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9:03 AM
@TomJNowell I don't think they are actually processing any of the Gutenberg bug reports. Previously, they were set to a milestone, but since the last time Gutenberg was updated on WordPress, they have pretty much stopped processing the report. I have been checking tons of tickets and they are piling up like the iceberg.
I mean, this is pretty damn severe. :D Currently, on any multi-author site, the authors can't assign images from the media library as the featured image unless if they uploaded it themselves.
7 hours later…
3:47 PM
Ryan Donovan on February 27, 2020
I recently came across this sketchnote by Tanmay Vora, and it really resonated with me. As a developer it got me thinking about how this might translate into the life of a developer and our happiness. Based on this sketchnote here are the eight factors of happiness applied to developer life. 1. Resentment Harboring resentment…

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