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I don't get the point of PHP Pear. every damn thing I installed so far doesn't work out of the box and needs to dive in and correct stuff :\
3 hours later…
Q: Tag synonym - Template/Templates

arcyqwertySeeing as the posts for these two tags are very similar (and to the best of my knowledge refer to the same tag) I propose that we synonym [templates] -> [template]

9 hours later…
anyone using Phing?
@Rarst Simple XML buildfiles – stop reading here
@toscho what are you using then? (damn, I just channeled Aahan)
a bunch of smaller tools
nothing too complex
hand written scripts
my problem with phing that for some reason it looks for includes and stuff in subdir... while it all isn't in subdir :\
@Rarst PEAR always seemed obtuse and opaque, you know how some projects have a bit like "hello we are A, we built B, and B does C, to use it do D and E, here's the source" so you know what it does where to find it and where it's saved/hosted online
@TomJNowell pear sucks, but what Phing has on github is source to build pear package and their manual installation instructions are like page long...
whereas PEAR you're never given anything concrete, and if there is, it's not easily apparent. There's no obvious way to determine how to acquire a pear package or what each package does, or how to list them, install them, or how up to date they are
@TomJNowell Well said...
@TomJNowell Uniform server comes with decent web interface for pear, so that solves most of that
like NPM? If you're a beginner you just get told "install this node package" and you're like "wait waaaaahh?" no explanation, everyone assumes you know how, nobody ever thinks you might not be a node.js dev or have that setup installed so how would you grab their jquery plugin?
@TomJNowell Well well said...
@userabuser I shall add another empty draft blogpost to tomjn.com
along with how to setup an OS X dev environment part 1 and 2, and the next 2 days of wordcamp I still haven't written up
How many drafts do you have on your main blog? I have 72. :/
@toscho none :) when I start post I finish post
@TomJNowell I have not slept for a few days, I know not of what you speak. Empty draft? I see only one post?
@userabuser I have a lot of posts in there that are draft posts, they only have a title ( they're not published )
ooookay, Phing is ticking - PHP config for CLI was missing include_path
I am really good with titles …
@Rarst your posts aren't very long though so you can do the time
@TomJNowell If your posts are as vague as PEAR and or NPM then they should forever remain as drafts.
@userabuser lol I cant do the setup of an OS X dev environment in 2 paragraphs unless I do a lot of assumptions
and I'm not finished setting it up either
What I like about @Rarst's blog is that its confusing to know whether a comment-discussion is recent or old. I find it refreshing.
and wordcamp day 1 and 2 are lengthy because a lot happened
@userabuser keeping things interesting
@Rarst ah no dates/times, nice idea
@TomJNowell I am sneakier than that. I have dates on recent posts only
feed the "fresh" junkies, but deny them knee-jerk reaction on older stuff
I have the post date and the last modified date if it is more than three day newer than the post date.
heh, well the dates are gone on your most recent post, I may do the same with all dates on tomjn.com
I've still much to do, like styling up comments and fixing p tag wrapping images etc
@Rarst Imagine if some of the worlds most popular sites adopted your methodology (Twitter, Facebook, etc) , it'd be pandemonium. I like the thought of that.
After we are done with real time web applications, the next trend will be no time web applications. Mark my word.
@userabuser they specialize in news junkies, content that is worthless in a day. my most popular content is old, no one is interested to read my stuff just because it's fresh
@userabuser Happened already: LinkedIn was hacked in no time.
@toscho muhaha.. LinkedIn is not a real website.
What is LinkedIn?
@Rarst They also create a generation of people who can't hold a thought for more than no seconds.
@kaiser A big circle jerk.
"A DLL for this PECL extension is currently unavailable." is there damn DLL for ANY extension available? cause I hadn't seen any
@All Has anyone of you ever heard from "moredigital.com" or "More Digital" (Ad company)?
No DLLs available for any PECL extensions, they are just mirages.
@kaiser No, but apparently they say they are "more creative, more intelligent, more strategic". That's a relief.
What I love about social media marketing companies is the vague terminology they use to sell their almost as vague services that produce equally vague results.
@userabuser What exactly is a "relief"?
That they are "more" of everything, which includes their competitors, which makes them "more" or "less" the best. So I was relieved by their marketing message.
...or you could say I was being sarcastic. Which I was.
I have a love/hate relationship with SMM/SEM/SEO companies.
@kaiser Are you considering using their services?
@kaiser’s humor detector fits between two chat message boxes. Don’t overuse it.
@userabuser Not really. They asked me if I want to put ads on my site for an annual fee... which is some kind of strange.
@userabuser make a hard solid claim, back it up with hard solid stats, repeat, add in testimonial, big call to action, it isn't hard, so few even attempt it, it's about reassurance imo
@kaiser Not strange. I periodically receive the same kind of emails from a host of ad-network companies asking the same thing. This is their manual method of ad-placements for clients.
@TomJNowell Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Coupled with a decent USP if you can muster one and following PROPER conversion-optimization principles you should be good to go. But, like you said, so few even attempt it but that's more so because they haven't the slightest F'n idea what they're doing to begin with.
No concept of USER FLOW and FOCUS TARGETING their message. In terms of ad-networks majority of them are more than vague, more like dark matter - partially incomprehensible.
> Babylscript is an open source project that aims to translate JavaScript to all the world's languages, including French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
More complexity
@TomJNowell Nawww.. you're pulling our leg aren't you? No one asked that question did they? Or did they?
@userabuser indeed they did
@AahanKrish Saw that the other day, stupid stupid and stupid idea.
Like they have no better things to do :D
@TomJNowell I would have answered with "Progress." and then politely asked security to remove this person from the room.
well I dont remember the exact wording
it was more why people are overusing and abusing all these fonts
@AahanKrish Babblescript.
@TomJNowell Why are people creating new javascript plugins and frameworks that abstract away abstraction to the point of being so abstract is what I want to know? So many plugins I am going to explode!
Or what about all these programming languages f'n with my focus...
@userabuser instead of fixing or re-implementing the original abstraction to be more elegant, they put their own over the top, a wrapper wrapper, or a wrapper wrapper wrapper even
Hmm so basically what you are saying is that its about wrapping. You've put me at ease.
@userabuser I'm going to write a shit tonne of boilerplate once so that I don't have to write these 10 characters every time ( but to use it I have to add in these 30 characters in my header after jquery loads )
@userabuser delusional "I can simplify and improve this" which really is "it's easier to my own code than someone else's". you know, 100% programmers believe they can do a better job, 1% can...
I think someone needs to DDoS attack the Babylscript website. Its bad bad bad for people to be exposed to such a notion that JS should be translated into other languages.
@Rarst you don't do a better job by writing more code on top of someone elses, that's not doing a better job, that's building a second job on top of the existing one
I am spending months thinking about few functions of abstraction code I use... when I see people generating abstraction by hundreds of functions it's just... meh
@TomJNowell if that was true - no one would need code beyond assembler, no one would need APIs beyond Win/Linux core...
@TomJNowell I'm really liking your boilerplate kung fu. I think within the next 6 months I am going to forget how to write HTML.
abstraction is vital, but it is also complex to get right
@Rarst I totally agree. But you know what I really love is all these half not even close to being done undocumented gits. Lovvvvvee em!
Should I release my WP abstraction function framework? - I want to make the elitists cry and tweet.
...for Windows only!
@Rarst when the code you write saves more time and effort than just using the code it wraps/replaces, it's usually a good effort
@AahanKrish wow, that's bold - making software for most popular desktop OS...
@All Riddle time: I'm pulling two post types: post, page from $GLOBALS['wp_post_types'] and using them as post type inside register_taxonomy() on the init hook. The one for page is showing up, the one for post not. How to debug this one?
@AahanKrish I did some comment styling, not 100% there yet, but it's a start
@TomJNowell good start. some space between the commenter's name and comment would be nice :)
And what's with those dashed borders on all links?!
@AahanKrish I need to redo how the avatar is shifted and decide what to do with the reply link still, but its an improvement on the old
messing with style?
@AahanKrish the gray wasn't obvious enough, and plain underline wasn't doing it for me
@AahanKrish just fixed that so it only applies to links inside p tags, the images were getting them too, I need to go through it all again for another iteration
in the meantime, retweet my blogposts =p
:D sure
@Rarst what metric are you using for reading time? How many seconds per word?
	$m = round( $words / 200);
	$s = ( $m == 1 ? '' : 's' );
	echo "<li><strong>~{$m} minute{$s}</strong><br />to read</li>";
150 words per minute (slow), 200 (average), 250 (good speed)
oh dear... why had you made me look at this file!? it's a mess...
saw a <br> tag and faints
@Rarst that would sounds strange in english said out loud
saw is a better word, edited
I was going for "Do you see what I mean?" not "Yes, I saw that"
ok, that was mutually confusing exchange of misunderstanding, moving on... :)
@Rarst lol is the restatement theme up somewhere for all to see?
@TomJNowell duh, at rarst.net? or you mean code?
@Rarst code clearly
nah, it's unfit for public consumption
@Rarst probably better than most of the detritous already out there
I am scrapping it when Hybrid Wing is built up
@Rarst hybrid wing?
new theme, early version is live as parent for QueryPosts
@Rarst oooh a new hybrid theme of your own machination, I was thinking it was something todo with tadlock I hadnt heard of
but why 'wing'?
cause second half of it is Twitter Bootstrap
@Rarst I can imagine there being a pretty nifty logo for that
@TomJNowell Hybrid Wing? yeah. also not getting sued by NASA would be good :)
> Germany’s Otto Group steps up Brazilian invasion
@AahanKrish ? was that meant to be a link?
@TomJNowell it's just a headline (Otto)
@AahanKrish I feel lost, you've provided no context, what is this 'otto' group you speak of
a pun on our Otto?
@TomJNowell :P
room topic changed to StopPress: Where humor doesn’t work. (no tags)
as a plugin developer, is it good practice to always trim input fields?
Yes, as long leading/trailing spaces are not wanted :P
recent client of mine thought it was ridiculous that the plugin i built for them didn't work if they had a space at the beginning or the end of an input field value.
i guess i figured, how hard is it to just enter something correctly? without spaces prefixing or suffixing. oh well, thanks for your opinion.
Honestly: Always trim input fields. The user is never too dump - code is.
is there anything else i should ALWAYS do with user inputted data?
i already validate blank fields and required fields. never really used sanitize (lol don't laugh)
what's all involved with sanitizing?
@MichaelEcklund it is extremely easy to get unwanted whitespace in when copypasting
@Rarst that sounds like an exact quote from my client. heh
can you add a network site to multi site that is on a completely different server? or do they need to be on the same server?
sanitize_term_field() ... have to add in a filter cb for every single field, that I add to a taxonomy. Else data stays unescaped... ? Wut?
anyone know of a plugin that actually works in relation to integrate facebook fanpage commenting with the WP comment system?
@AahanKrish Thanks, does this also grab existing comments on FB and display them on the site automatically?
@MichaelEcklund not sure about that. Never used it really. Pulled it from my faves :)
ok, ill try it out. spankies.
po.st — how is it even different from addthis? Looks like a blatant copy.
@AahanKrish its called competition
more like GitHub—Bitbucket competition
1 hour later…
@AahanKrish share our stuff and be rewarded with advertisement? hilarious :)
Brilliant and hilarious RT @vojtajina: Factorials in Python. So cool. So truth :-D https://gist.github.com/289467
Seth Rogers on July 23, 2012

The quality of the Q&A on Stack Overflow continues to outshine any other on the Internet – thanks to the awesome community. Like any community, unspoken rules eventually become expectations. In the previous post in this series, Joel talks about how the community developed its own set of rules and norms that new recruits simply don’t know about. When a new comer walks into the group and puts her hand up for a high-five and gets chastised by the group because they don’t give high-fives, she walks away embarrassed with head hanging low. That’s unfortunate. …

@Rarst lol at factorial
2 hours later…
Is it possible to replace wp_nav_menu with wp_list_pages with a plugin? ie without going into header and changing it manually. Maybe filter it somehow

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