multisite admins.
yes im aware of that. its just that is_admin() does something completely different
after knowing is_super_admin() it'd be natural to assume is_admin() would do the same thing, but just for regular admins or something
@kaiser you there?
@Brady Yea, just writing an answer. One mom.
@kaiser Well I got half way through version 2.0 of the plugin
@lkraav is_admin lets you know if you're in the backend or the frontend
is_super_admin lets you know if the current user has super admin privs
thats how I see it anyway
you'd need to check for the administrator role, or something that only the administrators can do
@Brady Yay! What exactly are you reworking?
@kaiser well you know the problem we had with the hooks for deletion
@Brady Yea. Epic problem :P
So you're getting around it?
well it didn't work because we didn't store meta ID
but then that raised another problem
if we store lat/lng in seperate fields then you get two meta ids
So I've scrapped the ability to store them in seperate fields.
you need to store lat/lng in a single field separated by a comma E.G. 51.610342,-0.195007
@Brady Does this affect the ability to search by lat/lng?
no not at all
lat lng is still stored in the DB as seperate fields
just the reading from WordPress needs to be in a single field
Ah, ok. Sounds ok. Are you going to deliver incl. a converter, or how you're going to allow users to update?
btw: kool, that you're "back" ;)
@kaiser will need your input on that one
damn ...
@Brady: that geo plugin looks good.. might be useful on business directory themes
@Sisir Yeah I use it in a business directory over at lpoc.co.uk
also use it in a number of property sites
installed couple of opensource software and now ended up with installing Babylon search.. really pissed!!
@TomJNowell Tom thanks :) but that was not my point. My point was how the core name choices for these particular is_something functions seem to be a bit... bad. kinda like when some widely used similar php functions for some historical reason take needle and haystack in different order. so you always have to check which one did it in which way.
is_admin() -> is_in_admin() seems more logical to me
and then is_superadmin() and is_admin() would logically both do permission checks
just a totally random thought! no need for anyone to waste any extra energy. if i really cared i'd file a core bug already.
yes.. agreed. is_admin is always confusing.. is_dashboard() or is_admin_area() could be better
in_admin(), like in_category() ;)
@Sisir thanks for the follow
trying to get active in twitter..
get_post_stati() is probably one of the most embarrassing names.
yeees. wp is definitely not unix enough do that shit.
no get_post_atoi() etc allowed. even though that's probably more like a C thing.
The point is: the plural of status is statuses in English.
that too
@toscho Wrapper for $wp_post_statuses :P
@All I'm trying to quickly build a custom meta box location in the admin_footer. For some reason, the $screen global isn't (like in the rest of the page) an object anymore, but an array of 'post', 'page'... any idea what's going on here?
anybody familiar with gravity forms?
how can i create something like a checkbox and next to it a selectbox,
[ ] label1 <select1>, [x] label2 <select2>
Why would you do that? I do not think gravity forms is built with that in mind.
Hi anu
@robert First: Hi! Second: Please ask a question on the main site.
What do you guys think about the Wordpress editor?
@KevinSimper what about it?
I was you thinking, do it need a redesign. Sometimes i could really use the columns.
Thinking about creating a plugin which implement Gridster
Anyone good with MySQL. got some weird behaviour going on...
Post it as a question, it is easier to get an overview :)
But if it is a short one, then shoot!
@KevinSimper its not wordpress related
Got some weird behaviour using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
doesnt update and sets one of the variables to 0.000000
@toscho I was using the get_post_stati() function the other day, I thought the very same thing. Stati is plural, but if you're going to start throwing in Latin why not translate the whole core into Latin while you're at it. Hilarious.
NVM I've sorted it
Was doing:

ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `lat` = '" . (float) $coords[0] . "' AND `lng` = '" . (float) $coords[1] . "'"

instead of

ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `lat` = '" . (float) $coords[0] . "', `lng` = '" . (float) $coords[1] . "'"
@userabuser In Latin the plural is status
@KevinSimper There's already sortables in core.
@kaiser do you want to see version 2 of my GDS plugin?
I'm just bug fixing the delete issue
@toscho Stati is also plural for Status in Latin, they are simply in different context each of which relates back to the "state of something".
@userabuser The plural for the noun is statūs.
That's correct for the form in Noun, but in Verb the latter is Stati still applies, point being it has no place in programming where logic needs to take priority over origin.
just wanted to point out that post stati is neither English nor Latin. It isn’t used as a particle in this context. and it will be kept forever for backwards compatibility …
Are you sure its not Latin? I'm pretty sure it is. Particle? or Participle? sorry confused...
ehm, participle, sorry
And, yes, I am sure the noun has just one plural.
@kaiser - Think I've cracked it
@kaiser sent email with new version
@Brady Kool. Will take a look at it, as soon as I got enough time to improve the other project. :)
some poeple use Dropbox and Git … but that’s probably too simple for you guys …
so, are we having a grammar lesson today? :)
@toscho what happened to the moderator wordpress chat room?
@Brady It was frozen for an hour. But it still exists.
@toscho what do you mean frozen for an hour? I tried finding it yesterday and couldnt find it
still cannot find it either
@Brady Link
@toscho thanks
1 hour later…
knock knock
@kaiser who's there?
knock knock
...isn't it supposed to go... *...banana who?" then the punch line?
dunno. just wanted to see some action here as I'm slowly reworking some stuff and I'm getting bored by it...
@all you guys have any good solutions when migrating sites to keep serialized widget data, I found this interconnectit.com/124/…
@Wyck it's easy, dump db here, restore DB there, search replace URLs, ??? win
@TomJNowell that often breaks serialized settings, thus my question
the script in link works just wondering what else is out there
@Wyck the whole point of the search replace DB tool was serialised PHP
@TomJNowell ah lol
Joel Spolsky on July 31, 2012

You can’t fix what you can’t measure, so the first thing we did as a part of our Summer of Love campaign was try to measure friendliness in an objective and repeatable way. We gathered 7000 comments from Stack Overflow and submitted them to Mechanical Turk. For each comment, we asked 20 people to rate the comment as Friendly, Unfriendly, or “Neutral/Unclear.”

There are different ways of massaging the data, but I do want to give you a flavor for the kind of comments we’re talking about when we’re talking about unfriendly comments. Here is a snapshot of the com …

WordPress core contributor handbook
> Picking bugs to work on: developer.mozilla.org/en/Hacking_Firefox
↑ if you're contributing to FireFox :)
Does anyone has some link to a useful tutorial on OpenStreetMaps? I can't even find a starting point (and I thought the GoogleMaps API docu is crap...). Thanks!
3 hours later…
I love YouTube comments! Well … some of them.
How can I get a default Theme Option to the database? I've got a checkbox that I want to be checked by default
Having the box checked by default works fine, but that value doesn't get sent to the database until the user clicks save on my Theme Options page
@saltcod you don’t. use default values in your code until the options are saved once.
@toscho but if I need to have something enabled?
Use the second parameter of get_theme_mod()
Perfect. Thanks!
discussing plural of status again? seriously? ^)
@Rarst What... like we got any real work to do? :)
Silly question, but can you assign posts in a CPT a page template?
yes of course you can
One of the easier ways to deal with this is to use the template hierarchy system instead of the usual page template method.
single-{post_type}.php will take precedence over single.php
yes i already do that, but sometimes i want a unique custom template for one specific post
Or in your page template file you might wish to query your CPT (of course). There's also making use of get_template_part(); too and a bunch other ways you could go about devising a system for dealing with CPTs. Including using hooks like template_redirect.
i just dont want to be clustering up my theme directory with a bunch of template files
i made ./templates/
then inside there i have a sub directory for each cpt
then templates for those CPTs are in there
then i want to be able to assign one of those templates to a specific post
well if you are concerned about the number of files you should consider some conditional action in one of the existing files...
i already use conditions.
see the thing is, i have posts being entered into a CPT on the fly
and users are creating templates on the fly as well. so the template names will never be the same.
get_template_part( 'sub_dir/filename' ); (.php ext gets appended), you could devise something with this (using a metabox in the publish panel) also you could try this plugin, wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-post-template
nevermind, i think my situation is too hard to explain. thanks for answering my question though.
I get what you want, its just a number of ways to go about it...
easiest way is to use get_template_part( 'sub_dir/filename' ) in your single.php file with a conditional check that looks for the existence of a meta_key, if set, the meta_value represents the filename portion of the get_template_part function which would then include that specific template for the post. Have a custom meta box in the publish panel output a drop down list of existing values that you can apply on a post by post basis. That would do it.
Aha. We got a function called wp_iso_descrambler().
Now I'm curious what this one really is useful for.
Mhm. Will only get used on a wp_mail() subject and only if iconv_mime_decode() doesn't exist. Someone got an idea where the ISO descrambler could be useful?
1 hour later…
"Hi new user, my name is sunshine. I really liked your question a lot, like REALLY a lot..and I like you, but would you be so kind as to reformat it so it makes F*^)ing sense."
my new faq comment paste I think toscho will like
yay! I outstayed toscho and caught whole three flags to handle!

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