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yes, but if the urls in the database are still showing domain.com/?page_id=350 and the new domain is now www.example.com, won't that screw things up, hence needing to be updated?
@MichaelEcklund no, the guid does not effect that
only for attachments (which is the really dumb thing about the way WP uses the GUID)
every page has attachments
it messes up many a person
@MichaelEcklund The only place where the GUID is used is as an identifier in news feeds. And no, it doesn’t do any harm there.
apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120718.html click speculation link, :)
oh wth ^ that is exactly whats on hackernews
@toscho so, even though the old domain does not exist anymore, and the database still has the old domain specified for the gui, it wont affect my feeds or attachments?
reading my mind
@MichaelEcklund how should it?
dont think if it as an url, think of it as just a bunch of letter/numbers
The problem is not the domain part as a domain identifier. The real problem is that the GUID isn’t really unique.
If example.com had a blog and gets a new owner who starts a new blog the new owner will get not so unique GUIDs.
Oh, and I stand corrected: in case of an update you cannot generate a new GUID with wp_insert_post.
@toscho okay, that would explain why it wasn't working.
incase anyone cares, i was able to update all the guid URLs using the SQL query: UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://www.oldurl','http://www.newurl');
2 hours later…
We should get rid of ... no support from the author and the GD plugins are really crappy.
Q: Truly Duplicates or Dr. Strangedupe?

brasofiloQuestions in Question Unanswered: How to filter the edit comments admin page, show only current logged in author comments asked Oct 13 '11 at 19:57 Possible Duplicate: show only comments relative to logged user asked Jun 27 at 8:40 About Duplication Dr. Strangedupe: Or, How I...

4 hours later…
class names in WordPress … written by a bunch of honey badgers. :D
meh, nothing can be worse than what I discovered yesterday.
which is how WP stores the super admins on a network setup.
@RebeccaChernoff sitemeta table? Well hidden from hackerz!! :D
2 hours later…
@toscho You edited this question, and clearly, I misread it and mine isn't the right answer anymore, but it's been marked as the answer by OP. I am going to go ahead and delete it.
@AahanKrish what are you talking about?
@AahanKrish The question is the problem, not your answer. Leave it as it is.
@toscho I just got a downvote. Clearly people aren;'t going to be happy with wrong answers, especially when the question is very clear as to what it wants
I'll post a comment asking OP to unmark it... I have to. Mine isn't the answer.
or he should re-edit his question :D
@AahanKrish or extend your answer.
@toscho lol! then everyone will downvote me for being a rep whore :D
there are answers already. from experience people just dont like it
nvm... I'll take care of this
@Rarst drama?
@TomJNowell Hey, a usability question... do you think scroll bars when displaying code blocks is okay? (as seen on SO, WPSE...)
@AahanKrish you mean give them a max height and an overflow scroll?
try it
@TomJNowell yep
@TomJNowell never liked it on SE
@AahanKrish why?
@AahanKrish Really hard to use without a mouse
@TomJNowell scrolling to read code isn't very convenient
to be fair if you have a large chunk of code you're probably doing something wrong putting it in a blog post
best to use a gist or provide the file itself
@toscho yeah, exactly... I also happened to check how you do it on your blog :P
@AahanKrish scrolling to read chat is just as inconvenient
I am talking about horizontal scrolling Tom
vertical scrolling is fine, coz we are all used to it
@AahanKrish if you're trying to stack 20 boxes on a bicycle seat, you've done it wrong. The solution isn't a better bicycle, it's a trailer or a van
@TomJNowell Hey, hey... "horizontal scrolling"
and there are ways to format code so they aren't super long
array ( a,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b) vs
@TomJNowell how about this?
<a href="http://example.com/i-go-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-buddy/" rel="bookmark" class="imagewrap">
considering the width of my blog is less than the space that piece of code takes
I should ask this on UX.SE
@AahanKrish a good choice is for code to be able to break out
e.g. how images on my site can be max page width but p tags have a maximum width thats smaller
so images aren't squished up and expand
@TomJNowell you mean, the code simply gets into another line, right?
oh, what do you mean by "break out"?
@TomJNowell still exploding, starting with that charming article on how I am a mental case :)
@AahanKrish tomjn.com/15/wordcamp-edinburgh-2012-friday see how the gallery is full width?
the p tags however are not
the images should do it too but I've not gotten around to fixing the p wrapping issue on that site
@TomJNowell Oh boy, my website is already full-width :) aahank.com/hello-world
@AahanKrish =o inline styling!
@TomJNowell what?
thats a bad way of doing it, you could assign it to a variable and then echo the var in the html so its tidier
or better yet, use a class or ID so there's no inline style attribute
@TomJNowell I am not doing it. It's twenty twelve :)
I will remove it once the basic stuff is ready
@AahanKrish then fix it and submit patch
@TomJNowell I think they'll say it's like that by design... coz it's like that with the gallery, with 2010 and 2011 themes as well
@rarst - a talented mental case ;)
@AahanKrish but this is your site
Yes. I was talking about submitting the patch
@anu I find attitude of labeling people mentally ill if you have issue with them atrocious. there are people with mental issues out there and they are genuinely sick and there is nothing pretty "oh you those kind of programmer with problem in your head" about it
@Rarst are you under a contract?
@AahanKrish no
@rarst - i don't disagree - depending on the context and who sent the link to me, i'd either be very very offended, or amused.
@Rarst then what's stopping you? Especially when you dislike how you are treated
@anu I'd be amused if it wasn't followed by round of "but it's hard to put up with you and you get so special treatment", etc
@Rarst Just tell them Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like that.
@AahanKrish I like routine, I am tired of job hopping, I still have some lingering hope the project I am working on ever launches
@Rarst ah, well that would get a swift "fuck you" response from me
@toscho that's scheduled. in best display of managerial attitude we are having a call about situation later today :)
@anu that's scheduled
@rarst :) if more managers realised they were there to FACILITATE developers and designers, this industry would be a better place
@Rarst lol!
well, developers anyway, designers need to do what they're told
@all - how more secure is wp.config.php over the database? WP Mail SMTP stores a third party password as plaintext - I was wondering if there is any value in encrypting it with symmetric encryption using database password & the site's salts set in the config file? Presumably if an attacker only gets hold of the database, then it does provide some value?
@mods - that above question 'not a real question/not constructive' as far as WPSE is concerned?
@StephenHarris IMO, storing passwords as plaintext should be minimised as far as possible, certainly there's little excuse to be storing SMTP servers as plaintext
I've started assuming that at some stage, someone is going to get hold of the database / files. If that's the case, then what needs to be done to protect what can be protected as far as possible
I tweet my password and store just the status number locally. Reversed, for more security.
@toscho have you thought about using base64 encoding? that's supposed to be very secure
But I read somewhere integers are faster.
@Rarst I've read that link yesterday and followed the discussion as far as I could, but: who exactly sent you this link?
@kaiser manager at work with this-seems-like-you comment
@Rarst Are you sure, that this wasn't something like "that's you --> hint: ;)"-joke? I know that I make some bad "jokes" sometimes and don't always get if people are really hit by it...
@kaiser as above - there is ugly follow-up discussion so there was nothing joking about it, just passive agressive BS
Well ok. Then I'm the third person talking you into a short "fuck you"-mail :)
I want to clarify today how much authority he actually has over me to measure amount of fucks accordingly
@Rarst Just send him the following photo with a note about "authority"
That's normally enough to shut people down ;)
@Rarst when hiring the Deathstar for contract work in high orbit, it isn't the best idea to antagonise the operators
I just mave mixed up status at work, between being theorethically senior employee and practically cheap offshore labor
@Rarst And there we are: What's your mail address again?
my scroll is behaving weird, off to reboot
back. that's much better...
@All What exactly is the difference (on a post type) of show_in_nav_menus and show_in_menu? Is later for nav menus and first for admin UI menu?
Talking about post type object properties.
@kaiser well, yes, read the codex?..
@Rarst Already start forgetting about Codex :P
@kaiser there are still some useful bits in there :)
@Rarst Nah, not really. Everytime I hit Codex, I have to log in and extend, correct or delete some bullshit :)
@kaiser pity it doesn't work that way with PhpDoc in core...
@Rarst So true...
PhpStorm drives me crazy thanks to some core functions with arguments type-ed as id. id is not a type!
Just send a patch to trac, correcting ID to :D...
looks pretty similar and is equally helpful, but much more fun to look at :)
awwww... our date_i18n() ticket over a month old with no reaction... to many more to come! :)
Still got one from 2.9. without any reaction from core people...
I even pinged Nacin... not sure if that helped or harmed :)
Q: What is the purpose of this line of code in wp_trim_excerpt?

Evan MattsonCan someone please explain what the purpose of this code is: $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); I'm referring to a line of code inside wp_trim_excerpt(), but I've seen something very similar in some other wp functions as well. On the surface, I would say it's not doing anything a...

this is embarassing...
changing topic ... Still trying to find the one object property of a post type that will clearly tell me, if I got a real post type, or something that is just used as a helper, like the nav menu item post type or stuff like attachments and revisions....
Can we get a close reason - "too much stupidity"?
@anu Are you trying to nuke the site? :)
@kaiser if that's what it takes...
Q: Get_the_date doesnt show todays date

Emre CaglarI tried the_date, the_time and get_the_date to show todays date on the website. But wordpress takes latest post's date and publishes it. For example on the index page if the latest post was posted on 12 of August despite i placed that code on very top of the page it shows 12of august as date. als...

@kaiser since that is generic object it seems unreliable... strange use case?
@Rarst I'm adding custom post status. To make it easier for me to make an UI that integrates with core, I'm using a taxonomy (with custom fields) to do so. Then the user can choose to which post type she/he wants to attach the custom post status to. Problem is: How can I determine, which post type is a real post type and which not?
@anu Plain wrong code is too localized.
@kaiser show everything that is not _builtin ?
Btw: Why does this users avatar looks like a swastika? EPIC fail :P
minus posts and pages
@Rarst That would hit post and page too
@Rarst And maybe there are some custom plugins, that are using not publicly viewable post types too...
@kaiser Your definition of real is too vague.
@kaiser gravatar happens... ease up on swastikas, not their fault nazi gave them crappy publicity
@toscho I know. That's the main part of my problem and why I'm trying to talk with you guys about it. To make it more clear: What object properties need to be set, to make a post type object publicly useable?
public should be a start …
@toscho Here's what I've found to maybe be useful so far: show_in_menu (admin menu) and menu_position, public (only partly) and has_archive (defaults to false, so not really), publicly_queryable (maybe?), exclude_from_search (sadly true for attachments)...
Well ok, publicly_queryable is also true for attachments...
'public'  => TRUE,
@toscho ? sorry. don't follow...
that’s a property of the CPT
Yea, and it's true for attachments too - which lack a UI for post status.
@toscho Seems show_in_menu is the most reliable. It inherits the value from show_ui, which inherits the value from public.
Just to end this one:
$public_post_types = array_filter( wp_list_pluck( $GLOBALS['wp_post_types'], 'show_in_menu' ) );
Did you know you can create private array elements?
$o      = new stdClass;
$o->{1} = "foo";
$a      = (array) $o;
var_dump( $a[  1  ] ); // Undefined offset: 123
var_dump( $a[ "1" ] ); // Undefined offset: 123

$o2     = (object) $a;
var_dump( $o2->{1} ); // string(3) "foo"
@toscho Hä? Wie genau funktioniert das, wie findet das Verwendung und kann ich das dann auch wieder als Teil vom array $a aufrufen?
Also was genau heißt, {$a}?
Ups. Wrong chat :P
@Rarst Short question about queryposts.com: When comparing this parse of the phpDocBlock, then I see it missing the @uses declaration. Are you planing to move that in? Nice would be a check, if you already got that function as a post and then link it (guess this won't work for actions/filters, right?)?
Hey all — I want to modify the comment form, without going down the rabbit's hole of the comment form.
'Cause it's a rabbit's hole.
My li's simply aren't clearing their floats, and I want to add a class of 'clearfix' to each of them.
Is there a way add this class via a filter?
@saltcod As you scroll down this page in codex (codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/comment_form) you'll see info as to how you can fiddle with each part of the comment form. Also look at the source code, it should be enlightening.
@TomJNowell what's exactly seamless about it?
Oh... the scrolling?
@AahanKrish Great Aahan. Thanks!
css cascades through the iframe, it takes the dimensions of its contents, etc
I can do:
@TomJNowell Ah, nice
iframe body { font-family: 'comic sans'; }
look at the link for details#
@TomJNowell yeah, yeah... just realized I could use my arrows :P
“Performance and miscellaneous improvements” is developer speak for “Fixed some seriously insecure shit.”
@AahanKrish adding a class to the comment list <li>'s was a simple as putting it into the comment_class => comment_class('clearfix')
so thanks for the nudge in the right direction!
@saltcod no problem :P
I can't make sense how to encode this str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $text) so it works properly...
esc_html() screws it up...
ah! _wp_specialchars( $source, ENT_QUOTES, false, true )
↑ pffft
@Rarst _internal_dontmesswithme( $source, FUNKY_CONST, null, positive ); ... how did you find that one?
@kaiser it's only one level down inside esc_html()... finding that is nothign comparing to work stuff
@Rarst Ah. Thought that one was deeply hidden, as I think I've never seen it before.
neither did I... but turns out you need it when messing with code
how do you do a query for posts that don't have a meta key again?
@toscho that it uses your username instead of user id. I mean, why would you want to use the primary key? that'd be ridiculous. but even better than that, it also uses the length of your username. c'mon. >_<
@TomJNowell that's a mess... Nacin comitted stuff that will make it easy in 3.5
took me a while to track down why superadmin privs were lost after changing usernames for the auth plugin, heh.
@Rarst cries
@TomJNowell welcome to the club
Lightning captured at 7k frames per second
@AahanKrish Yes similar, I actually started writing a plugin for you based upon out chat... but my girlfriend has just gone into a labor so I might not get a chance to finish it this weekend! (all of the other solutions out there were a bit bulky for simple needs)
@userabuser ah! :)
@TomJNowell Need help with a CSS bug on this page (when you get time, of course). CSS under the radar:
html {
	font-size: 87.5%; /* = 14px */

code {
	font-size: 14px;
	font-size: 1rem; /* should be = 14px; */
But the inline codes are smaller than 14px in size. Any idea why? I am definitely missing something...
@AahanKrish I don't know
to be fair
if you visualise your entire font heirarchy
everything at the ends
and percentages
are depenendant on their parent/ancestor
all the way back to html/*
so body 70% means 70% the font size of html
% on a html element always irked me because it's a % of what exactly? The user agent? That's not always the same though!
I recommend: font-size:16px; on your html and for main copy
@TomJNowell browser default for 100% (in browser font settings)
rems and ems
from 16 devise what your type stack should be
all these percentages etc are all too confusing
there's no point meticulously crafting something if at the very end you have no idea how it works, that's just asking for trouble
for my own site I just defined everything in pixels, the browser will resize it all for me if it must
@TomJNowell Yep. They are. But they are used so that fonts scale based on user settings and as well as smaller devices (handhelds)
@AahanKrish modern browsers do most of this already
@TomJNowell hmm... looks like I've gotta take that way too.
and if your text is so small they need to resize it you've already failed anyway
This is taking way too much time
it's simpler, easier, and faster
start at 16
@TomJNowell So, did you remove all the rems in css?
define a vertical rythm, so everything is a multiple of 16 or 8 or something else
mine has the initial _s resets then my own
I didnt use twentytwelve
yeah, I know. I think _s also uses rem
nvm... switching to px
anyways, body copy at 16px, then define your headings as bigger, make sure all numbers are divisible by a common factor
use multiples of that common factor for margin-bottom and margin-top 's
hmm... ok
there's a school of thought that you should use Phi/golden ratio
so h1 is 1.6.. x bigger than h2 which is 1.6.. etc
@anu Just came back from a quick coffee - coffee house 50m down the street - now completely wet and watching lightnings at two frames per second ... window frames :P
@Wyck good one!
@kaiser nice :) it's been a couple of hours since we had any rain here, starting to get a bit worried
@anu No need to be worried here in austria. Craziest summer that I've ever had: hail @30+°C is common these days :)
@kaiser these are the end times. i blame the olympics
@wyck exactly
still, chances are it won't mess up London as badly as it did Montreal :P
@anu ha very true
this feels wrong and ugly (sharing the same database for multiple developers)
Q: Override Current Theme Setting in wp_config.php

joeljoeljoelI am looking for a way to override the currently selected theme, preferably from within the wp_config.php file. I know you can override some wp_options settings in the config like define('WP_HOME', 'http://someotherdomain.com'); This will override the 'home' option in the wp_options table. ...

@anu ya people just don't get it, I geuss they will learn the hardway
3.5 releases around Dec 5? that's a long time :(
@AahanKrish ya but the media stuff is a big job
hmm... thankfully they'll at least be releasing 2012 (theme) well before that
I am already using it (unstable)
@Wyck Gladly I got dozens of media related plugins ... guess i'll have to rework them all by then facepalm
@kaiser ya but the media handling is imo the worst part about WP for devs and clients
@Wyck Still hoping, that they're just reworking the UI and not all of the internals...
Currently core devs seem to be in the overall mood of "fuck you - we're core" and changing stuff without discussion all over...
@kaiser some of the internals are really wonky, i'd be happy with a shitton of new filters
@Wyck who not? I'm just worrying if they're going to deprecate lots of stuff and/or if they just don't give a fuck about the common work arounds people are using to handle stuff.
@kaiser Maybe its not a major overhaul, I expected that to be like 4.0, and just a UI overhaul hard to tell
@Wyck changing topic Maybe you got a clue how to hook additional fields for taxonomy terms into wp_update_term().
I can only see the edit_terms-hook, which is pretty useless, as the following line doesn't allow any additional input:
$wpdb->update($wpdb->terms, compact( 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ), compact( 'term_id' ) );
@kaiser cant look atm on phone/teamviewer
n/p - just wondering and maybe you know what's going on in there. currently dumping hell out of core :)
@kaiser ya not sure if it's even possible, have you seen this en.bainternet.info/2011/custom-taxonomies-extra-fields
@Wyck Already read this. But as ususal, Mr. Bainternet is lazy and saves stuff in the options table... meh.
The edit_term_taxonomy action seems to do its work. The only sad thing is, that I've to add an additional $wpdb->update(); completely repeating the query ... not a big friend of adding additional queries.
@kaiser must be a trac about that somewhere
@Wyck Haven't ever found something in trac, when I searched...
Hm - wonder what the reason for the filter right before and after the $wpdb->update(...); is.
Ok, this function seems to have the highest amount of filters and actions of all times...
Driving me crazy. 1.000 filters and actions, but no chance to throw in some additional args or anything. And to make it even harder, we got compact() and extract()... and those values are nowhere available in an action or filter.
Can somebody tell the core theme wranglers to not use rem? Chrome is buggy in rendering rem :(
polite fucks had been exchanged, unfortunately for the waiting line - still employed :)
@Rarst Hoorah!
@userabuser aren't you in line? :)
cheering for the wrong thing :)
Am I? Probably? I just like to cheer randomly without knowing what I am cheering for...
Cya all!
check out our new Team page! http://bit.ly/QczoZp
that's a mess with retweets getting own tweet... confusing
Question, regarding the hook 'post_updated_messages'.
I have add_filter('post_updated_messages', array(&$this, 'message')); in my class constructor. why is it displaying my post updated message when I edit a post, but havent clicked the update button yet?
@MichaelEcklund those hooks are place, not event
@Rarst Okay, and I have another method which is hooked into 'save_post'. Should I move the 'post_updated_messages' filter into the save_post method?
@MichaelEcklund save can happen in bunch of circumstances I think (so not even in interface context)... sorry, I am tad brain dead after call... ask question on main site :)
When I do that, it just displays the normal message of "Page updated. View page" instead of my message.
wow f**ck up of the day, corresponding to a client and I type "you ass .." instead of "you add.."
@Wyck if Google Wave advertised it will fix that it wouldn't have failed :)
@Rarst ha seriously, I'm such a bad typist and gmail failed me there
spell check all the things! :)
is toolbar menu unusable natively if items overflow screen height? http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-toolbar-theme-switcher-problem-with-long-theme-list @helenhousandi ?
that seems like something that should be taken care of yet no surprise if it isn't...

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