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9:49 AM
There is an increased waiting time with the thousands of pending bugs on Gutenberg. My latest one has been pending since November and no end in sight. I feel if you are pushing a completely new editor to the system, handling these issues should be high priority.
2 hours later…
11:44 AM
@ChristineCooper there's only so many people to work on things
that specific one is most likely a REST API bug
2 hours later…
1:50 PM
I need something to complain about to feel good about myself. =)
I traced the source of that in GB down to the data package getEntity method
it doesn't provide a means of specifying the context, so I believe the bug is in the REST API
specifically that the author should have access but is unable to read because of the editor context
perhaps the solution is not to specify that context when retrieving media via GET? Or a change in the API handler
eitherway that issue should impact more than just the featured image
the latest posts block UI should be impacted too from my reckoning
and there may be a PHP based solution
as well as an easy way to write a test for it
Yes I figured as much, thanks for replying there. Last time I checked (it's been a while), it does indeed affect other areas as well. I believe something within the media library box. I need to test this out again.
2 hours later…
3:34 PM
if you can demonstrate it's a wider-ranging issue than just the featured image it'll probably get more attention
raise issues for every instance and then tie them all together in a new ticket for the root cause
I suspect though, it'll require a WP release to fix though
Ryan Donovan on February 26, 2020
Blazor is a new client-side UI framework from the ASP.NET team. Its big selling point is the ability to write rich web UI experiences using HTML, CSS, and C# instead of JavaScript—something a lot of developers have been dreaming of.
5 hours later…
8:53 PM
IDK if my eyes are getting bad, there was a chrome update or what but the code highlighter reds are off-putting...
They need to be a few hexes darker IMO.

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